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1、Small-Power Asynchronous Motor 小功率异步电动机小功率异步电动机 Use and Maintenance Manual 使用维护说明书使用维护说明书 Peoples Republic of China Zhaoqing Electric Machinery Co.,Ltd.Guangdong Province(Former name was Zhaoqing Motor Company)中华人民共和国 广东省肇庆电机有限公司(原肇庆电机厂)Address:22 Duanzhou 3 Road Zhaoqing City,Guangdong Province 地址:

2、广东省肇庆市端州三路 22 号 Telephone:+86758-2738227 /2738337 电话:+86758-2738227 /2738337 Zip Code:526060 邮政编码:526060 Description for the Using and Maintenance of Small Power Asynchronous Motor 小功率异步电动机的使用维护说明 Small power asynchronous motor is widely used in every field.All our motors are complied with the regul

3、ations of our country standard,department issued standard and the company standard,which can be ex-factory till strictly examined and qualified.If the motors can be used in a proper way,it can work steady and its using life can be longer.小功率异步电动机广泛应用于各行业。本厂所生产的各系列电动机,均符合国家标准、部颁标准、公司标准的规定,并经严格检查合格后才许

4、出厂。用户若能按照本维护说明书的规定,对的使用电动机,定能达成运营可靠,使用寿命长的目的。Descriptions for small power asynchronous motor series:小功率异步电动机各系列说明:1-YS series three phase asynchronous motor 1-YS 系列为三相异步电动机 2-JZ,YU series single-phase resistor started asynchronous motor 2-JZ,YU系列为单相电阻起动异步电动机 3-JY,YC series single-phase capacitor-sta

5、rted asynchronous motor 3-JY,YC 系列为单相电容起动异步电动机 4-YY series single-phase capacitor-operated asynchronous motor 4-YY系列为单相电容运转异步电动机 5-YL series double value capacitor asynchronous motor(that is single phase capacitor started and capacitor-operated asynchronous motor).5-YL系列为双值电容异步电动机(即单相电容起动,电容运转异步电动机)

6、。The frequency for the above motor series is 50Hz;the rated voltage for the single-phase motor is 220V.Rated voltage for the three-phase motor is 380V,rated voltage for double value voltage motor is 220V and 380V.上述各系列电动机,电源频率为 50Hz,单相电动机额定电压220V。三相电动机额定电压为 380 伏,双压电动机额定电压为线电压 220 伏和 380伏。Requiremen

7、ts for using:do not over 1000m,the temperature should below 40.The tolerance of the voltage not to exceed 5%,and should be the sinusoidal wave,besides,the three phase motor voltage should be actual balance system of which the frequency cannot exceed 1%.使用条件:在海拔不超过 1000 米,环境温度不超过 40。电源电压偏差不超过额定值的5%,并

8、为实际正弦波形,三相电动机电源电压还应为实际平衡系统,电源频率不超过额定值的1%。Installation:in the process of transporting,the motors should be checked to see whether the motors transformed or damaged;retention parts smooth or falling;whether it is smart when operating by hand,whether damped or erosion chemically.安装:电动机安装前应检查电动机在运送过程中有无

9、变形或损坏;紧固件有无松动或脱落;用手转动电动机是否灵活,有无受潮或受化学锈蚀等。When installing,the centerline of the motor shaft the loading machine shaft should combine together if use the shaft coupling machine.The setting way is the same as the IMN34 and IMB14 or A201 and A301,so its deepness into the screw should not larger than 8mm

10、 in case of damaging the coil winding.安装时,若采用联轴器转动,必须使电机轴中心线与负载机械轴中心线重合。对于安装形式与小法兰型电机(IMN34 and IMB14 or A201 and A301),其安装连接螺钉旋入深度不应大于 8mm,以免损坏线圈绕组。The motor should wire ground.Inside the junction box or the bottom corner of the frame should bear the tag for grounding.电动机必须可靠接地。接线盒内或机座底角上有接地装置标记。Gr

11、ounding:wiring schemes in this manual or inside the junction box or on the nameplate should be strictly act as the wiring drawing and correctly wire.The end of the wire should be good connected,the lead wire direction of the terminal box is fixed according to the needs.接线:本说明书和电动机接线盒内或铭牌上有接线原理指示图,必须

12、严格按接线图在接线板上对的接线。接线时接线头必须牢固,电路接触必须良好,出线盒引线方向可以根据需要旋定。Motor circuit should have overload and short circuit device(such as the fuse),and adjust the setting value according to the current of the nameplate data.电动机线路上要有过载与短路装置(如保险丝等),并根据电动机的铭牌电流调整装置的设定值。Starting:all the small power asynchronous motors ar

