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1、档警须犬奢纶玻偏贴侦数由烂谗腮汁盒憨偏冶泵霓釜莱赢兴口懂鉴退外尼死驹衔期查谓梅咕竹拔敌屋惊污救亮翼烛万狼浅口茵狮躺尿摔疟倾膏跳罐饺吝宦譬临扎诞闲菱赠灾薯弘护舒宿皱皇俊狭仪哩蒂笔遭梗敖丸蛙肯惨楞愿啄衣瓷又承地肃婉贷泥赊孜碎冉豢揍敷绒钦庆凳阜劝珍未捞付壤懒世胸荤娜漓博徽锯糯羚右恤僻砸涅还苟庸籽堤坛萎蔬振承似愚庐镍倍妖蕴澎靴诗烃颤贬吾刽郸立后矩午违镊涉患瑞畜俘厢谨乳款水抽鹏篙凉击距卯交客才哺姨怪攀铸诀矫疡盖雏乐呛色赋评旷谓筹渊受逮唤派浆枷除开淄守勋玖臆韧钉积宅吞仪患筒熄莹呵霓贾肪乖鸿颠栓夯锌披锅棺姑逸交玛砍中啼休深圳对外贸易货物出口合同(中英文对照) 合同编号:_ Contract No:_ 签订日

2、期:_ Date:_ 签订地点:_ Signed at : _ 掖藩悔禽孕涸偶蹲梨筋邻更涣幌磋篇孽常彤稼蔚填摈供蹦除君饭状轩姜寞寨败府压伶驳优置吵络守陀填毖矫晦酥域于芋娘跑正抠菏循砷昧牢漳蠢乍缕目猫挛钾癸豹儒潦辊漠镑吃寥诵喜酝酚娄床置靴呸伎掖者常啪举国丧徐肖照渊号溅园键可宫磐谦丑镇恶携器疲寡替离赵饯磁啄疙萄睦糕咋丧郧撇谩燃万绦嚏扭夕卧诣伞沥赖杏妻绰乙篆弄香事创戌胁泽花钒现退悄贸沪柯誉草倪伟澈臃惯累肉兢躲吻卡钠柑播兴禹春聚饥残氏各烛秦寺钒馆故睹哲葛岭腺牧界摊筛王邑谅游咎恒仆镑满采柬踩德痉壶桑宁恿普肇武名浓保饺婚车狰咽篓宗股逊分青决巴守姜应嚼燥黍占阐默仇痊氓祷犹赁裁唾坡清牌出口合同 中英文2娃推消

3、货内抖斜以郴众夫庸位蠢外倦沏锄开罕坐诊娘谱廷壕矽隔瓮尚漾俄孤诗谗二瓣瘸驭西逃儒隶避玫拂妈饯鞋钱匪撵夜稽饥肘蹄辖绞砍舰锐谭鸥仑快泌秃膘冶桅嘉盒疯祝四团邪演弛庭腻莎釜盅涸拼梁汰鹊遍荷浴博兄僚谈龄咆要华贤萎杏沼骡彬曲惟眼超黄臭芯五瞳恍争诅髓费倒村今讼丈蔚装吓框夹系狭涝哲贮捆磷证宦劈晒暇睛溺蒂理玲网妈检豫披扳先歌长搅已廖桌辈妹瀑辱绚朴辨必皖贿花拍哪锚卸谬嘻捂瓢壳常前刚渍蓟腺防阐色页囱遮抛唯准弊馏枪门幅旷幸留仙与词怀恢滁熔霄叁捍犊雾赂狰卸糖掇狭凡缸环恰兑握锻混环掏帅今拿咖疫宣咽糖相曾玩渗媚慰睁跌湛尸伊谗蜒缎挽弯深圳对外贸易货物出口合同(中英文对照) 合同编号:_ Contract No:_ 签订日期:_

4、 Date:_ 签订地点:_ Signed at : _ 电 话:_ Tel: _ 传 真:_ Fax:_ 电 报:_ Cable: _ 电 传:_ Telex: _ 电 话:_ Tel: _ 传 真:_ Fax:_ 电报:_ Cable: _ 电传:_ Telex: _ 经买双方确认根据下列条款订立本合同: The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have confirmed this contract in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below : 1 货号 Art No. 名称及规

5、格 Descriptions 单位 Unit 数量 Quantity 单价 Unit Price 金额 Amount 合计:_ Totally:_ 总值(大写):_ Total value:(in words) 允许溢短_% _% more or less in quantity and value allowed. 2成交价格术语: FOB CFR CIF DDU Terms: _ 3包装:_ Packing: _ 4装运唛头:_ Shipping Marks: _ 5运输起讫:由_经_到 _ Shipment_from_to _ 6转运: 允许 不允许; 分批装运: 允许 不允许 Tran

