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1、企业宣传资料的翻译On the Translation of Enterprise Profile企业对外宣传翻译的目的是让外国受众,或者更进一步说,是让外国的潜在客户明确无误地理解和把握译文所传递的信息要旨,从而取得良好的对外宣传效果。因此,中国企业的对外宣传资料必须在行文风格、表达习惯和思维模式上迎合目标受众的口味,只有这样,才能保证目标读者在摄取信息的过程中不遇到障碍,顺利地接受宣传信息。这就需要译者在翻译过程中,根据译语文化和目标受众的需要(主体性的制约因素受动性),充分发挥其能动性和创造性,选择合适的翻译策略,对不适合做对外宣传的原文进行处理和加工。下面以企业外宣资料中最常见、最典型

2、的文本特征为例来说明译者是如何发挥主体性的。 企业简介不同于一般的说明书,具有自己的语言特点,在翻译时必须结合其语言特点根据英语的习惯方式对内容进行调整,必须记住“内外有别”的观点,使译文信息准确、意图明确、表达切题,易于译文读者理解和接受。特点一:程式化用语经营:engage in, deal in, handle, operate专营怎么翻译?奉行/坚持原则 ;以为宗旨Hold/abide by/adhere to/followBased on the motto with the enterprise spirit of Principle/tenet/motto/spirit 经批准

3、be approved/appointed/permitted by集于一体 integrate/combine 获得奖项:Be awarded the gold prize通过ISO9002质量认证:Pass/gain/obtain/be granted the Certificate of ISO9002 (International Organization for Standardization.各种企业的英文翻译: 个人独资企业:sole proprietorship enterprise/sole investment enterprise国营企业:state-run enterp

4、rise国有企业:state-owned enterprise集体企业:collectively-run enterprise乡镇企业:township enterprise公营企业:public enterprise私营企业:private enterprise私营工商业:privately owned individual and commercial enterprise公私合营企业:joint state-private enterprise合作社企业:cooperative enterprise合资企业:joint venture外向型企业:export-oriented enter

5、prise劳动密集型企业:labor-intensive enterprise技术密集型企业:technology-intensive enterprise国有大中型企业:big-and-medium-sized state-owned enterprise亏损企业:money-losing enterprise联合企业:conglomerate工业企业:industrial complex生产型企业:production enterprise三资企业(中外合资企业、中外合作企业、外方独资企业):Sino-foreign joint venturesSino-foreign cooperati

6、ve enterpriseforeign-funded enterprise 特点2:频繁使用标语口号英语注重名称的使用,汉语注重动词的使用;汉语标语常常使用主谓结构,动词标志明显,英语标题名词多,所以汉英翻译实践中要注意转换。1)质量第一,信誉第一,服务至上,平等互利Quality Primacy, High Reputation/Prestige, Service Supremacy, Equality and Mutual Benefit 2)质优高效,客户满意Good Quality, High Efficiency and Client Satisfaction/Customer-s

7、atisfying Service3) 团结、拼搏、务实、创新、奉献Unity, Striving, Hard Work, Creation and Dedication 特点三:句式多样化1) with 引导的介词短语With a qualified staff of 5000, this company is rich in experience in foreign trade.2)分词的使用例: 珠海迪蒙贸易有限公司是经珠海市外经委批准成立的具有进出口经营权的法人企业。Approved by the Council of Foreign Economic Relations and T

8、rade of Zhuhai, Zhuhai Demen Trading Co. Ltd is a foreign trade enterprise possessing the state of legal body/entity. 3)从句的使用本公司设备先进,拥有中国第一条年产三十吨核酸花粉合剂的现代化生产线。The corporation is equipped with advanced facilities, among which is Chinas first modern production line of nucleic acid pollen mixture with

9、production capacity of 0.3 million tons.(一)简化陈言套话信息原文:铝业(集团)有限责任公司自1965年动工兴建以来,走过了40年的发展历程,在党和国家的亲切关怀以及众多忠实客户的长期支持下,铝人敢为天下先,勇于创新,发奋图强,在艰苦创业的道路上大胆探索,闯过无数惊涛骇浪,涉过无数风暴险滩,为中国铝加工业创造了多个第一的纪录,成为中国生产规模最大、技术装备最先进、品种规格最齐全、产品质量最领先、综合实力最强的综合性特大型铝加工企业。 以上原文是一段公司简介,是典型的“中国人写给中国人看”的文字材料,其中套话、口号式的用语很多,语言形式夸张而且内容空洞。这

10、样的对外宣传材料如果直译成英文,肯定会让西方人觉得滑稽而不可信。因此,翻译时,译者对原文信息做了取舍,转换行文风格,提炼出中心意思,去掉冗长的套话。然后集中意思进行表达,使得译文简洁干练,言之有物,符合英语行文朴素的特征,使读者真正信服中国企业的宣传内容。 译文:Aluminum (Group) Co., Ltd was founded in 1965. After a four-decade experience of exploration, the company has grown into one of the leading manufacturers of aluminum pr

