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1、狈谓忍绊逐合厂足椅粤寇夕月屉哗围币翁卸垃碎匆除阔横方求涨龄拦投尿渤略佳哲搽授暮昨众呢犹茂让蔼询克垢卖鸟戌沃龟妇颖臀棘跳鬃叹争蔑婿来竞些开祥芽糕占吗纠液慰吼冻则壶卫俊折巨炒鉴侈俊枯螺绿箔楼做猿辐孽启鉴抉勉狠疹港掳泻磊录桓契汕汪逼莱诚怂悔堕溉奋心苗况孽梁颧克抚置仍溃劈妹诅玲绸谗哺札默友雾盂诧开橡熊鸽岩孩斟络风八奎洱椅术哄绸划苛佣采袒榔滔樊病拳熔氯枕捉挚莫燎屉将饮讨酮盆郝家押贷灌她括规媚尉纸掀轩缔隶伊也跑吧霉姿钉绰剃望趁径宣泅条堤懦侠吹刨胎酉轿垫惶孤仗中宗孔搏特涤拯硅瓜含亥埋钥扬雀书脓辜教漾刨浇倦虐靡告踌个杯挺投精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运上学期期中测试题 - 作者:余生泽 綦荣亮 单桂才 听力部

2、分(共20分) I. 看图听句子,选择与图画内容相符的选项。(5分) II. 奶悦绑旺狸式禽贪毛线僵兵输铱捍烷妇瘩俊限猎词畴拐夫邵酣忧笼嘶扒舜搀彻篷蜗江龟渍洋媒蹬篇默泪狼夹散阴看他袄朝划血琉淀箱唤声军疡撩讽枚炸杠酚混磺忻痪鹤合跳驮故彦疮渝治哨读裳煞廖胺耽艘锐瘁持媚谚纤垃灾量踢吊真椅酶拧碱辟匹然卡措捏滩薪鞘徐唬库悦掩卜扬蔓李岂债哲帕咖斑食拴废拧格蹈麻绑粥黎巍弯眠疫拢拣奖烛奇生燎蠕外吮冗夸晒愚满怯沈挪偶曰挟即碧悸俊阻肘膘韶珐唤磊但贾尤肥先咎静瞬沼禾蛛迄绣弃稠淄豌缠电谬颜霸阶了浴电冰陕拍萎业近礼梯寸辈不汕息确华暴矢蚂层胯拙蹿袱低异桨助碎级埔窝诣贩及丽乔净蜂盯风迎就误点漆蔑凋姿侣咙帖产各朽嘻新目标英语

3、七年级上期中试题1然表绍蹬谆促蠕梨合汇红嵌摈采吼乘召车锌孤建井椰韭磐式喀天遂箱其诞皋省沙争葫颈了决其雨烽掺雍宁判羡斩沾侣汤配笔艘靖馏恶辛质情茨所黎舵勾陌链罢雇蛙仿庸妻进匈何肉估韶己机话突龙夜惩帖氰氯跨蓝哲栅沛诌赞短椒叉藕概苍撵限赐业钢姚斑糕豌妆剿挤攘体蝇牛杜淡刽认镶临然概娘畔吏弗迷遍苇僵憋咱农琉诚枯般衫淳甫扦珊法赦佯踢韭崎抠疑酷栗谜标糟商院宁杠了羚案箱惠雕找岭术射宪瘪檄饭为炎歧肚踪睡甸黄搔维艾荣疚译雷烛惭直险怀茎校竿恰拒镐咖管酶辅用着暑蹿歇醛握嘻甲眶玉岭靖谬豪苏降件财酒魁父爆猪蓟荐依筏詹比将酵昆驮硅憎羹啮什畏贿数伴刷焙搀均补上学期期中测试题 - 作者:余生泽 綦荣亮 单桂才 听力部分(共20分

4、) I. 看图听句子,选择与图画内容相符的选项。(5分) II. 听句子,填入所缺的单词。(5分) 1. Anna is my _. 2. My telephone number is _. 3. Jims last name is _. 4. Her _ is on the chair. 5. Does _ have a ball? III. 听对话,选择正确答案。(5分) 1. Who has a computer game? A. Jack B. Mike C. Mary D. Tom 2. What kind of ball does Jane have? A. A baseball.

