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1、1、I base my goals in life on inspiration, rather than logic.yesno2、A quiet weekend at home isboringrejuvenating3、I prefer to keep things open and flexible.yesno4、My work space is usuallydisorganizedorganized5、Talking about feelings and emotions isdifficulteasy6、I tend to make decisions based on logi

2、c and facts.yesno7、At workI get the job doneI put things off8、I value compassion over analytical reasoning.yesno9、I am more interested infuture possibilitiescurrent happenings10、Others might describe me as morepracticalimaginative11、I prefer to keep my spaces clean.yesno12、When in conversation, Isay

3、 things as they aream careful to avoid conflict13、I am more comfortable withrulesprinciples14、An argument with feeling has more effect on me than a cold rational oneyesno15、I work better whenfollowing a scheduledeciding what to do next as I go16、I am extremely interested in abstract ideas.yesno17、I

4、liketo go with the flowtimetables and plans18、I tend to analyze things objectively and criticallyyesno19、The prospect of social activityusually excites merarely excites me20、I usually leave for appointmentswith extra time to spareat the last possible moment21、I tend to be more comfortable with the k

5、nown than the unknown.yesno22、I am extremely outgoing.yesno23、I dislike it when people are tooinsensitiveemotional24、I tend to make specific plans before taking action.yesno25、Others might perceive me asaimlessrigid26、I tend to be more practical than abstract.yesno27、I tend to pay more attention to

6、my thoughts than my feelings.yesno28、More often than not, Ilike a plan that is set in stoneam adaptable29、I usuallyplay, then workwork, then play30、I make friends easily.yesno31、I make new friendsquicklyover time32、I tend to value fairness more than feelings.yesno33、When the phone rings Ipick it up

7、right awaywish I could ignore it34、I am very open.yesno35、I consider myself to bea realistan idealist36、I greatly appreciate strangeness.yesno37、My ways tend to be moreconventionalrevolutionary38、I enjoygetting to know new peoplespending time with friends I know well39、I make decisions based onfeeli

8、ngslogic40、I am more of a planner than an improviser.yesno41、I prefer speakers that communicatefigurativelyliterally42、I entertain myself with myimaginationsurroundings43、I tend to be more down-to-earth than head-in-the-clouds.yesno44、I am more concerned withmy own thoughts and feelingsthe world aro

9、und me45、When there is a need to correct someone, I amafraid to hurt their feelingsquick to do it46、When in a one-on-one situation I usually do moretalkinglistening47、I focus far more on possibilities than present reality.yesno48、When making decisions Iconsider the feelings of othersdont consider th

10、e feelings of others49、At work I amrelationship- focusedtask-oriented50、Clutter in my homebothers meis not something I notice51、I amobjectivesubjective52、When around other people Istart conversationkeep to myself53、I frequently come up with ideas/solutions out of nowhere.yesno54、I would classify mys

11、elf as asocial butterflylone ranger55、I enjoy a task when Istart itcomplete it56、Give me thefactspersonal details57、I prefer structured environments to unstructured ones.yesno58、I preferspur of the moment activitiesroutine activities59、After a social gathering I feeldrainedenergized60、I avoid unnece

12、ssary interaction.yesno61、I am more likely to measure things withtotal precisionapproximation62、I enjoy time spentwith a group of friendsalone or with one close friend63、I see lifeas it isas it could be64、I tend to be spontaneous.yesno65、I am more likely to invest inpromising new ideasproven methods

13、66、I valuejusticemercy67、I consider myself to beprivatesocial68、It is important for me toconserve my energyspend my energy69、I am weird.yesno70、I am governed by myhearthead71、I talk a lot.yesno72、I am more excited about what might happenlater today or tomorrowin a couple years73、Being the center of

14、attention isexhilaratinguncomfortable74、I prefer tosee how I can change thingsleave things the way they are75、I tend to value competence more than compassion.yesno76、I am drawn tohidden meaning and inspirationwhat is immediate77、I want toget the task doneget to know others78、I am far more casual tha

15、n orderly.yesno79、I have more fun engaging inindividual activitiesgroup activities80、I get energized bylearning factsexploring theories81、On a free night I like togo out with friendsspend a quiet night at home82、I prefer to workin a teamalone83、I am extremely sentimental.yesno84、Change for me iseasy

16、difficult85、I am most comfortable beingspontaneousa planner86、I amsoft-heartedtough-minded87、It is worse to beinflexibleindecisive88、I often start/do things at the last minute.yesno89、I tend tosee the big picturefocus on details90、I am quick tocritiquecompliment91、I tend to be more realistic than conceptual.yesno92、I favor the surreal.yesno93、I take more pride in mysuccessesgoals

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