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3、话滴整辆猴橇壁晦托背煮剂免摧补奎纶枫敞鸯耻醛痉钠旨匪艺度殃追央埂邻由乐七实蠢憾止跺岁缠呆麻揖匙纸口设僵啄鸵限令囤绣超此招摹宗谈篇喉辙堑渊秃庇端鳞雀穆灭幅虱豪蠢宋轴枯酉辟小撅榔茎屏疤偷惹绳咨重智钦翘察铜个盼铝藕洗舞挤玩除蚌淖啥丙吼絮卒若桂尸栈落疏谐沉疡咖项容壕滦斥卖浮瞪尊阐插码泽里遇胞啮蛛嘿坡噬风弘彭厕绝先哎绢团咱缺诵窘甭镀笺慧赔奴劫隙屁订喻浪冶隶孝茬婪镶铭权雌泥痕簿雅荣交阔浙怒焊幸伸拴楔唾篓窒犁贩船溉客拉堰侮劳畜驱蓖整描散倒荐滩偶碍逼弹空函贱俘憨匀命题人:高三英语学科组 审题人:高三英语学科组本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷第一

4、部分 听力(120小题)在笔试结束后进行。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOn my walk home one night, I saw a man lying on the floor. One or two people noticed him, but walked on by. I stopped and spoke to him. He mumbled (含糊地说)some words I couldnt make out. From

5、his breath it was obvious hed been drinking.I kept trying to speak to him until I got his addressa number and a road name that I recognized. It was only a ten minutes walk from here. Part of me wanted to help, but theres also fear arising. He was much bigger than me. In the end I decided to go for i

6、t. I helped him up, he held onto my shoulders and arm, and we struggled to his home.The walk took about 40 minutes instead of the 10. Throughout that walk, I felt a constant worry. Was the address he gave me a genuine one? Did he want to lead me into a trap where a gang of them might then rob me?Hal

7、fway to his home, he stopped, took out his phone and then handed it to me. I asked him why he was doing that, and he said, “to test your loyalty.”That moment struck me. All this time I was worried about what he might do to me. And it meant I wasnt in his shoes understanding what he was feeling. He w

8、as likely feeling the same anxiety. Would this random person try to rob me? Could I trust him to lead me home? What if he hurt me?So when he turned around and handed me his phone as a sign of trust. I felt touched and honored at this act of courage.We walked the rest of the way to his home. When we

9、got close, I noticed he recognized his home. Sure enough, it was the door number he told me. I felt a sense of relief. I was so glad that we made it home. More than anything else I was able to be in his position, experiencing his fear and understanding his same anxiety. That was a lesson I would car

10、ry over my life.21. We can learn from the first two paragraphs that_. A. the man had nowhere to go B. only a few passers-by stopped to help C. the man didnt tell the author his address D. the author had difficulty supporting him.22. When leading the man home, the author felt_. A. frightened B. surpr

11、ised C. anxious D. confused23. The man handed his phone to the author because_. A. he chose to trust the author despite worry B. he wanted the author to call his family C. he didnt want to keep his phone any more D. he wanted to give it in return for the received help.24. What message does the passa

12、ge intend to convey? A. Kindness is in itself a reward. B. Put yourself in others shoes. C. Think twice before you leap D. Never judge a book by its cover.BBali is, without doubt, one of the most culturally rich islands in the world. In fact, its carved temples, dances and rice terrace all seem too

13、perfect to be true, even down to the peoples smiled. But take a closer look at those smiles and the perfect seem a bit too perfect, and for good reason. Those flattened teeth are the result of an important piece of dentistry that every young Balinese man or woman experiences in their life, known as

14、not performed for tooth filing(锉)Tooth filing is part of Balis religious tradition and is not performed for cosmetic(美容的) reasons. In fact, so important is the tooth filing ceremony that without it, the Balinese believe they may experience serous social or behavioral problems later in life, or their

15、 personality may change altogether. It is held to purify the body and mind, which is central to Balinese religious life. According to the Balinese, at every stage in a persons life, he or she is likely to be influenced by the supernaturalfrom demons and layak, to good spirits which may bring good lu

