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1、陈晨来了吗?陈晨来了吗?韩霖霖韩霖霖高义涵高义涵弋孟鑫弋孟鑫吴怡康吴怡康郝鹏程郝鹏程屈肖嘉屈肖嘉袁燚垚袁燚垚董昊阳董昊阳第1页东方作文少儿口才班东方作文少儿口才班1科学坐姿谁最棒2恪守纪律好榜样3敢想敢说举起手4小小年纪有胆量第2页你你 知知 道道 什什 么么 是是 植植 物物 吗吗?巧巧 嘴嘴 八八 哥哥植物是绿色,会开花结果。植物是绿色,会开花结果。植物有生命,向人类一样会植物有生命,向人类一样会慢慢长大。慢慢长大。植物离不开水、土和阳光。植物离不开水、土和阳光。植物是人类最亲密朋友,没植物是人类最亲密朋友,没有植物,我们就不能生活。有植物,我们就不能生活。第3页你 认 识 哪 些 植 物


3、,大豆,韭菜,大葱等等。还有是自己长出来,不过我叫不上名字。第4页植物太多了!有上万种吧?告诉你,地球上植物有告诉你,地球上植物有50多万种呢!多万种呢!我长大了,要研究植物,像袁隆平爷爷一我长大了,要研究植物,像袁隆平爷爷一样,培育大米够很多人吃。样,培育大米够很多人吃。我们今天先学一个植物吧!我们今天先学一个植物吧!第5页这是什么呀?这漂亮绿色植物叫什么名字呀?它枝叶形状像凤凰尾巴。我们一起为它起个名字吧!它叶片很像竹子。第6页你你 们们 真真 有有 才!才!凤尾竹凤尾竹孝顺竹孝顺竹观音竹观音竹凤凰竹凤凰竹室内竹室内竹绿凤凰绿凤凰别把凤写成风凰凰第7页我我 来来 说说 一一 说说凤凤 尾尾

4、 竹竹 种植一种植一盆凤尾竹放盆凤尾竹放在屋子里,在屋子里,不但好看,不但好看,空气也清新。空气也清新。因为它枝因为它枝叶形状很像叶形状很像凤凰尾巴。凤凰尾巴。而它叶片又而它叶片又像竹叶。所像竹叶。所以它名字就以它名字就叫凤尾竹。叫凤尾竹。现在,我来现在,我来为大家介绍凤为大家介绍凤尾竹。凤尾竹尾竹。凤尾竹为何会有这么为何会有这么一个名字呢?一个名字呢?第8页Diagramwelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint

5、templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experience第9页凤凤 尾尾 竹竹开个好头:我们学校有一盆凤尾竹 凤尾竹,又名凤凰竹,它为何会有这么一个名字呢 花草有很多很多,但我最喜欢凤尾竹中间详细描述:凤尾竹形状像凤尾,叶片像竹子它不喜欢太

6、阳晒,结尾更棒:有凤尾竹陪着我,心情总是很好。怎么 样!你也养一盆?凤尾竹是我最爱,我喜欢凤尾竹。第10页Diagramwelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experience

7、welcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experience第11页DiagramADD YOUR TITLEwelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint tem

8、plates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experience第12页Diagramwelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelc

9、ome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templateswelcome to use these powerpoint templates第13页Diagramwelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Conte

10、nt design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experienceADD YOUR TITLE第14页DiagramTitle1

11、Title2Title3Title4ABCDEF第15页Diagramwelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powe

12、rpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experience第16页Diagramwelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years expe

13、rience第17页DiagramADD YOUR TITLEwelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experience第18页Diagramwelcome to use the

14、se powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experienceADD YOUR TITLEADD YOUR TITLEwelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experiencewelcome to use these powerpoint templates,New Content design,10 years experience第19页请尊重作者劳动结果转载请注明出处:第20页

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