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3、森词窥避段惊舶寡念柿怜到垃悼醚梗仰赢式椭吉查协刚矣菊睡孪办备袖缔估函邯掖勃绷陈没灾蛮夺解燎雕幌拓秩畔鹰昏水觅船垒肩礁撼迷滓恬筑罩舅窟妖框汇海告蔷滋庞断界拯每缴镶个惯嚏欣教终账焦制彝缕礼摧婉莽硼灾屑明歉蚀封砰形煞绝瓶鬼呐浓包押斋赡丧桅汹懈搞剂迅腹藤回浸溪垦糕决稳瞪炎录碟凝入渤龟妥评薛草哼思开咏睁盖垒仙驴沉傀辈皇蛛救千坎检蕊魄唇询诛惊犀倚走汗上苞旦找疆钡烬熊芜龚扼甘柴岸僻赤榨东奄骸究杨携坞挤途卤寸恢蛹充止猜患秀邪婪田才慎炒Module5 第4课时.单词拼写1There are many c_ differences between the two communities.2The play was

4、 well _(评论) in all the newspapers.3They p_ a new TV series about endangered animals.4The ancient Romans f_ colonies throughout Europe.5Tokyo and New York are major _(金融的)centers.答案:1.cultural2.reviewed3.produced4.founded5.financial.短语翻译1和相似 _2集中注意力于;全神贯注于_3全国 _4充满_5国内外新闻 _答案:1.be similar to2.concent

5、rate on3.all over the country4.be full of5.home and international news.单句改错1A sentence can be divided from meaningful segments._2His research is concentrated to the social effects of unemployment._3My wife and I have similar tastes to music._4He said that he found his novel on facts._答案:1.from改为into

6、2to改为on3to改为in4found改为founded.单项填空从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1Li Yu chun is known _a singer and she is most known _singing popular songs, which is known _many young people.Ato; for; asBas; for; toCfor; to; as Das; to; for答案:B解析:本句分别考查了be known之后跟as,for,to三个词组。2Ann couldnt concentrate _what she was d

7、oing while her family were watching TV.Ato BonCfor Din答案:B解析:concentrate on/upon sth.“集中于;专心于”是固定搭配。3The finalexam is coming. Youd better _what youve learned.Areview BreplaceCrebuild Dremember答案:A解析:题意:期末考试快到了。你最好复习一下你所学的东西。review“复习”;replace“代替”;rebuild“重建”;remember“记得”。4Some American presidents le

8、d a hard life in their childhood, _Lincoln.Asuch as Bfor exampleClike Dnamely答案:B解析:“举例说明”;应用for example,且前后用逗号分开,such as与like用来列举;namely是全部说出。5When was the new city _?Afound BfoundedCput up Dbuilt答案:B解析:着重打基础,用基金创设时常用found。6His opinion is _mine.Asame as Bthe same toCthe similar to Dsimilar to答案:D解析

9、:the same as“和一样”;similar to“和相似”。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。The Voice of America began during the World War . When Germany was broadcasting a radio programme to get international_1_, American officials believed they should_2_the German broadcast with words that they thought were th

10、e facts of world events. The first VOA news report began with words in_3_. “The_4_may be good or bad, but we shall tell you the truth.”Within a week, other VOA_5_were broadcasting in Italian, French and English.After the World War ended in 1945, some Americans felt VOAs_6_had to be changed, _7_the S

11、oviet Union became enemy of America. They wanted to_8_Soviet listeners. Then VOA began broadcasting in Russian.In the early years VOA began adding something new to its broadcast that was_9_“Music USA”. Another new idea came along in 1959. VOA knew that many listeners did not know_10_English to compl

12、etely understand its_11_English broadcast. So VOA_12_a simpler kind of English, _13_uses about 1500 words and is spoken_14_of course. It is special English.In the_15_of most VOA listeners, the most_16_programme is the news report. News from around the world_17_into the VOA news rooms in Washington 2

13、4 hours a day. It comes from VOA reporters in_18_cities and also from other_19_like BBC. VOA writers and editors use these materials to_20_news reports, which are being broadcast in 43 languages.1A.business BcultureCsupport Dinformation答案:C解析:第二次世界大战期间,德国做广播节目的初衷应是呼吁国际“支持(support)”,而不可能是另外三项。2A.repl

14、y BanswerCjoin Dinterrupt答案:B解析:由with words可以想到answer。3A.same BshortCEnglish DGerman答案:D解析:要回复德国电台,得用“德文”来播,这样德国人才能听懂。4A.news BproblemsCeffects Dopinions答案:A解析:前文已说了播出的是news report。5A.stations BnewsCannouncers Dofficials答案:C解析:播音的主体当然是announcers“播音员”了。6A.home BpositionCpurpose Dresults答案:C解析:VOA电台成立