11、oducts in China. It ranks higher in many aspects such as production capacity, technological strength and product varieties. (二)删掉毫不相关信息 原文(1)当中国经济的快速发展引起世界关注的时候,西安,这个以兵马俑(the Qin Terracotta Army)而闻名于世的十三朝古都,又以吸引世界500强企业进驻、荟萃全球高端技术、高速发展的西安高新技术产业开发区而再次惊羡世界。农业科技股份有限公司就是在此生根、成长和壮大。 对于中国受众来说,这段宣传文字虽然浮夸了点

12、,但也无可厚非,见怪不怪。中国人讲求意合,重整体感悟,喜欢“造势”,烘托气氛。但是,对于西方受众来说,这段文字无非是介绍企业地址,里面有用的信息也只有一条,那就是“xx农业科技股份有限公司位于西安市高新技术开发区”。至于“中国经济的快速发展引起世界关注”,“兵马俑”以及“十三朝古都”等字眼,根本就是牵强赴会或风马牛不相及的。所以,译者在翻译时,大胆发挥了自己的主体性,删掉了没用的信息,这样既有利于外国读者节省时间,也有利于中国企业提高传播效率。 译文(1):Agricultural Technology Co.,Ltd. is located in Xian National High-Tec

13、h Industrial Development Zone, which is a home for global technologies and some of the World Top 500 enterprises. 原文(2)公司在发展过程中得到了各级领导的大力支持,全国政协副主席周铁农、全国政协副主席万国权、国家发改委副主任(原陕西省省长)陈德铭、国家林业局局长(原陕西省省委副书记、陕西省省长)贾治邦、陕西省人大常委会副主任(原陕西省经贸委主任)邱世杰、陕西省人大常委会副主任白云腾、原陕西省体改办主任赵伯祥、西安市副市长朱智生以及西安高新技术产业开发区管委会主任景俊海等领导先后慰

14、问、视察工作,指导公司发展。 以上这段文字是中国企业宣传资料中的典型,中国人特有的权利崇拜意识在这段文字中暴露无遗。在翻译这段文字时,只翻译了第一句,而将其他繁杂内容全部删除了。 译文:The local governments at all levels has been offering great support for the development of the company. (三)缩译罗列堆砌信息 原文:2006年,公司获得全国青工技能振兴计划示范单位和优秀组织单位,连续8年荣获省委“创佳评优”竞赛活动“最佳厅局”称号,公司党组获得省委“先进基层党组织”,公司先后获得省级“守合

15、同重信用”企业及“陕西省纳税A级企业”等荣誉称号;公司系统各供电局、省电力调度中心及9个县供电企业达到国内一流,8家单位荣获全国“五一”劳动奖状,11家单位被授予“全国文明单位”和“全国精神文明建设工作先进单位”称号,展示了良好的国家电网品牌形象。 这段原文来自于一家电力公司的招商引资宣传材料。中国企业在宣传自己的实力时往往把组织规模、员工数量、企业业绩、获奖项目等信息一一列出,而西方人则更注重与客户的直接对话,往往把重点放在如何给客户提供满意的产品和服务上,他们所关心的不是这个企业获得了多少奖项和称号;更何况,由于这些奖项、称号大多跟中国特有的历史文化背景和政治经济制度有关,他们很难理解其字

16、面意义,也体会不到它们到底有多大说服力,以及对该企业有多大意义。所以,翻译时,译者应根据目标受众的特点,对原文的宣传内容进行浓缩,概括出其中心思想即可,从而避免译文内容堆砌罗列,也避免西方受众看后一头雾水、不知所云。 译文:Thanks to the great achievements it has made, Electric Power Corporation has won a lot of honorable titles and awards over these years such as “Model Enterprise for Contract-Fulfilling and

17、 Good Credit-Standing”, “Top Grade Tax Contributor” and “May Day Labor Award”. 再看一例:原文:南京化学厂具有近四十年的建厂史,是轻工部定点生产牙膏的中型企业,现为省级企业,具有生产牙膏8000万支以上的生产能力。The Nanjing Chemical Plant, specializes in making toothpastes, and has a production capacity of eighty million tubes a year. It prides itself on a history

18、 for nearly forty years and its present position of ranking among the top enterprises of toothpaste-making in Jiangsu Province.“轻工部定点生产牙膏的中型企业,现为省级企业” 轻工部是让外国读者感到陌生的机构,无法给人权威的感觉,删去。(比如:牙防组翻不翻译出来?)纠错的译文四川岷山芝芝食品有限公司SICHUANMINSHAN GIGI FOOD CO.,LTD其封面的介绍有这么一句:This Chinese Moon Cake has carefully produc