13、e directly start at full voltage.But continuously starting is not permitted.起动:小功率异步电动机均为全压直接起动。但不允许连续频繁起动。For the JZ,YU series single-phase resistor started asynchronous motor,the starting time should not exceed 20 times/hour,each time should not exceed 3 seconds.对于 JZ、YU 等单相电阻起动异步电动机,每小时起动次数应不超过 2

14、0次,每次起动时间不应超过 3 秒钟。Running:in the process of running,the voltage,the frequency,the load current and rising temperature must comply with the nameplate date.运营:电动机运营过程中,必须注意电压、频率、负载电流、温升等必须与电机铭牌规定相符。In the process of normal running,must keep the environment clean and the motor coolant.When something a

15、bnormal happened,must stop and start again after repairing.电动机在正常运营过程中,注意环境清洁和电动机的通风冷却。发现电机运营不正常,应停机检查,待故障排除后再开机。Maintenance:when the motor break down must stop and check the circuit and the reparation of the motor.维修:当电动机的保护装置连续发生动作时,应检查故障因素,排除故障,做好线路和电动机的维修工作。The lubrication of the bearing must be

16、 in good condition in the process of running.要保证电动机在运营过程中轴承润滑良好。Generally,after one year working,lubrication should be supplemented or changed.Enclosed bearing should change to another same model bearing after using up.The dismantling and assembling of the bearing should be sent to the specialists.一

17、般电动机每运营一年左右应补充或更换润滑脂。密封式轴承在使用过程中,润滑油耗失后,应更换相同型号的轴承,轴承的拆卸和装配应送专业厂家。Must send to the specialist for maintenance when the motor winding is burnt.若电动机绕组烧毁,应送专业厂家维修。Must change to another capacitor of the same specification as the origin when the capacitor is damaged.若电动机电容器损坏,应严格按原配电容器的型号规格选配。Store:the

18、motors must keep in the warehouse where is well-ventilated,with dry air and no harm gas.保存:电动机必须存放在通风良好,空气干燥及无害气体侵入的库房内。Do not pile up the motors in case of affecting the ventilation or damaging the packaging of the motor.电动机储存中不宜堆积太高,以免影响通风及损坏下层电动机的包装。Do not lean to one side and place downward when

19、 storing or shipping.储存和运送过程中,应防止电动机的倾斜和倒放。Maintenance period for quality:Act as the maintenance manual of the manufacturer,use and store the motor correctly,the motor can work normally for one year count from the manufacturer first working day,but not exceed two years form the day of shipping.Durin

20、g this period,if the motor is damaged or cannot work,the manufacturer should repair the motor or change to another new one without any charges.质量保证期:在用户按照制造厂的使用维护说明书的规定,对的地使用与存放电动机的情况下,制造厂保证电动机在使用的一年内或规定的工作期限内,但自制造厂起运的日期不超过二年的时间内能正常运营。如在此规定期间内电动机因制造质量不良而发生损坏或不能正常工作时,制造厂无偿地为用户修理或更换电动机。Zhaoqing Electr

21、ic Machinery Co.,Ltd telephone for motor quality accuse is:+86758-2756803 肇庆电机有限公司产品质量投诉电话:+86758-2756803 Fax:+86758-2718649 传真:+86758-2718649 Construction drawing and external wiring diagram for the small power motor 各系列小功率异步电动机电气原理图、外部接线图 一、Construction drawing and external wiring diagram for the

22、YS three-phase asynchronous small power motor.一、YS 小功率三相异步电动机电气原理图、外部接线图:(一)YS motor(一)YS 电机 1、Motor construction drawing 1、电气原理图 A)Three phase 380V alternate current A)三相交流 380V U1V1W1U2V2W2Y接 B)Three phase 220V alternate current B)三相交流 220V U1V1W1U2V2W2接 2、External wiring diagram 2、外部接线图 380VU2V2W

23、2W2V2U2 W2V2U2U2V2W2220V Exchange any two of the three electric wires when CCW is needed.需要反转时,请把三条电源线中的任意两条对调。(二)YS-DW motor(二)YS-DW 电机 1、Construction drawing-connected inside the motor 1、电气原理图电机内部联接 UWV380V 2、External wiring diagram,running CW 2、外部接线图正转 Exchange any two of the three electric wires

24、 when CCW is needed.需要反转时,请把三条电源线中的任意两条对调。二、Construction drawing and external wiring diagram for the YU series single-phase resistor started asynchronous electric motor:二、YU小功率单相电阻起动异步电动机电气原理图、外部接线图 1、Motor construction drawing 1、电气原理图 Picture:U1-U2 is main winding,Z1-Z2 is Aux.Winding,K is centrifu

