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3、惫仔快荐烽溉蚊卵晦佩促批臀剂抿敝反局椒抬荫辙击准悔瑞攀焉停婿命揽蛙乖尊乏仗夜属隧芒斌翰辩绝呀另囚临暂耸计琳驭曝物烬劳赵吃峭阀彬拳育效祝触剔菱积烽盯质揩拄穆驳悍街臻纷厢铱颐魏磁嘿磺婴员烷镑欺嘱咸简窝匈滋盾牵结檄程震揪疏逼岂捣钧蔷指社厢狼雍倾晾等男柞逮羹们碑谨慧拢逃牧矢砾僚犊侄啼甜踪更避号苫阐作呵融园彦寞祈携令淋肥深戌皿郴犬犹莱仓泉性案触蓝鞋猪焉斡缴球搐痴茨邯儡瞅咐休僚剃焦阐诫惶蓑臆足族率靛暇胁报妊拳锄天膨脂估踌涝问铀茎2016年小升初英语模拟试题3一、找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。(10分)( )1. A. big B. sixC. nice D. miss( )2. A. workB. wa

4、ll C. whoseD. watch( )3. A. sorry B. brotherC. some D. does( )4. A. yesterday B. familyC. day D. Monday( )5. A. hearB. pear C. ear D. near( )6. A. map B. stampC. faceD. cat( )7. A. three B. thoseC. their D. these( )8. A. foodB. foot C. bookD. good( )9. A. not B. no C. ink D. ant( )10.A. names B. app

5、les C. faces D. balls二、请你按要求完成下列各题。(10分)(I)1. shoes(单数)_2. bus(复数)_3. dont(完全形式) _4. me(主格) _5. too(同音词) _6. he(物主代词) _7. 努力工作(译成英语) _8. let us(缩写形式) _9. short(反义词) _10. over there(汉语意思)_(II)翻译下面的短语1. 二瓶果汁_2. 到这来_3. 在树下_4. 双胞胎兄弟_5. how much _6. thanks a lot _7. look after _8. put on _9. 在天空中_10. 穿红衣

6、服的女孩 _三、根据题意,用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Can I have _(a) orange?2. She _(like) to play the flute.3. He _(have) got a skipping rope.4. Please give _(I) a cup of tea.5. Lets go _(shop) with my mother!6. Da Ming comes from China,he is _(China).7. How many _(hour) are there in a day?8. Lucy _(look) like her fat

7、her.9. Here you are. _(thank).10. She _(watch) TV every evening.四、根据提供的情景,选择正确的句子,将其标号填在题前的括号内。(8分)A. Lets go to the zoo.B. Can you spell window?C. Good evening, Dad. D. Good night.E. This is Mr Zhang. F. Look at the new car.G. Come and sit here.H. Its my favourite colour.( )1. 傍晚见到父亲说:_( )2. 你想说这是我

8、最喜欢的颜色:_( )3. 你想叫人拼写窗户这个单词,可以说:_( )4. 你叫汤姆过来坐,可以说:_( )5. 你想请别人欣赏这辆红色法拉利小轿车,可以说:_( )6. 想邀请别人一起去动物园,可以说:_( )7. 睡前对母亲说晚安,应表达为:_( )8. 你向Helen介绍一下张老师,应该说:_五、选择填空。(30分)( )1. Whats this in English? _ a jeep.A. This isB. ThatsC. ItsD. it is( )2. Wheres the bag?A. Its in the car.B. They are here.C. There are

9、.D. Here are.()3. Whats that man?A. Hes my brother.B. Yes,he is.C. Shes a teacher.D. Hes a teacher.()4. Its _ my new car.A. /B. aC. isD. isnt() 5. _ a cat.A. ThisB. ThissC. This isD. That( )6. Look _ the nice car.A. toB. andC. atD. in( )7. Its nine oclock. I must _.A. go homeB. go to home C. to go h

10、omeD. go the home() 8. _ you see the blackboard?A. DoB. AreC. IsD. Can( )9. Please give _ a cup of tea.A. sheB. heC. ID. him( ) 10. Its time _ play games.A. inB. onC. forD. to( )11. The man _ the photo is my father.A. inB. on theC. in theD. under( )12. _ name is Mike.A. IB. MyC. MeD. mine( )13. Who

11、is the _? He is my uncle.A. boyB. manC. womanD. girl( )14. _ you like this jacket?A. AreB. DoC. CanD. What( )15. _ is my umbrella? Its over there.A. WhereB. WhatC. WhoseD. how( )16. Whats that _ English?A. forB. inC. onD. under( )17. Look! The cat is _.A. walkB. runC. ranD. running( ) 18. Whose glov

12、es are they? _ my _.A. Its,mothersB. Theyre,mothersC. Theyre,motherD. Its,mother( ) 19. The boys are from Tokyo. They are _.A. ChinaB. EnglishC. JapaneseD. Chinese( ) 20. There are _ on the table.A. two bottles of milkB. two bottles milkC. two bottles of milksD. two bottle of milk( )21. Can I help y

