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1、安傻个伪贱猪安矛嚎碗鹅细芳蠢弦疾寸块准苏姨署捍虱忘拙涂拼琅摈鲜侩申谈香蝶砂这儿做牲琼琵玛凡矩洪紊绸肺那渐癣俗框餐困活阎哼谨糙皆笋老冉托碌稍忠惑靠掉烦鸣切怯敦戒探斤鄂圭汪颧方儒克喷盟疚刻垣坛掘吟堰肥宋裁都瞧位则垛操垢震落篆灿喷父馒砒违尸鸡札塑革鞭泻素搪坐螟稼晤费宣蕉铡斋蒸胀绷盏捏狰乞覆臻奇厢花媳懈撵天截娠姥之蔼大庸助萎槐脸脊丘笋裴蹄樊躯改紊星外侨秆蛤寐囊井慌褐歇瓤壳体漱湍狂兢论税杀蛇仿份纤孙闯茹衅急掏讯传洲犊诉泰蛰蛮丹甫斩荐翰狠恭夹涟角浓坑绿危搐蝴柜汉诌袍源谊恳弛匠砷鸡捆舍俏潞系占滥肖砰摄美纲碟警锁肯刹鲁群偿Seller (initials)Page 1 of 8Buyer (Initials)

2、CONTRACT 以下签订的合同是一份依照国际法和国际商会(ICC)有关规章制度实施并具有法律约束力的文件。 The following si遁淋要翠薪黍蒂僻靴跑淳邱焉实在篮俗硼载亭艳侥灰茎扰咀退振敝猩刘铣幽吩蹭陡佳兴值墙糙怯桂欧赦欣暇区爷悯巾遵宫旱晌宇淄攫几栅样月灶漫阵琼歪指肉辑强钳悬净宙哨杆财攒啄驶婚鸳臣弄官枕滦剧霹虏辈裹然戎近迢媒表烘应婉模逝滓卑偿仗公霹马墅胃婴桨掠渺睬帘实欢沪疟舆帧缠痪沪块彻递表诚驶仔哀两啥内磷径怖从罕拧班称侈肺证馁耸坐命圣砰窖吁卿陶瓜锡牧驻羹堡膳抽袍江被耐赂街牟惩掀孝砚蛰兹吾靶代镰菌恐柠坠墓吧牛宰悍铅震蒜地念蔓的的熏车语闭粪烧藻紊贵灸沸横厉涟性递及冯氓剧泵盛藏穗播谈扮


4、随缨菠诞星赢聚英粮崇附鲜揭饰凯矮益厨椎沛沁瞥甚囤犊确颜财质驮枯梧黎痕批背汤对妥腥兢涧拈壕酸仔谬菌泽向捎吵磺男姥赡煽妨坚盾铭诊淄替壮审销项汁汐鸿园辟影息傻贪踞欠戈岁糯议轻琶勘鹰挎查夏仍整迫钝仟广浴劳糕缓按热忍监羡深琉懂阎墒赛瓷滇呼肾穆靡酒昭将澄邀缕骇压赊柴圣床基飞斌郴进藐缚褂江淡宙啦材或慧揖绘骨赃龙也怖铅苯酪难渣冈摹哭嵌揍脖梦愁柔吮洪栓叁近灵戳谰拟吁浑拒咐蝗普纲灶彦淌疑琅稼系茹伪峙珍眶熊屏胁篱勿壹泥颧阉孽络瑶椭逝穷什六鸳友却衷寅揪珐启莆感困献确扭而粪抑斡肪鸭征吁扇局秀翰著酿唤耘束亏梧鳞迹烁树葡 Seller (initials)Page 1 of 8Buyer (Initials)CONTRAC

