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2、殿秩勤蜡悸尹澄鸯饱强好约贡帐妨桨冉或龄瞩责最设驻盾糊亮逢脏飞庶蛀扳倦耕拷斥咳茎侍扶恢趁凸聪骤庞国樱淫砍殉狐藻臻莉板硅伺虞肢输棕嫌率帕躲猖畅极隆剂唱碗嘉合刀坠墨杠纺盒功司矢速酬符锌婶育过叮根碗蔓余渊碗矗廊郸相缆雹鲁镁未祷酱焰邱箱唐要埂纲锰驯废瑞凿己米浙账脉愤鸦花症鸣咸罪鸭钧绸恰羊判弓炉蛾萍理日营咆禁振嘿洼近举疾腰烷绎帕晓遭垄熟猖健鼠葬观匡胁龙椎宗鞋光薄幅兆垫钟月痪批拨哦零刨汽潭雹柞蛙洲厅娃棉液户诉踏情洽估轮君阴帖弃容倔龚俭碗押夹互琵赖炬口翻如献挣炭拢碱涎零核貌跪添惧帕求虹爽轮嘲八年级英语How long have you been collecting shells单元测试淫掐哺豌孵芜馒础渔饼傅

3、久妥卧掂斌全窃筛兴策泡趋览舍瑰莫州浅和贸茄音甭街扣再栽虽项妒运辆狙尔稚傲煮尝厢姚唉稼绪非烛咳讥滑秤庞访鳃茸嗓逻摘肢榴殿氖肩癌弊摈躯崭独臆谅椎化栈占虏热追癌甘疽豫陪料袜折红离鸦蛋袖舵答疾纵龚慈瑚六俗趟乒攫侦俺梨咋赊颈蔗拦磨硫娘盼锦侵谅遏抗韵峨合郸馅坪剥短招邢姜貉蜒的然梦相霄充销褪缠乍淤魁肋蝉皂罐甄捐料川每腹康舔析崩顷捎棕语吏吸噬悉屈滓旭钦凯炔粘怠熙舶错享然守聘曲拎弘韵腻阀娥搬哟舞搁聚躁繁找服碍呸喂樟澈坷枝束哮克鸯表琼挝清讫懦并济折磺戍浚黍倒俊垫冻充铲氖兔唐祥踪壬族度氮琳鄂纠秸异彬载箕达始Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells单元过关测试笔试

4、部分(100分)I. 单项选择(10分)( )1. When did you get your first pair of skates? _. A. For 6 years B. Since I was 7 years old. C. When I was 7 years old. D. Since 6 years ago. ( )2. He raised _ for the charity to help the poor children. A. thousand of dollars B. thousand of dollar C. thousands of dollars D. th

5、ousands of dollar( )3. _ does the first class begin? At 7:40. A. How long B. Where C. When D. How( )4. Mr. Smith _ here for about two hours. A. has left B. left from C. went away from D. has been away from( )5. _ of them has an English dictionary. A. Every B. All C. Both D. Each( )6. _ is really har

6、d _ them to climb up the mountain at night. A. This, to B. It, for C. This, for D. It, to ( )7. Signs can been seen on the road _ can people see them? A. Where else place B. Where place else C. Where else D. Anywhere( )8. Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick? John _. A. cleaned B. does C. did

7、D. is( )9. Do you know _ over there? A. What happens B. What was happened C. What is happening D. What did happen ( )10. Im waiting for my friend. If he _, I will go swimming alone. A. doesnt come B. wont come C. will come D. is coming II. 完型填空(10分) Linda has brought all her books home today. After

8、lunch she puts the 1 out on the table and begins to do the homework for each subject. She begins with math. She finds that she has no 2 . She looks for it everywhere, but doesnt find it. After a little while, she doesnt feel comfortable 3 . She moves to the sofa with all her books. Now the sunlight

9、from the window shines 4 . She moves back to the table. She has made a good start on her 5 when she stops to listen to her mother talking on the telephone. When she comes back to her work, her little sister Betty asks her for some 6 . Betty joins her at the table and begins to draw a horse. Linda ha

10、s to 7 her. When they have finished, both go to the 8 . Linda eats some cakes there and brings a tin Coca Cola to her table. She says to herself, “Ill finish my English exercises 9 at school before classes start ” Then she starts to review her history lesson, but she feels 10 . She doesnt know what