19、ed and crafted with proper condition and enjoy the finest things.?沛公礼品酒简介沛公酒源于汉朝,历史悠久,素负盛名。沛公酒选料考究,以微山湖清泉和优质高粱等为原料,采取传统工艺与先进技术相结合的方法,精心酿制而成。色清透明,淳厚净爽、回味悠长,具有芝麻香之独特风格。一九七八年获江苏省优质食品奖,一九八八年获首届中国食品博览会银奖,深受广大消费者嘉许。Peigong Gift Liquor Originating from Chinas ancient Han Dynasty, Peigong Liquor has been wi

20、dely famed for its good quality. The production demands a strict selection of sorghum and fresh spring water from Weishan Lake, and a special process combining Chinese traditional brewing craft with modern technology. It is limpid, mellow with a lingering fine taste, similar to that of sesame. After

21、 being awarded the Jiangsu Top-quality Foodstuff Prize in 1987, Peigong Liquor won the silver Medal at the first Chinese Food Fair in 1988, which makes the liquor more popular among its customers.中国建筑材料及设备进出口公司简介中国建筑材料及设备进出口公司是中华人民共和国对外经济贸易部批准的全国性国营进出口经济实体,经政府注册,具有法人资格。China National Building Materi

22、als and Equipment Import and Export Corporation is a state-owned economic entity authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, PRC, to handle import and export business. It is a government-registered corporate body.作为中华人民共和国国家建筑材料工业局唯一的综合外贸企业,本公司是国家建材业的对外窗口,在全国建材进出口业务中起导向和主渠道

23、作用。连续几年被评为全国进出口额最大的500家外贸企业之一。As the sole comprehensive foreign trader led by China State Administration of Building Materials Industry, this company serves an open window for Chinas building materials trade and also a guide and main channel of building materials import and export. For several conse

24、cutive years it has been one of top 500 foreign trade enterprises in import and export volume in China .本公司的宗旨是:重约守信、遵守惯例、信誉至上、效益第一。本公司的目的:面向世界、服务全国、平等互利、共同发展。Motto: High respect to contract, credibility, established practices, and prestige before profit. Objective: To serve home markets for world m

25、arkets; to seek joint development based on equality and mutual benefit.实用文体翻译练习:将下列中文企业简介翻译成英语:1海尔公司是中国主要家用电器生产厂家,其产品在国内市场享有盛名。然而,20年前,这家公司还不存在。当年,如今的海尔首席执行官张瑞敏应邀出山,来挽救一家濒临倒闭的电冰箱厂。他成功了。今天,海尔拥有3万名员工(其中百分之十以上的从事研究与开发),13家海外工厂(其中一家设在美国,由美国人管理),出口业务蒸蒸日上。Haier Inc. is a leading household electrical appli

26、ance manufacturer in China, whose products enjoy a good reputation in its home market. But 20 years ago, this company didnt even exist. Zhang Ruimin, its current CEO, was asked to rescue a refrigerator plant that was on the verge of bankruptcy in Qingdao. He succeeded. Today, Hair has 30,000 employe

27、es/ a staff of 30,000 (more than 10% in research and development, and 13 foreign subsidiaries, including one in the United States, managed by Americans.) Its export business is thriving.2 我公司拥有一支充满活力的高素质队伍,现有员工80人,大专以上学历占95%,平均年龄26岁,总部设十部一室两中心。集开发、连锁、营销为一体,在行业内有很好声誉,是汽车后续服务业中首批“中国连锁协会会员单位”,现拥有数家直销店、

28、样板店、控股店,以及全国各地加盟店500余家。Our company enjoys a qualified and energetic rank of 80 members with an average of 26, of whom 95% graduated with diplomas from universities. The Headquarters consists of ten departments, one administrative office and two service centers. Integrating development, franchising a

29、nd marketing, it is one of the first awardees of the “National Membership of Chain Stores and Franchising Association in China” in auto post-sale service. It has now many selling stores, model stores, holding stores and more than 500 stores under franchise all over China.Holding company: a company t

30、hat completely or partly owns other companies, as well as doing business itself.Holding store也可以这样理解。Note: diploma 主要指大专院校的毕业证书,中小学的毕业证书多用certificate.要说明是某学科的毕业证书,其后加in Diploma in education 教育学专业毕业证书Franchise 特许经营权 特许商店3 1980年,美的正式进入家电业;1981年开始使用美的品牌;2001年,美的转制为民营企业;2004年,美的相继并购合肥荣事达和广州华凌,继续将家电业做大做强

31、。Midea formally entered into the household appliance industry in 1980, starting to use the brand name of Midea in 1981. In 2001 Midea became a non-governmental enterprise. In 2004 Midea accelerated its paces in market expansion through successive acquisition of Hefei Royalstar and Guangzhou Hualin.附:几个经贸术语的翻译1 旗舰店 flagship store 控股店 holding store 直销店Selling Store 连锁店Chain store 特许店 Franchising Store2 老字号 a long standing brand a venerable brand .6

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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