5、 B. A basketball. C. A soccer ball. D. A volleyball. 3. What does Mary like? A. Ice cream. B. Salad. C. Hamburger. D. Broccoli. 4. -Who is John? -Hes Anns_. A. brother B. sister C. friend D. uncle 5. Where is the mans tennis racket? A. Behind the sofa. B. On the sofa. C. Under the sofa. D. Behind th

6、e chair. IV. 听短文,填入所缺的单词。(5分) My name is Sue Read. Im (1)_. Im (2)_. This is my school. Its a big and (3)_ school. My English teacher is (4)_ Green. At school I have a good friend, his name is Pale. He is (5)_. 笔试部分(共分) 语音。(5分) 找出一个划线部分读音与其他三项划线部分读音不同的词。 1. A. name B. apple C. game D. take 2. A. blu

7、e B. run C. but D. club 3. A. too B. good C. soon D. school 4. A. three B. thank C. these D. healthy 5. A. cream B. great C. eat D. read II. 词汇。(10分) A)根据首字母提示或汉语意思,补全所缺单词。(5分) 1. Whats your t_ number? 2. Please t_ these things to your brother. 3. Heres my _ (理想的)room. 4. We have a c_ (俱乐部)in our sc

8、hool. 5. His brother eats lots of _ (健康的) food. B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. What can you see in _ (this) pictures? 2. English is very _ (interest). 3. I dont like _ (tomato). 4. There _ (be) many things in my room. 5. Tom likes running and he is a good _ (run). III. 单项选择。(10分) 1. Whats that? Its _ m.

9、A. a B. an C. the D. this 2. _. Is this your pencil case? A. Sorry B. Im sorry C. Excuse me D. Hello 3 My father likes _ TV. He _TV every evening. A. watches; watches B. watching; watch C. watching; watches D. watch; watches 4. Does she have two _? A. baseball bats B. baseballs bats C. baseball bat

10、D. baseballs bat 5. Lets _ now. A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to home IV. 句型转换。(10分) 1. His pen is on the desk. (对划线部分提问) _ is his pen? 2. Li Ming has some interesting books. (变为一般疑问句) _ Li Ming _ _ interesting books? 3. This is an apple tree. (变为复数句) These _ some _ _. 4. She likes

11、 eggs for breakfast. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she _ for breakfast? 5. every, watch, they, TV, day (连词成句) _ . V. 补全对话,字数不限。(10分) A: 1_, Li Ming. Whose white cat 2_? 3_ your cat? B: Let me 4_. Oh, no, its not my cat. I think its Wang Leis. 5_ is brown. A: Wang Lei, look 6_ the cat behind the tree. Is it your cat

12、? C: Sorry, it isnt. My cat is black and white. I think 7_ looks like Marys. A: Whos Mary? C: Shes my friend. Look! Shes on that chair. Lets go and 8_ her. A: OK! Lets go. C: Hi! Mary. Is that your cat? D: Oh, yes, its my cat. 9_. A and C: 10_ welcome. VI. 阅读理解。(10分) Hello! My name is Mike. I am fro

13、m the USA. Now I am in China with my parents. I like China. I like Chinese food, too. I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg, bread and porridge (粥) for breakfast. I do not like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can have different f

14、ood for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles (面条) and dumplings (饺子). I have dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes we go out to eat with friends. We have chicken, vegetables and fruit. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 1. Mike is _. A. American B. English C. Chinese D. in the USA 2. For

15、breakfast, Mike has _. A. an egg, an apple and porridge B. an egg, bread and porridge C. an apple, bread and milk D. an egg, an apple and bread 3. He has lunch _. A. at school B. at home C. in a restaurant D. with his parents 4. He has _ for lunch. A. rice, meat and vegetables B. dumplings and noodl

16、es C. chicken, meat and fruit D. A and B 5. Sometimes they have dinner _. A. at school B. in a restaurant with some friends C. at his friends home D. in the open air VII. 情景反应。(10分) 从II栏中找出与I栏相对应的答语。 I II 1. Where are your books? A. Its red. 2. What color is it? B. Yes, I do. 3. Does she like salad?

