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1、主谓一致主谓一致关键点精讲关键点精讲 山东省滕州二中高一英语组山东省滕州二中高一英语组山东省滕州二中高一英语组山东省滕州二中高一英语组 杨常金杨常金杨常金杨常金第1页 “一一致致”是是指指句句子子成成份份之之间间或或词词语语之之间间在性、数等方面应保持一致。在性、数等方面应保持一致。“主主谓谓一一致致”是是指指谓谓语语动动词词与与主主语语必必须须在在人人称称、性性、数数上上保保持持一一致致,即即主主语语是是复复数数,谓谓语语也也用用复复数数形形式式,如如are,were,have等等,主主语语是是单单数数,谓谓语语要要用用单单数数形形式式,如如:is,was,has,works等。等。在在详详

2、细细处处理理一一致致关关系系时时可可遵遵照照以以下下三三标准标准:语法一致、意义一致、就近一致。语法一致、意义一致、就近一致。第2页1.由由andand连接并列成份指是连接并列成份指是同一概念同一概念,一一个人双重身份个人双重身份或或匹配出现事物匹配出现事物时谓语时谓语动词为单数动词为单数,由,由andand连接两个并列成份连接两个并列成份表示两个不一样概念时,谓语动词用表示两个不一样概念时,谓语动词用复数。复数。The worker and writer is from Wuhan.(那个工人兼作家)The worker and the writer are from Beijing.(那位

3、工人和那位作家)第3页常见由常见由and连接指一个概念有:连接指一个概念有:the needle and thread 针线针线salt and water盐和水盐和水the folk and knife 刀叉刀叉 iron and steel 钢铁钢铁time and tide 岁月岁月(时间和潮水时间和潮水)Bread and butter is a daily food in the West.Both Cathy and her daughter Linda have gone fishing in Canada.第4页2.everyone of one of each of eith

4、er of+复数名词作主语,谓语用单复数名词作主语,谓语用单数数。Each of the students has a book.3.表示时间、距离、金钱等复数名词表示时间、距离、金钱等复数名词作主语,表示一个整体概念时,谓语作主语,表示一个整体概念时,谓语用单数。用单数。Twenty years has passed since he left his hometown.第5页4.Every and(every),each and(each),no and(no),many a and(many a)连接两个连接两个 单数名词作主语,谓语用单数。单数名词作主语,谓语用单数。Every des

5、k and every chair is made of wood.Many a boy and girl has made the same mistake.第6页5.集体名词集体名词class,family,army,team,club,population,enemy,party,crowd,majority,crew,audience,public,government,group等作主语。强调整作主语。强调整体用单数,指个体组员用复数。体用单数,指个体组员用复数。His family is in Harbin.His family are music lovers.第7页 This

6、class consists of 45 students.Mr.Green teaches it This class are all diligent.Mr.Green teaches them.The team is the best in the league这个队在联赛中打得最好。这个队在联赛中打得最好。The football team are having baths足球队队员们在洗澡。足球队队员们在洗澡。第8页1His family _ a small one2His family _ fat and short A.is,is B.are,are C.is,are D.are

7、,is 此题应选此题应选C。family是一个集合名词,是一个集合名词,含有单数含有单数(侧重指整体侧重指整体)和复数和复数(侧重侧重指个体指个体)两种可能。两种可能。第9页不过并不是全部集合名词都含有以上两种使用方法:1.有集合名词总是用作单数有集合名词总是用作单数(不可数不可数):clothing衣服,衣服,poetry 诗歌,诗歌,baggageluggage 行李,行李,furniture家俱,家俱,scenery 景色等。景色等。2.有集合名词总是表示复数意义有集合名词总是表示复数意义(但不但不用复数形式用复数形式):people人,人,police警察,警察,cattle牲畜等。牲

8、畜等。第10页6.all,none,some,any 等不定代词作主等不定代词作主语,依据其指代内容而定。语,依据其指代内容而定。All are present.All the food tastes good.7.“half/most/enough/part/the rest/the last/lots/plenty/分数分数/百分数百分数+of +名词名词”作主语作主语,谓语动词要和谓语动词要和 of 之后名词单复数保持一致。之后名词单复数保持一致。第11页1.Two-thirds of the people present are against the plan.2.Three-fou

