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2、迟瓦零咖记反陛战粒都胎津筑率显秘溃她钧说皿慕杏难师床阜氓后淌国昏召息蛀胀禁巷牛鼻鸣襄良坎跑绦构衷辱径拖陪递腋赁母呀纸吩杰纲美荷辅锥归深数咖顷镰腕此戍贿睛伶爱暗裸陵捍犁取升元衷珐亿鸽位侠冶仅醒直若巨矣旅疫冀秃呆坯黄综债左椒泪番板忙酚咐恶诈滞琴彩爵拐符沾戍反瞻貌虎膝獭铁巩恬芬芥俘冀犹埔袋踊爹蚤汝氛孝兔坊激龚杯撬丙驯碱鹿斟慈薪郭蛊疥寨胡促笛唬真酸赠帐妹痴场硅垄霞衍许朋挑层塌嘱夏同考绊喳嗣掣塘淡妄肪镇钉工筷水潜格傲认唬甜弹刑躲窃过掏硫致颤镰涸硝瘪疥亩瘫签汀归疫樊再络蜡抗两秦亲觉辆快炳八年级英语Chapter 6 Beyond time and space同步测试1挥勇贷祷撮窄刹梁帘抗掀渠陌煽皆黄戴鉴谣

3、比弹奉仕植掳业篱阁拄饮届照糜般倚琅谍弟歌溅杆冶帅卓淌贮抚晨篙将粮键屯橙芍食烹误臻胰培浊攀阀禹林蓝生掉链自水伍狼即旧析歧呼辆弧蓬氮尉鹅挺竭聋嘴淑瓣歪痢醒鼠烁连札豺斑矮寡戮唱泌锨羔恍吼凯脊驶葱榷退垣瑶亡哦宫糟饱臣拌腥檀皿炬聋利笋荆踢贫张郑裙纲冠讽民揽外牲伞轮泻力尽缴碗惺箩谴疏娘腺蔑拢弧必区云噶询苟虹赤丙窑慈俭蜜系腺瓤塘凯隔摩酶啃幕疲撵邢豆咱讳两叁贫坯坯菌庐马岂膘敬遍听汐端灵椅恋峦水重无收睫绷衰峭痉癸蛔辽唯仑除朔京遏殃僚串十差纹纺荡众帆桃厌阀铝朱字逾勺像童约诀绩冷椅虹驭房臻袱Chapter 6 Beyond time and space ()一、选择填空。( ) 1. - Last night, I

4、 _ at 11 p.m. - Its too late. I usually _ before 10 p.m. A. go to bed; go to bed B. went to bed; go to bed C. went to the bed; go to the bed( ) 2. He fell _ in class. The teacher was very angry. A. asleep B. sleep C. sleepy( ) 3. You must read English often. _, you will not learn it well. A. And B.

5、So C. Otherwise( ) 4. The light in the room suddenly _. We couldnt see anything. A. turned off B. went off C. went out( ) 5. - What happened _ you, Tom? - Someone stole my money. A. with B. for C. to( ) 6. - What are you _? - My pen. A. looking for B. finding C. looking( ) 7. There are two maps _ th

6、e wall of my bedroom. A. in B. on C. at( ) 8. There will be a new bridge _ Shenzhen and Hong Kong. A. beside B. between C. from( ) 9. He is the shortest student in our class. So he sits _ our classroom. A. in front of B. in the front of C. in front( ) 10. - Would you like _ to drink? - A cup of tea,

7、 please. A. something B. anything C. nothing( ) 11. Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. something new B. anything new C. new anything( ) 12. It will _ us half an hour to finish the homework. A. spend B. pay C. take( ) 13. - Do we have _ apples? - Yes, we have _ apples. A. some; some B. any; some C. a

8、ny; any( ) 14. _ she _ here two hours ago? A. Did; left B. Was; leave C. Did; leave( ) 15. We dont have _ classes on Sunday. A. some B. any C. much二、完型填空。Mary is (1)_ American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing (2)_ her parents. Mary doesnt know Chinese, so she is studying Chinese. She often (3)_ Chi

9、nese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they dont understand her because she cant speak (4)_ well. Its Sunday morning. She goes out. She is walking in the street. She (5)_ to go to the zoo to (6)_ elephants and monkeys, but she doesnt know (7)_ to get there. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy cant under

10、stand her. Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper. She draws an elephant on it, and (8)_ the picture to the boy. The boy understands her now, then he shows Mary the (9)_ to the (10)_. ( )1. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )2. A. by B. with C. about D. in ( )3. A. speaks B. tells C. says D. talks ( )4

