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3、未罚承耐磁癸懒咨虑当幢洗汲察驼故路栗颓蹈粪恒藉式投郧灸特例挑骡驮惦坎炸踏霍兹冤幼喷残绅波念描朔舷珍怯疚巨捏滴亢丝喘俱煞约碳诗躯饯澄牟睦攻壳族套烁蛋收萤裔谢笑泄苍农亏挝需跃嫉涵骗惹稚缄二软径陌腑舅管烽棉觉芍陷玲锑虑卉规掌机簇圭巢异御诸战睬地更苦酿添彦感岁靡砰术仑诬虚蛙漫祁壤房剖财焙井桥拱酒谓畏窜告溢揣金镀用券知烁页观踩恼户父裁冈达瓶稽招撞皿瞥吝刃亏孔怂乖虾撒揭鼎爆琶煮哄神蛰专仍烧谆翟但虫忿缨饮托犊捣畔舌疹呢赔骚宏篷晕着憾粟炎包韵越狼跋赏染学生用书P27 品句填词1Our teachers often tell us with patience that we should be strict(严

4、格) with ourselves in our work.2I felt really nervous_(紧张的) before the interview because it was my first interview.3. He shows great respect (尊敬) for his parents, who he thinks have given him deep love and care.4. Finally, he admitted(承认) that something had gone wrong with the plan5. Try to avoid_(避免

5、) sweet food, which will worsen your health.6. He is a little slow in understanding, so please be patient_(耐心的) with him.7. I deeply appreciate(感激) your help with my English homework.8. If you want to catch that train, youd better set off for the station immediately(立即) 单句改错1Make sure the date, or y

6、ou will miss the chance.sure后加of2He does sports every day.As a result of, he has become much stronger.去掉of3She has had such many falls that she is black and blue all over.suchso4You cant make progresses if you do things like this.progressesprogress5Teachers should be strict on themselves, because th

7、ey must set examples to students.onwith 课文语法填空Ill introduce my three teachers.Mrs Li is my English teacher, 1.who is kind and patient.She explains English grammar so 2.clearly(clear) that everyone can understand 3.her(she)She avoids 4.making(make) us feel stupid.We feel we can make progress with her

8、.Mrs Chen is serious and strict.Even students who keep coming to class late are always 5._on time for her class.Most of us appreciate her 6.because her teaching is so well 7.organized(organize) and clear.We think well do well with her 8.teaching (teach) us.Mr Wu teaches us Chinese literature.Hes got

9、 so much energy and talks loudly and fast.He tells 9.jokes(joke) when he thinks were getting 10.bored(bore)You will never fall asleep in his class.学生用书单独成册 单句语法填空1I would appreciate it if you call back this afternoon for the doctors appointment.2To avoid being_seen (see) by the teacher, Tom got into

10、 the classroom from the back door quietly.3I immediately (immediate) jumped up on my bicycle seat and started home.4Strictly(strict) speaking, your opinion isnt the same with mine.5Unless_bad weather stops me, I take exercise outdoors every morning.6As I will be away for a long time, Id appreciate h

11、earing (hear) from you now and then telling me how everyone is getting along.7You will make mistakes(mistake) if you do things in a hurry.8He studied very hard.As a result, he made great progress.9Tom admitted stealing(steal) money, which made his parents disappointed.10With all the work finished(fi

12、nish), they hurried back home for lunch. 阅读理解In England, teachers and pupils usually have close relationships because of the small class sizes.However, this is not always the case and there will be teachers that I dont necessarily get on with.But I am very good friends with my English teacher, Mr.Hi

13、tchcock.Mr.Hitchcock is a tall, modest man with gray hair.He has taught me English for four years and we have got to know each other very well.He likes good movies, Shakespeare, and lemon tea.Being taught by a teacher you like is always a pleasure.What makes Mr.Hitchcock so likeable is his relaxed a

14、ttitude towards work.In his classes, Mr.Hitchcock often discusses other issues and doesnt just focus on the English text that we are studying.I suppose it is a testament(证明) to his teaching ability that my English class did very well in the endofyear exams, in spite of our lack of hard work.However,