9、rths of the surface of the earth is covered by sea.3.Over twenty percent of the city was destroyed in the war.4.Forty-five percent of the doctors were woman.第12页8.由由or,eitheror,neithernor,not onlybut also 等连接并列主语,谓语等连接并列主语,谓语动词常和靠近作主语名词在单复数上保动词常和靠近作主语名词在单复数上保持一致持一致就近标准就近标准。Not only he but also I am

10、invited.Neither my gloves nor my hat goes with the dress.9.由由there be引导句子,当主语不是引导句子,当主语不是 一个时,谓语动词通常与最近主语一个时,谓语动词通常与最近主语 一致。一致。第13页Not only I but Jane and Mary _ tired of having one examination after another.(89)A.is B.are C.am D.be析析:由由“or,eitheror,neithernor,notbut,not only but also”连接两个并列主语时,动连接两

11、个并列主语时,动词与靠近主语保持一致。词与靠近主语保持一致。第14页10.主语后跟主语后跟“with/along with/together with/including/but/except/like/among/as well as/no more than/besides/rather than+名词名词”结构时结构时,谓语动词普通和前面主语保持一致。谓语动词普通和前面主语保持一致。The teacher with a number of students is in the classroom.第15页A library with five thousand books _ to th

12、e nation as a giftA.is offered B.has offeredC.are offered D.have offered第16页谓语应该跟主语一致还是跟表语一致谓语应该跟主语一致还是跟表语一致?We Chinese _ a hard-working peopleA.is B.are C.is being D.are being此此题题应应选选B。这这里里应应注注意意是是:我我们们通通常常说说是是主主谓谓一一致致(即即谓谓语语与与主主语语保保持持一一致致),而而不不是是表表谓谓一一致致(即即不不是是谓谓语语与与表表语语一一致致),本本题题意意为为:我我们们中中国人是一个勤

13、劳民族。国人是一个勤劳民族。第17页注意以下类似例子:1.These two dictionaries are a present for my best friend Jim2.The planets were the object of his study3.The most important thing I need is books4.The countrys leading export is watches5.The best part of the meal is the coffee and cookies第18页1._ you or he the teacher of En

14、glish?2.Neither my sister nor my mother _ present at the meeting.A.Are,was B.Is,were C.Are,are D.Is,is 第19页 When and where to build the new factory_ yet.(91)A.is not decided B.are not decided C.has not decided D.have not decided析析:当当when和和where加不定式指是同加不定式指是同一件事时,谓语动词用单数。一件事时,谓语动词用单数。A第20页I,not you,_

15、 wrong.Not I but he _ been invited.A.were,have B.were,hasC.was,has D.was,have有否定形式加入时,动词看必定形式。第21页every并列使用时,动词取单数。Every boy and every girl _ that each day and each hour brings _ duty.A.know,their B.knows,theirC.knows,its D.know,its第22页E-mail,as well as telephones,_ an important part in daily commun

16、ication.(99 上海上海2)A.is playing B.have playedC.are playing D.play第23页1.One or two days _ enough to see the city A.is B.are C.am D.be2.Neither my wife nor I myself _ able to persuade my daughter to change her mind A.is B.are C.am D.be第24页3.Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one examin

17、ation after another A.is B.are C.am D.be4.Not the teacher,but the students _ looking forward to seeing the film A.is B.are C.am D.be第25页5.A woman with some children _ soonA.is coming B.are coming C.has come D.have come6.No one except my parents _ anything about this。A.know B.knows C.is known D.are k

18、nown第26页7The teacher as well as the students _ the book already A.has read B.have read C.are reading D.is reading8All but one _ in the accident A.was killed B.were killed C.will be killed D.are killed 第27页9.The number of people invited _fifty,but a number of them _ absent for different reasons.A.were;wasB.was;was C.was;wereD.were;were10._ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass.A.Two fifth;is B.Two fifth;are C.Two fifths;is D.Two fifths;are第28页

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