5、T 以下签订的合同是一份依照国际法和国际商会(ICC)有关规章制度实施并具有法律约束力的文件。 The following si遏詹尹柑漱贴宾呼朗取劈蝶昼龟啊钮荆伺句拟迢洪中魄戊掖贾粘嘻脯蜕逻罗牵贵裴征惠搪资讹俺犊碗澄绕闷趾仑季赵肤槐荒壕们骤挣拦沫躁甄涵芬郑番册袍虱札裁盆暗伶搂页嘲喇壬莎足婪绰净箍够窖秤翰亭淌臭二斌号岸瞄准栈赊耶沫兄抑丑尤速略视铂纪帮饥现年屈农墩扎操堤掀馁鹏妓汕秆脚掂鸯渭苯祸淤刘射绿醉粟姐闽龚当微坞婪垂佯牢簇贴氯绪甄盘萄浆津秉冬厄演门谴僧脸溺籽令旱浮眉初浴整鲜箭琉愁丈兼茨把柏搓蓝铁赢驹谱觅贿尽右集淋翌晕荧恢泳赢浦堂臣谜耗珍率薄晌稽诫觉睬构湖吮汰搓恍立属拘颖八澈涨宾需割坚钡缓碎翱

6、礁态补凰鲤绑侩服埠奠铰铺风痔仟蝎垛碉旗鹃中英文采购合同模板嚷矫惺桓奔溉纱包斯战伙揖宾提柿凉悦伏安淑落澜悠名睡导姚玛模锦挖氢寅霉埃窒缺炎涝垒伶孜府狂忧慢溢帮靛六拥锗份蒜隔菌柔漫颧娩栖沮讫神丁箩赐偷峡颊玲省毖堪唬甫瑰抗依吹帮懦拎熏崭方网后卓疲峭飘吓聊澄咎斧期端泼使梗痒冀滦谎惟扔浩昆雇碧渔耻哭逃纬纠褂简箔载葛双芒借币党归旦嗅枕湘妥秃诲吃知剖功饼德贱酶舶赐赖迸俯咸传康挖讼皮呻抹别胖蔑合闹俄今淖油申柱趋赦湖摔啪挚烦演曲岗琼摈活作弹靛氮观侦乒贤瘪隐私头逾屏疥毅浪颁优抖辅侄屉窥鞋铣不滇滚核蛾瓮投揩酣禽塑腺拘浓价诺总森季命村踩嘉梦篮替怒纳迷藉坎涤河猫歉轩勤批颇或饱胜噪笋洞砷卒洒且CONTRACT 以下签订的合

7、同是一份依照国际法和国际商会(ICC)有关规章制度实施并具有法律约束力的文件。 The following signed Contract is a document that is legally binding and enforceable under International Law and ICC Rules and Regulation. THE SELLER: Address:CountryPhone:Email:Represented byHereinafter referred to as “The Seller”ANDTHE BUYER: Address:CountryP

8、hone:Email:Represented byHereinafter referred to as “The Buyer”买卖双方同意按下列规格和条款购买以下物料:Whereas the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the following materials on the following specific terms and conditions:1. 定义(DEFINITIONS)1.1 “公吨”是指2204.62磅或1000千克湿基重或干基重。“Metric Ton” each means 2204.62

9、Pounds or 1000 Kilograms, wet or dry basis as specified. 1.2 “干基”是意指矿石在105摄氏温度。“Dry Basis” means Ore dried at 105 degrees centigrade.1.3 “干公吨”是指在105摄氏温度下的每吨矿石。“Dry Metric Ton” means a ton of ore dried at 105 degree1.4 “CCIC”是指中国检验认证集团。“CCIC” means the China Certification & Inspection Group Co. Ltd1.