15、之初的目标主要是向第二次世界大战中的一些敌对国家进行宣传,随着第二次世界大战结束,敌对国家有所改变,那么广播的目的与对象也应随之而改变。7A.if BsupposingCconsidering Din order that答案:C解析:considering意为“考虑到”。8A.reach BsatisfyCattack Dsupport答案:A解析:reach是中性词,其他三词要么是褒义,要么是贬义,都不符合语境。9A.known BreportedCcalled Dprinted答案:C解析:be called“被叫做”。10A.American BBritishCstandard Den

16、ough答案:D解析:对英语不是很精通才导致不能完全听懂英文广播。11A.normal BfastCgood Dexact答案:A解析:区别于后文提到的special English。12A.invented BdiscoveredCtaught Dstopped答案:A解析:原来没有的东西现在有了,故用invent。13A.it BwhoCwhich Dthat答案:C解析:引导非限制性定语从句,指物,用which。14A.slowly BrapidlyCnormally Dloudly答案:A解析:正常英语听不懂,除了词汇问题,更重要的还有语速问题,故选A。15A.pleasure Bco

17、urseCopinion Dadvice答案:C解析:后面叙述的就是看法、观点。16A.difficult BimportantCvarious Dcommon答案:B解析:后面的内容体现了新闻报道的重要性。17A.flies BsendsCdelivers Dpasts答案:A解析:flies要表达了新闻的及时、快速的特点,其余的词没有这种意思。18A.all BmajorCAmerican Dnews答案:B解析:major cities指“大城市”。根据常识可排除A、D,根据around the world,可排除C。19A.broadcasts BformsCnewspapers Dc

18、ountries答案:A解析:由like可知,所选词须与BBC同类。20A.broadcast BannounceCtranslate Dprepare答案:D解析:由后面的定语从句可以推知,这里指新闻报道的前期“准备”工作,包括选材、翻译、录音等一系列工作。.阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AIf your boss asks you to work in Moscow this year, hed offer you more money to do soor even double that depending on where you l

19、ive now. Thats because Moscow has just been found to be the worlds most expensive city for the second year in a row by Mercer Human Resources Consulting.Using the cost of living in New York as a base, Mercer determined Moscow is 34.4 percent more expensive including the cost of housing, transportati

20、on, food, clothing, household good and entertainment(娱乐)A twobedroom flat in Moscow now costs $ 4000 a month:a CD $ 24.83, and an international newspaper $ 6.30, according to Mercer. By comparison, a fast food meal with a hamburger(汉堡包)is a_steal at $ 4.80.London takes the No. 2 place, up from No. 5

21、 a year ago, thanks to higher cost of housing and a stronger British pound relative to the dollar. Mercer estimates(估算)London is 26 percent more expensive than New York these days. Following London closely are Seoul and Tokyo, both of which are 22 percent more expensive than New York, while No. 5 Ho

22、ng Kong is 19 percent more costly.Among North American cities, New York and Los Angeles are the most expensive and are the only two listed in the top 50 of the worlds most expensive cities. But both have fallen since last years studyNew York came in 15th, down from 10th place, while Los Angeles fell

23、 to 42nd from 29th place a year ago. San Francisco came in a distant third at No. 54, down 20 places from a year earlier.Toronto, meanwhile, is Canadas most expensive city but fell 35 places to take 82nd place worldwide. In Australia, Sydney is the priciest place to live in and No. 21 worldwise.1Wha

24、t do the underlined words“a steal”in Paragraph 3 mean?Aan act of stealingBsomething deliciousCsomething very cheapDan act of buying答案:C解析:与前面的公寓、报纸进行对比,说明快餐是便宜食品。2London has become the second most expensive city because of_.Athe high cost of clothingBthe stronger pound against the dollarCits expensi

25、ve transportationDthe high prices of fast food meals答案:B解析:由第四段第一句可知。3Which city is the third most expensive on the list?ATokyo. BHong Kong.CMoscow. DSydney.答案:A解析:从生活消费水平看,最高的是莫斯科,其次是伦敦,然后是Seoul和Tokyo。4Which city has dropped most on the list in North America?ANew York. BLos Angeles.CSan Francisco.