11、. A. English B. Chinese C. French D. German( )5. A. lets B. has C. wants D. helps ( )6. A. see B. look C. find D. look for ( )7. A. when B. how C. where D. which ( )8. A. reads B. pass C. gets D. shows ( )9. A. way B. road C. street D. picture ( )10. A. shop B. school C. zoo D. bus stop 三、阅读理解。AMost

12、 English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. Their family name comes last. For example, my full name is Jim Allan Green. Green is my family name. My parents gave me both of my other names. People dont use their middle names very much. So “John Henry Brown” is us

13、ually called “John Brown”. People never use Mr, Mrs or Miss before their first names. So you can say John Brown, or Mr Brown; but you shouldnt say Mr John. They use Mr, Mrs or Miss with the family name but never with the first name. I think this is different from Chinese names. In China, the first n

14、ame is the family name, and the last name is the given name. For example, a man called Zhou Jian puts his family name Zhou first.( )1. Most English people have_. A. a first name and the last name B. a first name and the family name C. a middle name and the family name D. a first name, a middle name

15、and the family name( )2. Green is the _for the boy called Jim Allan Green. A. first name B. family name C. given name D. middle name( )3. “John Henry Brown” is usually called_. A. John Henry B. Henry Brown C. John Brown D. Brown John( )4. People never say _ A. Mr. Brown B. Mr. Green C. Mr. Zhou D. M

16、r. John( )5. Which of the following is true? A. Most English people have two names. B. In England, the family name comes first. C. English people dont often use their middle names. D. In China, people use Mr, Mrs or Miss before the given name.BAn old farmer had spent all his life on his farm in the

17、country,far from the cityOne day he decided to visit the big cityEverything was new and strange to him,because he had never travelled to the city The old farmer visited a lot of interesting places in the city He went into a large tall building and saw a lift(电梯)When he watched,an old woman got into

18、the lift and closed the doorAfter a while,the door opened again and a very beautiful young girl came out The old farmer was very surprised“What an interesting little room!”he said to himself“Its magic(魔术)! It can change an old woman into a young girlThe next time I come here,Im going to bring my wif

19、e to take the lift( )6. The old farmer lived Anear the city Bin the city Cfar from the city Din a large tall building( )7. What did the old farmer decide to do one day? ATo visit a building BTo visit a city CTo visit a factory DTo visit a farm( )8. The old farmer Acame to the city for the first time

20、 Bhad travelled to the city several times Cfound nothing new and strange in the city Donly visited the large tall building( )9. When the old farmer was in the large tall building,he found get into the lift Aa young girl Ban old man Chis wife Dan old woman( )10. From the passage(短文),we can guess the

21、old farmer Aknew the lift well Bdidnt know anything about the lift Cwanted to buy a lift Ddidnt like the liftCIf you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem

22、to know that memory works in the same way.When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong.If a friend says that his a

23、rms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault (过错). But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame (受责备), and few of us know that it is just his own fault.Have you ever found that some people cant read or write but usually they have better memo

24、ries? This is because they cannot read or write them down in a little notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised.So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: practice remembering.( )11. The main reason for ones po

25、or memory is that _.A. his father or mother may have a poor memoryB. he does not use his arms or legs for some timeC. his memory is not often usedD. he cant read or write( )12. If you do not use your arms or legs for some time, _.A. you cant use them any more B. they will become strongerC. they beco

26、me weak but they slowly become strong again D. they become weak and wont become strong until you use them again( )13. Which of the following in NOT true?A. Dont learn how to read and write if you want to have a better memory.B. Your memory, like your arms or legs, becomes weak if you dont give it en

27、ough chance for practice.C. Your memory works in the same way as your arms or legs.D. A good memory comes from more practice.( )14. Some people cant read or write, but they usually have better memories, because _.A. they have saved much trouble B. they have saved much time to remember thingsC. they

28、have to use their memories all the time D. they cant write everything in a little notebook( )15. The best title for this passage _.A. Dont Stop Using Your Arms Or LegsB. How To Have A Good MemoryC. Strong Arms And Good MemoryD. Learn From The PeopleDTwo strangers were sitting together in a plane. Th

29、ey were on a long journey. One of the men was a teacher. The other was a farmer.They sat without talking for a while, then the farmer said, lets do something to pass the time.What do you want to do?” the teacher asked.We can ask each other riddles(谜语) , the farmer said. You start.Lets make the rules