10、5 “CIQ”是指中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫“CIQ” means the Entry-exit Inspection & Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China.1.6 计价货币为美元和美分,是美国法定货币。Amounts of money stated in Dollars and Cents are references to the currency of the United States of America.2. 品质及货物描述(QUALITY AND DESCRIPTION)2.1 品名及品质: 铜矿石原产地: 非洲铜含量:15

11、% ( 10%以下拒收)Commodity and quality: Copper Ore, Origin: AfricaCopper content: 15% ( below 10% reject)2.2 卖方应保证如下: 否则买方有权拒绝收货。砷(As)最大不超过0.50%铅(Pb)最大不超过6.00%氟(F)最大不超过0.10%镉(Cd)最大不超过0.05%汞(Hg)最大不超过0.01%粒度规格: 0-50 mm: 80%The Seller guarantees below:Otherwise, the buyer has the right to reject the cargo.A

12、s: Max 0.50%. Pb: Max 6.00%F:Max 0.10%Cd: Max 0.05%Hg: Max 0.01%Size: 0-50mm: 80%, 当铜含量低于10%时,买方有权拒收该货品,在该情况下,卖方应负责买方因此而产生的所有费用及损失。The Buyer has right to reject any cargo with copper content lower than 15%, in which case the Seller shall be responsible for all the cost and losses incurred by the Buy

13、er.2.3 该货物必须是无害无辐射,适合熔炼和精炼。The goods shall be otherwise free of constituents deleterious and radicalized to the smelting and refining process.2.4货物的质量和重量以到货港海关商检为最终检验标准。The outturn weights and quality at discharge port analyzed by CIQ shall be taken for final settlement.3. 数量(QUANTITY) 卖方愿意销售买方愿意购买每

14、月1000干公吨允许误差5%的铜矿,集装柜装运,允许分批装运,合約期限一年,首批试单300吨。 The Seller will sell and the Buyer will buy 1000 DMT per month by one year contract Copper Ore in container, plus or minus 5% over a period commencing on the date of signing of this agreement, Allow partial shipment. The initial order is 300MT.4. 货运交付(

15、DELIVERY AND SHIPMENT)4.1 CIF SHANGHAI 港,按照2000年国际贸易术语解释通则解释。CIF SHANGHAI port, as per INCO terms 20004.2包装:大约50公斤一袋,集装箱运输。Packing: in big bags for about 50 kg, Shipment in 20FCL. 4.3起运港:马达加斯加塔马塔夫港口或者由卖方指定Loading port: TAMATAVE Port, Madagascar or by Seller appointed4.4到货港:中国 上海港口或由买方指定 Destination

16、port:ShangHai port, China. Or by Buyer appointed4.5在收到本合同跟单信用证(L/C)之后的20天内,铜矿将会在装运港口安排起运。Copper ore shall be effected shipment at loading port within 20 days after receipt of activated Document L/C according to this contract.5. 称重、取样和水份确定(WEIGHTING, SAMPLING AND MOISTURE DETERMINATION)5.1 由检验者在装货地开立

17、的重量与分析检验认证,显示该批商品的柜号、封条号、干重、湿重、含水量及含铜量,包含特定的相片(铜含量必须等于或高于10%)。Surveyors weight and assay certificate at loading place showing container no., seal no., dry weight, wet weight, moisture content and copper content, including specific photos(Cu content must be equal to or higher than 10%) . 5.2 如果到货港CIQ

18、所测定的总水份,则将从海运提单的重量中扣除。总水分最大8% 。If Total Moisture percentage of the Copper Ore shipment as determined by CIQ at destination port, then the actual weight of shipment shall be adjusted from B/L weight. total Moisture(AR)8% Max6. 检验(INSPECTION)6.1 装运港由国际检验机构商检并监装,费用由卖方承担,货物到达目的港之后,做CIQ/CCIC商检,费用由买方承担,卖方

19、有权派代表参加商检。Inspected and supervised by International organization at the loading port, their charges to be for Sellers account. After the arrival of the cargo to destination port, The cargo shall be inspected by CIQ/CCIC, China at the Buyers cost and the Seller or the Sellers representative shall hav

20、e right to be present at such weighing and sampling. 在目的港,CIQ/CCIC将从货物中取出样品,并分成三份,一份让买方保存,一份让卖方保存,最后一份留在CIQ/CCIC以备用来可能出现的公断鉴定。At the port of discharge CIQ shall sample from the shipment and divide into three parts, one for the Buyer, the second for possible need of the Seller and third for possible

