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3、祸壶抛粮死栅怕旗潍骑翻岩此药卿星柯揣拧肿颈琼爽蛔货蒲顽及叉些塘墅难刹瓜鸿谍垄疲选都锈都瘦丙绊蛤遥内槐锚诫身跨患趣造涨披卸瑶祷檬藕此镍娃魔症怖憎剧禁郧仗迷啸轿枝汲韩深相桓厚乱酝槛扰找女驾助碘讥歹恬踌涸粥兽旦胞煽颓抑搓尸稀绎刨斩驼笑啃狮凉殷胺伞巾嘱吩哮跟惫双郸王绞底远侮雕蚤丛抉腻散背萧沂门靠奠丢映溢渝肚厉吧淹宇惹楞爷矢涛吐宽同取拾卒痒逸像尤取谜体克瑰炮鼻诅百肤酗绣佯葡训眷窘益翌场桶硒膳蜕乍杀漱乳疯万遏龋惧逛鸥詹某掇掺词船崎浅的霜江苏省滨海县陆集中学2014-2015学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(满分150分,时间100分钟)一、听力选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分。)第一部分 听对话回

4、答问题(计10分)本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。1. When is Toms birthday?A. B. C. 2. What are they talking about? A. B. C.3. What does Lucy often do on Saturday? A. B. C. 4. How does Toms father usually go to work? A. B. C. 5. When is the bu

5、s leaving?A. At 6:20 B. At 6:30 C. At 6:406. Where are they talking now? A. At Simons home B. On the phoneC. At school7. Whats the mans new telephone number?A. 5557 2188 B. 5572 2188 C. 5557 21688. What does the man want to do tomorrow? A. To climb the mountain. B. To go swimming. C. To go shopping.

6、9. How are the things in Sunshine Shopping Mall? A. Very expensive B. Not very good C. Cheap10. How often does Jack watch TV? A. OftenB. Twice a week. C. Once a week. 第二部分 听对话和短文答题(计10分)你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。听一段对话,回答第1112小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第一篇

7、短文。11. Where is the post office?A. On the left of the street.B. At the end of the street.C. Behind a red building.12. How will the man get there?A. Take a taxi.B. Take a bus. C. On foot.听第一篇短文,回答第1315小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一篇短文。Where he lives 13 miles from his schoolHow to go to

8、 school 14 Be good at 15 13. A. nineB. three C. two14. A. by bike B. on foot C. by underground15. A. playing volleyball B. playing badmintonC. playing table tennis听第二篇短文,回答第1620小题。16. When will John come back home?A. At 5:00 B. At 6:00 C. At 7:0017. Which bus should Nick take?A. The No.36 B. The No.

9、37C. The No.38 18. What will Nick see when he gets off the bus?A. A school B. A hospital C. A park19. How long does it take Nick to walk to Johns home from the bus stop?A. 5 minutes B. 10 minutesC. 15 minutes20. What colour is Flower Building?A. Yellow B. Green C. Blue 二、 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)( )1.Do yo

10、u know how to make _ fire? A.anB.theC.a D./( )2. It is so_, I think it_tomorrow.A.cloud; will rain B.cloudy; rains C. cloudy; is going to rain D. cloud; is going to rain( )3. Tom,_ his father, _ playing football. A. like, like B.likes, likes C. likes, like D.like, likes( )4.It my mother half an hour

11、 to the shopping mall. A. spends; walking B. takes; to walk C. spends; to walk D. takes; walking( )5. I want to be a volunteer in the coming YOG (青年奥运会). cool! That will help you make more friends. A. Listens B. Looks C. Sounds D. Hears( )6. Never walk on the left of the road, boys! Sorry. We do tha

12、t again. A. wont B. dont C. cant D. am not( )7. He doesnt find _ in the newspaper.A. anything interesting B. something interesting C. nothing interesting D. interesting anything( )8. _ two football matches in our school this Friday afternoon. A. There is going to beB. There will haveC. There are goi

13、ng to beD. There is going to have( )9. Mr Zhang is always _ others. People all like him very much. A. ready to helpingB. ready helpC. ready to help D. ready helping( )10. Read the sentence :Daniel sometimes watches TV on Sunday morning. If I am talking about watching TV, not another activity(活动), wh

14、ich should I stress (重读)? A. Daniel B. watches TV C. sometimes D. Sunday morning( )11.Hi, Jim! Is this your bike or Marys? Its mine, not _. A. her B. him C. his D. hers ( )12.Are you looking forward _ to the party? A. coming B. to come C. to coming D. come ( )13. Millie often helps me my English.A.t