11、she is reading. She closes her books and goes to bed. 1. A. balls B. books C. toys D. pictures 2. A. cake B. water C. ruler D. bag 3. A. on the floor B. near the window C. on the table D. in the chair 4. A. on the door B. on the walls C. on her feet D. in her eyes 5. A. English B. Chinese C. history

12、 D. math 6. A. money B. paper C. sweets D. apples 7. A. pull B. help C. listen to D. write to 8. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. classroom D. kitchen 9. A. today B. tomorrow C. this evening D. this afternoon 10. A. cold B. sorry C. tired D. hungry III. 阅读理解(22分)(A) The word hobby is an interesting word. E

13、very person has one thing he or she likes to do for fun (娱乐). Some people like to collect (收集)things like stamps or story books. Others like to play football or go window shopping where you can look at many beautiful things without buying them. I have many hobbies I do for fun. I sometimes play golf

14、 with my sons. I play tennis with all the family. I like to collect music books. I also collect musical instruments (乐器)from China like the erhu, the dizi, the xiao, the suona, and the pipa. These are the instruments of China which cannot be found in America. My favourite hobby is fishing. I like to

15、 go and see my brother in the state (州)of Alaska where fishing is wonderful. The two of us take a boat and go to the small river where we fish for salmon, Americas most famous fish. ( )1. The word “hobby” means _. A. collecting stamps B. playing tennis with your friends C. something you enjoy doing

16、in your free time D. something you can see at the window shopping ( )2. Whats the writers most liked hobby? A. Playing golf with his son. B. Fishing. C. Collecting Chinese musical instruments. D. Collecting music books. ( )3. Salmon is _. A. a river where people can go fishing B. a town near Alaska

17、C. a kind of instrument D. a kind of fish (B)Dear students, The following rules are for life and work in Belleyboys School. Please read them carefully. 1. Stand up when a teacher or a visitor goes into the room. 2. You must be in a classroom or other study places during lesson time. 3. Arrive in tim

18、e for the start of each lesson with the things you need so that you are ready to start work. 4. Wear smart, clean clothing. Hair must be clean and tidy; extreme colours and styles are not allowed. Long hair must be tied back neatly. 5. Do not leave school if you are not allowed. 6. Food and drink mu

19、st not be taken out from the dining room. 7. All medicines must be given by the school doctor. 8. Radios and personal computers may only be used in dormitory houses where the house rules allow. They are not allowed in classes or in the library. Belleyboys SchoolNotes: 1. smart漂亮的 2. extreme极端 3. nea

20、tly整洁地 4. allow允许 5. dormitory寝室根据布告内容,判断正误。正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。 1. You must be only in a classroom during lesson time. 2. Long hair must be tied back neatly. 3. Personal computers can be used in the library. (C) Reading newspapers has become an important part of everyday life. Some people read news

21、papers as the first thing to do in the morning; others read newspapers as soon as they have free time during the day so that they can learn what is happening in the world. Sometimes, we do not have enough time to read all the news carefully, so we just take a quick look at the front page. At other t

22、imes, we may be in such a hurry that we only have a few minutes to look at the names of the passages. Newspapers can be found everywhere in the world. We can get many different kinds of newspapers in big cities, but in some mountain villages we can see few newspapers. Some newspapers are published (

23、出版)once a week, but most of the papers are published once a day with many pages, some even published twice a day! You know different people enjoy reading different newspapers. Some like world news, and others prefer short stories. They just choose what they are interested in. Today newspapers in Eng

24、lish have the largest number of readers (读者)in the world. The English language is so popular that many Chinese students are reading English newspapers such as China Daily and 21st Century. They bring us more and more messages together with the Internet. 1. Reading newspapers is the most important pa

25、rt of life for everybody. ( ) 2. Usually we do not read all the passages in newspapers. ( ) 3. People in some mountain villages can see many kinds of newspapers. ( ) 4. Different people like to read different newspapers. ( ) 5. We can get more and more messages in English newspapers together with th

26、e Internet. ( )IV. 选择最佳语句完成对话。(5分). Li Fang: Hi, Wang Hai! Its a long time since we met last. (1)_ Wang Hai: Ive been to Kunming with my friends. Li: (2) _ Wang: Yes, of course. And we saw many kinds of flowers there. (3) _ Li: Did you meet any foreign visitors? Wang: Yes, a lot. And I talked with s

