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1、提升、保持学生英语学习兴趣第1页提升、保持学生英语学习兴趣n提升学生英语学习兴趣n保持学生英语学习兴趣第2页提升学生英语学习兴趣n没有兴趣就学不好英语吗?n学生对英语学习兴趣索然原因n提升学生英语学习兴趣提议与实践第3页没有兴趣就学不好英语吗?我喜欢英语我喜欢英语 我认为我学生喜欢英语我认为我学生喜欢英语我喜欢上英语课我喜欢上英语课 我认为我学生喜欢上英语课我认为我学生喜欢上英语课第4页我喜欢英语我喜欢上英语课兴趣与成绩第5页学生对英语学习兴趣索然原因n以为英语在他们生活中用处不大;n英语难学,尤其是单词记不住;n在“三个一”课堂教学中创设英语学习情景比较困难;n保持学生英语学习兴趣困难较大;

2、n对一部分学生来说教材有难度,教学进度要求高。细节昭示着中国改变 隐性改变中国原因图片、卡片、简笔画、录音机进度?实效?第6页提升学生英语学习兴趣提议与实践n真诚热爱和关心学生,使其“亲其师信其道,信其道亲其师”;n对学生学习过程有耐心,一定要给他们体验、实践语言机会;n在课堂上采取学生感兴趣话题,设计学生有效参加学习活动;n在课堂上补充学生感兴趣语言材料。第7页词汇问题n要求学生拼写全部单词吗?能认识(知道其意义)会拼写(意义、拼写)会使用(意义、造句)第8页Do you know these animals?第9页nSs 1 writes nouns learned in the less

3、on.nThe group members write 4-5 nouns that relate to the nounnIf the group add pictures to the words,the sheets can be used in a classroom display.Noun Star verb star vocabularynounsrelated nounspollutionnoisechemicalsdustsmokerubbish/garbage/wastestigerheadlegsfurtailsharp teeth第10页nAll Ss need pen

4、cil and paper to play this game.nThe T writes a letter on the board,and shouts,Start the bus.nThe students then write down as many words beginning with this letter as they can think of.nWhen the teacher shouts out,Stop the bus!everyone has to stop writing.nThe students all get one point for each wor

5、d.The group that has the most words wins.Stop the Bus vocabulary phrases第11页几个“激活”词汇学习方法示例1.分类Make six lists of words I the box:The body Travel The country Illness Jobs Food hurt luggage builder steak rice electrician cough delay wood fish secretary path mushrooms toe flight finger platform mountain

6、 aspirin backache第12页1.Erasing words第13页2.Memorizing words第14页3.Make a story with as many words as possible.第15页What kind of dog doesnt bite or bark?hot dog第16页Round table brainstormingTask:Set up a word bank Everyday life (verb phrases get up,watch TV)nEach member writes down a verb phrase on the p

7、iece of paper.nHow many phrases?nSharing the information in class(listen)nEnlarger the word bank(talk&write)Start,Stop第17页4.搭配bookearncrashfailweartakewinlook likeVERBSNOUNSinto a treea monkeya photoan exama fortuneticketsweightsunglassesa game几个“激活”词汇学习方法示例第18页保持学生英语学习兴趣n设计活动,让学生在连续参加体验和学习过程中感受高兴n分

8、层评价,让学生在语言学习进步与成功中保持兴趣第19页体验参加学习乐趣n对学生学习过程有耐心,在课堂上为他们体验、学习和实践语言机会;n设计学生有效参加学习活动,让学生在进步和成功体验中保持学习兴趣。Learn to listen Listen to learn Learn to read Read to learn思维和交际工具第20页nShow your students a picture.nAsk students to write about the picture in groups,using“there is/are”.nShare the sentences in class.

9、There is/there are Game grammar第21页nThere is a lake in the park.nThere are three boats on the lake.nThere are some people playing in the park.nThere is a man who is wearing a blue jacket,running along the lake.There is/are Game grammar第22页nPractice for all tenses you have studied.With emphasis on th

10、e time to use each tense.Students must use a verb,and an expression of time for each.nStudent 1:Yesterday,I bought a sandwich for lunch.Student 2:Oh really?I always buy a sandwich.Student 3:Oh really?I will probably buy one tomorrow.Student 4:Oh really?Look at me,I am buying one right now.Student 5:

11、I would have bought one yesterday,had I had the money(advanced student,3rd conditional)and so on.then change the verb and go around again.THE OH REALLY GAME grammar tenses第23页分层评价让学生在语言学习进步与成功中保持兴趣Make up sentenceswill I pass this exam everyone believeI believe everyone will pass this exam.Everyone

12、will believe I pass this exam.I believe will everyone pass this exam.321Keep notes6578 23546578 23456578 3254321第24页平均得分率:68.1%第25页nThere is a lake in the park.nThere are three boats on the lake.nThere are some people playing in the park.nThere is a man who is wearing a blue jacket,running along the lake.There is/are Game grammar4455第26页

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