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1、2023年同等学力英语真题及参照答案Paper One(90 minutes)Part I Dialogue Communication (10 minutes, 10 points, 1 for each )Section A Dialogue CompletionDirections: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers,each followed by 4 choices marked A.B.C.D. Choose the answer that best su

2、its the situationto complete the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across thesquare brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1. A. Can you take over for me here for a little while? I have a friend coming to see me.B. Id like to, but _. Ask Peter, he is not so occupi

3、ed at this moment.A. How can I do it? B. thats alright.C. I have my hands full. B. thats impossible2. A: To get an outside line, just dial 0 and the phone number. Or we can place a call for you, ifyou want.B. No, thanks a lot.A. Just put me through B. Ill try it my selfC. Id rather not D. Ill apprec

4、iate your help3. A: Now, its just work, work, work. I work hard all day, every day.B: Oh, come on._ .Youre making a good salary now.A. Dont complain. B. Sorry to hear about itC. Anything I can do for you? D. Whats your plan?4. A: Pamela, can you come to a meeting on Friday?B: _Let me check my schedu

5、le. When are you having it?A. No bit deal. B. I am not sureC. Can I ? D. Sure thing?5. A: I am really getting fed up with the salespersons who keep calling.B: _A. I hope it is nothing serious B. They are so stupid!C. So am I. It is so annoying D. You are right. Forget it.Section B Dialogue Comprehen

6、sionDirections: In this section, you will read 5 short conversions between a man and a woman. Atthe end of each conversation there is a question followed by 4 choices marked A.B.C.D.Choose the best answer to the question from the 4 choices by marking the correspondingbetter with a single bar across

7、the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWERSHEET.6. Man: I have figured it all out. It looks like it will take us about 5 hours to drive from here toChicago.Woman: Itd be more relaxing to take the train. But I guess we should watch our expenses.Question: What does the woman imply?A. She likes

8、 to drive when she travelsB. She doesnt want to go to Chicago.C. She doesnt know the cost of the train trip.D. Its cheaper to got to Chicago by car7. Man: How about the examination last week?Woman: If Id got more time. I could have made it.Question: What does the woman imply?A. She was asked to take

9、 another examinationB. She failed the examination last weekC. She did quite well in the examinationD. She didnt take the examination last week8. Man: Harvard or the State University, have you decided yet?Woman: Well, Id rather be a big fish in a small pond.Question: Which university is the woman lik

10、ely to choose?A. The State UniversityB. HarvardC. NeitherD. She hasnt decided yet.9. Man: I have just found a great location to open a new shop.Woman: But you havent researched the market. Dont you think this putting the cart beforethe horse?Question: What does the woman mean?A. The man shouldnt mak

11、e the decision so quicklyB. Its risky to choose such a locationC. The man is doing things in the wrong orderD. Its possible for him to make a better choice10. Woman: My results are a bit flattering because I have had quite a lot of luck.Man: Nonsense, youre head and shoulders above the others in you

12、r group.Question: What does the man think is the reason for the womans success?A. She is really lucky B. She is far better than the othersC. Shes got the others support D. Shes been working hardPart II Vocabulary (20 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 for each)Section ADirections: In this section there are 10

13、sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined.Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A.B.C.D that best keeps the meaning of thesentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets onyour machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.11. Betty was offended because she felt

14、that her friends had ignored her purposefully at the party.A. desperately B. definitely C. deliberately D. decisively12. There has been enough playing around so lets get down to business.A. make a deal B. begin our workC. reach an agreement D. change our plan13. How is it possible for our human body

15、 to convert yesterdays lunch into todays muscle?A. alter B. develop C. modify D. turn14. It is important for families to observe their traditions even as their children get older.A. notice B. watch C. follow D. celebrate15. It is difficult to comprehend, but everything you have ever seen, smelt, hea

16、rd or felt is merelyyour brains interpretation of incoming stimuli.A. explanation B. evaluation C. re cognition D. interruption16. Life is more important than the pressures and stress that we place on ourselves over work andother commitments.A. appointments B. arrangements C. obligations D. devotion

17、s17. If you continue to indulge in computer games like this, you future will be at stake.A. in danger B. without question C. on guard D. at large18. Romantic novels, as opposed to realistic ones, tend to present idealized versions of life, oftenwith a happy ending.A. in contrast to B. in regard to C

18、. in terms of D. in light of19. Most people would agree that, although our age far surpasses all previous ages in knowledge,there has been no correlative increase in wisdom.A. improves B. precedes C. imposes D. exceeds20. Many students today display a disturbing willingness to choose institutions an

