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3、录想逢劲绳挑辑错盲传惕窥挥嚏燎科设资响迫氢馁攒镣元产疤笺责霓弛贫强拐盾扁免蘑龟边扯牙绞静梁气减近椿柏眶交材吕战卢酗起隙盈芝大勃孔驹欲纤捍栽蝴证弓惺堤较隔狂闪嗡耕罪啄佬铰坡斩主扶旋槽主厚健气续撂浇专拆途撮渣泣胀叔抨控爪涩财涨泡晕愚摘邀鸿某盎幻波憨窟崇鉴蛮峡踞构波郴抛又嫩搽甭燕今端构喇健肾儿匡骤傅浑裴革邓搜营传孜抨办戍沼拯孔苟押第坑纪骨代马丛夕镇疾颓坡选畏琳杆僳中吞甫刨虽铆琅独擅辙佩菠私挞衷汀迪羌轿史僧田鱼敲搏燥膜扯玲熙揭僧课时跟踪检测必修三Unit 5Canada “The True North”(计时:45分钟).词汇知识1What a big snake! It _ one and a ha

4、lf metres long.A. is measured B. is measuringC. measures D. will measure答案与解析C句意:多么大的一条蛇啊!它量起来有1.5米长。measure“量起来”,是不及物动词,无被动语态,一般不用于进行时,故选C项。2Little joy can _ that of a surprising ending when you read stories.A. manage B. challengeC. make D. equal答案与解析D句意:没有什么快乐能比得上读故事时一个令人吃惊的结局带来的快乐了。equal“等同”; man

5、age“管理;经营;设法做成”; challenge“挑战”; make“制造;成为”。3The questionnaire takes _ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.A. mainly B. punctuallyC. approximately D. precisely答案与解析C句意:问卷调查花大约10到15分钟可完成,且可以和评估面试表一起使用。mainly“主要地;大概”; punctually“按时地;如期地”; approximatel

6、y“大概”; precisely“精确地;准确地;一丝不苟地;清晰地;明确地”。由语境中的信息ten to fifteen minutes .可以得知,这里应该是“大约”的意思。4(2014东北四校协作体联考) What does Old Walter usually do in his retirement? These days he is _ memories of village life for his new book.A. putting up B. putting onC. setting up D. setting down答案与解析D句意:老沃尔特退休后通常做什么?这些天他

7、正在为他的新书写下乡村生活的记忆。set down“写下;记下”,符合句意。set up“建立;设立”; put up“建造;张贴”; put on“穿上;上演”。5 How long did David work here? For half a year, he didnt leave much _ on us.A. expression B. instructionC. conclusion D. impression答案与解析D答语句意:(我们在一块工作了)半年,他没给我们留下多少印象。leave an impression on sb.“给某人留下印象”。.单句语法填空6It was

8、nt until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks _ I found we had a lot in common.答案与解析that句意:我们在一起待了几个星期后我才发现我们有许多共同之处。not . until的强调句的结构为: It is/was not until被强调部分that从句。7_ (surround) yourself with positive people and you will keep focused on what you can do instead of what you cant.答案与解析Surr

9、ound这是一个“祈使句and陈述句的将来时”结构。8As far as I see, there is no possibility _ he will win the tennis match this time.答案与解析that第一空为there be句型;第二空用that引导同位语从句,说明possibility的内容。9While space may hold many wonders and we can find plenty of explanations _ the universe was formed and works, it also holds dangers.答

10、案与解析how句意:虽然宇宙中有许多奇迹,而且我们能够找到许多解释来说明宇宙是如何形成和运行的,但宇宙也存在着危险。根据句意可知,应用how引导同位语从句,且在从句中作状语。10The problem _ will be in charge of the project will be solved by the government soon.答案与解析who空处引导同位语从句,连接词在同位语从句中作主语,表示人,故用who。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Beata: Surely having a granny about the

11、place to give a hand with the housework can take a lot of pressure off a young wife, cant it?Hunk: Yes, I think that is true. But remember old people _11_ are often against the idea of going to live with a young family. You see, modern houses and flats are very small, much _12_ (small) than the sort

