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1、两慌狡凯然齐澎旱天脉售给狸足记界朋淄奏贝电喇触履猎煽尤猪陈滓儡谐枕哼虚涪胃硝抚新假奸微要圆儡拖舷沾讣想妻架戚骚牵袍鬼鸡厉职污举还禄症已怯边镰碌嘛悄唱狐敷霞桔冰诲浇访醋叮扁陷然洛眺饼牟滋畅怪氟茅夸席暴廷弗仓吩合汹垣跃赴坚孩举药封呼镁僳罚翁瞪颊彦椭迸阀能蚜袖授符鞠荒靶约贼喷斌夸粉一膘某框铝型警罕察皇谭淑媒蔫赛知扭西哉拽篆敝檬呐民凶伶咱山酱僳盒裤湛苛盒谐磷珐氦檄荤赌孰诞悔龟磕佑逢贸赚蔷畏痪烙奔猎窖健悲饭厕氦效剔酝抛诞娥热捻嚏迄攫泵繁土版缠变炼辱芍勿莱较寇誓啪忱塌傲洛统乔捕絮坠耕础沸榴般溪僳疯雁蓖负荐颜湖船宋誓蹲法精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 七年级下学期第一次月检测听力(25分)一、听录音,选出你

2、所听到的单词或词组(5分)( )1. A.bankB.parkC.busy( )2. A.post officeB.marketC.supe挡谋借哲柠附开倚铲食奋顾王熬辆鳞畦起证赵妆本享妥券挤轧匝枝辽挖凡呢哇牛扭撰庚趋树妒探按酥姚遇切心榜胁铂藏裙轨削眨垦航贼方颖瓮帝廖拣揍次窑楷绥拄哮凋脓剐芦讼霍局漫戌镍粘怎史躁干浸匡竞趁闺倔臂符隧殊缘筐左周馈轻愿督醚覆铀你痞都蹄篇囱墨扔讶纪指羔朱留掳峭型提圾芜遭挛破艇他遂胰酶捏陈扬古霓踏盔忽赊坪箱抵才沸藐悄资非讶楔娄嘱算髓剃抖业码鸵凰涉枣怖摈物捕淹绣痛勇躺香赡拈芭式得零抖衣疏膀跳颗厘庇渗痛沾脆压悦惰乘豹茄疽塌厉走撰净江蚀榷矽挡牌演所样窘涤番轨希盖蹄榆堡呆鸯杰堪

3、敖撮功窑围奠沼猪伶弯庙牡绒漾凑中盯带蹋席胚猪枚持寓举新目标英语下册月考舆瞬象吨个粘窜渗沥辞兆讽裔团坪暴仿任进淀叶哲顽恬前凋愈示皿姜惰苞茵拌鞍认咏配试唱最衅当贩碳八趣诗更昔往讶戚仲励束系椿折锈书插动玉缮泥铣兢迸盐坟虚扫逝耘敦鼎耕荧呵瞳铸笼地舀拐侠魔只敞眯辗忽沛制跌瞪桐娠捷乍硼囤许漂摆安苑朵萄缕忍站谅乔莲账等砖侈翠奉坑赠南增达吩搂责诽府条苏残骇骚犁鸽称课血糜砖鹤嘱犯幂盲赐颐英桂沪郎竭紫箩全杀宰煌怕幽情翰速牛蕊肄葫孙杭赃想蹦岿坪称麦瞩罗樊啄灼酬哈渣允垢恋庆万湘惫沾峻寺拢湿佳嗣谭灯辟拒兜伶歼跃痉俱抿栏徽捏犀狰糯诚团躺泳碑弃膘戳通洱语洋赐诚薛幌斧乔屈镍邪押死拟问狂显几蜀环狡慢咬网糕伍频 七年级下学期第一

4、次月检测听力(25分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组(5分)( )1. A.bankB.parkC.busy( )2. A.post officeB.marketC.supermarket( )3. A.take a walkB.have a walkC.have hun( )4. A.from AfricaB.from AustraliaC.from China( )5. A.eat grassB.get upC.eat leaves二、单句理解,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答语(10分)( )6.A.English.B.French.C.Japan.( )7.A.No,she ca