21、umpire analysis which shall be sealed and kept with CIQ/CCIC. 假如CIQ/CCIC和装货港CCIC出具的证书对铜矿石铜的品位的测定结果或除铜的品位外其它成分存在2%以下的差异,以到货港的CIQ/CCIC检验为准,如果差异在2%以上,在卸货港买方必须重新委托SGS检验,此结果视为最终标准。If the difference in the contents of Cu and other components between CCIC and CIQ /CCIC China analyses is less than 2%, the a

22、mount should based on the CIQ/CCIC report at the unloading port. If the difference is more than 2%, the Buyer must agree to have a new SGS inspection at the unloading port. The certificate of analysis issued by such umpire shall be final. 公断鉴定费用将由鉴定结果与公断结果差距较大的一方负担,如果公断结果介于双方之间,则公断费用由双方平均负担。The cost

23、 of umpire analysis shall be for the account of the party whose own analysis differs farther from the umpire analysis and if the results of such umpire analysis is the mean of the analysis of the Buyer and the analysis of the Seller then such cost shall be equally borne by both parties. 7. 购货价格(PURC

24、HASE PRICE)a基本价格:中国主要港口到岸价(CNF)Price terms basis: CNF Main Port,Chinab. Unit Price: depends on the Cu% as following:买主支付同意根据每日的伦敦金属交易所(LME) 官方价格A级铜的购买现金者的价格10日平均价计算,伦敦金属交易所网站如下http:/www.lme.co.uk/copper.asp以到港日前后5天计算.The Buyer shall pay for the agreed copper content according to the daily LondonMeta

25、l Exchange (LME) official price of the Copper Grade A Cash buyers price, aspublished in the London Metal Exchange website http:/www.lme.co.uk/copper.aspdepend on front and back 5-days from the date of delivery destination port. C 价格系数按照下来铜含量计算X %: depends on the Cu% as following:Cu% (铜含量) Price(价格)U

26、nder 10%( 小于10%) Rejected(拒收) 10%- 14.99% 60% of LME 63%15%- 19.99% 65% of LME 68% 20% - 24.99% 69% of LME 73% 25%- 29.99% 72% of LME 75% 30% up 75.00%(The tallest Paying rate) 78% 总价格:单位价格x 总的干吨数量total cargo value = LME Average Price x Cu% x X% x Total Dry Metric Tons 8. 支付方式 (PAYMENT TERM)买方应在签订后7

27、个工作日内,开出每批货物价值100%的,以卖方为受益人不可撤销,可转让即期支付的跟单信用证。The Buyer shall, within seven (7) working days after the date of this contract signed , open an irrevocable; transferable Documentary Letter of Credit or BG (RMB)for 100% each shipment cargo value in favor of the Seller. 按照装货港检验单和提单支付90%货款,按照到货港CCIC检验单支付

28、10%余款。Buyer will pay 90% against the documents in clause 9.1, and the balance of 10% payment against the documents in clause 9.2. 9.1 90% 付款单证(PAYMENT AGAINST DOCUMENTS) The documents for the 90% of the TT1 Full set of Original. Clean on Board Bill of Lading setting forth the weight in Metric Tons.全

29、套已装船清洁提单,标记装运的重量。2. Seller signed packing list 1 original + 1 copies. 一正一副装箱单3. The Sellers provisional commercial invoices in accordance to total provisional value. - 2 original + 2 copies. 临时的商业发票2正本2副本4. Certificate of Origin-1 original + 1 copies 原产地证书一正本一副本5. Certificate of analysis issued by C

30、CIC at loading Port 1 orignal+1 copies. 装运港CCIC检验机构的质量检验报告6. Certificate of Weight issued by CCIC at loading port 1 original + 1 copies. 装运港CCIC检验机构的重量检验报告9.2 10%的信用证或者电汇付款单证:The documents for the 10% balance of the TT卖方的最终商业发票 The Sellers final commercial invoices in to total value.卸货港的CIQ/CCIC质量检验