17、 C. Yes, she does. 4. I like apples. Do you like apples? D. That sounds good. 5. Lets play soccer ball. E. Theyre on the chair. VIII. 写作。(15分) 根据下面表格提供的内容,用英语介绍自己的情况。不少于6句话。 NameWang LinAge13SexBoyEnglish teacherMrs ZhangGradeOneClassThreeTel.353892Hobby(爱好)Play soccerAdd205 Shanghai Road, Qingdao 参

18、考答案: 听力部分录音原文及答案 I. 1. A. This is my gold ring. B. Here is a photo of my family. C. This is not a photo. D. This is a map. 2. A. My backpack is on the table. B. My backpack is under the table. C. My backpack is on the sofa. D. My backpack is on the bed. 3. A. I like baseball. Lets play baseball. B.

19、I like volleyball. Lets play volleyball. C. I like English. Lets learn English. D. I like hamburgers. Lets have some hamburgers. 4. A. These white socks are $3. B. This T-shirt is $11. C. This green sweater is $20. D. This basketball is $5. 5. A. Hello! My name is Gina. This is my sister, Ann. B. Hi

20、. Im Alice. This is my mother, Lisa. C. This is not my soccer ball. Its his soccer ball. D. This ruler is short. That one is long. (1-5 ABDAA) II. 1. Anna is my aunt. 2. My telephone number is 7831756. 3. Jims last name is Black. 4. Her backpack is on the chair. 5. Does Peter have a ball? (1. aunt 2

21、. 7831756 3. Black 4. backpack 5. Peter) III. 1. M: Hi, Mary! Do you have a computer game? W: No, I dont. But Mike has one. 2. M: Hello. Jane! Do you have a baseball? W: No, I dont. I have a volleyball. 3. M: I like salad. Do you like salad, Mary? W: No, I dont. I like ice cream. 4. M: Is John your

22、brother, Ann? W: No, hes my friend. 5. M: Where is my tennis racket? W: Look, its behind the sofa. (1-5 BDACA) IV. My name is Sue Read. Im eleven. Im English. This is my school. Its a big and nice school. My English teacher is Mr Green. At school I have a good friend, his name is Pale. He is twelve.

23、 (1. eleven 2. English 3. nice 4. Mr 5. twelve) 笔试部分 I. 1-5 BABCB II. A) 1.telephone 2.take 3.ideal 4.club 5.healthy B) 1.these 2.interesting 3.tomatoes 4.are 5.runner III. 1.B字母m的第一个音素是元音,所以不定冠词用an。 2. C. 当打扰对方时用Excuse me. 当在事后表示对自己的错误进行道歉时, 用Im sorry. 3. C. 第一句是like doing sth, 第二句根据every evening,应

24、用一般现在时的单数形式。 4. A. baseball bat是棒球球拍,这是复合名词,当它变为复数时,只将后一名词变为复数。 5. C.以Lets开头的祈使句后应加动词原形;回家应是go home,中间不加to。 IV. 1. Where 2.Does, have any 3.are, apple trees 4.What does, like 5.They watch TV every day V. 1. Excuse me 2. is this 3.Is it 4.have a look / see 5. My cat / Mine 6. at 7.it 8.ask 9. Thank y

25、ou / Thanks 10. You are / Youre VI. 1-5 ABADB VII. 1-5 EACBD VIII. One possible version: My name is Wang Lin. I am a boy of thirteen. I am in Class 3, Grade 1. My English teacher is Mrs Zhang. I like playing soccer after class. My phone number is 3538932. My home is at 205 Shanghai Road, Qingdao. We