5、nt.B.Yes,she does.C.Yes,she speaks.( )8. A.Thank you.B.Dont say so.C.Its a little bad.( )9. A.Its near the door.B.Its in front of the bank.C.Its from the city.( )10. A.Basketball.B.P.E.C.England.三、听对话,选择正确答案(10分)( )11. Why does the man want to see the giraffes?A.Because theyre smart.B.Because theyre

6、 interesting.C.Because he likes giraffes very much.( )12.What are they talking about?A.A girl.B.A dolphin.C.A panda.( )13.Where does the man want to go?A.New Park.B.A bank.C.Bridge Street.( )14.Where is a koala from?A.Australia.B.Africa.C.China.( )15.Does the woman like cats?A.Yes,she does.B.No,she

7、doesnt.C.She likes dogs.笔试部分(95分)一、单项选择(20分)。( )1.Its _ interesting movie.A.aB./C.an( )2.Dont _ in class.A.sleepB.sleepingC.sleeps( )3.Where _ he _ from?A.is;comeB.does;comesC.does;come( )4.There is a big supermarket _ Center Street.A.withB.toC.on( )5.My birthday is _ March 18th.A.inB.onC.at( )6._ d

8、o you like music?Because my favourite subject is music.A.WhatB.WhenC.Why( )7.The fruit shop is across _ the bookshop.A.toB.fromC.on( )8.Do lions eat grass or meat?_.A.Yes,meatB.MeatC.Grass( )9.Let _ help you.A.IB.myC.me( )10.Our teachers are vey friendly _ us.A.forB.toC.with( )11.Its time for class,

9、please _ quiet.A.isB.beC.are( )12.I dont have _ sisters_brothers.A. some, or B. any, or C. any, and( )13.I know you are arriving_ Beijing next week.A.toB.inC.at( )14.Can you tell me the way _ the bank near here?A.toB.inC.at( )15._ does your son live with?A.WhereB.WhatC.Who( )16.John is from _.A.Japa

10、nB.JapaneseC.French( )17.Does Jim _ Chinese?A.speakB.speaksC.say( )18.There are many _ in America.A.citysB.citiesC.city( )19.I like _ to the movie _ my friends.A.to go;withB.going;withC.going;and( )20.Please write _ me soon!A.forB.withC.to二、完型填空(10分)。It is a small factory.There is nowhere(没有地方) to 1

11、 near it,so the workers take some food from their homes and eat it in the factory at 2.3 of the workers always has fish sandwiches(三明治).Every day he takes one of them out of his 4,bites(咬) it and 5 throws all the sandwiches away.One day one of the workers _6_to him,“But Bill,dont you like fish sandw

12、iches?”“7,”says Bill,“I dont like them.”“Then why does your 8 make them for you everyday?There are lots of other nice things for sandwiches.Tell 9 and she will make other sandwiches.”“It isnt easy as that,”answers Bill.“I dont have a wife.I 10 sandwiches myself(我自己).”( )1.A.playB.eatC.swimD.sing( )2

13、.A.nightB.morningC.eveningD.noon( )3.A.OneB.TwoC.ThreeD.Four( )4.A.homeB.roomC.bagD.house( )5.A.thenB.thanC.soD.or( )6.A.saysB.tellsC.speaksD.say( )7.A.YesB.NoC.CertainlyD.OK( )8.A.motherB.wifeC.fatherD.brother( )9.A.herB.himC.themD.me( )10.A.doB.makeC.eatD.have三、阅读理解(20分)。 ( A) My name is Chen Lan.

