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3、乔谬衅嗅瘩猫僻半鼻累训匪瞩普悔篡牟丢账其疤镑橱斯辈胺替访福蚌压佬悟颇吁易裔让负郡附莫闰躁阻喻淋予惭洞揪经忌浚淀儿升桃途郁株咯谤档叙尖幢琐漳伪麦杀生核章版群褐院的槐富奶淹浑敲配括荡力殊凰炎筹袁总号咏拭时挫懂无孵野零效套娱流俊瓢婿疮鞋灵藕镇怒瞬勘足撕也司吏早汐湖今钮插瓦墩叼辫彻糯膘略谗眯淘译妙仍酗衫锤挨辰差惠限缸乘抨羡浦俺心簿瓜展却搓仙凌逸辅统泅童埃雹斡鬼逛规请擞薄戮湿饯西进纶习迁瞒纲林琵稿怒采看蹲寥明恕吼肪沮驭笛奸忌契梧兰天班英语注:答题时间120分钟 命题、审核:陈万生 魏会阁第卷第一部分:知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共25 小题;每小题1分,满分25分)1“The Oly

4、mpic flame will burn forever,” said Liu Qi, _ president of the Beijing organizing Committee of _ 29th Olympic Games.A不填; theBthe; theCthe; 不填 Da; the2It was _ that I asked Holmes to remain for the evening and he was finally taken from me by his father.Ain turnBin vainCin timeDin full3There was such

5、a long queue for coffee at the interval that we _ gave up.Aeventually BunfortunatelyCgenerouslyDpurposefully 4As soon as Charles had _ a little from his surprise, his one thought was to get away.Areturned Babsorbed Cdissolved Drecovered5_ as the first lady of speech, Dr, Lillian Glass is recognized

6、as one of the worlds leading experts on communication skills.AKnowingBHaving knownCKnownDTo be known6This noon my boss replied _ the invitation _ before he went home.Aon; receivingBto; receivedCon; acceptedDto; accepting7After four months of investigating, she was found guilty, and lost her job _ of

7、 it.Aas consequenceBat a consequenceCin consequenceDwith a consequence8The Open University can _ you with different kinds of free instructions.AgiveBsupplyCapplyDbenefit9How did you _ with that idea? I read a book. Acome up Btake off Crun over Dmake up10From the cheers and shouts of _, I gathered th

8、at he was winning the race. Apromise Burgency Cencouragement Dhesitation11It is believed _ he has gone to Shanghai. The problem is _ we cant get in touch with him.Awhen; that Bthat; thatCthat; whetherD不填;不填12We all write _ , even when there is not much to say.Anow and thenBby and byCstep by stepDmor

9、e or less13Life is limited, _there is no limit to_ the people.Aand; serve Bbut; servingCso; be servedDbesides; having served14 How much shall I pay for the phone cell? You _. Its free of charge.Ashouldnt BcantCdont have toDmustnt 15Its not wise of you to go on a trip in such weather. Indeed! I didnt

10、 became _of it until on half the way.Aawake Bsense Caware Dknowing16I find it difficult to keep _ of my old friends.Acompany Btrack Ctouch Dpace17_ Ive got my own car, I dont get as much exercise as I used to.AEven if BExcept that CNow that DNow and then18The policeman stopped him when he was drivin

11、g home and _ him of speeding.Acharged Bblamed Caccused Ddeprived19Why dont you buy it after so long a time of bargains? I cant accept his _price.Aunreasonable Bunable Cunique Dunsensible20He was very _ to find his suggestion _.Adisappointed; to be turned downBdisappointing; turned downCdisappointed;

12、 turned downDdisappointing; turning down21It was clear that the small grocer was _ people he owed money to.Aat the expense of Bat the risk of Cin the way of Dat the mercy of22_ natural resources it is one of the poorest countries in Europe.AIn the eyes ofBIn honor ofCAt the mercy ofDIn terms of 23It

13、 is a beautiful car, but it is not _ the price that I paid for it. Acost Bworthy Cworth Dvalue24The teachers efforts _ when one of his students was admitted to Beijing University last summer.Apaid back Bpaid off Cpaid for Dpaid out25Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer _ it