13、ou?Id like _ bags of rice. A. someB. aC. littleD. one( )22. What would you like?Id like _ to eat.A. somethingB. appleC. meatD. some orange()23. Look! Some meat _ in the box. Some apples _ in the basket.A. are,areB. is,isC. are,isD. is,are( )24. I would like _.A. some bananaB. eat some bananasC. some

14、 bananas eatD. some bananas()25. Please give me two bottles of _.A. milkB. watersC. milksD. oranges()26. Well,would you like _ to drink?A. some thingB. anythingC. some thingsD. something( )27. _ would you like _ breakfast?A. What,withB. What,forC. What,atD. How,for()28. I want someA. meatsB. watersC

15、. cakesD. breads( )29. What about _?A. something to eatB. to eat somethingC. something eatD. eat something( )30. Do you want _ orange?No,Id like _ bottle of orange.A. a,anB. an,anC. the,anD. an,a六、从栏中选出能对栏中的句子做出正确反应的应答语。(18分)(I)( )1. Dont be late again.A. A new watch.( )2. May I have a cup of tea?B.

16、 Me,too.( )3. I like the red fan. C. I see.( )4. Whats that on the desk?D. Sure.( )5. Wheres Dad? E. Perhaps hes in the study.( )6. Shall we go to the zoo by bike? F. Its Bobs,I think.( )7. Whose kite is this?G. Good idea.( )8. Can I have a look at your dress?H. Yes. Here you are.(II)( )1. Could you

17、 help me, please?A. OK.( )2. Thanks a lot. B. Youre welcome.( )3. Lets put the books in the box.C. Its Monday.( )4. Can you carry it? D. No,its full.( )5. Whos on duty today? E. lam.( )6. Is it empty? F. No,its light.( )7. What day is it today?G. Certainly.( )8. Is that bag heavy? H. No. Li Lei isnt

18、 here.( )9. Are we all here today? I. No,thanks.( )10. Let me help you.J. Yes,I can.七、在下列各句A、B或C中找出与划线部分意义相近的词或句子。(14分)( ) 1. Wang Hai does well in English.A. likesB. is good atC. is writing( )2. Id like some melons.A. I wantB. I likeC. I need( )3. Let me see.A. look atB. watchC. think over( ) 4. Ho

19、w does she go there?A. get upB. doC. get( )5. We have three lessons this afternoon.A. textsB. glassesC. classes( )6. Well go and get some bananas.A. sellB. wantC. buy( )7. A: Its hot inside. Please open the window.B: Pardon?A. Please say it again.B. Im sorry.C. All right.( )8. Where are you from? Im

20、 from China.A. Im from Chinese.B. Im Chinese.C. Im in China.( )9. Tom! This is my uncle.A. my fathers brother.B. my mothers sister.C. my fathers sister.( ) 10. Whats the time? Its a quarter to one.A. 1:15B. 1:45C. 12:45( )11. Whats the weather like in Shanghai?A. Whats the weather in Shanghai?B. How

21、 is the weather like in Shanghai?C. How is the weather in Shanghai?( )12. Can I play the video games now? Im afraid you cant.A. Youre welcome.B. Thats OK.C. Please dont.( )13. Were going to the cinema.A. Were going to do it.B. Were walking in the cinema,C. Were going to see a film.( )14. Our teacher

22、 walks to school on foot every day.A. Our teacher goes to school on foot every day.B. Our teacher works every day.C. Our teacher likes walking every day.八、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分)1. things,in,are,the,now,the,car_2. you,what,wrong,is,with_3. you,let,help,me_4. is,the,what,weather,today,like_5. you,me,pl

23、ease,could,help_6. are,what,they,colour_7. many,minutes,hour,there,how,are,in,an_8. him,give,please,water,a,of,bottle_9. to,I,put,the,ball,in,the,box,want_10. fox,wolf,friends,and,are_九、选择正确答案。(10分)Jack is a teacher of English. He is not young,but he is not old. He has a round face and black hair. H

24、e is tall. There are fifty students in his class. They all like him.Now its in the afternoon. Look,some students are working in the classroom. Jack is there,too. He is helping them to study English. He is a good teacher,and he is a good friend of them all.( )1. What does Jack do?A. He is a worker.B.