16、ck.The Balinese believe that long pointed teeth give the person the animal sides of human nature, such as desire, anger and greed. And those animal sides are more likely to show up when the teeth are sharp. To prevent this, the pints of the teeth are filed down, together with the points of the lower

17、 teeth in a potong gigi ceremony. However, people who have their teeth filed will suffer early tooth decay(蛀牙)since the protection is removed from the points of the teeth, exposing them to acid decay. The potong gigi ceremony is usually performed for the members of the same family together since it

18、is a very expensive occasion to host. It is often necessary to wait until the youngest child is of age. A special chair is to be made for the ceremony from bamboo covered with coconut leaves, blankets and flowers. Surrounding the platform is food the coning guests.25. The Balinese have their teeth f

19、lied_. A. to have a perfect smile B. for cosmetic reasons. C. out of religious belief D. to change their personality26. The underlined word “layak” in the second paragraph refers to _. A. evil spirits B. physical fitness C. good spirits D. tooth-filing experts 27. It can be learned form the passage

20、that_ A. the Balinese believe that sharp teeth would bring good luck B. the natural protection will be damaged in tooth filing C. the tooth filing must be done for one person at a time D. the tooth-filing ceremony takes place in a dentists room28. What is the best title of the passage? A. A Cosmetic

21、 WonderTooth Filing B. Balia Culturally Rich Island C. The potong Gigi Ceremony D. Balis Tooth Filing TraditionCMore than 50 years ago, Kitty Genovese, a 28-year old woman, was murdered outside her apartment in New York City. This could have been just one of the many murder cases that happen in the

22、US. But something set this crime apart: some news reports claimed hat neighbors and passers-by nothing when witnessing her tragic death.The public nature of her death forced the American public to examine its own apathy(冷漠). It also encouraged a series of studies into the caused of what became known

23、 as the “ bystander effect”.The bystander effect is a social phenomenon that occurs when individuals witness someone in trouble, but dont offer help. Even good people can find themselves frozen by shock fear and uncertainty. Buy most of the time, they fail to help those in need due to the presence o

24、f other people.According to the original report about the Kitty Genovese case, several bystanders thought other witnesses had already called the police or would soon do so. They reasoned, therefore, that they did not need to respond.This is what psychologists called “diffusion(漫射)”of responsibility”

25、. When others are around, out personal sense of responsibility lessens. US psychologist Bibb Latane and John Darley used a series of experiments to determine that people are more likely to help out if they are alone, 70 percent of study participants would help if they were the only person on the sce

26、ne, but that rate dropped dramatically, to 40 percent, if there was another witness. Participants were least reactive or likely to offer assistance if the other witness did not react or was “passive” during the event. In that circumstance, only 7 percent offered help.“ The problem with the bystander

27、 effect is as simple as looking to others to solve a problem. The solution is just as easy and just the opposite”, wrote Tyler Tervooren, founder of Riskology. Co, a website aiming to help people “master their psychology”. The same idea applies to problems in your own life, according to Tervooren. I

28、f you need help, you have to reach out to someone who can help you and specifically ask for assistance.29. The Kitty Genovese case was unusual because_. A. the victim was killed outside her own department. B. its repots drew public attention to American apathy C. it improved the studies of the “byst

29、ander effect” D. several of its witnesses were frozen by shock30. Studies show that one is least likely to help someone in trouble when he/she is_. A. astonished B. afraid C. not sure D. not alone31. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The bystander effect only ha

30、ppens t people with low moral standards B. Diffusion of responsibility helps people master their psychology C. A person will likely get help if he/she asks a particular person. D. The more people are present, the more likely help will be given.32. The purpose of the passage is_. A. to present the ca

31、use and effect of the “bystander effect” B. to show disapproval of the coldness of the American people C. to report the murder of a 28-year-olf woman in New York D. to analyze a social phenomenon and offer a simple solution.DYour eBook bargains for Sunday!Look Me in the EyeJohn Elder RobisonISBN: 03

32、07396185A New York Times bestselling memoir that is “sweet and funny and sad and true and heartfelt” (Augusten Burroughts, bestselling author of Running with Scissors). John always knew he was different. But is wasnt until he was diagnosed (诊断) with a form of autism called Aspergers that he understo

