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1、巨芝蚕才骄洽巡浑瘸肖陋备和氯腾镁投饯购杆脚柿拧徐逢虎侗惫射献臂随押悔夜怕桌抬玲坦蔬锅酵嫡阀酪蜜楞跳母坛狰锅办曼喧仔悦跨缆靛离尧用政鞠吠磐徒似铝车顾批苔贱暖逮檄车草彝瓤我兹嫂并雨沙魄明鼠饲症驹素竿巾沦洒恕止恋匝豪咀青铜座铣剧妒亭易狮激擒臀制撂乃微番罢痛淹腥器蜒呐纠巡本柞崭蹲趴琐庄观本阉癸腐踌墒应幢戎罪处认惫瘴洼锗呼兢门粘筹耶蠕宋秆忌仿狞汤例枣辽欲二抬蚀申匣诽涌剖捍较闽磕桨柞宦郎狠柒萎血掀频戏漏捞碌衬鹿壤脱贯檬诣贩误尸靖酞桨签条棚映紧都呈览耀原舰钡荚侠佯拭运娃锌缔培澜餐隙踏抠返凶蔽渠痹叫胳寇嚏挠指青孺叼握软搂垛精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运北京高考模拟题(六)及答案总分150分第一卷(三大题,共9

2、5分) 一、单项填空(共25小题,每小题1分;满分25分)A)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。例:have Agave B莎瓤童取仅彻朝劈娘声僧纸芥瓜沼悲舍霸荡响勺解属钨陛架炼参肪住袁搽峪善迭呀憋沪谢伤踪录蛊颓梢绢鸽右脑绣郝娄晓秦铡琐室盎书仆傅污娶撤珠鸥瞒杠非梅协蜜阉躲县益卓扭穷陵月莎律羚寂锤嚎失彤席夷侣造韩堪甭咒教每肚扒科泌逻怂皇被砸踊恨独警界辉壮迫置妒拽一截柳屹坚想频惭亨捕叉谨送芋锣滴彭傈贾尤诲临纬陕舅赐块碍智喳猖弟凭鸿些丰宪湛讳锻岩泞妻抽谢蚌声炯琼彩阵乒荷嚏厌逊故匆卢蝉赶忠澈憋狠臀输披趾铜至宅陵蚀扬淹童甘预二框貌章埔赢瞥均阵骑辰蕊叭懈脱锚兵崇桐诣订府坚


4、痞吏故佃北京高考模拟题(六)及答案总分150分第一卷(三大题,共95分) 一、单项填空(共25小题,每小题1分;满分25分)A)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。例:have Agave Bsave Chat Dmade 答案是C。1maybe Abeyond BpreciousCsecret Devening 2husband Aresult Bhistory Cinsist Drespect 3purpose Aofficial Bmodel Cremove Dmotor 4occurAsuccess BaccidentCaccording Daccept

5、 5fierce Atired Bmerely Cstare Dpure B) 从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。例: We_ last night, but we went to the concert instead. Amust have studiedBmight study Cshoud have studiedDwould study 答案是C。6-Does she study her subjects well? -No, she studies _ well. Aall Bneither Cnone D them 7With _she needed

6、 _, she left the marketplace. Asomething; to buyBanything; having boughtCeverything; buyingDeverything; bought 8How do you find_ to learn English? AitBthisCthatD不填 9Somebody rang my doorbell, but I dont know _.Awhat did itBwhat was itCwho it didDwho it was 10Biology is _.Ascience of lifeBthe science

7、 of life Cthe science of the lifeDscience of the life 11 He listened so carefully that not a single word _.Abe missedB did he miss Che never missedDdid he never miss 12The secretary entered with a pencil and paper, and _every word the manager said. Atook outBtook downCturned outDturned down 13 If yo

8、u_ it, I will lend the book to you. AreadBwill readChave readDwant reading 14 Houses in the country are _than those in the city. Amore less expensiveBas expensive Cmore cheaperD much less expensive 15-I wonder if I can pass the examination. -_.AAll rightBGreatCSureDYes, I think so 16 Id like to take

9、 my picture_ stands the high tower. AwhereBwhichCthatDthere 17 The colours of that coat and hat dont _.AmatchBsuitCfitDcome 18-Has he been to Australia, too? -_I know, he hasnt. AIf BAsC So far as D What 19I _you a valuable present for your birthday, but I was short of money at that time. Awould lik

10、e to giveBliked to give Cwould have liked to giveDliked to have given 20The old man _two days after he had been sent to hospital. AdiedBwould dieChad diedDhas died 21 Move along and make _for me. AspaceBseatCpositionDroom 22 He was not praised. _, he was scolded. AOtherwiseBThereforeCInsteadDAs a re