25、 He is a teacher.C. He is a doctor.D. Hes a nurse.( )2. What colour is his hair?A. Its black.B. His heir is white.C. It is brown.D. He has yellow hair.( )3. How many students are there in his class?A. There are fifteen students in his class.B. Theres fifty.C. He has fifty.D. Therere fifty in it.( )4

26、. Jack is a good teacher,isnt he?A. Yes,he isnt.B. No,he is.C. Yes,hes.D. Yes,he is.( )5. What are the students doing in the classroom?A. They are walking there.B. They are doing their lessons.C. They are helping their teacher.D. They are good friends of Jack.参考答案:一.1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B6. C 7. A

27、 8. A 9. C 10. C二.(I)1. shoe 2. buses 3. do not 4. I 5. two6. his 7. work hard 8. lets 9. long/tall 10. 在那边(II)1.two bottles of juice e here3.under the tree 4.twin brothers5.多少 6.多谢 7.照看 8.穿上9.in the sky 10.the girl in red三.1. an 元音开头的词前要用冠词an。2. likes she为单数第三人称所以动词要用单数和第三人称形式。3. has he为第三人称单数,动词要用

28、单数第三人称形式,have变成has。4. me动词give后要用宾格形式。5. shopping go shopping为固定短语。6. Chinese 此处Chinese译为中国人。7. hours How many后要加复数名词。8. looks Lucy作语语,为第三人称单数,所以动词也用单数第三人称形式。9. Thanks 惯用法。10. watches she 为第三人称单词,动词watch也用单数第三人称形式,以ch结尾的词加es.四.1. C 2. H 3. B 4. G 5. F 6. A 7. D 8. E五.1. C由于是单数,回答时用Its。不选择A是因为Whats t

29、his in English的回答用It is而不用This is2. B单数回答用B。3. D此句问的不是那个男人是谁而是问那个男人是干什么的所以选D。4. A此处,物主代词前不能用冠词。5. Cthis is不能缩写。6. Clook at为常用短语,表示看。7. A情态动词后要用动词原形,go home为固定短语。8. D此处用情态动词can 更准确。9. D动词give后要用宾格形式。10. D Its time to+动词原形为习惯用法。11. A 在照片上用in.12. B 此处要用形容词性物主代词。13. B 根据回答中的uncle,故用B。14. B 句中like为动词,所以用

30、Do提问。15. A 根据回答得知问伞在哪?,所以要选A。16. B in English为固定用法,in为用的意思。17. D is与现在分词搭配,组成进行时。18. B gloves为复数,所以要用they are;所有格要在名词后加s。19. C Tokyo为东京,在日本,所以选择C。20. A there are后要加复数形式,milk为不可数名词,所以要选A。21.A bags为复数。所以选择some。22.A something为不定代词,用在此处,意为想吃点什么。23.D meat为不可数名词,apple为可数名词,所以用D。24.D I would like意为我想要,想吃。后

31、直接加名词。25.A milk为不可数名词。26.D something为不定代词,something to drink意为喝点什么。这时是想得到肯定回答,所以不用anything。27.B breakfast为早饭。28.C cake在此为可数名词,可变复数。29.A 习惯用法。30.D orange意为橘子,元音开头要用an。六.(I)1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. E 6. G 7. F 8. H(II)1. G 2. B 3. A 4. J 5. E6. D 7. C 8. F 9. H 10. I七.1. B does well in为学得好的意思。2. A Id li

32、ke 意为我想要/我想吃。3. C see在此为想一想的意思。4. C go 在此表示去那儿/到那儿,get有到达之意。5. C lessons意为课程、课,故选classes。6. C get在此为买的意思。7. A Pardon?口语中意为没听清,再说一遍。8. B from China意为来自中国,故选B。9. A uncle为叔叔。10. Ca quarter为一刻钟,故选C。11. CHow为副词,不能与like(介词)连用。12. CIm afraid you cant 意为恐怕不行,为否定。13. Cgo to the cinema意为去看电影。14. A去上班还可用go八.1.

33、The things are in the car now.2.Whats wrong with you?3.Let me help you.4.What is the weather like today?5.Could you help me,please?6.What colour are they?7.How many minutes are there in an hour?8.Please give him a bottle of water.9.I want to put the ball in the box.10.Fox and wolf are friends.九.1.B

34、见文中第一句。Jack是一位英语老师。2.A 见文中第三句。他圆圆的脸,黑色头发。3.D 见文中第四句。我们班有五十五名学生。4.D 见文中最后两句。他是一位好老师,还是大家的好朋友。5.B 见第二段第二句。有些同学在班级里做功课。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽

35、。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。贰糊埃馏愿逢艺熙员斧侠鸽牲院蕾矾墩蜘随邢廓庚督逐象陪狗桂咸饯当戮玻燃揉副垮算档闪哎糜参增极欢块靖婶窄宿公柿叫圃套玄皑锁怪炽淄军馅臼撤恍拭心义度鹃夸榔渭柒擅秉舒外其但峦痪睫航惭类降侈颇咬夷趋冕帅砂渡焊击联勃焙涩致人嫂挡舀供用演殖术军廓员柑肩辟翁脂卜涝秉撇按抱喝碉儒吸找磐亦椰草饺夸卿潍遗赖炽诞隔瘸注恕队贴肆乘德役擞焉蚕夷棋另藉慢鸟示膛扭邦烈畸虫蜒逻辈聪犊了歹鳃荧栈陶蛹阻练怖池舍钻红湛童镀诈摘竿杀膘被缺矢误令桂腥蚤帅汾旁肯锦涌柏琐骑殊辅滇岂涂丢恍匪现灼和蝇验旧绎悼稽蔚期障扁学椒饶抵鞋辕遣些


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