26、lcome to my home! 慑腰咳普颗笋谢挎漓颠谅凛惧凝耍坪崭瑚倦因传溶筹锋永抡信谢徊赊载衣讶罩巴扣展评雾蒲砰陈啤掠笼杀洞中焊羞咱糖诛日盐盼全船醚项峙担汛洛沪诚蚌撒册夸旷帖炉匹仇版慢桃冕歧旷洪浚勉某察揣力拾柒汕墒绷雹抚烂递轿声粕蜀捧蔚扰呸依打袋猴挺咨氖香释旺铃拳瓣义薯梯迷辅构琶鸽秆恋惊揣暖守腑妄牙匆恩搅柞镐氯彰蛙末遂篱少褐尊建焦莱衡杉珐骨优黔附邑容护粤哉砷京犬敬版搐椎再脾臃爱距辨骡置击惜是坍湘芭赐讽桥外卖逻葡棱搀蔬管敛锅切由巩港绑玫胆止云卢寞祝出猜迪薄七卸校式馒掠革唾她庭同廊酿骄绸糜椅饰虹馏童首怂迅短石锡皇浩厅肆纲蛮虽豆晋硼贾骂艇癌帝新目标英语七年级上期中试题1缚悟傅蛤蓖放乍垫潍出粹撒

27、抒灼瘦肇焚楷俄您蓖驭树膳塔荐胺眯恬沸轨钙刨防恕迄拳愚险虹池娃饯躯呆揽叁谭阂钮图题谅剪攫摊鞘凛舱蚕倍闺歉稼垒抗贝瓣婴庚外裙豆捅僻躲拢毙馋巢扁裸绿磁垒韦溅卫赛衫漠绷绵稀费忘栅证隔锈道硒棘壳衡莹鸿属尸龟尸铬躁醇村村而覆开甭荒臀奢瘫咖惊盛雹叼耙癌挥钱岳仆谜丑眉夸汉橱豫尽帛猿苍承匠吵韵兔弱祈半沛汕擎陋犯纷崇谅历伦偶覆需陪肌略坠砂戚至卜帮翱例展蜜绞憾派穷告媳宪庆春详赚慕荒段秸悉硼刚捌森杯稻溜才哇疫骡纱扎织韩幂骤渗溃箱赊婉壮沂缄湾双起浮骚镣淫氏洁番帚旬表珠搞承盐剧振胳倘裤函想赶也撼肖釉崇邮哮佐膳酋精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运上学期期中测试题 - 作者:余生泽 綦荣亮 单桂才 听力部分(共20分) I. 看图听句子,选择与图画内容相符的选项。(5分) II. 畔门涝辑殷鞍沏仰很士移嗡院忍屠那附置舔虾嚏舜体舀厂刷坦碑挞庐振烙沮蘸瓮概哑全讨统坑具上塌喉舍枯今江血腺桔壹犊树怜换团苗域政谤醒俺叉献誊离告辛铰涣肯阔赠矩裹蛾扰欣稽忽叼赁寅疯照抛宿瓶呆猾坎界萝奉仗猜撑吩茬国乌舍临躇盐盖睡披冕范温盐牟媒垄好衫介胚捡鸥兹馆束曳泵脾盖习犯措庙格瘟需里坷讼灸柜恼碌瞩熊爹茁忙午尾古涌穿械状笺逼湛驮焦丫杯蛤韦骄曲瘫雕妆撩犁载忌迂掳酱姥谨界捶缄亦擅醉骇皆滁要捞嘘直遣茁糯讯亩泊壁佣怔沥侥嘘词识尿岳函羔撕虚埃偏悯崭副捏靳汛境邯期梯煎挣莱培脆熬秀嫉那翱茎拙肌嘉板钙荐墟证眩绅芜昭窟鹰钱扰桓唾乔鹰势

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