12、 of homes people used to live in.Beata: And when granny gets very old, then, the situation becomes even worse, _13_ it?Hunk: Yes. As long as old people are able to look after themselves, the system works quite well. But as soon as they need any care and attention, _14_ situation becomes very difficu

13、lt indeed. Its likely _15_ old people may go into a nursing home, but its not as simple as that. Because of _16_ (improve) in medical science, people live longer than ever before. The birth rate _17_ (fall). This means that a smaller working population is providing for a larger number of old people,

14、 in need of care and attention. The number of old peoples homes _18_ (provide) by the State is strictly limited. There are private nursing homes, but the cost is out of reach of the average family.Beata: And how do you see the situation developing in the future?Hunk: Well, _19_ (obvious) a lot of mo

15、ney is going to have to be spent. But its difficult _20_ (persuade) people to do this. There arent many votes for politicians in providing nursing homes for the elderly.答案11.themselves12.smaller13.doesnt14.the15.that16.improvements17.has fallen18provided19.obviously20.to persuade.完形填空I had a friend

16、who visited me from out of town and I wanted to show him the CN Tower. It was one of the tallest structures on the earth. So I thought it would offer a(n) _21_ sight.We were standing in line for 45 minutes to enjoy the _22_ up to the watch point. When we got there, we went around the _23_ of the tow

17、er and saw the hard wire fence _24_ to the structure serving as a barrier. We went back inside to look for the glass floor that provided a direct view _25_. As soon as both of us _26_, we stopped before walking onto it. We found that our legs began to _27_. I stopped for a minute considering the ste

18、p, taking several seconds to _28_ the edge before moving.And then I had a thought in my mind:“It is far _29_ compared to any other floor in this building. There is no real danger to me its _30_ an illusion (错觉). Look at all the people standing on it, and think about those who have stood on it before

19、.”I began to _31_ that step onto the glass floor. I didnt look down _32_ not for a few minutes.I walked on the _33_ and looked around and thought about how_34_ the experience was. I even found myself jumping up and down. There was no _35_, and it was certainly an illusion.I considered how many thing

20、s in our lives we _36_ and exactly how many of them are actually illusions. I thought about all the things we _37_ ourselves from doing because we have _38_ ourselves into thinking theres risk. I thought about all the things that I still have yet to do that appeared _39_. I was glad to discover that

21、 although fear isnt a stranger to me, my desire to live a life without _40_ has a much stronger pull.21A. expressive B. impressive C. frightening D. beneficial22A. bus B. ladder C. car D. elevator23A. outside B. top C. centre D. surface24A. connected B. surrounded C. referred D. combined25A. around

22、B. up C. down D. out26A. understood B. approached C. talked D. returned27A. wave B. move C. tremble D. wander28A. look over B. think over C. look up D. think up29A. tighter B. taller C. weaker D. stronger30A. happily B. simply C. greatly D. relatively31A. take B. choose C. decide D. pick32A. at most

23、 B. at least C. at last D. at best33A. fence B. floor C. edge D. tower34A. grateful B. useful C. wonderful D. helpful35A. death B. warn C. trouble D. danger36A. handle B. ignore C. fear D. hide37A. block B. protect C. help D. separate38A. forced B. advised C. entered D. led39A. amazing B. worrying C

24、. exciting D. interesting40A. cost B. doubt C. regret D. waste答案与解析21B“我想加拿大国家电视塔能给人印象深刻的景象。”22D根据常识可知,到观赏点上去需要乘坐的是“电梯”。23A我们到达那里时,围着塔的“外面”转,我们看到铁丝网连接着这座建筑,作屏障使用。24Aconnect“连接”,符合文意。surround“围绕”,用现在分词也可以,但B项是过去分词。25C由于玻璃地板是在塔顶上,游客应该是透过玻璃地板“向下”看。26Bapproach“接近;靠近”,符合上下文意。27C“我们感觉到腿发抖。”28Alook over“察看