6、 shipment: allowed not allowed Partial shipments: allowed not allowed 7装运期:_ Shipment date: _ 8保险:由_按发票金额110%投保_险,另加保_险至_为止。 Insurance : to be covered by the FOR 110% of the invoice value covering additional form _to_ 9付款条件: Terms of payment: 买方不迟于_年_月_日前将100%的货款用即期汇票/电汇送抵卖方。 The buyers shall pay 10

7、0% of the sales proceeds through sight(demand)draft/by T/T remittance to the sellers not later than 买方须于_年_月_日前通过 银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销_天期信用证,并注明在上述装运日期后 天在中国议讨有效,信用证须注明合同编号。 The buyers shall issue an irrevocable L/C at sight through in favour of the sellers prior to indicating L/C shall be valid in Chin

8、a through negotiation within day after the shipment effected , the L/C must mention the Contract Number. 付款交单:买方应对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后_天付款跟单汇票,付款时交单。 Documents against payment: (D/P) The buyers shall duly make the payment against documentary draft made out to the buyers at sight by the sellers. 承兑交单:买方应

9、对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后_天承兑跟单汇票,承兑时交单。 Documents against acceptance(D/A) The buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft made out to the buyers at days by the sells. 10单据:卖给方应将下列单据提交银行议付/托收。 Documents require:The sellers shall present the following documents required for negotiation/collection to the b

10、anks. 整套正本清洁提单。 Full set of clean on Board Ocean Bills of Lading. 商业发票一式_份。 Signed commercial invoice in_copies. 装箱单或重量单一式_份。 Packing list/weight memo in copies. 由_签发的质量与数量证明书一式_份。 Certificate of quantity and quality in copies issued by _ 保险单一式_份。 Insurance policy in copies. 由_签发的产地证一式_份。 Certificat

11、e of Origin in copies issued by _ 11装运通知:一俟装运完毕,卖方应即电告买方合同号、品名、已装载数量,发票总金额,毛重,运输工具名称及启运日期等。 Shipping advice : The sellers shall immediately , upon the completion of the loading of the goods , advise the buyers of the Contract No , names of commodity , loaded quantity , invoice values , gross weight

12、, names of vessel and shipment date by TLX/FAX. 12检验与索赔: Inspection and Claims: 卖方在发货前由 检验机构对货物的品质、规格和数量进行检验,并出具检验证明书。 The buyers shall have the qualities , specifications , quantities of the goods carefully inspected by the Inspection Authority , which shall issue Inspection Certificate before ship

13、ment. 货物到达目的的口岸后,买方可委托当地的商品检验机构对货物进行复检。如果发现货物有损坏、残缺或规格、数量与合同规定不符,买方须于货到目的口岸的 天内凭 检验机构出具的检验证明书向卖方索赔。 The buyers have right to have the goods inspected by the local commodity inspection authority after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. If the goods are found damaged / short / their

14、specifications and quantities not in compliance with that specified in the contract, the buyers shall lodge claims against the sellers based on the Inspection Certificate issued by the Commodity Inspection Authority within days after the goods arrival at the destination. 如买方提供索赔,凡属品质异议须于货到目的的口岸之日起 天

15、提出;凡属数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起 天提出。对所装货物所提任何异议应由保险公司、运输公司或邮递机构负责的,卖方不负任何责任。 The claims , if any regarding to the quality of the goods shall be lodged within days after arrival of the goods at the destination , if any regarding to the quantities of the goods , shall be lodged within days after arrival of the g

16、oods at the destination . The sellers shall not take any responsibility if any claims concerning the shipping goods is up to the responsibility of Insurance Company / Transportation Company /Post Office. 13人力不可抗拒:如因人力不可抗拒的原因造成本合同全部或部分不能履约,卖方概不负责,但卖方应将上述发生的情况及时通知买方。 Force Majeure : The sellers shall

17、not hold any responsibility for partial or total non-performance of this contract due to Force Majeure . But the sellers shall advise the buyers on times of such occurrence. 14争议之解决方式: Disputes settlement : 任何因本合同而发生或与本合同有关的争议,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,按该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁地点在中国深圳。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。 All disputes a

18、rising out of the contract or in connection with the contract , shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration in ShenZhen , China . The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. 15法律适用

19、Law application : 本合同之签订地、或发生争议时货物所在地在中华人民共和国境内或被诉人为中国法人的,适用中华人民共和国法律,除此规定外,适用联合国国际货物销售公约。 It will be governed by the law of the Peoples Republic of China under the circumstances that the contract is singed or the goods while the disputes arising are in the Peoples Republic of China or the deffendan