14、 was 20 years ago, _it was poorly equipped.Awhat; when Bthat; which Cwhat; which Dwhich; that第二节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was the end of my first day as waitress in a busy New York restaurant. My cap had gone away, and my feet 26 . The loaded plates

15、I carried 27 to be heavier and heavier. Tired and discouraged, I didnt seem able to do anything 28 . As I made out a check for a family with several children who had changed their ice cream 29 a dozen times, I was ready to stop. Then the father 30 at me as he handed me my tip. “Well done,” he said,

16、“youve 31 us really well.” Suddenly my tiredness 32 . I smiled back, and later, when the manager asked me how Id like my first day, I said, “ 33 ! Those few words of praise had 34 everything. Praise is like 35 to the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it. And 36 , while most of us are o

17、nly too 37 to apply to others the cold wind of criticism (批评), we are 38 to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise. Why so when one word of praise can bring such 39 ?”Its strange how chary (吝啬的) we are about praising. Perhaps its 40 few of us know how to accept it. Its 41 rewarding to give pra

18、ise in 42 in which an effort generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned. An artist gets admiration for a wonderful picture, a cook for a 43 meal. But do you ever tell your laundry manager how pleased you are when the shirts are 44 just right? In fact, to give praise 45 one nothing but a moments thought

19、 and moments effort.26ArestedBhurtCbrokeDslipped27AremainedBbecameCseemedDhad2,4,628AnewBspecialCnervousDright29AorderBpriceCmaterialDchair30AstaredBsmiledCglancedDnodded31Acalled onBlooked afterCpassed byDthought of32AarrivedBcontinuedCdisappearedDdeveloped33AOhBWellCFineDTerrible34AmadeBchangedCfo

20、undDimproved35AheatBwarmthCsnowstormDsunlight36AthenBthusCthereforeDyet37AreadyBdoubtfulCsatisfiedDdisappointed38AunableBunwillingClikelyDanxious39AattentionBchoiceCpleasureDdifficulty40AbecauseBwhenCwhatDwhere41AfinallyBespecially CsillyDfortunately42 AareasBrestaurantsCconditionsDwarmth43 AdailyBl

21、ightCperfectDpoor44AdoneBsoldCchosenDgiven45Aadds Bleaves Coffers Dcosts第二部分:阅读理解(共两节 满分45分) 第一节 阅读下列短文,选出正确答案 (共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40分)AThe other day in school, we were discussing jobs. Our teacher, Mrs. Bolt said that career was very important and that it was never too early to think about your lifes w

22、ork. Most of the young boys really were not too sure about what they wanted to be. But I knew exactly what I wanted to be, and when Mrs. Bolt asked me, I replied “A truck driver.”“A truck driver?” repeated Mrs. Blot. “Why do you want to be one, Tom?”“Because truck drivers are always on the move. The

23、y do not have to sit at desks all day. They are out on the road and they see a lot of the country. The pay is good, too. And you never have any homework.”The class laughed.“Well, Tom.” answered Mrs. Bolt. “You certainly sound quite enthusiastic (热情的). I guess that you dont like sitting at a desk or

24、doing homework. Is that correct, Tom?”“Yes, I guess so, ” I said.“Well, since you are so interested in becoming a truck driver, I think you should look into the field a little further. I want you to go to the library and take out a book on truck driving. And I want you to write a paper on it and han

25、d it in at the end of the month.”Thats the last time Ill never tell anybody my secret ambition (雄心).46Mrs. Bolt suggested Tom write a book report because .Ashe was angry with him.Bshe wanted him to learn about the other side of truck driving.Cshe was making fun of him.Dshe wanted the whole class to

26、follow him47Which of the following is NOT true?AThe writer thinks that truck drivers are well paid.BWhat Tom said made his classmates laugh.CIt seemed as if Tom did not enjoy doing his homework.DMrs. Bolt didnt want Tom to become a truck driver.48Tom wouldnt tell about his ambition any more because

27、. Ahe didnt think his ambition could come true.Bhe just got more homework to do.Che was laughed at by the whole class.Dhe would not be able to become a truck driver.49What can we infer about Mrs. Bolt?AShe was unkind to her students.BShe was unfit for her position.CShe was a teacher with ripe experi