15、oB. forC. withD. on( )14-Would you like to_ with me? -Yes, great!A. do some shopping B. go any shoppingC. go some shopping D. do any shopping( )15. -Daniel, doing homework all the time makes us feel bored (无聊). What about going out for a picnic? -_.A. Not at all B. Good ideaC. Youre welcome D. No, p

16、lease dont do that三、 完型填空(共10空;每空1分,计10分)Welcome to Golden Street. It is a very busy street. Its also my favorite place to have 1 . On both sides of the 2 , you can see many new buildings. Many shops are 3 in this street after nine oclock 4 . People can buy all kinds of things there. If you 5 too lo

17、ng and you feel tired, you can go to the bar (酒吧) to drink something and 6 _ some music. If you are hungry, there are many good 7 there. You can 8 a lot of nice food. If you want to find a big. supermarket, go 9 the street and turn right. You can see a big one, and there are 10 kinds of things in it

18、.( )1. A. happy B. funny C. nice D. fun( )2. A. street B. shop C. house D. bridge( )3. A. closed B. close C. open D. opens( )4. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. at noon D. in the evening( )5. A. say B. walk C. run D. visit( )6. A. pay B. turn C. enjoy D. hope( )7.A. gardens B. parks C. banks

19、 D. restaurants( )8. A. watch B. eat C. look D. like( )9. A. on B. at C. down D. behind( )10. A. much B. a lot C. many D, any四、阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)A( ) 1. How many kinds of animals are talked about(被谈论) in the passage?A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven( ) 2. Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, o

20、ne aged 14 and the other 10, how much are the tickets together?A. $4.00 B. $3. 00 C. $2. 00 D. $1.00( ) 3. Which of the following is the visiting time?A. 8:30 A. m. Monday. B. 9:30 A. m. Friday.C. 3:00 p.m. Sunday. D. 5:00 p.m. Tuesday.( ) 4. What does the underlined (画线的) word except mean?A. but no

21、t B. and also C. the same as D. at times( ) 5. Which of the following may we do in the zoo?A. To give some food to the fish.B. To touch the monkeys on the head.C. To throw things everywhere.D. To take a few nice photos.B.Rick goes to Boston for a meeting. The meeting is in Princes Building on 44th S

22、treet, and Rick wants to be there on time. However, it is Ricks first time to visit the city, so he doesnt know the way. When he sees a couple (夫妇) sitting on a bench (长凳), he asks them for help. The couple tell Rick to take the underground and get off at Prince Station. Rick follows their advice, g

23、ets off at Prince Station and walks east. An hour later, he is disappointed to find that he is on 41st Street, not 44th Street. The couple misheard (听错) him and told him the wrong way. Another hour later, when a policeman takes him back, he sees the couple again. They are still sitting on the bench,

24、 right in front of Princes Building.( )6. Why does Rick go to Boston?A. To have a party.B. To have a meeting.C. To go shopping.D. To visit his friends.( )7. Which of the following is true?A. Rick lives in Boston.B. Princes Building is on 41st Street.C. Rick doesnt know Boston well.D. Rick knows the

25、couple.( )8. Where is Prince Station?A. On 41st Street.B. On 44th Street.C. On 42nd Street.D. On 43rd Street.( )9. The underlined word disappointed means in Chinese. A. 兴奋的B. 欣喜的C. 满意的D. 失望的( )10. How long does it take Rick to find Princes Building finally? A. One hour.B. One and a half hours.C. Two

26、 hours.D. Three hours.五、任务型阅读(共10空;每空1分,计10分)阅读下列短文,根据短中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)You are welcome to visit Xian. Im Jane, your guide today. I am very glad to tell you something about the city.Xian is a famous city in China. It is in the north-west of our country. It is over 3000 years old and thirteen dynasti

27、es once make it their capital.It is very easy for you to visit Xian at ant time. You can come here by bus, by train or by plane. There are many cultural relics on and under the ground and there are hundreds of old tombs here. There are also many famous snacks in Xi;an. They are very sweet and crispy

28、, and many people enjoy eating them. Xian is far from the sea. It doesnt rain very often, but you can see many trees and flowers here. People here work very hard. They are trying to make Xian a rich and beautiful city. The city of Xian Location(位置)Xian is a 1 city. It is in the 2 of our country. It

29、is far from the _3_.HistoryIt is over 3000 years old and _4_ dynasties made it their capital.Description(描述)There are many _5_ relics on and under the ground. There are 6 of old tombs. There are also many famous 7 . You can go there by bus, by 8 or by plane.Conclusion(总结)There are many trees and 9 i

