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1、句型一Doing sth, sb did sth【例句】Linking arms with one of the instructors, I helped carry the young man out of the water.我和其中一位教官挽着手,帮助把这个年轻人从水里抬了出来【例句】Looking down, Winters saw a two-year-old on the sidewalk gasping for air and his mother desperately begging for help.往下看,温特斯看到一个两岁的孩子在人行道上喘着粗气,他的母亲拼命地乞求帮

2、助。句型二Sb did sth, doing sth【例句】Dennis got a group text,informinghim that the couple he had seen before were at the hospital.丹尼斯收到一条群发短信,告诉他他之前见过的那对夫妇在医院。【例句】The post has gained the attention of social media users all over the world, receiving millions of shares and likes in just three days.该帖子引起了全球社交

3、媒体用户的关注,在短短三天内就获得了数百万次分享和点赞句型三Done sth, sb did sth【例句】Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat.司机说不出话来,试图吞下喉咙里迅速膨胀的肿块。【例句】Encouraged by my uncles words, I refitted my bait, and put the pole again into the water.在叔叔的话的鼓励下,我重新装上了鱼饵,又把鱼竿放进了水里。句型四Having don

4、e sth, sb did sth【例句】Having miraculously(奇迹般地) crossed the busy road with fast-flowing traffic, the tractor was resting against the crash barrier in the central reservation.奇迹般地穿过车流湍急的繁忙道路后,拖拉机靠在中央保留区的防撞护栏上。【例句】Having swallowed the bread in one gulp, he turned to us again.一口吞下面包后,他又转向我们。句型五Sb did A,

5、 did B and did C【例句】Larrypulled over, set the brake and got hold ofthe fire extinguisher (灭火器)。拉里靠边停车,踩下刹车,拿起灭火器【例句】The competitor glanced over/around the audience in front of the stage, took a deep breath and started to sing.参赛者瞥了一眼舞台前的观众,深吸一口气,开始唱歌。句型六No sooner had sb done than sb did sth/The mome

6、nt sb did (动作1) sth, sb did (动作2) sth【例句】No sooner had he bent downto give poppy a bear hugthanhappy kisses rained upon his face./The moment he bent down to give poppy a bear hug, happy kisses rained upon his face.他刚弯下腰给罂粟一个熊抱,幸福的吻就如雨点般落在他的脸上。【例句】No sooner had we come to a stop in the driveway than

7、she opened the car door and walked straight towards the side gate.我们刚在车道上停下来,她就打开车门,径直走向侧门。句型七At the thought/sight/sound of sth, sb did sth【例句】At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I was seized by a strong sense of horror with my palms sweating.一看到凶猛的狼,我被一股强烈的恐惧感抓住,手心出汗。【例句】At the sound of the alarm,

8、the wolf fled into the thick woods警报声响起,狼逃进了茂密的树林中.句型八On /Upon doing sth, sb did sthon/upon后面的动名词多为:go, arrive, leave, reach, return, step, enter等。【例句】On arrivingat the village, we were warmly welcomed by the villagers.到达村子后,我们受到了村民的热烈欢迎。【例句】Upon going out of the room, Jack heard the telephone ringi

9、ng.走出房间后,杰克听到电话铃声。句型九Sb could hardly wait to do sth / Sb did sth without a second thought / without hesitation【例句】Icould hardly wait totell Gloria the good news.我迫不及待地想把这个好消息告诉格洛丽亚。【例句】Tom rushed out of the room without a second thought.汤姆不假思索地冲出了房间。句型十An inner voice whispered, “”/ Sb thought / said

10、 to oneself, “”【例句】An inner voice whispered,“Stay clear-headed. I can make it.”一个内心的声音低声说:“保持清醒的头脑。我能做到。【例句】An inner whispered, “You can do this.”一个内在的人低声说:“你可以做到。句型十一Sb was at a loss (to do sth/for sth)【例句】Facing risks,she was at a loss for choice.面对风险,她不知所措。【例句】Realizing she was in the middle of nowhere, she was at a loss.意识到自己身处偏僻的地方,她不知所措。句型十二Sb did sth but in vain / Sb did sth but didnt make it【例句】I ran desperately to catch upbut in vain.我拼命地跑去追赶,但徒劳无功。【例句】I tried to get the engine started again but in vain.我试图再次启动引擎,但徒劳无功。

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