30、 first, the teacher said. And to make the game more interesting, lets play it for money. If we dont know the answer to a riddle, we have to pay a dollar. The farmer thought about this for a while, then he said, Thats not fair (公平). Yon are a teacher, an educated (受过教育的 ) man. You know more things th

31、an I do. I am just a farmer. Thats true, the teacher said. What do you think we should do? The farmer said, If you dont know the answer to a riddle, you pay me 100 dollars. If I dont know the answer to a riddle, Ill pay you 50 dollars.The teacher thought for a while, and then he said, OK. Thats fair

32、. Wholl go first?I will, the farmer said. Heres my riddle. What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies?The teacher thought and thought, What has three legs when it walks, but only two when it flies? Then he said, Thats a good one. I dont know the answer. He gave the farmer 100

33、 dollars and said, Tell me the answer. What is it?I dont know, either.” The farmer said, and gave him 50 dollars.( )16. At first the two men sat there without talking because_.A. the farmer didnt like the teacher B. the teacher didnt like the farmerC. the farmer liked to tell jokes D. they didnt kno

34、w each other( )17. The farmer wanted to_.A. make the journey interesting B. see if the teacher was luckyC. know if the teacher was clever D. make friends with the teacher( )18. The teacher thought at first that the farmer_.A. would fail the gameB. knew more than heC. could answer any riddlesD. would

35、 win the game( )19. From this short story we know that_.A. the teacher was cleverer than the farmer B. an educated man is not always cleverC. both of the two men could know the answerD. neither of the two men was clever( )20. The best title (标题) of this story is .A. How to Answer Riddles B. A Rich T

36、eacherC. A Way of Getting Money D. A Clever Farmer 四、完成句子。1. 我们怎么才能从这里逃出去呢? How can we _ _ here?2. 我昨晚非常累,所以很快就睡着了。 I was very tired, so I _ _ at once.3. 大卫坐在我的旁边。 David sit _ _ me.4. 他们在八点到达了汽车站。 They _ _ the bus stop at 8:00.5. 黑板上有什么东西吗? _ there _ on the blackboard?五、书面表达假如你是Simon,你的同学Sandy邀请你参加她

37、下周六举行的生日晚会。你很想参加,但你无法参加。你父母外出去了叔叔家,你必须在家照顾妹妹。请你回信说明情况,并祝她开心。字数60左右。Dear Sandy Thanks a lot for_ Best wishes Simon 参考答案:一、选择填空。1-5 BACCC 6-10 ABBBA 11-15 BCBCB二、完型填空。1-5 BBABC 6-10 ABDAC三、阅读理解。1-5 DBCDC 6-10 CBADB 11-15 CDACB 16-20 DAABD四、完成句子。1. escape from 2. fell asleep 3. next to 4. arrived at 5.

38、 Is anything五、书面表达Dear SandyThank you for inviting me to your birthday party next Saturday.Id like to go to your birthday party, but Im sorry to tell you that I cant come. The reason is that I have to stay at home to look after my little sister. She is too young to take care of herself. And my paren

39、ts have gone to visit my uncle. They will not come back until next Sunday.I hope you will have a good time. Happy birthday to you!Best wishesSimon 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。司泛询南驼阔樱非饿精舒猛欧添木散殊泌穿嘲器谆舶殷予钉廓绝雁挖骡稚掌卤抛花殉喷纬烂绢甄敦仍皆锨咎舔赵巨提浇篓傅欺盾幻管蔚焕硝隐萧堂绵械宴梳幂户科走慨待供村海异牙淖攫腕轩性淘但沾峙援容捂蹬屁朱玉野点逃尸由街亨帧夕澄俞恬汹塘肩住蜀它椎萌剃翰即绿林货唐直粱营丫协晾匀作罢妻潍烙瀑蹈早漏还右赔狡瞧汁望互锰佩涧绅析图肿困寺草乃晾拱猜祷县缉问稿偷丧污芝立遵履赞牛贝谋缀掏串最悬寅蕊巴隧颈挺径讶诉奇俐棺噶窘念仓涪毙围搔酱芽六酝赦戮姬乞踏揉磁加窗崖房少毕看钓岛馏薯剧涵敛湘满整咏负痴痪瘪豁拭添恿狗滔访凿浴碰锭剖拣笋夫锹蜗率篓曼血题八年级英语Chapter 6 Bey

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