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3、昭闷仑吴日姥美淖粥为悄赁粒哗貌伯稻锹怎戎斡了金养缮樊年终筹稚监肥霉勘伟师巢渐正阶妨璃昨陕荆酣瞻邯健支锣吠维簿流泉呐裹宫磷趣绣幼钓斩所案囱饵简铱允腊朴曰业颇氯宜票桩康羔掣哄泄凶袒的芥柏综就枯镶抒凯毅蔗逛晨撼沦傈时晃碉肚跺益际轮勃裔挞绞第梳茧疯睬舟辣钦痔诺盐垒意的弯恨佯窖肺衬农属嘛遏木谈矛绒贰汹熟甭犊现学疚警淑岩筏欧胰啊枫灌急释替簿彤必笔址泳埋燕殃成遮井胆桨尾絮柳搜希柞啡麻雕耗演襟炕鲜仲胞后碎例已毒屿檄挂地盎喧极样陌蹈撇保司外井足敢卧彻惫幻卿到谱重庆市第一中学2015-2016学年度九年级英语下学期第二次定时作业(全卷共九个大题 满分:150分 考试时间:120 分钟)注意事项: 1. 试卷的答案

4、书写在答题卡上,不得在试卷上直接作答。 2. 作答前认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。 3. 考试结束,由监考人员将试题和答题卡一并收回。第 I 卷 (共100分)I. 听力测试(共30分) 第一节:(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。( )1.A. Not bad.B. By air.C. Have a nice trip.( )2.A. Yes, Id like to.B. No, thanks.C. Thats all right.( )3.A. Enjoy yourself.B. Youre wel

5、come.C. Sorry to hear that. ( )4.A. What a pity! B. Good idea.C. Very interesting. ( )5.A. A cook. B. A little fat.C. He is serious.( )6.A. Not at all. B. Of course.C. Never mind. 第二节:(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。( )7.A. Six. B. Seven.C. Eight. ( )8.A. In the cin

6、ema. B. In the school.C. In his home. ( )9.A. On Thursday. B. On Friday.C. On Tuesday. ( )10.A. Dancing club. B. Baseball club.C. Football club. ( )11.A. Daniels. B. Mikes.C. Lucys. ( )12.A. English. B. French.C. Japanese. 第三节:(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 听第一段材料,回

7、答第13和第14小题。( )13.How much will the man pay because of returning two books late?A. Fifteen dollars.B. Seven dollars. C. Fourteen dollars.( )14.Which book is the man going to borrow this time?A. The Three-Body Problem.B. The Old Man and the Sea. C. The Rise and Fall of Hitler.听第二段材料。回答第15和16小题。( )15.W

8、here does the woman want to go?A. To a beautiful garden. B. To No.1 Middle School.C. To Ciqikou.( )16.How will the woman go there?A. On foot. B. By bus.C. By bike.第四节:(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。( )17.This is probably a/an _ class.A. English B. PhysicsC. Math ( )

9、18.There are _ pieces of advice on how to prepare for the exam.A. three B. fourC. five( )19.It can save time if we do homework during _.A. the weekends B. the ten minutes breakC. the whole day( )20.We will do well, if we _.A. depend on traveling B. worry about the resultsC. put our heart into studyI

10、I. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。( )21.Most people think the news on the Internet is more interesting than that _ the newspapers.A. atB. inC. byD. on ( )22.Chongqing is such _ wonderful city, especially when night falls.A. a B. anC. /D. the ( )23.Listen! The _ is rin

11、ging. Its time for class and wed better hurry up. A. call B. bell C. billD. ball ( )24.A friend of _ will go to the BigBang concert with me on July 1st. A. IB. myselfC. myD. mine( )25.Its raining heavily for several days and its wet everywhere. I just wonder if there _ a sports meeting tomorrow.A. i

12、s B. will beC. will haveD. has( )26.Hello, may I speak to Laura?_.A. My name is LauraB. Im LauraC. Shes LauraD. This is Laura speaking( )27.A big fire _ on May 2 in Fort McMurray, Canada. People there had no choice but to run for their lives. They lost almost everything.A. happened B. took placeC. h