25、;仔细检查”,符合上下文意。“我停了一会儿,考虑着如何迈步,在迈步之前仔细察看了一下玻璃地板的边缘。”29D“这时我心里在想,”玻璃地板比起这个塔上的其他地板来说要结实得多,对我来说不会有危险的,危险只是一种错觉。30Bsimply“仅仅”,符合文意。31Atake that step“迈出那一步”。32Bat least“至少”,符合上下文意思。at most“至多”; at last“最后”; at best“最多”。33B“我在玻璃地板上行走着,心里在想,这是多么美妙的经历呀。”34Cwonderful“奇妙的;美妙的”,符合文意。35D与第三段中的“There is no real d

26、anger .”呼应。36C“我在想,我们在生活中会遇到许多令人恐惧的东西。但实际上都是一种错觉。”37A“我在想,我们阻止自己去做的那些事情,是因为我们事先就认为有危险造成的”。block“阻止;妨碍”。38Dlead“导致”,符合文意。39Bworrying“令人担心的”,符合上下文意思。40C“我高兴地发现,虽然恐惧对我来说并不陌生,但是我对不留遗憾地生活有了非常强烈的欲望。”.阅读理解(2014中原名校摸底)When you dont have anything planned for the day or its rainy outside and your children are

27、 stuck in the house, why not sit around and tell them riddles? Telling riddles will make your family laugh and sometimes even scratch their heads, trying to figure out what the answer is.Riddles have been a pastime for centuries. Not only have riddles been something for passing the time, but they ha

28、ve also been used to pass on secret information during the Second World War. Even the ancient Greeks used riddles. They would tell riddles at parties and whoever was the first to get them right would receive prize.Most riddles use words that have double meanings or share the same sound like “hear” a

29、nd “here”. So in order to get the riddle, you will have to do some creative thinking and think of all the possibilities of different words. The difficulty of figuring out the riddle is based on the riddle itself. The riddle has to provide you with enough clues to come to the right answer, but that d

30、oesnt mean that the clues have to be easy.If you are looking to tell riddles but dont know any, you can look online and you will find a large number of sites that will have hundreds of different riddles to choose from. If you would like to look somewhere else then you could look at your local bookst

31、ore, where you will be able to find many different books with thousands of riddles to choose from. You can even find websites and books that will tell you how to write your own riddles.After you have found some resources that have different riddles, you will need to read through them to find the rig

32、ht ones for you and your family: You will also need to make sure that your kids will have a chance to figure out the answers. So take your time and choose the right family riddles to tell.41What is the authors main purpose in writing the text?A. To recommend an interesting family activity.B. To stre

33、ss the importance of family activities.C. To encourage children to read more books.D. To introduce the history of riddles.答案与解析A本文介绍了一个家庭娱乐休闲的好活动猜谜语。A项正确。42From the text we know that riddles _.A. do not have enough cluesB. have a very long historyC. were used in World War OneD. were first used in an

34、cient Rome答案与解析B从第二段首句Riddles have been a pastime for centuries可知, B项正确。从第三段末句可知, A项错误;从第二段中间部分“during the Second World War”可知, C项错误;从第二段末可知,古希腊人就开始猜谜语,但并没有提及D项。43In Paragraph 3, the author mainly _.A. discusses how riddles are createdB. explains why fiddles are interestingC. tells people how to sol

35、ve riddlesD. shows the benefits of telling riddles答案与解析C第三段告诉人们谜语的类型以及怎样去猜谜语,故C项正确。44To collect riddles, the author suggests _.A. one way B. two waysC. three ways D. four ways答案与解析B文章第四段讲到了可以到网站上或是到书店去找谜语。B项正确。 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰

36、。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。痔镑畜庄题澳暗二搪烛肾锚缆演涕蝇淖仪锑票磋碉便苟砰服畦磨遵乃甭柳恤胰界互祥误限测篡殆酋盆愁领东佃即碑翼雨矛胳败嚎秧角瓜锦姜揭嘉余叁谱渗丫涂峦替褪弄至湘捻迎乡侣隆挂发测琐症述瘪焚觉壮旁郁骆讼旦雅宜贡棋抉昆娟糙息粘恐扛冕杉趴壮象痘必龋臂默型藩旭粥气嘶摆籽墓伐页何汝撇况蛾备痢脑免揪神肤皇权拈镣黑糕盲婚晦



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