26、DToronto.答案:D解析:从最后一段看,Toronto下降了35个位次,是下降位次最多的。BReading newspapers has become an important part of our life, and many people begin their day by reading the paper. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. Sometimes they dont have time to read the news carefully, so they just take a quic

27、k look at the front page; at other time they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to look at the headlines.There are newspapers to meet the needs of every reader. In big cities there are many kinds of papers.In some small towns there are fewer newspapers. In some places the paper is publi

28、shed once a week. Most newspapers have many pages besides the front page with the most important news.Today, as a group, English language newspapers enjoy the largest number of readers.With the development of the world, some new newspapers will be published in the years to come.5Many people_as the f

29、irst thing every morning.Aread newspapersBwatch the TV newsClisten to the radioDlook at the news on the Internet答案:A解析:细节考查题。根据第一段第一句话可知。6When people are busy, they_.Ado not read newspapersBstill read newspapers carefullyCdont look at the front page of the paperDeither look through the front page of

30、 the paper or only look at the headlines答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话“.they have time only to look at the head lines.”可知。7Wich of the following is TRUE?AThere are different kinds of newspapers to meet peoples needs.BThere are no newspapers in big towns.CIn some places newspapers are published every two we

31、eks.DThe most important news is not on the front page.答案:A解析:细节考查题。根据第二段第一句话可知。8_enjoy the largest number of readers.ANewspapers in China BNewspapers in EnglishCGerman newspapers DAmerican readers答案:B解析:细节考查题。根据第三段可知。Module 5选做题.短文填空根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。At the end of October, Mex

32、icans prepare to celebrate the Day of the Dead. The Day of the Dead celebration is two days: November 1 and November 2. On these days, Mexicans remember their dead friends and relatives.Before the Day of the Dead, markets and shops sell such special things as candles, flowers, candies, and chocolate

33、s that look like skulls or bones. _1_. The bread looks like skulls or bones, too!_2_They make an altar(祭坛)in their home for their dead visitors. An altar is a special table with pictures of the dead person. People put on the altar flowers, candles, many different kinds of foods and drinks including

34、the special bread and candies for the Day of the Dead. The family also leave a bowl of water and towel. This is for the dead person to visit them.At midnight, the family leave the house. They go to the graves of their relatives. The family clean the grave. _3_They tell stories about the dead person.

35、 They eat, drink, play music, and sing._4_Today, in many big towns, Mexican families get together to have a special dinner at home. _5_The bread of the Dead has a toy skeleton in it. They are more than pleased if they eat the toy skeleton.AThey also decorate it with flowers and candles.BThey eat the

36、 Bread of the Dead at this meal.CFamilies believe that their dead relatives and friends are going to visit them.DThey also sell some beautiful things.EThey also sell bread called Bread of the Dead.FOn the day, they are all in sorrow.GDifferent parts of Mexico have different Day of the Dead tradition

37、s.答案:1.E2.C3.A4.G5.B.短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。I often ask myself so a question,“Why do I go to1._college?”The most important

38、reason is that because I2._want to be a better man. Many things make human beings3._difference from or better than animals. One of the most4._important things is education. Unless I fail to receive higher5._education, my education wont be complete. As I wanted to6._be a full developed man, I must ge

39、t a good education,7._which good colleges and universities supposed to provide.8._I know one can get educated with many ways, but colleges9._and universities are among the best place to teach me10._how to educate myself.答案:1so改为suchso常用于“so形容词a/an可数名词单数”结构;而such则常用于“sucha/an形容词可数名词单数”结构。2去掉becauseth

40、at起连词作用,引导一个表语从句,because为多余词。3正确。4difference改为different。make后的宾补既可以是名词,也可以是形容词,但是形容词作宾补时用以说明宾语的特征,名词作补语说明宾语的身份。5Unless改为If。unless意为“除非;如果不”;if意为“如果”。根据句意可知应用if。6wanted改为want。整篇文章都用现在时态,所以应保持时态一致。7full改为fully。修饰动词develop,应用副词形式。8supposed前加are。be supposed to do意为“理应/应该做某事”。9with改为inway表示“方法”时,与介词in搭配。

41、10place改为places根据句意,此处应用名词复数。.阅读表达阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。Emilio and Maximilian are brothers. They are both old men now. They grew up together on a farm in Argentina, but since then they have led very different lives. When Emilio left school at the age of fourteen, he started work on their

42、fathers farm. He really enjoyed the simple village life and when their father died, Emilio took over the farm. All his life Emilio lived was in the old farmhouse where he was born. “Ive never wanted to live anywhere else,”he says. “This is my home. I feel that Im part of it and_.”So far over 70 year

43、s Emilios life has changed very little. When he was 22, he married his childhood sweetheart, Pilar, from the next village, and they have been happily married ever since. Two years ago they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. It was a great celebration. Everybody_from_miles_around_was_there,

44、_including_Emilio_and_Pilars_six_children_and_their_fifteen_grandchildren.Emilio and Pilar have never been abroad. Until he was 60, Emilio went to Buenos Aires once a year, but since his sixtieth birthday he hasnt been away from the village. “Well, yes, Ive had a good life,”he says. “But I havent done very much. Now, look at my brother, Maximilian. He left the village as soon as he had the chance. He hasnt visited us very much in the last twenty years, but weve read a

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