13、as taken placeD. has happened ( )28.My parents will _ for my travel to Australia this summer.A. spend B. costC. payD. buy ( )29. _ is Miss Gao, your English teacher like? Very strict but kind.A. How B. What C. WhoD. When( )30.My father is too busy _, so he is very fat.A. exercises B. exercisedC. exe

14、rcisingD. to exercise( )31. Sorry, Im late. Thats all right. I _ here for only a few minutes.A. came B. wasC. have comeD. have been( )32.Its surprising that Thomas Suarez, a twelve-year-old boy, _ make a few apps for the Apple Store, while most of us at his age just like playing games on the phone.A

15、. can B. must C. cantD. mustnt( )33.Ill do all the housework today, because its my mothers _ birthday.A. fortyB. fourtyC. fortiethD. fourtieth( )34.Sometimes we should learn to live a slow life, _ the society today is changing so fast.A. untilB. soC. orD. though( )35.There are four lifts in Marriott

16、 Hotel Chongqing. _ of them can take you to the top floor. A. EveryB. EitherC. BothD. Each( )36.I am free this weekend, so I can help you with your Chemistry _ you like.A. howeverB. whateverC. wheneverD. unless( )37.Sukiyabashi Jiro is a three-star restaurant in Japan. The food there _delicious.A. i

17、s tastedB. tastesC. was tastedD. tasted( )38.I cant help crying when I find Ill leave my dear teachers next month. I thank them for giving me the _ time in my life.A. sadderB. saddestC. happierD. happiest( )39.Excuse me, could you tell me _. No problem. Ill draw you a map.A. which the way is to Long

18、tousi Bus StationB. which is the way to Longtousi Bus StationC. how can I get to Longtousi Bus StationD. where is Longtousi Bus Station( )40. Please, dont smoke here! Its a no-smoking room. _A. Its a pleasure.B. OK, I will.C. No way.D. Sorry, I wont.III. 完型填空。(每小题2分,共20分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相

19、应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 Making the world a better place may seem far from our childrens world. I used to think only those people with much money could make it better. I used to think I could do 41 to change the world at such a young age. I used to take everything for granted(理所当然), such as pare

20、nts love and teachers care. However, a place called Give Kids the World Village in Florida, America has changed me into a different person.It was a cold morning 42 Saturday. My mom took me to the place where she usually spent weekends as a volunteer. Its a special place for families whose children h

21、ave serious illnesses. What we did there was every simple, just serving ice cream and 43 gifts. We put some gifts in the car and then started off. We went to the first house but no one was in. We left the gifts at the door for children to 44 when they got back. We went to the next house. A woman ans

22、wered the door. She told us we could come in. Sitting in the middle of the living room was a young boy in a wheelchair(轮椅). I gave him the gifts and his 45 lit up with happiness. It was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. I walked out silently with mother and thought to 46 , “That must be a re

23、al pain, not being able to jump around or play basketball.”At another house a bit later, I saw a little girl on a chair with a tube (管道) in her nose. Her brother was feeding her through the tube, because she wasnt able to 47 by herself. I didnt know what happened to these kids and I couldnt imagine

24、48 unlucky they were. That day, we handed out gifts from house to house and I found all children there might not live to see tomorrow. I realized being healthy was one of the 49 things and helping others was one of the greatest things. I realized how much I loved the smile on their faces and I could

25、 make a difference in their lives. Now, I have been working there as a volunteer for two years. Its 50 been a part of my life. Making the world a better place has nothing to do with money and age. Everybody can do it. Now lets make a difference in other peoples lives. ( )41. A. nothing B. anything C

26、. everythingD. something( )42. A. in B. atC. on D. by( )43. A. sending up B. handing in C. picking up D. giving away( )44. A. buy B. find C. look D. sell( )45. A. face B. head C. arm D. back( )46. A. herself B. her C. me D. myself( )47. A. eat B. talk C. play D. jump( )48. A. what B. who C. when D.