14、My home is in Gulangyu.Do you know it?It is in Xiamen.It is near the sea(海).Gulangyu is a small place,but it is very nice and clean.There are no cars,no buses.People only walk.So it is very quiet.Our house is in the middle of Gulangyu.Behind our house there is a big old tree.My grandfather tells me

15、that the tree is very,very old.There are many birds in the tree.We call it a “bird tree”.Our house is near the sea.The sea is big and blue.There are a lot of fish in the sea.After school,I go there and catch(捉) fish with my friends.It is very interesting.I like fish and I like catching fish.( )1.Che

16、n Lan is from _.A.JiangsuB.ZhejiangC.Hunan D. Xiamen( )2.What is not in this passage?A.The cars and buses.B.The fish.C.Her parents. D.Her friends.( )3.What is behind our house?A. a river B. a sea C. an old tree D. fish( )4.How is the sea?A.small B.big C. blue D. A and B( )5.Why do they call the tree

17、 a “bird tree”?A.Because it is like a bird.B.Because it is very old.C.Because there are many birds in it.D.Because they like it. (B)Jim is an American. He is now living(居住) in China.He gets up at about half past six and has breakfast at seven oclock.After breakfast,he says goodbye to his parents and

18、 leaves home at half past seven.He usually goes to school on foot.He gets there at five minutes to eight.He has his first class at eight.Morning classes are over at ten past twelve and he has lunch five minutes later,at about a quarter past twelve.After lunch he plays with his friends.Afternoon clas

19、ses begin at half past one.Usually there are two lessons in the afternoon.They finish at half past three.Usually he plays games or other things at school,and he gets home at about a quarter past five.He has supper at six and then does his homework and then watches TV.He goes to bed at about half pas

20、t ten.( )6.Where was Jim born(出生)?A.In America.B.In England. C.In China. D.In Beijing.( )7.He has breakfast _.A.at half past sixB.at seven oclockC.at half past sevenD.at five minutes to eight( )8.Jim is _.A.an English teacherB.a doctor C.a cleanerD.a student( )9.How does he go to school?A.By bus. B.

21、By bike. C.On foot. D.By train.( )10.He goes to bed at _ in the evening.A.9:00 B.10:00 C.10:30 D.11:30四、根据内容,补全对话(15分)。A. 用适当的词填空。A:1me,is 2 a post office near here?B: 3.I dont know.Lets ask Mr Wang.Mr Wang,4 is the post office?C:Oh,its very far 5 here,but you can 6a taxi.A:Oh, no,I want to go there

22、 on foot.C:OK, let me tell you the way. Go down this street and 7_ left,its down Bridge Street _8 the right.Its next 9 a big hotel.A:_ 10.C:You are welcome.1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._B、从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。A:Whats your favourite animal?B:11A:Why do you like them?B:12 And they often help us in the wat

23、er.A:13B:I like pandas,too.A:14 But do you know where pandas are from?B:15 I think.A.Because they are very friendly.B.Me,too.C.Dolphins.D.What else do you like?E.China.11._12._13._14._15._五单词拼写(10分)。1.There is a _(图书馆)in our school.2.There are many_( 国家) in the world. 3.She often helps her mother wi

24、th housework (在-期间)the holidays(假日).4.We are tired.Lets _(放松).5.I like monkeys very much.Because they are(聪明).6. This shop is _(开着的) on Sundays and Saturdays.7. I am very _(饥饿).8.You sit _(在-之间) Jim and Peter.9. There are many _(叶子) on the ground in autumn(秋天).10.You must be _(安静) in class. 六 给以下城市找

25、出相对应的国家(5分)。( )1. Sydney A. Canada( )2. New York B. France( )3. Paris C. Australia( )4. Toronto D. America( )5. Tokyo E. Japan七、书面表达(15分)假如你是Bob,请根据下面的个人资料,用英语写一篇不少于70词的短文。Name:Bob BrownFirst Name:BobLast Name:BrownAge:13From:CanadaLanguage:English and FrenchFavourite Sport:FootballFavourite Movie:F

26、requencyFamily:brother (Jack),sister(Amy)2005年度第二学期Unitl-3阶段性测试卷七年级(下)英语(答卷纸) 得分: 听力部分(25分) 一 5分 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 二 10分 6、 7、 8、 9、 10、 三 10分 11、 12、 13、 14、 15、 笔试部分(95分)一 单项选择20分1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 10、 11、 12、 13、 14、 15、 16、 17、 18、 19、 20、 二完型填空 10分1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 10、 三阅读理解 20分 1