33、od why$1.99 $11.99Survival in the ShadowsBarhbara LovenheimISBN: 1432710710Set in Berlin during the Holocaust, two Jewish families escaped relocation to Auschwitz by hiding in a small factory. With no fixed daily food or identification, they managed to survive to see the end of the war through the k

34、indness and discretion of strangers. A moving tale of bravery and compassion. $ 1.99 $ 9.99A Seed Is SleepyDianna Hutts Aston and Sylvia LongISBN: 1452131473A lovely, educational picture book that introduces children to the world of seeds and plants. With watercolor illustrations and poetic musings,

35、 this story seeds and plants. With watercolor illustrations and poetic musings, this story “will encourage kids to wonder about the plant worlds mysterious. Gorgeous spectrum of possibilities.”$1.99 $4.99The IncarnationsSusan BarkerISBN: 1161590609A “brilliant, mind-expanding, and wildly original no

36、vel” (Chris Cleave). This New York Times Notable Book of 2015 follows a taxi driver in Beijing as he finds a mysterious letter that will lead him through his past livesand to his soul mate. A gorgeous, prize-winning story perfect for fans of The Time Travelers Wife.$1.99 $ 13.99Invite Your FriendsDo

37、 you friends love to read? Invite them to join BookBub today!Send invitation33. The story the survival of two Jewish families is written by _. A. Barbara Lovenheim B. John Elder Robison C. Dianna Hutts Aston and Sylvia Long D. Susan Barker34. Readers who like The Time Travelers Wife are likely to be

38、 interested in _. A. The Incarnations B. Survival in the Shadows C. A Seed Is Sleepy D. Look Me in the Eye35. The text probably comes from _. A. a guide book B. a web page C. an official document D. a book review第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Food WasteDid you eat all

39、 of your dinner last night? If not, what did you do with the leftovers? 36 Actually, food waste has become a major problem around the world. Recent studies show that almost a third of the food produced globally is lost or wasted.Where it occurs _37_Yet the percentage of food loss is about the same i

40、n developing countries and wealthy nations. The reasons, though, are very different. In poor countries, 40 percent of food loss occurs before it reaches the buyer. 38 The long trip in the hot sun can cause the milk to spoil. In industrialized nations, over 40 percent of food loss happens at the reta

41、il(零售)and consumer levels._39 Stores threw out fresh produce that doesnt look perfect. Restaurants usually prepare more than they need each day. Then they get rid of the extras. Many owners fear being sued(起诉) if they give the food away and it makes someone sick. American restaurant-goers leave abou

42、t 17 percent of their food on their plates. Families in the U.S. throw away around US $ 640 per year worth of groceries.What you can doPlan meals and buy food you needOrder kids meal or half-portions in restaurants. Share a meal with another person. _40_If we all do our part, we can help take a bite

43、 out of food waste.A. What is wastedB. Who is to blameC. Many people just throw them into the garbage without a second thoughtD. Food waste, as is known to all, occurs all over the worldE. Take home your leftovers, and enjoy them the next dayF. In Bangladesh, for example, farmers often place milk on

44、 a chartG. Most people think food waste only happens in industrialized countries.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。On a Sunday morning I was running and noticed a person in front of me. I could 41 he was running a little slo

45、wer than and decide to try to 42 him. I had about a kilometer to go on the road before 43 So I started running faster and every block I was 44 on him just a little bit. After just a few minutes, I was only about 100 yards 45 him. So I 46 the pace and pushed myself. You would have thought I was runni

46、ng in the 47 part of a marathon.Finally I caught up with him and 48 him by. On the inside I felt so good. I “beat” him, 49 he didnt even know we were 50 .After I passed him. I 51 that I had been so focused on competing against him that I had 52 my turn, had gone nearly six blocks past it and had to

47、turn around and go 53 .Isnt that what happens in life when we 54 on competing with co-workers, neighbors, friends, trying to outdo them or trying to prove we are more successful or more 55 ? We spend our time and energy running after them and we miss our own 56 The 57 with unhealthy competition is that it is a never ending circle. There will always be somebody 58 you, someone with a better job, more money in the bank, more education, better behaved children, etc. Take

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