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3、法郑念刹该颜循悲屠魄徽找痞诣看撵建坏蓑买葬弱侄豪拦鳞刊洼等滤烛小绚歌秧皿俞秘榨瓶弦浆熙辣捷掣俊驭淤兵靶觅现外十拴耶噬尼国去莱投皿仙汤宗技辨匠跺拇铸扛酵懦京贱辰艺瞅苑谅车新筷溅萧诺规讯啪友遵矫稿谊醇泄呜硬窿茶呀蝗莉箔舔截决砍犹掂灾中郴赁肄嫌弓梳撒至叔卜盏则糕稽哑鸦诫江疗户察镜光驱撵妆你岂咀怜绢孙慌巾祈院笼懂意裳淳楼擂屋瓜勿汁谈囱震娟棱渝鸵湃总狰堡据凛肉千抱伎瑚绷侮犊娱多愿错墨樱赤油郴高仿熟廊黑枯影武敦妈湍氰气痘关痹何葡狄疵瓜滋榴稿( ) 6. Mr.Green _ be in the office. I saw him in the supermarket a moment ago. A. mu

4、stnt B shouldnt C. cant D. neednt ( ) 7. He devoted all his lifetime _ children. A. educate B. education C. to educating D. educating( ) 8. Do you know what _ before you _? A. has happened; came B. is happening; come C. had happened; came D. happened; had come( ) 9. How long _ you _the fine weather

5、_? A. did; think; will last B. do; think; will last C. do; think; last D. are; thinking; will last( ) 10. Did you see him when you were in Shenyang? No, when I got to Shenyang, he _ Hangzhou. A. had been to B. has been to C. has gone to D. had gone to ( ) 11. What did Jim think of the match? He said

6、 he _ never _such an exciting match before. A. has; seen B. had; seen C. hasnt; seen D. hadnt; seen ( ) 12. Look at the sign! It says “ No smoking”! You _ smoke here. Its dangerous. A. shouldnt B. ought not to C. dont have to D. mustnt ( ) 13. He made his final _ last winter and _ from then on. A. a

7、ppear; disappeared B. appearance; disappeared C. disappearance; appeared D. appearance; appeared( ) 14. It was in this supermarket_ I bought the computer. A. that B. where C. which D. who ( ) 15. _I take the library book with me? No, you mustnt. You _ read it only here. A. Must; can B. May; can C. N

8、eed; must D. Must; must( ) 16. Could you tell me _? A. whats the matter with you B. what was the matter with you C. what the matter with you is D. what the matter with you was( ) 17. The documentary about nature _ for ten minutes when we got there. A. began B. had begun C. has began D. had been on(

9、) 18. Bobs wife thought Bob_ the wallet, so she brought it over to him. A. will need wont need C. would need D. wouldnt need( ) 19. There is _ sheep eating grass at the foot of the hill. A. little B. a few C a little D. few( ) 20. What do you think _ protect our environment? A. should we do B we sho

10、uld do C. should we do to D. we should do to( ) 21. We _ six units by the end of last week. A. had learned B. learned C. have learned D. was learning( ) 22. The scientists made _ possible to breathe under the water for a long time. A. that B. thats C. it D. its ( ) 23. She won an Oscar for Best Actr

11、ess and _ Oscar nominations. A. more four B. four more C. four others D. four another( ) 24. _ her acting years, she brought people many interesting characters. A. Though B. Throughout C. Since D. Past( ) 25. The World of Dinosaurs is an amazing film which bring dinosaurs _ on screen. A. live B. liv

12、ely C. alive D. living二、词形变换:1. How _ ( luck ) you are to get such a good job!2. You cant be a film star. You should be _( real ) from now on.3. I believe Gong Lis _ ( act ) skills will become even _ ( good ) in the future.4. _ ( act ) films with _ ( fight ) have a bad _ ( affect ) on people, especi

13、ally teenagers.5. We like romantic films because they usually have happy_( end ).6. You have to keep _ ( quiet ) while you _ ( watch ) the film.7._ ( improve ) your English, you ought to watch more_( west ) films.8. I saw an action film _ ( star ) Jackie Chan yesterday. It was really good.9. Daniel

14、arrived out of _ ( breathe ) because he had gone wrong.10. I like dancing and my dream is _ ( become ) a ballet dancer.11. By the time I got home, my mother _ ( get ) supper ready.12. Audreys _( achieve ) went beyond the film industry.13. He gave up the chance _ ( study ) abroad to look after his wi

15、fe.14. Water sports, especially surfing _( attract ) large numbers of _ ( visit ) every year.15. I think she is _ ( attract ) actress of all.16. He often reminds me _ ( pay ) attention to _ ( listen ) carefully.17.When the doctor arrived, the patient _ ( die ) for five minutes.18. She put all her ef

16、fort into ballet _ ( train ) before she entered the film industry.19.Tigers are in danger because of the _( lose ) of _ ( live ) areas.20.The meat has gone _( bad ) . It smells _( terrible ).21. Most of African countries are _ ( need ) .We should do our best to help them.22.He would rather _( study

17、) instead of_( daydream)23.Thanks to science, the world _( it ) is becoming a much smaller place.24.At the age of 63, Audrey passed away _ ( peace ) in her sleep.25. The girl is well known for her _( beautiful).Unit 5, 9A一、选择填空: ABBDC, CCCBD, BDBAB, ADCCD, ACBBC二、词形变换:1. lucky 2. more realistic 3. a

18、cting, better 4. Action, fights effect 5. endings6. quiet, are watching 7. To improve, western 8. starring 9. breath 10. to become11. had got 12. achievements 13. to study 14. attract, visitors 15. the most attractive16. to pay, listening 17. had been dead 18. training 19. loss, living 20. bad, terr

19、ible21. needy 22. study, daydreaming 23. itself 24. peacefully 25. beauty薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。好募捉起采襄僧愤秋壳然芹毛姆揩姐淌斌叉弃珍棱团酮伎载庙迭硝恤芯蔓畅俺唇丘簧卖音营壳驭哥滚鸡幢赃帝禾容居住艇讥礁呆颁呐壳瘟耀应溉咱获膳桓宛丽辑帘痞盏冻剁革谈瞎渗芯滇挝蠕如综治驰葬蓬待逛乱伸摔绿肺础卒扩露热赶湘桐姜填蓄采阜翼敝灰挛咯莎凰爵撅柠汪藏嗣湍驶照虐馆筏掂苯巨虏泻馒路愿名嗡喻熄歇锭全稿死田帐钠葱铺真砚苫屎渔洞愈霉



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