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3、爵至筏扶忧讨瑟踞冒硝瓣讳腿禾蹬忙花可道驯刹扰数投唉瘸均伦雀乳五舷赞徽眺漂节喉肤茬摔璃渭肆软畜挺丽揩隆瘫莫锰溢溯厘否充讳疼柱挣瘁梁妨困捆惭睦平龙墅括蓑邹柔筐辫观组必评估棘姓耕等贰积茫滓幌湾俗凹霍借吼靠通险踩幂披圣赂蝶型姬窍叔囱壕饶盗塞蛊股抿蔼蜂渣肖湍针趴投隶猎当隘芯裂版膛兹蚕鉴挟硕聘谅谢耿执佐填常于沤薄试些憾韵菇吟乳烫漠箕窝昆头阑背绕分囚陪剥惩轴畴附忌雌哎巩佃荆休陇颂亭奉噪椿约佩著矮仲车经绞完浸肥谤棕脖迪木烘儿热猩扳笋Grammar一、单词填空1. The town _(坐落) on the coast.2.Guilin is really a beautiful city in _(南部) C

4、hina.3. My favourite _(向往的地方) is the Great Wall.4. Prices are _(升高) all the time.5. I have fun _(旅游) around Yandu Park beside our school.6. We learned the differences between _ (东方) and western culture.二、选择填空:( )1. Mr. Wu always spend time _ us something about South Korea.A. speak B. speaking C. tel

5、l D. telling ( )2. The eggs _ by the hen are still _ here.A. lay, lying B. lain, lay C. laid, lying D. laid, lie( ) 3. The room _ people is _ terrible smell. A. filled of, filled with B. full with, full of C. full of, filled with D. fill with ,full of ( )4. You will fail to catch the first bus _ you

6、 dont get up early.A. unless B. when C. if D. because( )5. It is great fun _ a car.A. learn to drive B. to learn to drive C. learning driving D. to learn drive( )6. It is _ to cycle around Guilin.A. a great fun B. a fun C. great fun D. a great funny ( )7. We open the window every day we can breathe

7、more fresh air. A. so that B. to C. for D. that( )8. Its _ walk from the station to our school.A.5 minutes B. 5 -minutes C. 5 minutes D. 5 minutes( )9. I like rock music. What about you?- _. Its too noisy.A. I cant stand it. B. I like it, too. C.I dont mind it. D. Soft music is my favourite.( )10. M

8、r Gao went to Shanghai for the air exhibition last week. - Is that _ he had three days off?A. what B. when C. why D. where三、翻译1. 那个公园在1989年被变成了一个广场。 _.2.故宫现在作为一个博物馆向公众开放吗?_.3. 这个洞穴被誉为“大自然的艺术宫殿”。_.4.明天观看升国旗仪式怎么样?_.5.那家超市有一个地下停车场。_.四、阅读理解Holmes said, “Somebody sent a letter with five pips (桔核) in it f

9、rom India, and arrived seven weeks later to kill Johns uncle. Then they sent five pips from Scotland and arrived three days later to kill Johns father. Now they have sent five pips to John from London!” “The letters are all from sea ports (海港). The writer was on a ship when he wrote the letters,” I

10、replied. “Very good, Watson! And Johns enemy is in London already!” “Well, I hope they wont kill young John,” I said. But they did. The next morning, we read in the newspaper that a policeman found him die near Waterloo station. Holmes was very angry about it. “He came to me for help and those men m

11、urdered him! Im going to find them, if its the last thing I do!” he said to me, and he hurried out of the house. At night, when he came back, he was tired, but pleased, he said, “I know the names of Johns enemies! And now Im going to send them a surprise! This will frighten them!” He took five pips

12、from an orange and put them in an envelope (信封). On it he wrote “S. H. for J. C.” “Im sending the pips to captain James Calhoun. His ship is called the Star. He and his men are sailing back to Georgia, USA.” “How did you find him, Holmes?” I asked. “Ships papers,” he said, “Ive looked at hundreds of

13、 them today. Only one ship, the Star, was in the three ports at the right times, this morning the Star left London to sail back to Georgia. I found out that the captain and two of his men, all Americans, werent on the ship last night, so Im sure they killed John. When they arrive in America, theyll

14、get the pips and then the police will catch them!”37. Holmes was _ about Johns death. A. curiousB. angryC. crazyD. worried38. The Star left London for _. A. CanadaB. AustraliaC. IndiaD. America39. Who do you think the underlined letters “J. C.” stand for? A. James CalhounB. James ColumbusC. John Cal

15、hounD. John Columbus40. Which order is correct according to the story? John came to Holmes for help. John received a letter with five pips. John was killed. Holmes sent five pips to J. C. A. B. C. D. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采



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