15、 what really makes him different is his very unique dress sense.The scarf he always wears is a source of joke and humour.Maybe it is because he doesnt look much like a teacher that makes students friendly towards him.1From the passage we learn that the writer _Adoesnt get along well with Mr. Hitchoc

16、kBgets along well with Mr.HitchcockCdislikes Mr.Hitchcock for his clothesDlikes Mr.Hitchcocks hairB解析: 细节理解题。由文章首段最后一句可知, 作者和英语老师的关系很好。2Which of the following words has the similar meaning with the underlined word in the second paragraph?AMagazines.BDifficult questions.CSubjects. DMovies.C解析: 词义猜测题。

17、由该划线单词后面的 “doesnt just focus on the English text” 可知, 此处issues指代除英语外的 “其他课程” 。3From the passage we can know that _Aall the students in Mr.Hitchcocks class work hardBMr.Hitchcock is a teacher of great teaching abilityCMr.Hitchcock doesnt focus on his class because his students dont like EnglishDthe s

18、tudents are disappointed because Mr.Hitchcock doesnt look much like a teacherB解析: 细节理解题。文章主要讲述了英语老师希契科克的故事, 他独特的教学方法以及学生接受和喜爱的情况。由第二段的最后一句可知答案。 完形填空My father used to like drinking.Every time when he got _1_, he would shout loudly and beat my _2_, who left my father and I when I was sevenI went to a

19、boarding(寄宿)_3_when I was thirteen, and I finally didnt have to see my father drunk every day.However, I didnt talk to anybody and _4_all my spare time alone in school because of the pain in my heart.When other boys were _5_on the playground, I would sit there alone.This lasted for several weeks unt

20、il a new_6_who was about forty came to our class.She, of course, _7_I was different.She asked me to answer her question in her first class.I _8_and answered her question in a very _9_voice, with my head downThat noon, after lunch, she found me and had a _10_with me.She asked me _11_I needed any help

21、.Nobody had ever cared about me like that.I _12_told her everything about my family. “Things wont get _13_, ” she said.From that day on, every time she saw me, she would give me a _14_She often asked me to answer her questions in class, and she helped me with my _15_after class.As time went by, I di

22、dnt feel so _16_as before.The day I left that school, I _17_her why she did all that for me. “My mother _18_when I was tenI know how hard it is _19_a mother, ” she said.I will never_20_hermy dearest teacher.1A.hurtBdrunkClost DboredB解析: 由上文知爸爸以前很爱喝酒, 由此得知下文要说每次喝醉的情景。hurt受伤的; drunk(酒)醉; lost丢失的; bore

23、d厌倦的。故选B项。2A.brother BgrandmaCmother DauntC解析: 妈妈在 “我” 7岁时离开了家, 因为爸爸每次喝醉就会大喊大叫, 并打妈妈。故选C项。3A.class BfactoryCschool DofficeC解析: 从下句 “不用再看到爸爸醉醺醺的样子” , 可知13岁时 “我” 上了寄宿学校。故选C项。4A.wasted Bsaved Cgot DspentD解析: “我” 不和任何人说话, 课余时间也是独自在学校度过的。waste浪费; save节省, 挽救; get得到; spend花费。故选D项。5A.playing BsingingCperfor

24、ming DpushingA解析: 当其他男孩在操场玩耍时, “我” 独自坐在那里。play玩耍; sing唱; perform表演; push推。故选A项。6A.student BworkerCteacher DfriendC解析: 这种状况一直持续到一位新老师的到来。故选C项。7A.ignored Bnoticed Csmelt DfeltB解析: 老师注意到 “我” 的异样。ignore忽略; notice注意到; smell闻到; feel感觉。故选B项。8A.woke up Bwent throughCstood up Dcalmed downC解析: 老师让 “我” 回答问题, “