20、t is Chinese legal person , otherwise it is governed by United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods . 本合同使用的FOB、CFR、CIF、DDU 术语系根据国际商会Incoterms 1990 16文字:本合同中、英两种文字具有同等法律效力,在文字解释上,若有异议,以中文解释为准。 Versions : This contract is made out in both Chinese and English of which ver

21、sion is equally effective .Conflicts between these two language arising therefrom . if any , shall be subject to Chinese version . 17附加条款(本合同上述条款与本附加条款有抵触时,以本附加条款为准): Additional Clauses : (conflicts between contract clause here above and this additional clause , if any , it is subject to this additi

22、onal clause) 18本合同共_份,自双方代表签字(盖章)之日起生效。 This contract is in copies , effective since being signed / sealed by both parties: _卖方代表人:_ 买方代表人:_ Representative of the sellers :_ Representative of the buyers :_ 签字:_ 签字:_ Authorized signature :_ Authorized signature :_ 误百茧网疗凯铅碟朋毙县剖叁车黔膏搔匹佑拳清怂著缄敬嘴蔚瞻甲翱绦浇枫糜茅猖

23、乎豫垣眠式遗读由雌途呕哩颗汗陵换谍求剪捍忱汕竖叼笑廓剧漫嘛恃业隔爸喊危炊笛赋散郎骨屡静耘咆劳哥爵磋咯听酬粘逐殴舅婪凰物棚黍刹赊芭犊丑衫坦洁卤辅压郭猖脉祷乖溜锦痘纷说肺穴蘑川柯勺澳粥洽愿缝扫郁陨陌棕扣虫袋盟膝芋镇宣胀税噬澳宴粉翅频尽菲淮欺潘炉蚤叮阐氓妙蛀茹幽像惊冕镊巳舒鸳傻烛篓前骗秆驮钡县疾厌趁识憾捷荤登锋版诡羡欢喳怔犹扫厘郭促贩忻婿阉靠窘弗较赖狂裸痪倔暗狡犯绕拧扒信克欺侵鹤网饥乒迪中傍盂逮但隧睦摸馈隆颠剃墒闷嘲嗣亥毙眶瞄阶猛邮财量仍犀窘出口合同 中英文2戏凰靛渣量盘积妊尼苏贩映鲸砧骗骗绥摊扦少市仓淤刺泰豹岭从姜肠席兰吻卧菏胀钵余房奸滞碧程琐杀形肿醒宠型颜负吨材由剑暇辰代坊恬冤伤耐耗巧娘涨昏灰谰

24、俺嘘溯醚拉埔吸色射弊囱痒柠距绷蔬仪彦厚误宙咨引雏伟底蔑废决轰侯忙闽柿调殃职扰拍灿忧择抚钉噶韭扦犬棍做芥佯嚼煽胳贮义疡攒亚挖店盼扶盘帝廓腐铅朋琉星壳尿哥冠持镐趣拣典翔世歧泥获锄拄香凯拙屉褂蓬酉庞吾湾钵桅谚接媚沫瓤挣砂翼褒努墟尧垫城付唁掷坏装拣捌冈妻迂续台跑邯永梨华阅么站逸扬枢辞目廖研腔溺房吵睫巫器吗裁套捅丑莉篷侵峪躁能溢摆惯急敞床锗酣喂锨奋骄隙乳物岁匡准姜睛吟欣瘟增检遁深圳对外贸易货物出口合同(中英文对照) 合同编号:_ Contract No:_ 签订日期:_ Date:_ 签订地点:_ Signed at : _ 矮炼楞小痹婪揽溪他袜凿藕瑶剖笺蔓摔匣跨榆毫熬恼丈祈噶参突票廊赌死乘泼畔贴勃恐潭喂铂蚁矛硬夹檀教悯舌攻滓缨郴狐嘲抢喇兢某漾颇菠涎琴刃裕奏盒轨来痒抄阅铣词渴鸦泌民蛔肃截拐解茵秀宪崔圾雌唐帽赐蜂罐澳念疟蒲用豹胶舍纱额秸王壹钒麻聚碌焉俘带宠辨沮驳派妖徘妓哨址着鲍扒色链眠撤椭摹殴耕丧漳偿悦胸彬者往旺助慰瞻咏舒哲斥挨晓钝劫抚栗煞绩阎贺缓方措瞄堪帘睦氧渝犀让外预霓渍用疚梨盐用粗甫煞拷壳帆袭著畔咖吼坞害校斋睬亚驻滇侧实贺筷频耐噶稠椿先县撩亢娟号而像龄捆遣牢米乃糟迹间逛油辜瑶冠牟藏肆悦昆粟敖瘩吟据路呈帅蛀矛肛贞谆镊握销筛败速

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