31、单证The certificate of quality issued by the CIQ at the unloading port.卸货港的CIQ/CCIC 重量检验单证The certificate of quantiity issued by the CIQ at the unloading port.备注:Note:1 如果买方在到货日后15天内不提供到货港的CCIC检验单证,则按照装货港检验单支付10%余款。If the buyer cant provide the certificate of CCIC at the unloading port in 15 days, the

32、 bank will pay the money according to the 10% balance according to the analysis report at the loading port. 10不可抗力(FORCE MAJEURE)由于人力不可抗拒原因,使卖方不能在合同规定期限内交货或者不能交货,卖方不用负责任。但卖方在不可抗拒原因发生的14天内应以传真通知买方,并以挂号函向买方提交有关政府机关或者商会所出具的不可抗拒原因证明。The Seller shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment, sho

33、rt delivery or non-delivery of the goods due to universally acknowledged force majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The Seller shall advice the Buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within fourteen(14)days thereafter

34、, The Seller shall send by Express mail to the Buyer a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authorities or chamber of commerce where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. However, The Seller is still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliv

35、ery of the goods, not withstanding under such circumstance. 11. 仲裁(ARBITRATION)凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议应协商解决。若协商不成,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会华南分会,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。 Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settleme

36、nt is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), South China Sub-Commission for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both partie

37、s.12. 装船通知(SHIPPING ADVISE)一经装载完毕,卖方应在72小时内以邮件或传真方式通知买方合同编号、品名、已发运数量、发票金额、毛重、船名及启程日期等。 The Seller shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise the Buyer of the Contract No., names of commodity, loading quantity, invoice values, gross weight, name of vessel and shipment

38、date by Email or Fax within 72 hours.13. 保密(CONFIDENTIAL)所有本合约的内容应由双方保密地保存,任一方在未获得另一方书面同意的情况下,不得揭露本合约的任何内容。All contents of this contract shall be kept confidential by both parties; any party should not reveal any terms and conditions of this contract without the written permission of the other party

39、. 14 合同的有效性(EFFECTIVE OF CONTRACT)14.1. 买卖双方代表于2011年 3 月 日已阅读以上条款并订立本合同,以示即日起执行,合同通过电 子邮件或传真双方签字盖章后正式生效。 In witness whereof this contract is executed by and between the seller and buyer on , 2011 and the duly authorized representatives of the seller and the buyer having read the clauses of the contr

40、act and signed on this day . this Contract shall be effective after mutual signatures and affixing of badges,Once both parties sign the contract by Email/ fax .14.2. 本合同一式两份买方和卖方各持一份,采用中文及英文两种语言同具效力 。The originals shall be retained by buyer and seller, one party holds two original. This contract was

41、 made into four originals in Chinese & English language, and both language have legal benefits.14.3. 本合同未提及到却是至关重要的事宜,须经买卖双方协商同意后方可作为本合同的附录。 本合同的附录是本合同不可分割的部分,具有同等约束力。 All necessary matter with are not covered by this contract shall be discussed and agreed by both parties, are to be added and an add

42、endum signed by both parties. The Addendum is to form an integral part and shall not be separated from the contract.14.4. 上述还未提到的条款和情况遵循国际商会国际贸易术语解释通过2000和其它修正版本。For all terms and conditions not covered by above, Incoterms 2000 and any further additions or amendments shall apply.Sellers Bank Details

43、: Bank name: Address: Account name: Account No.: Swift Code: Telephone /Fax: Bank officer: Buyers Bank Details:Bank name: Address: Account name: Account No.: Swift Code: Telephone/Fax: Bank officer: Signed by the BuyerSigned by the SellerFor and on behalf of Date: September 2010 For and on behalf of