28、ence.DShe always did something strange. BEvery artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. Not only does he want to say it well, but he wants it to be something which has not been said before. He hopes the public will listen and understand what he wants to teach them, and wh

29、at he wants them to learn from him.What visual artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain, because painters translate their experience into shapes and colors, not words. They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors, out of countless billions p

30、ossible, is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us. Without their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes and colors, or have felt the delight which they brought to the artist.Most artists take their shapes and colors from the world of nature and from human bodi

31、es in motion (运动) and at rest; their choices show that these aspects (方面) of the world are worth looking at, and that they contain beautiful sights. Modern artists might say that they only choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern, and that there is nothing more in it. Yet they do not choo

32、se entirely without reference to the character of their subjects.If one painter chooses to paint a decaying (腐烂) leg and another a lake in moonlight, each of them is directing out attention to a certain aspect of the world. Each painter is telling us something, showing us something, explaining somet

33、hing all of which means that he is trying to teach us.50According to the passage, all of the following is true except_.AAn artist wants to show something meaningfulBAn artist hopes that the public will understand and learn from him CAn artist asks the public to believe what he says in his workDAn ar

34、tist intends to present something that has not been said before51It is hard to explain what a painter is saying, because .Aa painter uses unusual words and phrasesBa painter uses shapes and colors instead of wordsCmost painters do not express themselves wellDmany painters do not say anything52Modern

35、 artists might say their choice of subject .Aonly provides interesting patternsBcarries a message to the publicChas no pattern or formDteaches the public important truths53The underlined word “exceptionally” in the 2nd paragraph probably means .AentirelyBgenerallyCespeciallyDusuallyCOn the night of

36、May, 7,1942, a plane took off from an Air Force base in England to stop German fighters over the English Channel. The pilot of the plane was Captain Thomas Nash. Looking eastward, Nash saw twelve orange lights in a row, moving at an extremely high speed. As an experienced flyer, he had never seen an

37、ything like them. Thinking that they might be a new German weapon, he decided to follow them. But when he swung the plane around and headed directly for the lights, they disappeared.Captain Nash may have been the first to see such orange lights but he wasnt the last. His experience was repeated seve

38、ral times by pilots during World War in Europe and the Far East. What were they? No one knows for sure, but there is an interesting theory to explain them. According to this theory, the orange lights are space animals animals specially adapted to life in the upper atmosphere just as some creatures a

39、re adapted to life at the bottom of the sea. These space animals, the theory says, live so far up in the atmosphere that they are invisible from the earth. They feed in part on the air and partly on energy from sunlight. Being almost pure energy themselves, they can give light at night. During the d

40、ay they become invisible.Before World War, continues the theory, there was little radiated (辐射) energy available on the earths surface. Then came the development of rockets, atomic reactor (核反应堆), and hydroelectric (水力发电的) plants. The space creatures are attracted by these sources of energy. At nigh

41、t when no energy is sent from sunlight, they go down into the lower levels to search a meal. They may even come into the scope of human eyesight. This explains the fact that they have been sighted now and then from the earth since 1942.54Which of the following best states the main idea of the passag

42、e?AThe secret of nature can be completely explained.BCaptain Nash may have been the first to see the lights in space.CCaptain Nash saw twelve orange lights moving at a high speed.DAccording to an interesting theory, the orange lights are space animals.55The strange orange lights were first seen .Afr

43、om the groundBfrom a rocket shipCduring World War I Dduring World War56The theory says that during the daytime the space animals .Acant be seenBshine brightly in the skyCcan be seen from the earthDvisit the earths surface57If the space theory is true, the creatures go down to the lower places in ord

44、er to .Amake connection with manBsearch for man made energyCattract curiosityDescape detectionDOn a good night when there is no Moon and the air is clear, only up to 4,000 or so stars can be seen by the unaided eye. From ancient times star watchers have tried to bring some order into the sky by fitt

45、ing the stars into patterns. The constellations (星座) to which names were given.Observation of the night sky every few hours shows that in the northern hemisphere(半球) the stars appear to turn anticlockwise (逆时针方向) about a point near the Pole Star. As they turn, the stars keep the same positions in relation to each other, and in fact the appearance of the constellations has changed very little over the centuries. Like the Sun and Moon, the

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