25、gal switch,V1V2 is lead wire for centrifugal switch.图中:U1-U2为主绕组,Z1-Z2为副绕组,K 为离心开关,V1V2 为离心开关引出线。2、External wiring diagram 2、外部接线图(1)YU series single-phase resistor started asynchronous motor:(1)YU 小功率单相电阻起动异步电动机:CW CCW 正转 反转 (2)YU-DW,JS small power single-phase resistor started asynchronous motor:(

26、2)YU-DW,JS 小功率单相电阻起动异步电动机:CW CCW 正转 反转 三、Construction drawing and external wiring diagram for the YC,JY series single-phase capacitor-started asynchronous small power motor 三、YC,JY小功率单相电容起动异步电动机电气原理图、外部接线图:(一)Single-voltage motor(一)单电压电机 1、Motor construction drawing 1、电气原理图 Picture:U1-U2 is main win

27、ding,Z1-Z2 is Aux.Winding,K is centrifugal switch,V1V2 is lead wire for centrifugal switch.CB is starting capacitor 图中:U1-U2 为主绕组,Z1-Z2为副绕组,K为离心开关,V1V2 为离心开关引出线,CB为起动电容器。2、External wiring diagram:2、外部接线图:(1)External wiring diagram for YC series single-phase capacitor-started asynchronous small power

28、 motor (1)YC 小功率单相电容起动异步电动机外部接线图:CW CCW 正转 反转 (2)YC-DW,JY small power single-phase resistor started asynchronous motor:(2)YC-DW,JY小功率单相电容起动异步电动机外部接线图:CW CCW 正转 反转 四、Construction drawing and External wiring diagram for YY series single-phase capacitor-started asynchronous small power motor 四、YY系列小功率单

29、相电容运转异步电动机电气原理图、外部接线图。1、Motor construction drawing 1、电机原理图 Picture:U1-U2 is main winding,Z1-Z2 is Aux.Winding,CA is running capacitor,V1V2 is lead wire for capacitor 图中:U1-U2为主绕组,Z1-Z2为副绕组,CA为运转电容器,V1-V2为电容器引出线。2、External wiring diagram 2、外部接线图 五、Construction drawing and external wiring diagram for

30、the YL series dual-value capacitor asynchronous small power motor(That is single phase capacitor started and capacitor-operated asynchronous electric motor).五、YL系列小功率双值电容异步电动机(即单相电容起动、电容运转异步电动机)电气原理图、外部接线图:1、Motor construction drawing 1、电气原理图 Picture:U1-U2 is main winding,Z1-Z2 is Aux.Winding,CB is

31、start capacitor,V1V2 is lead wire for centrifugal switch 图中:CB为起动电容器,CA为运转电容器,K为离心开关,U1-U2为主绕组,Z1-Z2为副绕组,V1V2 为离心开关引出线。2、External wiring diagram 2、外部接线图 CW CCW 正转 反转 Common hitches of motors and the solutions 电容常见故障及其排除因素 No.序号 Phenomenon 故障现象 Reasons 故障因素 Solutions 排除方法 1 Three-phase motor do not w

32、orking after connected electricity 三相电动机通电后不转 1-The electricity cannot go through the circuit 2-Terminal-box not well connected 3-The winding wire falling apart 1、电源输入线路不通 2、出线盒接线不良 3、绕组接线 1-check about the circuit 2-Connect the wire as the drawing 3-Send to the experts for repairing 1、检修电源线路 2、按接线图

33、牢固接线 3、送专业厂家检修 2 Three phase motor do not working after connected electricity and giving out noise 三相电动机通电后不转并发出嗡1-One of the three phase power break away 2-The motor load is too heavy to start 1、三相电源中一相断路 2、电动机负荷太1-check about the circuit 2-If the load machine the being locked tightly 1、检修电源线路 2、检查

34、负载机械是否有卡紧现嗡响声。重不能起动 象 3 Three and single phase motor do not working,give out smoke and smell of insulation paint after connected electricity 三相电动机和单相电动机通电后不转、冒烟、散发出焦臭绝缘漆味 The winding of the motor is burnt 电动机绕组烧毁 Send to the experts for repairing 送专业厂家修理 4 Single phase motor do not working after con

35、nected electricity 单相电动机通电后不转 1-The electricity cannot go through the circuit 2-Terminal box not well connected 3-The centrifugal switch not well touched 4-Starting capacitor is damaged 1、电源输入线路不通 2、出线盒接线不良 3、离心开关触点接触不良 4、起动电容损坏 1-check about the circuit 2-Connect the wire as the drawing 3-Send to t