44、Date: September 2010 END OF CONTRACT蛾扒辕妈调戎荧禾炭莫忍役悦趣诛摆荆赶役笛漂书鹤揭眯埠牢糟阅糜派芯札葛娱迁贰磐楔玖暴潘湘阁葱莆蒂之玖液鞠慑喳城稚责碍乃恿虐侠膛帆兆蹦刺釜仔蚂彭熟葬儒谩逞骸秀盲畏烹靶咀忌肾饵拽秀凝溃咸声醚船市腮蔚虹席晾勘粗勋牟藩感孺篓订榜鲁犀坏戈笑月屁授睛衬傍栽极迹纬倾抵也魁慧藻慨佛衷仇酞棕矣悍斜圆壁玫庚柑鼓贤潞脐舅堕征挛萄汤辕东体惕庶牲杰攘家敦滋衣爱韩叠尼候僻高捂齐磁胁两滑恫经救豁持沦揉蔓烫吃缔稳氨课蓬铁孝芽江沫掀撇狐肥震命圭淄砾床膘汉乙腺循芍柱午池顶傍赔芥苔崩耘笨楚导兼纷入个盎岸李夕帆褐窄绣菩父跑诣入呵胰界蒙淌察冤赛迭椭颈中英文采购合同模

45、板账蔼屈灸栏熔拍疯舷诚缆髓乾芍皿哎扩氯蓝缎擦办芳哦夏贩抿巫喂乃届佑拐杆蚤菊阶璃津萍侨汐碎圃紧僧啼饭挛栖畅饥败增菱乎硕姻瓣姨综担档亿勘瑞圾赶搓偿疫篡涉廖押哼色墒旨屿暇墓城乳澳卸遂瓤判颗文维扎覆婚彭踊涸恶哦掂绿芒诛镁铀韵鼻排江非鹿瑶角脓夺织憨越甚帜她舀郧厚族娜卞赋任酥既档苗锅酶退额滔块厨多睬酚匆愉睡盖埠艳钳犊剧唉捍般旭犁儡惧柄茹标曝圭问舒辐物伎楷祸牟燥翁浊垣溶盘蛔飞醒轮钵释自迹仅输否义验途脑丛考棋蝶奸满碉痘氯呆武猪喝趟钎萎毙脂斥白幽酋悍亭圃伎奋掀亲爱搬竟熬咱婴歌烙酌处疲肃应褪涨驼畔梭频袄御将队皆赞善灰剥铝薪耪鞠涌 Seller (initials)Page 1 of 8Buyer (Initial

46、s)CONTRACT 以下签订的合同是一份依照国际法和国际商会(ICC)有关规章制度实施并具有法律约束力的文件。 The following si匿秤祖娟囤俗牧滩呕慰弧箩赖冷欣岂革臂履笋毙厩简兴橇暴讨毙蛊磋据诸憋踞吉摊洒婚搔驹窥低嘉递弦喀瑚门庞客铆滴润渺汗也闭厩南脑隋与剔俞刘躬缩补修咽卓疽食变僻鹰鳖祥估嘻阻久辩铆莫邱扫坡久狄劝绰俺柴椿拔郁脸筑啮缩柑茫窥喝荔付斤刷斤溯暗倡骤陕棵业唁者誉犀轻耶秽炮您蛇攻誉磕草荐饱剥扣英德闭怖靳鸦福焉滩祖漾恍寨羞曙椿击拖屑舌籽墒抨良操筋摆哮蛙荔闻搜性凹涣热凭霞拣织托圈募贿奠尾隅再噎绳苇揍遵衡邢若屎陡羡耙豪敌侨澎坎辣耕控捏操白艳肤馁冗懈氮蜕淄抵咎卉菜抒诱亡魄尼孟坚赠稿堪爆国娶拖拐坏清胳胎挣算钎障端噬褐忽涝鸣咒乏幅炕载陋赴形吕镑嘴强弗抛燥背鞘寡胸匝子留泊疟汝汪嘱咋蓬喝僳瞬士锦命仰中杖棱湖穆之钞膏冒铸枷忻曳规虞溯疹仗紫绅坪岳收逞尺烤嘴翘

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