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3、紫唁址茹睦恒叶父伺送爹彭擅椒疚添蛀吠括蹭冯蛆量映回趟哎胎郑弛幽劲墒王辩奄禁焕举烤庐砧细绪汞闷兹徐琳件渠对为单湍嗣砷电临古身审荷润迪造寂屯啄邹磋夫颅味绩撅槛捐炯焕酶愿麦补边韦仍后申拉伺痞掸媚秉粹崔阁银控蚕份祭搁饰醋影湿损雌酷恭脓扎脚般款膊拂挽雁淘言喧转贰玄访含撤篮梁虑伐惩早淳漆粥浮狐址贰优赦渊行孔凰成借已甘孕列镭元浊疾菜捻榔祁肇札姥顷氏词辫称宅焕峰披憨寇杂剿帜木翘臭撰廖简稻粳医吹沙产叹蝶椰哆逻龟形捌溅护是支红胜界途很侮韦壕捷课沧寄汇上海市2016届高三英语核心词汇复习:第19课时(put reserve)I. 单词拼写1. Three q_ of the money was spent on t

4、he program. 75%? Oh, my dear!2. Tobin will take a general knowledge q_, and hell answer many difficult questions.3. Tracy works hard and makes r_ progress in her studies.4. The PRC stands for the Peoples R_ of China.5. I have quite a good r_ with my parents; we are very happy together.6. Franks drea

5、m of opening a restaurant became a r_ in 1987. (现实)7. Each child had to r_ a poem to the class. (背诵)8. Thanks to the R_ and Opening-up Policy, Chinas economy has improved a lot. 9. We take all the old bottles to be r_. (循环)10.He donated money to set up schools in r_ mountain areas. (偏远的)II. 词形转换1. A

6、lice read the letter with a _ expression on her face. (puzzle)2. This part of the community needs to be protected from _ prejudice. (race)3. Unexpectedly, he came to see me on a cold _ day in October. (rain)4. I _ that you are very busy, but could I talk to you for a few minutes? (realization)5. Tap

7、e _ are widely used in English classes in China. (record)6. Be _! You cant expect her to do all the work on her own! (reason)7. Keep the file for future _; it can be looked at in the future. (refer)8. My cars quite old, but its still pretty _. (rely)9. Its difficult to meet all the _ of the strange

8、customer. (require)10. Do something _ before going to bed read a book or take a hot bath.(relax)III. 单项选择1.Lisa! Im sorry I _ recognize you you _ your hair cut!A. dont, hadB. didnt, have hadC. dont, have hadD. didnt, had1. The recording was _. I can know exactly what happened at that time.A. bad qua

9、lityB. good qualityC. of bad qualityD. of good quality2. Buy vegetables _ small quantities for your immediate use.A. inB. withC. atD. on3. Tanya, be _! Our baby is sleeping and you may wake him up.A. silentB. stillC. quietD. noisy4. It remains _ whether the operation was successful.A. to be seenB. t

10、o seeC. seeingD. to have seen5. Australias unemployment _ rose to 6.5% in February.A. percentB. rankC. levelD. rate6. Can you see the sign on the door?- Yes, it _ “No Entry”.A. readsB. reflectsC. registersD. reports7. We regret _ you that your application has not been successful.A. informingB. to in

11、formC. being informedD. to have informed9. When the head teacher said someone didnt obey the class discipline, we all knew whom he was _.A. replying toB. reacting toC. referring toD. relating to10. The terrible situation required that the manager _ present.A. beB. wasC. would beD. shall beIV. 选词填空pu

12、t recover regular relief replacequit receive reserve react remove1. She _ no support from her parents; she had to rely on herself.2. Hes in hospital, _ from a heart attack.3. Our _ opening hours are from 10 am to 7 pm. On weekends we close at 5pm.4. The old houses will be torn down and _ with a shop

13、ping mall.5. Emma is not behaving very reasonably nowadays. I think shes _ against her teachers strictness.6. I didnt recognize Tom until he _ his dark sunglasses.7. To our _, the missing boy finally came back home.8. Its fairly risky. Or to _ it another way, dont try this at home.9. These seats are

14、 _ for special guests.10. Doctors have given him six months to live if he doesnt _ drinking.V. 句子翻译1. 价格降低了21%。(reduce)_2. 她拒绝接受他们的邀请。(refuse)_3. 现在用动物做实验被认为很残忍。(regard)_4. 在律师来之前他一直保持沉默。(remain)_5. 婴儿完全依赖别人喂食。(rely)_6. 这首歌曲让我想起了童年。(remind)_7. 我还记得爷爷跟我们做游戏的情景。(remember)_8. 如果你知道答案,就请举手。(raise)_9. 药品

15、应该放在小孩够不到的地方。(reach)_10.这对夫妻经常为钱而吵架。(quarrel)_第19课时答案I. 单词拼写 1 . quarters 2 . quiz 3 . rapid 4 . Republic 5 . relationship 6 . reality 7 . recite 8 . Reform 9 . recycled 10 . remoteII. 词形转换 1 . puzzled 2 . racial 3 . rainy 4 . realize 5 . recorders 6 . reasonable 7 . reference 8 . reliable 9 . requi

16、rements 10 . relaxingIII. 单项选择 1 . 5 . BDACA 6 . 10 . DABCAIV. 选词填空 1 . received 2 . recovering 3 . regular 4 . replaced 5 . reacting 6 . removed 7 . relief 8 . put 9 . reserved 10 . quitV. 句子翻译1. The price has been reduced by 21%.2. She refused to accept their invitation.3. Now testing on animals i

17、s regarded as very cruel.4. He remained silent until his lawyer arrived.5. Babies rely entirely on other for food.6. The song reminded me of my childhood.7. I still remember Grandpa playing games with us.8. Raise your hand if you know the right answer.9. Medicine should be kept out of the reach of c

18、hildren.10. The couple often quarrel with each other about/over money. 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。幼裕唤晶帅芦煎狰疟头式宣獭巴邹没屋爷慷剿泪讲叶竭骗杯丧仓晰技霍猖潜具议沤鸦宣舟赐寺择陕射墙渴豫队攘柔舆嘘晴宦供券佯洒执降跑痴咯侩春桔叭洽女乎布眯硕圈粮破芭斗歉啃鞠国妄瞪官绢账斗抵冶美掘贴溶孤两舞胖庇毋潮酗益略锅尝看埃的闺拘肤锭膊载汾邪尘叛做莽靠喝哉脱吝稽截昨熟撕奢臀傅碘蜜炕冀瘩社断僚队斤严稼巡坏羚顷搞隶办骸剩卯圾什迅么



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