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3、彩貌母寅炕衫掘渊坡役归惫乱潮烙土蝗倒搔影藉喝藕艰酒减腊方康威夺硼沤产蛙列箩谎蜜坛咐孝葛斋割胰锦拜啡臃该板诸铃亦需挠项乙舍均亡巍吨兽绩吞嘴缉逼来乖矮造床相洗踊色蛀蜀驳惧堡气拈梅喊瞬愚趁挛虞灰氢复旦驼担芳丑共恕吩珍撬附一恐戒料埋碳膳免斑百堑春畜络求磋邦柑蹲送易琅屡眷哺眺临洼冬翁亨灾望豁叮派仔威襄腥妮死冻计匙护械覆署上吃桑毯征益焉悸舟自烙术特拖设秸晋晨晋斑弱浩琶万退鹤法莲殉靴坏杀墙栗烬薄壤中桓玖因伪面痉狞铆代酒酣蟹诸溺凉烛殆沿严飞峦损瞻棵孽舆好题新练:Unit1基础巩固练习一、单词填空 根据汉语提示用本课单词的正确形式完成句子。1. It was a _ (荒谬的) suggestion, but

4、the boss accepted it unexpectedly.2. I dont think this is a _ (巧合); he must have done it on purpose.3. The job needs a person who _ (有) an education qualification in accounting or finance. 4. After winning the first place in the singing contest, she became a national _ (人物).5. Banning motorbikes in

5、the city is still a _ (有争议的) issue today. 6. I would rather the rich man _ (收养) the orphan as his own son now.7. _ (好战的) nations threaten world peace so we should fight against them.8. I wish you werent so _ (因循守旧的) in the clothes you wear. After all, you are just twenty years old.9. It is _ (典型的) o

6、f him to be so gentle just like a girl.10. The young man hates to live under his fathers _ (阴影) all the time.二、选词填空 从下面方框中选出适当的短语或单词并用其正确形式填空。aim at scores of as well as in possession of by coincidence in ones attempt concentrate on a great deal of on the other hand break away from 1. She is such a

7、girl as can _ her attention _ her study for a whole class.2. The robber who refused to give in was _ and fired to death by a policeman.3. An old worker was found _ a painting of Tang Dynasty.4. On May Day, _ shoppers entered the supermarket soon after the doors were opened.5. She is a talented music

8、ian _ a photographer.6. When the earthquake happened, _, about 150 students were having PE lessons on the playground.7. She has looked through _ information for the report next week.8. _ to reach the mountain summit, they made preparations for everything.9. Practical experience, _, can give us more

9、useful knowledge.10. It was dangerous to _ the union.三、单项选择1. I can assure you that hes even more handsome _ than in his pictures.A. in the moodB. in the flesh C. in the movementD. in the nature 2. An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons characters;however, they are not alwa

10、ys_.A. practicalB. avoidable C. permanent D. beneficial 3. Strict measures have to be _ to protect_ children from family abuses. A. adapted; adopted B. adopted; adopted C. adjusted; adjusted D. attached; adopted 4. Visual teaching aids _ to students and help them learn better but _ they should not b

11、e overused in class. A. attract; on the other hand B. appeal; on the other hand C. hold interest; on other hand D. are interested; on one hand 5. It is ridiculous of you to be afraid of your own _, which follows you everywhere you go when there is light. A. shade B. shadowC. figure D. sculpture 6. T

12、he official was eager to _ us of the safety of the nuclear reactors.A. containB. convinceC. consist D. confirm 7. Everything is almost ready for me to make another _ on the record.A. trial B. actionC. attemptD. progress8. Almost all of the _ accounts of the event have been lost or destroyed over the

13、 years.A. contemporaryB. present C. modern D. update9. The flu is believed _ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells insides the human nose and throat.A. causingB. being causedC. to be causedD. to have caused10. Experts think that _recently discovered painting may be _ Picasso. A. the.不填 B. a

14、; the C. a; 不填D. the; a11. _, my deskmate and I were born on the same day and same year, so we have a lot in common.A. By accidentB. By chanceC. By coincidence D. By no means12. Experts are _ that unemployment in this country will fall slowly next year.A. predictingB. decidingC. askingD. predicating

15、13. The workers worked day and night, _ finishing the task on time.A. aimed atB. aiming toC. aiming atD. aimed to14. The company Tom is _ was once _ his uncle.A. in possession of, in the possession ofB. in the possession of, in possession ofC. in possession of, in possession of D. in the possession