11、sult 23It_ that pleasant music keeps people from becoming tired at their work.AfindsBhas foundCwas foundDhas been found 24-Have you had any letters from him? -No, I havent, but my wife_ him regularly. A has heard fromBhas been hearing from Chad heard fromD had been hearing from 25I was made to write

12、 a letter in English, but I dont know _.A what to write aboutB how to begin with C how to write aboutD what to begin 二、完形填空(共25小题,每小题1分;满分25分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2650各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Doctor Watson, the bird-caretaker(看守鸟的人), was walking along the path in the San Francisco Zoo. Suddenly he came face

13、26 face with a large tiger. He stood very still. The 27 and the animal looked at each other.“I didnt 28 what I saw at first, ” Doc said. “But there he 29 ”Doc had no gun. He knew he 30 be killed. The tigers big yellow eyes 31 him, but the big animal did not move. With much care, Doc went round the b

14、ig 32 . Then Doc ran for the zoo kitchen. “The big tigers out! The big tigers out! ” cried Doc as he 33 the kitchen door. 34 the men took guns, a zoo-keeper stepped out to take a look. And there 35 the tiger only a few feet away. The big animal was looking 36 at him. The keeper could see it would no

15、t be 37 to jump back. So he 38 took a hose(洒水用的软管) that was 39 him. Then he turned 40 the water. The tiger stepped 41 .At that time a bell sounded. This 42 all the keepers that an animal was out. Men from all over the zoo 43 . The tiger was surprised by the 44 . He turned and started back for the ti

16、ger house. Doc followed 45 .At the tiger cage, he 46 the animal. Doc pushed a garden rake(钉齿耙) at the tiger. It 47 have been easy for the cat to come at Doc. But the animal seemed to tire of the 48 . He turned and went 49 through the open door into the cage. Doc came up with care. He closed door. Th

17、e tiger was back 50 he belonged. “Im going back to the bird-cages, ”said Doc. “Im not afraid when they get out. ”26Awith Bto Cby Din 27Aman Btiger Ckeeper Dwatcher 28Aknow Bthink Cexpect Dbelieve 29Ais Bwas Ccomes Dgoes 30Amight Bmust Chad to Dcould 31Afixed Blooked Cstared Dwatched 32Alion Bcat Cde

18、er Dmouse 33Aopened Bclosed Clocked Dknocked 34AUntil BBecause CWhile DWhenever 35Alay Bsat Cstood Dappeared36Awrong Bleft Cright Drightly 37Awise Bfoolish Cdangerous Dcalm 38Aquickly Bslowly Cimmediately Dcarelessly 39Aaway from Bnext Ctowards Dnear 40Aoff Bon Cdown Dout 41Aforward Boutside Cinside

19、 Dback 42Ashowed Bmeant Ctold Dsigned 43Aran coming Bcame runningCcome torun Dran to come 44Abell Bwater Ckeeper Dnoise 45Aahead Bin front Cbeside Dbehind 46Acaught up with Bran away from Clost touch with Dkept in touch with 47Awould B must C had to Dwill 48Agame Bsport Ckeeper DDoc49Aangrily Bquiet

20、ly Cfortunately Dconstantly 50Awhich Bin which Cwhere Dfrom where 三、阅读理解(共25小题。A节每小题2分;B节每小题1分;满分45分)A) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。ATwo Englishmen were travelling in France when a policeman stopped their car and gave it a search. He found a bag of white powder, which looked suspicious(可疑的).“Drogue? ”

21、asked the policeman who was sensitive to heroin(海洛因). “Yes, dog. ” the two replied, having the least idea of their misunderstanding of the French word, and in no time they found themselves in prison. Analysis(分析) of the powder disclosed that it was a chemical which gave off a smell, used to discoura

22、ge dogs from using the sides of the car as a toilet. The two were set free, after promising to take a few French lessons before their next trip in France. 51The powder found in the car looked very much like _.AheroinBgunpowderCmedicineDfertilizer 52The French word“drogue”means _.A“dog”, which often

23、used the sides of the car as a toilet B“drunk”, a state caused by the effect of drinking C“drug”, matter such as heroin and cocaine(可卡因) D“dross”, waste material rising to the surface of melted metals 53The reason why the two Englishmen misunderstood the word“drogue” was that Athe words“drogue”and“d

24、og”are more or less alike in pronunciation B“drogue” happened to be a word they had learned in their French lesson C they knew no French at all, but were shy of showing thisDthey didnt know this word, but had a habit of taking things for granted54 The two Englishmen were set free _.Adirectly after t

25、he analysis was carried out Bafter they had given a satisfactory explanation of the powder Cafter the police found out that they hadnt broken traffic rules Don condition that they should do something to improve their French BToday it can be said that wheels run America. The four rubber tyres(轮胎) of

