1、英语阅读(2)形成性考核册Part 1Page 11.Unit 1: How to design a cover of magazine?Unit 2:How to write a play according to a story.2.Unit 1: Page 2 Gossip reviews.Unit 2: Page 9 “a modern skyscraper block”Page 31.Unit 3: How do I avoid sinking when I ride on muddy ground.Unit 4: A trip to London.2.Unit 3: Page 15
2、 The special features of moutain bikes.Unit 4: Page 20 Wax models.Page 51.Unit 5: What proportion of an iceberg is normally under water?Unit 6: Most people have their own special ways of curing minor health problems.2.Unit 5: Page 27 “1522 were drowned”Unit 6: Page 33 “ How to cure hiccoughs”Page 71
3、.Unit 7: What is “a whodunit”Unit 8” whats it for?2.Unit 7: Page 38 Why could betty afford an expensive necklace?Unit 8: Page 44 For the relief of painful mosquito bitesPage 91.Unit 9: Play word gamesUnit 10: I love chocolate2.Unit 9: Page 51 What are hidden wordsUnit 10: Page 60 This is the nerve c
4、enter of the whole factory.Page 111.Unit 11: Mandela strolls to freedomUnit 12: How to remember the things seems no certain rules.2.Unit 11: Page 65 Kidnappers, hostageUnit 12: Page 72 Those notes on how peoples heads and faces differ.Page 131.Unit 13: The wilde beest. How do they live on?Unit 14: W
5、hat a beautiful holiday!2.Unit 13: Page 77 the map which shows the migration routes of the wildebeest.Unit 14: Page 84 “I dont have a phone number of the place Im going to.Page 151.Unit 15: The ancient Olympic GamesUnit 16: Brief introduction of “Isaac Newton”2.Unit 15: Page 89 “ temple of hera” “gr
6、eat altar of Zeus”Unit 16: Page 98 “ the crowing honour for a life committed to science.Page 171.Unit 17: Landmarks for the game of badmintonUnit 18: Getty gang offered ransom.2.Unit 17: Page 109 tournament, racket, shuttlecocksUnit 18: Page 115 Mr Getty says not one penny ransomPage 191.Unit 19: Lu
7、ck helps you success or failure.Unit 20: What are colors stand for?2:Unit 19: Page 121 The official was looking the other way, watching the decathlon pole vault.Unit 20: Page 128 cowardicePage 211.Unit 21: What kind of magazine it is.Unit 22: Agatha christies greatest mystery2.Unit 21: Page 136 “Can
8、al Expedition”Unit 22: Page 145 “post” “colonel”Page 231. Unit 23: Interesting numberUnit 24: Should we take a part-time job?2.Unit 23: P152 The Mayan systemUnit 24: P158 “telephonist”Page 251.Unit 25: Frankensteins monsterUnit 26: How to choose correct answer?2.Unit 25: P166 Dreary night of Novembe
9、rUnit 26: P175 Choose the right prep.Page 271.Unit 27: How to arrange a trip? How to checkin?Unit 28: Some words make speakers embarrass2.Unit 27: Page183 “White sun-hats”Unit 28: Page195 strangePage 291.Unit 29: Nasty moments in sportUnit 30:The channel tunnel.2.Unit 29: Page198 Spectator stabs ten
10、nis star on courtUnit 30: Page 211 x-rayingPage 311.Unit 31: How to know a fake goods or a real goods.Unit 32: The developing tech of computing makes our life move forward so fast.2.Unit 31: Page214 counterfeitUnit 32: Page223 interface,databasePage 331.Unit 33: Why do people believe in religions?Un
11、it 34: Blondin has done something good to the world2.Unit 33: Page 230 “reverence”Unit 34: Page 241 “A fool who ought to be unrested”Page 351.Unit 35: The Haze affected the whole world.Unit 36: How to deal with the relationship between people.2.Unit 35: Page 251 blanketUnit 36: Page 261 “Pat on”Part
12、 2Written assignment 1TITLE OF YOUR READING Diana dies in Paris car wreckAUTHOR & SOURCE OF YOUR READINGChina Daily,1997TYPE OF YOUR READINGNewspaper articleAPPROXIMATE NUMBER OF WORDS400SUMMARY OF YOUR READINGBritains princess diana,36, died after a car crash in Paris as she was being chased by pho
13、tographers.What do you like about your reading?The story tells a truth about the accident, especially the excellent narration.Page 39Written assignment 2TITLE OF YOUR READINGChinese marriage and familiesAUTHOR & SOURCE OF YOUR READINGChina TodayTYPE OF YOUR READINGMagazine/journal articleAPPROXIMATE
14、 NUMBER OF WORDS600SUMMARY OF YOUR READINGChina has 267 million families, but many of these new households differ significantly from traditional families, such as women play a major role in the family.What do you like about your reading?The article gives a lot of examples to illustrate the life in C
15、hinese family, which impressed me greatly.Page 41The unit I like best is unit 8, it tells me a lot of useful words.But I dont like unit 30,because of its description.合同管理制度1 范围本标准规定了龙腾公司合同管理工作的管理机构、职责、合同的授权委托、洽谈、承办、会签、订阅、履行和变更、终止及争议处理和合同管理的处罚、奖励;本标准适用于龙腾公司项目建设期间的各类合同管理工作,厂内各类合同的管理,厂内所属各具法人资格的部门,参照本标
16、准执行。2 规范性引用中华人民共和国合同法龙腾公司合同管理办法3 定义、符号、缩略语无4 职责4.1 总经理:龙腾公司经营管理的法定代表人。负责对厂内各类合同管理工作实行统一领导。以法人代表名义或授权委托他人签订各类合法合同,并对电厂负责。4.2 工程部:是发电厂建设施工安装等工程合同签订管理部门;负责签订管理基建、安装、人工技术的工程合同。4.3 经营部:是合同签订管理部门,负责管理设备、材料、物资的订购合同。4.5 合同管理部门履行以下职责:4.5.1 建立健全合同管理办法并逐步完善规范;4.5.2 参与合同的洽谈、起草、审查、签约、变更、解除以及合同的签证、公证、调解、诉讼等活动,全程跟
17、踪和检查合同的履行质量;4.5.3 审查、登记合同对方单位代表资格及单位资质,包括营业执照、经营范围、技术装备、信誉、越区域经营许可等证件及履约能力(必要时要求对方提供担保),检查合同的履行情况;4.5.4 保管法人代表授权委托书、合同专用章,并按编号归口使用;4.5.5 建立合同管理台帐,对合同文本资料进行编号统计管理;4.5.6 组织对法规、制度的学习和贯彻执行,定期向有关领导和部门报告工作;4.5.7 在总经理领导下,做好合同管理的其他工作,4.6 工程技术部:专职合同管理员及材料、燃料供应部兼职合同管理员履行以下职责:4.6.1 在主任领导下,做好本部门负责的各项合同的管理工作,负责保管“法人授权委托书”;4.6.2 签订合同时,检查对方的有关证件,对合同文本内容依照法规进行检查,检查合同标的数量、金额、日期、地点、质量要求、安全责任、违约责任是否明确,并提出补充及修改意见。重大问题应及时向有关领导报告,提出解决方案;4.6.3 对专业对口的合同统一编号、登记、建立台帐,分类整理归档。对合同承办部门提供相关法规咨询和日常协作服务工作;4.6.4 工程技术部专职合同管理员负责收集整理各类合同,建立合同统计台帐,并负责