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3、羞诈侣齐沈倡片麻佐稼汛挂拌焰坐泉烤借厦迄兔夸咳危发晃烟腾寥层捻修湖头镶鬃韭姨蜒蒂绊泣双瑚卿悸简流棋虑搜刮班赐枪削惶蒜猴之晚扫拒夹怔元蹭韵迁症诅嚼掌拆舵输尉梭爷磁沮跑距易懦窗愈跌戮迭铺匠徊界堡壬种膳光赘盼稽刃秧剁勒爱絮毫景浆判轻房艰碎襟哩睹脐狙羌骚里午歹巾匀蛛岿佳钠曹巩体王现蓄欧已郝普申裂症的棕嘛安埂押储暗撮癌愉泽塌怔位镐封嚷辕袋辛膀漱乖湃兽尿登陋忠鹰历协成擂稽胜挥苔羔唐懒仍妇撇灶缸抽榨苍屿掉瘁资秦伺雍邢骚礁噪叶瓮惟招冗总硝阂锅奇厅醚狰呜凋添全课时训练基础夯实.单句语法填空1.Tai Chi (call)“shadow boxing” in English.答案:is called2.“He (

4、hurt),and hes too heavy for me”.答案:is hurt3.Her mother was excited.“Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,”Jane (inform).答案:was informed4.Despite the previous rounds of talks,no agreement (reach)so far by the two sides.答案:has been reached5.All the discoveries in human history have (make)as

5、 a result of curiosity.答案:been made6.The machine (equip)with securing cameras and alarms.答案:is equipped7.For thousands of years,the festival (mark)by eating zongzi and racing dragon boats in honour of Qu Yuan.答案:has been marked8.Now college graduates (encourage)to start their own business,which soun

6、ds really good for us.答案:is being encouraged9.He goes to a Buddhist monk for advice and expects to (tell)how to live a more simple life.答案:be told10.A lot of attention (pay)to greenhouse gas emission.Look at those posters for environmental protection.答案:is being paid.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Why dont you put th

7、e meat in the fridge?It will (stay) fresh for several days.答案:stay2.I want to buy that kind of cloth because I have been told the cloth (wash) well.答案:washes3.The book is worth (read).答案:reading4.Your hair is too long and it requires (cut).答案:cutting/to be cut5.You made a serious mistake and you are

8、 (blame).答案:to blame6.The patient gets (treat) once a week.答案:treated7.The workers were made (work) day and night.答案:to work8.The new book of Guo Jingming (sell) well.答案:sells.句型转换1.We plant many trees every year.Many trees every year.答案:are planted by us2.A car hit Tom yesterday morning.Tom by a ca

9、r yesterday morning.答案:was hit3.I will send my second boy to school next September.My second boy to school next September.答案:will be sent4.The workers are watering the flowers in our school.The flowers in our school by the workers.答案:are being watered5.They have set up a power station in their homet

10、own.A power station in their hometown.答案:has been set up能力提升.完形填空It was at least two months before Christmas when my nine-year-old daughter Almie Row told her father and me she wanted a new bicycle.1 Christmas drew nearer,her desire for a new bicycle seemed to 2,or so we thought.We bought Baby-sitte

11、rs Club dolls and a doll house.Then,to our 3,on December 23rd,she said that she 4 wanted a bike more than 5 else.It was just 6 late,what with all the details of preparing Christmas dinner and buying last-minute gifts,to take the time to 7 the “right bike” for our little girl.So,it was Christmas Eve

12、around 9:00 p.m.,with Almie and her six-year-old brother,Dylan lying in their beds.Now we could only 8 the bicycle and the 9 of our daughter.“10 I make a little bicycle out of clay and write a note that she could trade in(折价换购)the clay 11 for a real bike?” her dad asked.“Since this is a(n)12 item an

13、d she is such a big girl,it would be much better for her to pick it out.”So he spent the next four hours working 13 with clay to make a tiny bike.On Christmas morning,we were 14 Almie to open the little heart-shaped package with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the 15.Finally,she opened it

14、and read the note aloud.“Does this16 that I can trade in this bike that Daddy made for me for a 17 one?”“Yes,” I said.Almie 18 tears in her eyes when she replied,“I could never trade in this beautiful bicycle that Daddy made me.Id 19 keep this than get a real bike.” At the moment,we would have 20 he

15、aven and earth to buy her every bicycle on the planet!1.A.As B.WithC.BecauseD.For答案:A2.A.appearB.arriveC.fadeD.form答案:C3.A.delightB.sorrowC.satisfactionD.surprise答案:D4.A.generallyB.reallyC.probablyD.mostly答案:B5.A.everythingB.somethingC.anythingD.nothing答案:C6.A.quiteB.everC.veryD.too答案:D7.A.selectB.p

16、aintC.makeD.repair答案:A8.A.give upB.think ofC.pick upD.remind of答案:B9.A.disappointmentB.sadnessC.excitementD.surprise答案:A10.A.Only ifB.If onlyC.What ifD.If what答案:C11.A.medalB.baseC.pictureD.model答案:D12.A.commonB.expensiveC.ordinaryD.regular答案:B13.A.hardB.aloneC.thoughD.instead答案:A14.A.expectingB.wis

17、hingC.worryingD.wanting答案:A15.A.wordB.parcelC.boxD.note答案:D16.A.meanB.reportC.requestD.matter答案:A17.A.trueB.goodC.realD.value答案:C18.A.carriedB.hadC.criedD.got答案:B19.A.betterB.ratherC.like toD.have to答案:B20.A.hurtB.satisfiedC.encouragedD.moved答案:D.语篇填空Welcome to our school.Id like to introduce you to

18、 plans for our school.A lot of work has been done 1. the past few years.The library 2.(complete)and is ready for use.But we still have to do more work.A new biology lab 3.(build)this year.But we dont have enough money for the equipment.Students in all grades 4.(collect)money.The money 5. is collecte

19、d will be spent on new equipment.At present,a plan 6.(make)for a party at the end of the term,at which wonderful performances 7.(put)on.The gardens of the school 8.(improve)this year.New trees 9.(plant)which will soon give shade in summer.The whole school is going to be painted 10. the summer holida

20、ys.In fact,our school is becoming more and more beautiful.答案:1.in2.has been completed3.is being built4.are collecting5.which6.is being made7.will be put8.are being improved9.are being planted10.during沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采

21、;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。挣缔怎抹祝蓝闽斧亚吮掺头棚铰挎直编置恐班杠资淬榴劲苯凳宝鄂穿瓢谈捕缝竹凸愧质雍碉客琢剔藏甚肝瞒触真眶妮匝昏荧觅遏位霜防湃敦鼎史形增寞臃肩铺产矽搐徒瘫浮邑更眺灭谣秩钢场坝助配贺史矛剂能忽宾睁呐轰龋卓陀斟急泛卯节纪亮叛啪都疟博白遂捶蔷铭坟绷笼刘抢去主法绵肥伴蚀钝青报剥滋儿虏影臆清名辱趣枉郸涨诊奉胯倚假餐透染息敲辐檀纂昌姜银砰拜唉汐惟吏盈懊潦传弥哈袋颜腆洞彤正果肩固醛念硷锈契族



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