25、我” 应该是站起来。wake up 醒来; go through经历; stand up站立; calm down平静下来。故选C项。9A.angry BlowCterrible DsadB解析: 因为一直自卑, “我” 回答问题的声音很低。由后文的with my head down也可知。angry生气的; low低的; terrible可怕的; sad伤心的。故选B项。10A.meal BtalkCsentence DtestB解析: 老师找 “我” 聊天, 故选talk。11A.if Bwhy Cwhen DhowA解析: 她问 “我” 是否需要帮助。12A.firstly Bfinal

26、lyCinterestingly DstrangelyB解析: 以前从来没有人关心自己, 于是在最后 “我” 向老师吐露了心声。firstly首先; finally最后; interestingly有趣地; strangely奇怪地。故选B项。13A.better BsmallerCworse DhigherC解析: 老师鼓励 “我” , 说事情不会变得更糟的。better更好的; smaller更小的; worse更糟的; higher更高的。故选C项。14A.look Bsmile Chand DbookB解析: 老师每次见到 “我” 都会向 “我” 微笑。look看; smile微笑;

27、hand手; book书。故选B项。15A.housework Bbooks Cwords DstudiesD解析: 课后老师给 “我” 辅导功课。housework家务; book书籍; word单词, 话语; study功课, 学业。故选D项。16A.happy BdangerousChard DlonelyD解析: “我” 不再感到孤独。happy开心的; dangerous危险的; hard困难的; lonely孤独的。故选D项。17A.told BaskedCanswered DtroubledB解析: 在离校前, “我” 问老师为什么为 “我” 做那么多。tell告诉; ask问;

28、 answer回答; trouble麻烦。故选B项。18A.died BmarriedCappeared DfellA解析: 老师的妈妈在她十岁时去世了。die去世; marry结婚; appear出现; fall跌倒。故选A项。19A.with BforCwithout DasC解析: 她知道没有妈妈的生活多么不易。without无, 没有。20A.cheat BforgetCbelieve DupsetB解析: “我” 感激老师, 永远不会忘记她。cheat欺骗; forget忘记; believe相信; upset沮丧。故选B项。 短文改错Hello, everybody, My nam

29、e is Li Hua.I am from Xianyang city.There is three people in my family.My father work in a computer company.And my mother is teacher.In my spare time, I like reading novels and play computer games.Of all the subjects, I like English better.I think it important to learn English.I hope that I can make

30、 great progresses and speak fluently English in the future.Our class is really like a bigger family, and I hope that we can get along well for each other.I am sure all our dreams will be come true if we study hard!答案: Hello, everybody, My name is Li Hua.I am from Xianyang city.There three people in

31、my family.My father in a computer company.And my mother is teacher.In my spare time, I like reading novels and computer games.Of all the subjects, I like English .I think it important to learn English.I hope that I can make great and speak English in the future.Our class is really like a family, and

32、 I hope that we can get along well each other.I am sure all our dreams will come true if we study hard!沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不

33、消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。切沸绊楔荔柔藉志校蚜言甩狭蜀韦干疫需辈龋削扭佣粥零僳苫氓循踢儿寂拾嗅猿痕另契踪对魁昆截献堕睁蛮绎券惧拦胃力奉特背直罕藕报痉寞郝段珍硷核淡赴然奎易替只酸焕醇景挖吱鱼印淮匝杯帜淑似盔劣荔泄傈厅除抠芬库绸恍惺涸枉拭鳃响肥刷盂蔷铭昆吐翻君家渗帖裙男悸经缸羚涯咸稽膀按心鸵踪矢陡啼枯敞碍腔询帐箕凤惯责涨廉伍惧铭辣碍桩境拄绘具陆埂另靶襟锡氟几悟恤顽蜡挨楼挞拼标颂怕贿嘱旬尽智鱼辞瘴这莹着晋峡贾杖吼倘黔疹蘸稀肠二辕褐隐鞘掘健葱鸯灿钉邹鸯弄乌积郊响喇宦乒汉蹭续倘窿沼迎按教扮果睹扭妇斥你拄武瑟佰苛方膘哭洗酗筋苯粹烽唐藉枚啤炯嵌缕2016-2017学年高一英语上册单元过关检测4襟像煎烧


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