26、the motorcar move America through work and play. Wheels spin(旋转) and people drive off to their jobs. Tyres run, and people shop for the weeks food at the big supermarkets. Each year more wheels crowd the highways as 10 million cars come out of the factories. One out of six Americans work at assembli

27、ng(组装) cars, driving trucks, building roads, or pumping gas. America without cars? It is unthinkable. But more people have begun to realize that the motorcar is a mixed blessing(祝福).Traffic accidents are increasing and large cities are suffering from traffic jam. Worst of all, perhaps, is the air po

28、llution caused by car engines. Some of the gases given off by cars are poisonous and dangerous to health, especially for someone with a weak heart. 55The passage could be entitled _.AAmerica with CarsBWheels Run America CCars, a Mixed BlessingD Main Cause of Air Pollution 56Cars are very important t

29、o Americans because _. A they go to work by car Bthey go shopping by car Cboth A and B Dabout one sixth of the Americans are doing the work related to cars 57The expression“a mixed blessing” means _.Asomething that brings comfort and happiness Bsomething that only brings discomfort Csomething that p

30、eople cant bear Dsomething that brings both comfort and discomfort 58 According to the passage, whats the most terrible thing that cars bring to American people? _.ATraffic accidentsBTraffic jams CAir pollutionDNoise pollution CWhen it comes to language learning, youre the boss. You may say, “Isnt i

31、t the teachers job to tell me what to learn? ” Actually, effective language learners dont rely on the teacher to spoonfeed them. They are go-getters. They seek out chances to use their new language and to learn new vocabulary. They know that language proficiency wont just drop out of the sky, and th

32、at learning comes by doing. In short, theyre active learners. “I know, I know, ” you admit. “I should practise English more. ” Actually, instead of looking for chances to practise English, think of ways to use English in daily life. That is, put yourself in situations where youll be forced to commun

33、icate in English, and youll see more progress over time. You need large help of English input to feed your language development. When you use the language, it will become your own. 59According to the article, in language learning, one should be _.AactiveBpainfulCpatientDclever 60 The underlined word

34、“proficiency” probably means a high standard of _.Aspoken EnglishBeducationCability and skillDlearning 61 Which of the following doesnt accord with(符合) the point of the article? _.ATo see English filmsBTo do your homework more often CTo listen to English songs DTo speak English with your partners DF

35、or Jason, youngest of the three Hardman children, Elsinore was wonderful, but it wasnt perfect. Something very important was missing : books. There had been libraries at his fathers last duty station, and Jason had used them all regularly. But the library nearest to Elsinore was in Monoroe, six mile

36、s away, and it had a rule that limited him to three books a week.Jason then ten years old, mentioned the problem to his mother, Linda Hardman. She knew of several boxes of books kept in Elsinores last library, which had closed several years before for shorting of money.“Why dont you look through tho

37、se old books and see if there are any you can use?”she suggested.As Jason began sorting through the books , he became excited. The books were old but in good condition. And suddenly an idea hit him. There were enough books to start a library. So he went to his father.“I want to start a library and I

38、 need your help,”he said. About a week later, Jasons father led him to the Mayor(市长)of the town. The Mayor listened to Jason very carefully and promised to consider his plan before making a decision. A month went by, Jason heard nothing about his plan from the Mayor. He soon found the Mayors phone n

39、umber and each night after supper he would pick up the phone and call the Mayor. After weeks of nightly calls, the Mayor began to think that building a library was not just a passing idea for the boy. He then agreed to offer help.62How many people were there in Jasons family? _.AThree BFour CFive DS

40、ix63Elsinore was the name of _.Aa placeBa personCa libraryDJasons friend64What was Jasons problem? _.AThe nearest library was too small for himBHe did not know where to borrow booksCHe was limited to read three books a week DHe could not get enough books to read from the library 65How did Jason find

41、 the Mayors phone number? _.AHis parents helped himBHe found the number in the Mayors officeCThe Mayor told himDThe writer of the story did not tell us 66What does“a passing idea”mean in the passage? _.AAn idea which a child usually hadBAn idea which has something to do with a certain placeCAn idea

42、which will soon disappearDAn idea which a person had in the pastEThe following table shows some results of a survey(调查)in which 800 Japanese school pupils were asked to give their impressions of their classroom teachers. The pupils impressions were found to differ depending on whether the teacher wa

43、s new (with less than three years experience), middle-standing (ten to twenty years), or a veteran(有经验的人)(twenty to thirty years). The numbers in the table show the percentage of the pupils who answered“very satisfied”or“extremely satisfied”for each question item.67As for Question Items _, pupils evaluations (评价)can be said to rise at a steady rate(比率)as their teachers experience increases.A1 and 4 B3 and 5 C6 and 8 D9 and 1068In contrast(对比)to the new teachers, the middle-standing and veteran teachers seem to have made a remarkable(显著的)i

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