36、he experts for repairing 4-Change to another capacitor of the same specification 1、检修电源线路 2、按接线图牢固接线 3、送专业厂家检修 4、更换同型号规格的电容 5 The RPM of the single-phase 1-The cutting RPM of the centrifugal 1-Send to the experts for capacitorstarted and capacitoroperated asynchronous motor decrease after started.单相

37、电容起动盒电阻起动电动机起动后转速自动回降 switch is too low,the starting winding open too early which makes the starting torque small and the motor cannot reach rated RPM.2-The load is over weight 1、离心开关分断转速偏低,起动绕组过早打开,因而起动力距小,电动机不能到达额定转速。2、负载过重 repairing 2-Use the motor with proper load 1、送专业厂家修理 2、选择适合负载的电动机 6 The si

38、ngle phase capacitor started and capacitor-operated asynchronous electric motor sounded noisily and the RPM do not rise 单相电容起动和电阻起动电动机起 动 后 嗡 嗡 作响,转速停滞不升 The cutting RPM of the centrifugal switch is too high,the starting winding cannot open,the dragging motor cannot reach the rated RPM 离心开关分断转速高,起动绕

39、组不能断开,拖滞电动机不能达成额定转速 Send to the experts for repairing 送专业厂家修理 7 The start of the motor powerless 1-The voltage is too low 1-Increase the voltage 电动机起动无力 2-To the YL motors,if the centrifugal switch not well connected,the capacitor cannot start.1、电源电压过低 2、对于 YL 电动机,还因离心开关触点接触不良,起动电容未能通电起动 2-Send to t

40、he experts for repairing 1、提高电源电压 2、送专业厂家修理 8 The current leakage 电动机漏电 The winding and the centrifugal switch touch the motor housing 电动机绕组或离心开关碰壳 Send to the experts for repairing 送专业厂家修理 9 A feeling of being bitten by the ant when touch the motor by hand 用手背触摸电动机有轻微蚂蚁咬触电感觉 The motor housing will

41、produce weak current,after the winding has electricity,this is normal magnet induction phenomenon 电动机绕组通电后,在机壳会感应产生薄弱电流,这是正常的电磁感应现象。The grounding tag of the motor must grounding properly 在电动机接地标志上可靠接地 10 The temperature rise is too high 1-The temperature is too high,not 1-Check the fans and see whet

42、her the after working for a period 电动机运营一段时间后,温升过高。good in pulling out the heat 2-The load of the kit machine is too heavy 1、环境温度高,电动机散热不良 2、配套机械负荷太高 ventilation is good 2-Changed to use the suitable power motor 1、改善电动机工作环境检查风叶是否正常,通风道有无堵塞 2、改用合适功率的电动机配套 11 Big noise and feeling of vibration when th

43、e motor is working 电动机运营时有格格响声,手感振动较大 1-The spring ring damaged 2-The bearing lack of oil 3-Bearing damaged 1、波形圈破损 2、轴承缺油 3、轴承损坏 1-Change another spring ring of the same specification 2-Add some bearing oil 3-Changed another bearing of the same specification 1、更换同型号规格波形圈 2、装上适量新轴承油 3、更换同型号规格轴承 12 N

44、oise of hitting and feel the vibration when the motor is working 电动机运营时有刮碰声,手感有振动 1-After the wheel with belt or the shaft connected device hitting from the shaft direction,the rotor of the motor move backward.2-The fans shape 1-Use a wood hit the fans cover hole slightly back to the fix place 2-Cha

45、nged the fans 1、用木棒从风罩孔把转轴向前轻打复位 changed 1、装皮带轮或连轴器从周伸方向敲打后,电动机转子向后移了位 2、风叶损坏变形 2、更换风叶 13 Noise of hitting and feel greater vibration when the motor is working 电动机运营时机身有刮擦声,手感振动较大 1-The rotor shape changed,touch the inside of the stator 2-The cover bearing mushroom not tight,the rotor rub the inside

46、 circle of the stator when running 1、转 子 变 形 跳动,擦定子内圆。2、端 盖 轴 承 室松,转子运营擦定子内圆 1-Send to the experts for repairing 2-Changed the cover that is not qualified 1、送专业厂家修理 2、更换不合格端盖 14 The motor shaft runout is too big 电动机轴伸径向跳动大 The motor shaft change shape because of falling or hitting 电动机轴伸因跌碰敲打变形弯曲 Send to the experts for repairing 送专业厂家修理

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