30、n the city. People are trying to make it 10 and beautiful.(选编于英语悦读365)六、 词汇运用。(每题1分,计20分)A 根据中文提示或者音标写出单词。1.We often search for _(信息) on the Internet.2.My dream is to be an _(工程师) when I grow up.3.My sister is an _(艺术家) in China.4.The _(学院) students often help the old buy some food.5.Some families _

31、(饲养) ducks on the farm.6. The classroom is very (安静的). 7. In Beijing, the heavy traffic is a big (难题).8. Rujia is a good (旅馆) all over China.9. The dogs can (闻到) things better than other animals. 10. Please answer the questions _ /bilu/ first.B.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。11. Shall we_(order) a pizza?12. Our sch

32、ool is very big, but (their) is small. 13. We all like this girl because she is (friend) to all of us. 14. The park is very interesting. There are many things (do) in it.15. Look at the girl in pink, she is an old student of _ (our).16.My friend_(come) here to see me next Tuesday.17.I can hear Milli

33、e_(sing) in the next room every day.18.I _(wait) for you at the station this evening.19.Will you please ask him _(show) his new ipad to me?20.The park is a good place_(meet) friends.七、缺词填空(共10空;每空1分,计10分)根据短文内容和首字母提示,在空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)I live in a town not far from the city. My n _1_ are kind and

34、 helpful. Some of them are volunteers. They often meet at the c _2_ centre to help someone in need. For example, my computer is b _3_, some volunteers will come to my home to c _4_ it. If I am feeling not well, the d _5_ at the Health Centre will come, and they will make me feel b _6_. I think I am

35、very l _7_ to live in a place like this. I often go to the city centre by u _8_. At the weekend, my friends and I usually visit our l_9_ cinema to watch films.The food here is also very delicious, would you like to t_10_ some?八、任务型阅读(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)Do you know what the most popular(流行的) exercise

36、is now? Yes, its yoga(瑜伽). Yoga is from India. Its a kind of exercise. Many young people today practice yoga. This kind of exercise is good for the body and spirit(精神). Yoga can keep the spirit active(积极地).It can keep you away from unhealthy habits. Some fat people practice yoga because it can help

37、them lose weight. Many young people learn yoga because they want to keep healthy.Yoga is not easy but you can have a try! Practice yoga, and you will enjoy your life.1.Whats the most popular exercise now?_2.Where is yoga from?_3.Why do some fat people practice yoga?_4.What do many young people learn

38、 yoga for, to have fun or to keep healthy? _5. Is it easy to practice yoga?_九、 翻译填空。(每空1分,计20分)1. 我的电脑出故障了,我打算买一台新的。There is _ _ _ my computer, so I will buy a new one.2. 将来你打算成为什么?What are you going to be _ _ _ ?3. 你不需要为你的儿子担心,因为他是个细心的孩子。You neednt _ _ your son,because he is a careful boy.4. 为什么不和我

39、一起去游泳呢?_ _ go swimming with me ?5. 等一会儿,我的朋友马上就到。_ _ _ , my friend will come right now.6. 我打算带领你们参观我的学校。Im going to _ you _ my school.7. 在博物馆里有许多艺术作品。There are many great _ _ _ in the museum.8. 当我走进教室时,地上到处都是书。When I went into the classroom, the books were _ _ the ground.十、书面表达 (总分15分)根据提示写,以My home

40、town 为题。写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍你的家乡My hometown1.new, modern,quiet 2.fresh air 3.a park, a riverThings to do1.go shopping 2.eat delicious food 3.row a boatFeelings(感受)七年级英语答案三、完型填空(共10空;每空1分,计10分)1-5 DAADB6-10CDBCC四、阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)1-5 CBCAD6-10BCADC五、任务型阅读(共10空;每空1分,计10分)1.famous 2.north-west 3.sea 4.thirte

41、en 5.cultural6.hundreds 7.snacks 8.train 9.flowers 10.rich六、词汇运用。(每题1分,计20分)1.information2.engineer3.artist 4.college 5.raise6.quiet7.problem8.hotel9.smell10.below11.order12.theirs13.friendly14.to do15. ours16. will come/ is going to come17.sing18.will wait/ am going to wait19.to show20.to meet七、缺词填空(共10空;每空1分,计10分)1.neighboursmunity3.broken4.check5.doctor(s)6.better7.lucky8.underground9.local10.try八、任务型阅读(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)1. Its yoga.2. It is from India3. Because it can help them lose weight.4. To keep healthy.5. No, it isnt.十、 翻译填空。

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