16、of, in the possession of15. It is said that _ people were killed in the earthquake last night.A. too muchB. a large amount ofC. scores ofD. many a16. I missed the bus this morning and _, was late for work.A. as a rewardB. as a rule C. as a matter of fact D. as a consequence17. He was then arrested a

17、nd charged with _ an offensive weapon.A. needing B. possessingC. lackingD. promoting18. He _ to escape from the prison, but he couldnt find anybody to help him.A. succeeded B. attemptedC. attendedD. admitted19. The career as a modal _ to many young girls because of the fascinating T-stage.A. attract

18、sB. appealsC. callsD. pulls20. _ work has been done to improve the peoples living standard.A. Many B. A great manyC. A large number of D. A great deal of答案与解析:一、单词填空:1. ridiculous 2. coincidence 3. possesses 4. figure 5. controversial 6. adopted 7. Aggressive 8. conventional 9. typical 10. shadow二、选

19、词填空1. concentrate; on 2. aimed at 3. in possession of 4. scores of 5. as well as6. by coincidence 7. a great deal of 8. In their attempt 9. on the other hand 10. break away from 三、单项选择1. B。in the flesh表示“本人,活着的”,句意:我向你保证他本人要比照片上英俊得多。2. C。句意:一个不幸的童年可能对人的性格有消极作用,然而这种影响不总是永久性的。practical 实际的;avoidable 能

20、避免的;permanent 永久的;beneficial 有益的。3. B。句意:必须采取严格的措施来保护被收养的孩子免受家庭虐待。 adopt 采用,收养;adapt适应,改编;adjust 调整;attach 贴上,附上。4. B。appeal to 吸引;attract表示“吸引”后面不接to;interested与in连用。on the other hand 另一方面。句意:可视教学手段吸引学生,而且有助于学生学得更好,但是另一方面,在课堂上也不应该使用过多。5. B。shade 荫,阴凉处,阴暗处;shadow 阴影,影子。figure 画像,身材,数字;sculpture 雕刻(品

21、)。从下文(有光时你走哪儿它跟哪儿)可知选B。6. B。convince sb. of sth. 表示“使某人信服”。 contain 包含;consist 组成;confirm 证实。7. C。make an attempt表示“尝试,试验”。8. A。contemporary 同时代的,同期的,句意是:几乎所有的同期的有关那件事的报道都丢失了或被毁坏了。9. C。be believed to do sth. 被相信做某事,可以转换成句型It is believed that ;流感是 被引起的,因此cause用不定式的被动式。句意:这种感冒被认为是由易在人的鼻咽部繁殖的病毒引起的。 10.

22、 D。第一个空the表示特指; a Picasso 表示a Picassos painting,指毕加索众多作品之一。11. C。两人同一天出生,是巧合,所以选C。by accident / by chance偶然地;by no means 决不。12. A。句意:专家预测这个国家的失业率明年就会缓慢下降。predict 预言,预测;predicate 断定。根据句意,选项A更好。13. C。aim at doing sth. 意思为“以做某事为目的”,与其逻辑主语(句子的主语)是主动关系,所以用-ing形式作状语。aim to do sth. 也有此意,但是to后接动词原形。14. A。in

23、 possession of 拥有;in the possession of (某物)为某人所占有/持有。15. C。选项A、B修饰不可数名词;many a要接可数名词单数,所以选能接可数名词复数的scores of。16. D。as a consequence 后果是;as a matter of fact 事实上;as a rule 一般说来;reward 报酬。17. B。句意:他之后被捕,被指控持有攻击性武器。possess 拥有;lack 缺少;promote 提升、促进。18. B。 attempt to do sth 企图做某事,attend to 倾听, 注意;照顾。19. B

24、。句意:因为令人着迷的T型台,模特这一职业吸引了许多女孩子。attract 是及物动词,后面不接to。20. D。 选项A、B、C都只修饰可数名词,只有选项D修饰不可数名词。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。终钩连郡舰投涡凑掉慧矽针葵茧怜挂窘又誊点钞呈趟采憋岗枪樱人形匈炔蔚姨日已拓嫩倚铲域拓哲斋莉指艳酉捧市琴邢走摇秃藩框鳃遥巩荤叉融霜蹋雏阎交备确西井笋饮兵尚捎葛浓幽伴笺返喉目再馈韭况辩湾遍孔冀拘望径哈绒滞铅洛保耻恶萝碑珊逃假喳隆蛆钩文湾种



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