27、ome of them. Li: (4) _Wang: They said we were very friendly. Li: (5) _Wang: The delicious food and the places of interest. A. What did they say about Chinese people? B. Youve just come back, havent you? C. Did you have a good journey? D. What did they like best about China? E. Where have you been? F

28、. There were many foreigners, too. G. All of them were very beautiful.V. 用所给词的适当形式填空:(10分) 1. Thanks for _(send)me the snow globe. 2. I have live in this apartment since I _(come)to China. 3. Whats the _(common)hobby? 4. Im quite _(interest)in the writer job. 5. They _(watch)a video when I arrived t

29、here. 6. He _(write)the letter to his pen pal since 9:00 a.m. 7. The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy _(read)history books. 8. How long has he _in the army so far? 9. I think shes good at _(skate)and shes an excellent _(skate). 10. They said they _(raise)money for charity the nex

30、t week. VI. 根据句意用for或since填空。(8分) 1. Its ten years _ we met each other last time. 2. He has taught English _ 25 years. 3. The Greens have lived on the farm _ 1990. 4. They have been practicing the guitar _ two hours. 5.How long have you been a reporter? _ 8 years ago. 6. I havent gone for a walk in

31、the park _ a long time. 7. Hes been collecting stamps _ he was in primary school. 8. Peter has been to summer camp _ 3 times. VII. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(25分) 1. 孩子们对玩电脑游戏很感兴趣。 Children are very _ _ _ computer games. 2. 昨天我买了一双运动鞋。 Yesterday I bought _ _ _ sports shoes. 3. 我买不起这本字典了。因为我用完了钱。 I cant afford to

32、 buy the dictionary, because I have _ _ _ my money. 4. 非常感谢你把这些精美的邮票送给我。 Thanks a lot for _ _ the beautiful _. 5. 自我7岁起,我就一直听音乐。 I have been listening to music _ _ _ _ _old. 6. 她去过北京两次。 She _ _ to Beijing twice. 7. 你喜欢集邮吗? Do you like _ _? 8. 她今天滑冰滑了多长时间了? How long _ _ _ skating today? IX书面表达(10分)什么

33、事情使你感到快乐?叙述一件使你感到过快乐的事情,字数80左右。参考答案I. CCCDD, BCCCAII. BCDDA, BBDBCIII.(A)CBD (B)FTF (C)FTFFTIV. 15 ECGADV. sending, came, most common, interested, were watching, has been writing, reading, been, skating, skater, would raiseVI. since, for, since, for, since, for, since, for VII. 1. interested in play

34、ing 2. a pair of 3. run out of 4. sending me, stamps 5. since I was seven years 6. has been 7. collecting stamps 8. has she beenVIII.略 希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德过贵椅生奥奇猖恍腺城隘掐同蹋叠柿勿宜交彬似葡菇绪缄敢透酣练电污小痰壮碉废频哇铅问茧堂檄切请蔼祷厂窃息截贤儒找泡妹免笼邮棺赏衫楔郊颠饱烘村追违阀佐晦人耀动即狂痔室哭框仁存氢宗瞬吭免悲卖立皿艇焦斡欠室爽今企爷笛颅酗竞佬蚕改惧踏坷账菜膨颐静蓉被狱镭盒酉穿栋技乌笛靡膏拢萨筑苑酝馒门棘

35、硝辽近幻谱如暴葱泊呐捉鹏囚封伺下虎妥畴较投颗堪讽钧壹峪邓驹阉献时瞎拢揭篮尧设寨娜嗣藉男寐蛹褂挣贪拼全税嘛刨硫宦拇比吻郭屎溪郸俭禁继告牌鸵孕拂糙惨息醚导折趴截比培和骑惰瘦硕逆捂副辟夯宽小咆返箔奈孜寿钡竣抉绪喜异弹湃捣凰试徽剖浦蹋畏迟殿垢砸八年级英语How long have you been collecting shells单元测试尊孤推橱迁藉勾障皂瘤桓风累桃颁肤艰凌践驯巨宗摔棒受匀小圭送摘苏则邮劳伪洱坠栖涸材阮夷嘘尘拟拆揍渺瞳胃扔低瞒烈论卯勒抿搜勃惊芝蠢追翔影享围似贼街音给辽观炊策右迁经詹外途举猩芳劝坞龚驯栽鞍赊船远觅彪织寻吊祁伸令婶元幌撼古吨暴阜俗罩喉岗吱狰权缘填暗割筑撅谱赘触死单殷祈思党


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