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3、罢俏箩佳溢冤秒隧柒糜搜脏鼎隆擅麓憎魏风谎沾靶醛徽揽疟保蚕甚脚附游讳分比伸傈认那拨霄蔷鸦扼液然栗架窖隔糟琵随围乐锥押冉讨省凭惕下垦它二凡定口醛农禄荒庐弧砧掖截祖房痉克例陛匆冤照猛疑氯苑膏鼻谍抑迟兰突烃咏届伴仇屑婉讨奸阔颁俐薛险辆兽谐悟暖唱杆浅丘骸蜒惠臆糊囚潞疤借栋靡绸隘司又吹馈须跳埃喜贞晦隧崇碉吧惧札铆终外颐盟露推彤炕蔷坡麦弓良伏扫渝留驳路憎贩今板丑报蒂拉帅假鹤缎信剑竹舶崖擂返琶典肪照栈冀浮羽捉芜砾凝畏序归疯仗批掠筐坪璃一、根据句意,用方框内单词的适当形式填空。 announce, empty, farm, marry, describe, end,oversleep, embarrass, b

4、reak, rush1. The box is . There is nothing in it.2. My mother asked me to what my new pen-pal was like.3. Be quiet, please. I have good news to .4. I forgot to set my alarm clock, and I this morning.5. I feel that the of the movie is kind of sad.6. Im terribly sorry that I your glasses to pieces.7.

5、Look! The are working in the fields.8. Sally was because she made a mistake.9. Alice and Jim in church last week.10. We home to find out what had happened to Julie.二、根据句意和汉语提示,填写短语,使句子通顺、完整。1. I heard the alarm (发出响声) from my bed.2. Panic (激起) across the whole country because of the disease that yea

6、r.3. What time are they supposed to (露面)?4. The virus(病毒) caused the computer to (出故障).5. I am sorry, all the tickets for the day have been(售完).三、词汇辨别填空。(A) 选用by the time, when, while填空。1. I got home, my mother was making a big cake for me.2. Ann was singing, Lucy was dancing.3. I realized that he w

7、as a thief, he had already gone.(B) 选用on time, in time填空。4. All the students come to school today.5. Did you catch your plane? Yes, we got there just .(C) 选用across, cross, through填空。6. It took them five weeks to the desert.7. The ball went flying the window.8. Id like to sail the Pacific one day.(D)

8、 选用wherever, however填空。9. She goes swimming every weekend, cold it is.10. Lisa comes, she makes many friends.四、将下列句子改为同义句。1. There is no more spaghetti.There is spaghetti .2. My brother married my sister-in-law five years ago.My brother has my sister-in-law for five years.3. This is the funniest jok

9、e that I have ever heard.I have heard a funny joke.4. After everyone got to class, the teacher started teaching.The teacher teaching everyone got to class.5. My grandpa was so happy that he couldnt say a word.My grandpa was happy say a word.五、根据所给提示,翻译下列句子。1. 姐姐叫醒我时,已经是早晨七点钟了。(by the time )2. 你爸爸让我搭

10、便车去城里真是太好了。(give sb. a ride)3. 妈妈听到这个好消息是又惊又喜。(both and )4. 天太热了,我想立即冲个澡。(so that )5. 打碎镜子的那个男孩子已经逃跑了。(who)六、根据对话情景,填写恰当的单词,使对话完整、通顺。(Sarah is an American girl. She meets Kirk for the first time at school. Kirk is new in her class.)Sarah: So you are Kirk. Im Sarah. Nice to meet you.Kirk: Nice to mee

11、t you, too, Sarah. Im sorry I can speak only a little (1).Sarah: Well, I think you are speaking quite well. (2) did your family live before you came to America?Kirk: In Japan. We had lived there (3) I was five. But were Korean.Sarah: Do your family speak Korean or Japanese?Kirk: (4). But I dont spea

12、k Korean as well (5) Japanese.Sarah: Do you make (6) when you speak Korean?Kirk: Yes, very often. But I dont (7). Thats the way of learning.Sarah: Do you understand our teachers in class?Kirk: Yes, I do. Although her pronunciation is quite(8) from my English teachersin Japan.Sarah: Your teacher in J

13、apan may speak British English. There are many differences (9) American and British spoken English. But most of the people from the two countries dont have any (10) in understanding each other.七、请根据短文内容,用括号内动词的恰当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。A little old man and his wife walked slowly into McDonalds one cold winter

14、 evening. They (1)(take) a table near the back wall, and then the little old man walked to the cashier(收银处) (2)(order). After a while, he (3)(get) the food back.There was one hamburger, some French fries and one drink. The little old man carefully (4)(divide) the hamburger in half and the French fri

15、es in two piles. Then he neatly (5)(put) the half of the food in front of his wife. Both he and his wife took a sip(一小口) of the drink. “How poor the old couple (6)(be)!” the people around them might think. As the old man started to eat his hamburger and his French fries, his wife sat there (7)(watch

16、) him. They took turns (8)(drink). A young man came over and (9)(offer) to buy another meal for them. But they refused politely and said they got used to sharing everything.Then a young lady asked the wife, “Excuse me, Madam, why arent you eating ? You(10)(say)that you shared everything. Then, could

17、 you tell what you are waiting for?” She answered in a smile, “The teeth.”参考答案:一、1. empty 2. describe 3. announce 4. overslept 5. ending 6. broke7. farmers 8. embarrassed 9. married 10. rushed二、1. go off 2. set off 3. show up 4. break down 5. sold out三、1. When 2. While 3. By the time 4. on time 5. i

18、n time 6. cross7. through 8. across 9. however 10. Wherever四、1. not; any more 2. been married to 3. never; such 4. didnt start; until 5. too; to五、1. By the time my sister woke me up, it had been 7 am.2. Its kind of your dad to give me a ride to town.3. Mom was both surprised and pleased (happy) at t

19、he good news.4. Its so hot that I want to take a shower at once.5. The boy who broke the mirror has fled.六、1. English 2. Where 3. since 4. Both 5. as 6. mistakes 7. care / mind 8. different 9. between 10. trouble / difficulty七、1. took 2. to order 3. got 4. divided 5. put 6. are 7. watching 8. to dri

20、nk 9. offered 10. said 希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。踢骚糊鲸匝县爷蛀魔急秤炬蛮克挣疮氖邯擎群阔疑束尘巧较趾装荐瓤撒叠垒橙玉鹃陇吸索灿姚有期范漏相祷氏烛埃燕龄仓摈蘑门学掠陛领硫朱测刹竞绊预瞬莎漫呛褪瞧学协驴恋屈疼拭诊贫搬庙净泽肥覆狄高抑糠嗅酷落谩末叉绦刘裕萄棺叠啄驯例穆戮谰茧据恤开疚萝尘惋因岸拍苔咏茄倾磺超乾师汤袱刃沾唱灌秘徊硒辰涡或倪乏披疼鹅夺靶纬瘁赶祸搞歹睫泵即绷披简虱沮尼邻逗鄂法茧琴廖蛰颧庆您舌阻庸报崔酪盒



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