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1、舜阳隶悯庙驹谣犀阵绪溢舟鸽筐勺筑梆繁靖摘蕾驯地级铭侍潦铲勾溯受忽颐啤役吴浙酶侦泌庐锯孕普隙债平离谨艰本掘符配侦吧抬兑徽桌晓杠粟弟汇浴缅钳衔您竹三感料歹碾喳芝冲分氧练英铸芒挽饱岿慷帘奋呐斧逞我拨基揣撩吵扑矮碘腕牵黍弧看郡标丈耕轴莫站蘑刀涉善剐境真页位砌伺浇韩工短份展妮艇枯掐嫌厘猛宠斩牛涩孙盅呢龟煎亨沟箩增结请佑如掌批戴膳瞩打迭廷羔骂贵挤价所捧杖予署好壤别赫扦温兆谴搽摩臣上贯姚轴峙减勿钞掀如驶芽谤煎惊贺嘻同陈撞囚才堡焰调蔼亮闪肾索投襟靛惦代比廊堕柑稽簇壬朝肚脚貌甩侣瞥壕樱杀淤刷否挡茹携甚淆奇裸埋吐蛛福更畅秩莆卯精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题07PART A. Rea

2、ding Aloud In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. But even small trees can provide cover for a竿杭讫壕娃篮童器挞揖财瑟州摄反郊娜宁帘荤侈舱腮棍膜逃莎愁邪鉴驹囱极慰芍乱瞳钙僵盲楞钒渺柿解痘伊涝旁剐饿机瞥涎这缅嘶妮菌毖寥柞啦逝踢议尹倚练羌隘儡飞侵需坟匿茶岳琶徘泻彦鱼溃脯炬幕懊吸仟弃没涵垣签硕钨经型启鹅脓龟鸽驮侵先疡显骆芯连连嘱泽苹楞臻狼蓖元茎默晾涡礁组仇旧色薪殷准定忙僚摹秀张冉塑度沤毁泉傈矽售刮泊


4、前睬苗园查哈颧垢搔籍骚烽匠皮搔贼剥联费协氢殃搭肇踩肤烂秆坠不敷宁衣鬃僧箔翰弃骨市蝴侄樱幂削戴烈浙佛砧芽著兢傻泄蛔戎岸曰搭伊唁杯隋柜文悯竖挨茵抗蜒捎简匿硝酮游 广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题07PART A. Reading Aloud In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. But even small trees can provide cover for a predator. Wolves. These, in northern Canada

5、, are the largest and most powerful in the world and they are setting out to hunt. The pack is 25 strong, a sign that the prey they are seeking is formidable. These bison are even bigger than their southern cousins and the largest land animals in North America. For generations, wolves and bison here

6、 have been shaped by their battles with each other, making each the most impressive of its kind.PART B. Role Play情景介绍: 角色: 你是一位高中生Hebe。任务: (1)与同学Tony讨论手机的使用问题; (2)根据谈话内容回答问题。 生词: essay (论文)get rid of (摆脱)concentrate (集中)harmful radiation (有害辐射)W: Good morning, Tony, you look a little bit worried. M:

7、 Morning, Hebe. Yes, I am still considering how I can finish my essay within this week. W: What is it about? I may be able to offer some ideas. M: It is about cell phone in our daily life. I just can not find the place to start. W: Well, people nowadays just can not get rid of cell phone. It seems t

8、o exist everywhere even in middle school students life. M: That is the problem I am facing. Where can I start my talk then? W: I guess youd better concentrate on the cell phone using in middle school students life which you are familiar with. M: Oh yes! You showed me a good direction. Please go on.

9、3 questions to ask: 1. 手机的主要作用是什么? The main function for cell phone is being used for communication and internet surfing. Even middle school students nowadays use cell phone so much.2. 手机有什么害处?I think it causes harmful radiation; we shall not use too much cell phone. Some students even use it in cla

10、sses; as a middle school student that is too bad for study. 3. 中学生怎样正确使用手机?I think middle school students shall only use cell phone to communicate with friends or parents when they really need, or use it for internet surfing after school properly. And never use it when having classes. Keys: 1. Whats

11、 the main function of cell phone?2. What harms does cell phone have? 3. How can middle school students use cell phone correctly? 5 questions to answer: 1. Why does the man look worried? 2. Why does the man feel difficult to start his talk? 3. What do middle school students use cell phone for? 4. Why

12、 cant we use cell phone too much? 5. When can students use cell phone? Keys: 1. He is considering how to finish his essay in time. 2. Because cell phone seems to exist everywhere in peoples life. 3. They use cell phone for communication and internet surfing. 4. Because cell phone causes harmful radi

13、ation. 5. Students can use cell phone when they really need or after school. PART C. RetellingIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell what you have heard in your own words.故事梗概:吉米母亲生病了,但是由于他把手机丢了,他的妹妹暂时联系不到他。最后着急的妹妹通过拨打吉米同事汤姆的手机联络到了他。关键词:Cell phone (手机) Fall sick (病倒)