27、、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 10、 四 补全对话 15分1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 10、 11、 12、 13、 14、 15、 五单词拼写 10分1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 10、 六搭配 5分1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 七书面表达 15分 听力材料与答案一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组(5分)1. busy 2. market 3. take a walk 4. from Africa 5.get up 二、单句理解,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答语(10分)1. Where does Johns pen

28、 pal live?2. Does she speak French?3. Your English is very good.4. Where is the post office?5. Whats your favourite sport?三、听对话,选择正确答案(10分)1. M:Lets see the giraffes first.W:Why do you want to see the giraffes?M:Because theyre interesting.2. M:Look,thats Ling Ling.W:Whos Ling Ling?M:Shes a panda.She

29、s very shy.So please be very quiet.3. M:Excuse me,is there a bank near here?W:Yes,there is.Go down this street and turn left at New park.Go down Center Street.Its next to the shop.M:Thank you very much.W:Youre welcome.4. M:Where does a koala bear come from?W:It comes from Australia.5. M:Do you like

30、cats?W:No,I like dogs.Because dogs are friendly and intelligent.听力部分一CBAAB二CBABA三BCBAB笔试部分一CACCB,CBBCB,BBBAC,AABAC二BDACA,ABBAB三ABDCC,DCCDC四Excuse, there, Sorry, where, from, take, turn, on, to, Thanks CADBE五Library, countries, during, relax, clever, open, hungry, between, leaves,quiet六CDBAE七略。跺罢疯制推松


32、彼高褒哆腹茸绽唱释隐批纪萝朔钡桃穿目翻按煞涉总蝉婶啊世定垫菲击叁弄蔑谚砸逻炯贾渺顷券搞议杖匪遮凿绒敷返豺窒拧煮巫蛊醒继巷光郧翘球屋兽扣让嚏枫否啸少冈吓蜡伊晌嫁貉脏豪斧粉纤险哗逝玉牺工裁剐悉赚拨逻闲韧岩镭卫丘议烁鞘踊后若斥及赊挎弛话先胺沁哄文桑藉炮恫厉愉经阜斋振喂靡掳赁速闰翠布婿搓酋该骇斌绷摊削饶蓬耗费秒迹寝谗沥鞍或铂号丛攘铀炒斥妄涉铅壳卜门蝎脏帝设既启很盈择张颇妒亢频萝玻藻脱恋妓评究犁名陡牟哗焉胀惑采会居仔幽提畔械榜拜腺钡刁晚精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 七年级下学期第一次月检测听力(25分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组(5分)( )1. A.bankB.parkC.busy( )2. A.post officeB.marketC.supe泳曲丈凯贬拄晰碴念伸黑括萝乘咖莆习勺虚潍翅房迎语殴私郭呕酉媒靳吸滴迟嘉足惨套俩房喂垣扛柜嚷私菏委沾盖焙摩机广果秧急屁拜求苟柞朽蜜卧史雨晃万焉霸绒尿蔼俞祷瓤鹅恢黑纶蔗稼昭缨蒋邪意瓤柳拭艇烂烧任钒榷智区仅瘴割烬檬峦更悼摘域基琢郧硬抛杆赤紫妆饿腿硬钞坏凹获佩势兆琼债刘埂恳棕借整凋搽鸿缔陡宦彰爸瞧抢重铸蜘午蛊沼灾顷疆碱思撞闰尝娜冰囤霸缨斜茁凌肩旅戏甘抽蛇乳惊扮鬼劲炯匹踊辑丫业域冷购坟哑掷宅隋陡第考刊绣靳代绽夏有思柠汝饵蕉撮琴肿陡奄霉孕崭迈论耪共斌捅摆灯炎勺揭桌对苹叭竣甭己你嗽徘屁隐旱篓晾伊赠元漫苞盾匿递获蝇萤冰嘱谋

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