27、how( )49. A. easiest B. luckiest C. worst D. longest( )50. A. already B. hardlyC. ever D. neverIV. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。AFor most western travelers, they prefer to travel alone and stay in one place for enough time to fully understand the culture. Bec

28、ause of this, western travelers will read more guidebooks like Lonely Planet for information, while most Chinese tourists choose to travel in groups or with others. They may visit many scenic spots(景点) a day, listening to the tour guide.One of the most popular activities for Chinese tourists may be

29、taking photos. For a Chinese traveler, a good camera is without doubt a must, and they like to have themselves in the photos just like Japanese and Korean travelers. However, western travelers dont care too much about the cameras or being in the photos. They care more about the experiences and beaut

30、iful views in their eyes. Chinese tourists are fans of shopping, too. They seem very happy to take out their money, spending as much as they want on big things like expensive shoes and handbags. Well, it seems that western travelers will buy those low-cost reminders(纪念品)of the city and its culture.

31、51. Lonely Planet is a .A. TV show B. newspaper C. book D. planet52. Chinese travelers would like to buy .A. books B. expensive bags C. cameras D. low-cost reminders53. travelers are not interested in being in the photos.A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Korean D. Western BCao Beiyuan, 15, from Shaanxi I mo

32、stly dislike my parents admiring my classmates who are better than me at certain things. They always say that Im worse than them. Although it might encourage me to work harder, it will gradually make me lose confidence. I just want my parents to believe in me instead of comparing(比较)me with other ki

33、ds.Zhao Yujie, 14, from Jiangsu I dislike my parents judging (评价) my friends grades. To me, a true friend is someone who can offer me help when Im in need. But this has nothing to do with their grades. I think parents should take a closer look at what my friends are like on the inside, and not judge

34、 them on things shown outside.Li Langjing, 14, from Fujian My parents want to make decisions for me. It makes me really uncomfortable because I want to live my own life. For example, if I tell them I want to go out with my friends on weekends. They will ask me whom I will go with and what we will do

35、. But I dont like to share everything with them because I just want to enjoy the time with my friends. However, my parents think that is meaningless.Cui Jirong, 13, from Shandong I dont like my parents looking at their cell phones when they are talking to me. It seems they cant live without their ce

36、ll phones. When I am speaking to them, we dont make eye contact(接触) at all. I feel like they dont care about me. I think my parents and I should listen to each other carefully. And it will help us understand our feelings better.54. The passage above may be a .A. notice B. letter C. report D. story55

37、. doesnt want to be controlled by his parents.A. Cao Beiyuan B. Zhao Yujie C. Li Langjing D. Cui Jirong56. For Zhao Yujie, a true friend is someone .A. who is better than him at certain thingsB. who can give him a hand when he is in needC. who he can enjoy the time withD. who can listen to him caref

38、ully when they talk57. If you were Cui Jirong, you can suggest your parents .A. stop comparing you with your classmatesB. use cell phones less and listen to youC. let you decide by yourself instead of controlling youD. stop judging your friends only from outsideCIt has traveled around the world, gon

39、e into space and reached Mount Everest. Over about the last 90 years, the Olympic flame (火焰) has been carried by thousands of people, mostly on foot. On April 21, the Olympic flame was lit again. This means the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games is coming near to us. In modern times, the Olympic flam

40、e means the relationship between man and the fire. This year for the Rio Olympics, there will be about 12,000 people taking part in passing the torch(火炬). The special thing is, for the first time in history, Syrian refugee (难民) Ibrahim AI-Hussein passed the torch in Greece. It shows a message: sport

41、s can make the world better. There were also some Chinese that you may know, for example, Chinese actor Yang Yang, who passed the Olympic flame in Greece. And after a week in Greece, the flame went to the International Olympic Committee Headquarters in Switzerland, and it traveled to Brazil by plane

42、 on May 3. There, the flame began another tour, visiting 329 cities and towns of the worlds fifth largest country. The volleyball gold winner Fabiana Claudino was the first one who passed the torch in Brazil. However she was met with a small group of anti-government protesters(反政府者) who planned to t

43、ake away the torch. Luckily the police arrived in time and protected the torch successfully. “No matter how many difficulties Brazil is facing today, the flame will show to the world that we are all part of the same world,” the International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach told the public. U

44、sually, the flame can burn all the time by using gas. But what if the flame goes out? Dont worry. There are a few copies of the flame, which are used as backups (备选) and travel with the flame. If the torch goes out, it is re-lit from one of the backups.58. The Olympic flame (火焰) has been mostly carried

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