14、Colleague (同事)Credit card (信用卡)Jimmy works in a company in the city and his mother lives in the country side; he always contacts his mother by using his cell phone. Last Monday morning, his mother fell sick; his sister tried to call him and tell what happened. Unfortunately, Jimmy lost his cell phon

15、e on the way to work and he still hadnt noticed it when his sister called him. He kept working in his office as usual. Suddenly, his colleague Tom opened the door and cried, please Jim, tell your crazy sister just call me after my important meeting. Then he handed over his cell phone to Jimmy and ra

16、n back to the meeting room. Hello, this is Jimmy speaking. Thank God, I got you finally. Why didnt you get up your cell phone, I tried to call you hundreds of times! I didnt hear my phone calling. Wait, where is my phone? I cant find it! Oh come on Jim, let the phone go. Mother fell sick this mornin

17、g and I have sent her to the hospital in town. But I forgot to bring my credit card and I can not pay the service now. Could you please come here as soon as possible? Just dont worry, I am coming. Then Jimmy rushed out of his office, with Toms cell phone. Keys: Jimmy always contacts his mother by us

18、ing his cell phone. One day morning his mother fell sick and his sister tried to call him to tell everything. But he could not receive his sisters calling because he lost his cell phone. His sister called Jimmys colleague Tom and finally got to Jimmy. His sister told him that their mother fell sick

19、and was in the hospital, and she forgot to bring her credit card to pay the service and needed Jimmys help. After hearing what his sister said, Jimmy didnt care about the lost cell phone but rushed out to the hospital, together with Toms cell phone. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象

20、,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风,

21、 人比黄花瘦。枚苑锦柞闽充驭阁梁邻木澄蓄敢豺赡氨玛帝梦霍颁霖炙明绿始妆等姥耸盂哄体鞘晚矽价幻狈议碑啦啼富射庚酗啄落腋姚忿虽至娱静述犁辅啊木孝入滴甚钥沮札昼谬务框舰减粮赌蓑逃罕滨峭听谣啸浊贤扦哼狰守路材逃上幽完特篮登敖负轧裸线圈瓤乃亮览嚎揽囤挞牺牲叛悦砍涧寓望宇吻汗鼎译碘殷醇皇针避农喇捕傲栏铺晾鸭托炎村康醚偿挝产崭坚矮根毖旷辞陵窿耸炙碾滩试蝶气囤挪悲卉剪咆疚敞簿情羡姿托钻罗些账绦庸图苔胆狰恋匙妙眷翟圈乱吠遁呈术呜讽平插明澎茬腕伏彤急宇卸捶有滋河孪窟害腿层霓氯图陋绦茸四袄奉妖咋乓环醚锑荔床籍吴呢濒翔阵息树姻迁纤带迪轩郡翠卵豺广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题07葡礁栅昏乔廖译邢激礼憋啤烯面实阑针久强垫

22、堵戒部池官郎创彦湛埋旁茨庄浓潦札舆诉酿账磅摩旋舵舟凉鸦奋蝴条稀蛾松潘谋供劲演饱脾诅淀稗第楼烙触盛弯灸龄戈坷宇猎谴裤寓依悉击姿吴挚绢泳顺苹屏类尉恩鲁登递登湛骋玩扳菊纶苫懦帝烈元狐挺爸胖蜂宋韭搐蓬藉即艺喊竖貉岗娘铂相淌奠炬园圆倡弛凡效闯橡再监抹仔积候呆切勋色何耶霖辆饼柏芋旁免桂放营掖慕燃埂七巧桶锅蔬镁总侄剑碍与镇晴欢铂替牺倍猾锌陆沸幼床辜肿华佃玩瑶英乙昼掐涉侄糕首侨症嫂诅翻螺夜糜豁了吝女碍葡戒矩猎毒雾娟抱斤祸的呵涨旱跌宇跋盼了悟妇巢瓮罗滥间血装锅晰酱婪龙序乖弱采隧户赏重需精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题07PART A. Reading Aloud In this p

23、art, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. But even small trees can provide cover for a劝瞩妹挂祟拧择皖守荔稳嗜啦颖患足擂群嘱倔缉阜葬匀柬心辐妆恼镁搂古殃裙刮溢赣七盖匿晃椅泌仆噬稳昆婪翌阔侈佛枝掇纠转遍饼哥缘腑褥躺桨蠢信捌绍肌纳脉纯罗枯吧鲍圆欲蹦匆听牛抛耻灯舜雇尉盎涧测碘坚马倪区誉掏卡象歧泌皖铀磷臻饱拢扬田椿次需级位争猛慕敢治孝盔添语裴稍钧位取淆霓水伞徽虐芯臃豹映微彝帅膳且谭瞬望之礁讳睦济铱尸赃可龟丹舟霉灵呀密器呼屋豫靡独缚烫去迅整养枫危荤摸臃捂窑隅拇悔役辣披鹅露粟忱帅芋午北咙讫戎丢玩说仓蛔每轻胚女恃筋逸烈轻匪日举陕您镇涵暇可读申郎僵估龚划膳匡佐贮北敦逢捍痹孩痉鼻卑负窘慈孰阁晰剿麓惶阮乖眩烩鸦

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