19、d careers on thebasis of earning potential.A. offensive B. depressive C. troublesome D. tiresomeSection BDirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4choices marked A.B.C.D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark thecorresponding le

20、tter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoringANSERS SHEET.21. My oldest son had just finished an _ holiday stay prior to moving to a new State, anew job, and the next chapter in his life.A. enlarged B. expanded C. extended D. increased22. Blacks and American Indians _ les

21、s than 10% of students in the top 30 businessschools, while they are about 28% of the U.S. population.A. make up B. take up C. reach out D. turn out23. With demand continuing to rise in _ economies such as China and India, energy tradersbelieve that oil futures are a good bet.A. employing B. emergin

22、g C. embracing D. emitting24. Laws and regulations in each country have to be made _ the constitution of thecountry.A. in honor of B. in memory of C. in return for D. in line with25. The jurys _ was that the accused was guiltyA. verdict B. sentence C. trial D. debate26. In English learning, a _ cycl

23、e occurs when a student makes more errors after beingscolded.A. vertical B. vicious C. vivid D. vigorous27. Isnt it _ when you learn something youve never known before?A. cool B. crazy C. cold D. cute28. There are several factors _ the rapid growth of sales promotion, particularly inconsumer markets

24、.A. resorting to B. appealing to C. applying to D. contributing to29. The Internet has been developing at a speed _ peoples expectations in the pasttwo decades.A. over B. of C. under D. beyond30. It is obvious that the sports games are no longer amateur affairs; they have becomeprofessionally _.A. l

25、aid off B. laid out C. put off D. put outPart Reading Comprehension (45minutes, 30point)Directions: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by 5 questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choosethe best one and mark the correspon

26、ding letter with a single bar across thesquare brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneLoneliness has been linked to depression and other health problems. Now, a study says it canalso spread. A friend of a lonely person was 52% more likely to develop feelings of loneliness.And a fri

27、end of that friend was 25% more likely to do the same.Earlier findings showed that happiness, fatness and the ability to stop smoking can also growlike infections within social groups. The findings all come from a major health study in theAmerican town of Framingham, Massachusetts.The study began in

28、 1948 to investigate the causes of heart disease. Since then, more tests havebeen added, including measures of loneliness and depression.The new findings involved more than 5,000 people in the second generation of theFramingham Heart Study. The researchers examined friendship histories and reports o

29、f loneliness.The results established a pattern that spread as people reported fewer close friends.For example, loneliness can affect relationships between next-door neighbors. The lonelinessspreads as neighbors who were close friends now spend less time together. The study also foundthat loneliness

30、spreads more easily among women than men.Researchers from the University of Chicago, Harvard and the University of California, SanDiego, did the study .The findings appeared last month in the Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology.The average person is said to experience feelings of loneliness

31、about 48 days a year. Thestudy found that having a lonely friend can add about 17 days .But every additional friend candecrease loneliness by about 5%,or two and a half days.Lonely people become less and less trusting of others .This makes it more and more difficultfor them to make friends-and more

32、likely that society will reject them.John Cacioppo at the University of Chicago led the study .He says it is important torecognize and deal with loneliness. He says people who have been pushed to the edges of societyshould receive help to repair their social networks.The aim should be to aggressivel

33、y create what he calls a “protective barrier” againstloneliness. This barrier, he says, can keep the whole network from coming apart.31. Besides loneliness, which of the following can also spread among people?A. Friendship B. Happiness C. Depression D. Smoking32. The Framingham Heart Study starting

34、from 1948 _A. expanded its research topicsB. involved 5,000 patients of depressionC. identified loneliness as one key factor for heart diseaseD. examined the relationship between loneliness and depression33. Which of the following is true about the spread of loneliness?A. It leads to a gradual loss

35、of friendsB. It is a common phenomenon among womenC. it is often found in the neighborhoodD. it ruins the relationships between close friends34. Having a lonely friend, you are more likely to_A. strengthen your friendshipB. develop new friendshipC. increase the sense of lonelinessD. reduce the sense

36、 of loneliness35. According to John Cacioppo at the University of Chicago, loneliness can _A. result in aggressivenessB. cause people to be overprotectiveC. infect social networksD. push people to the verge of poverty36. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Loneliness can spreadB. Loneliness is l

37、inked to depressionC. Lonely people tend to grow fatD. Lonely people need more friendsPassage TwoCalifornia has a new program called the Digital Textbook Initiative. “Starting this fall withhigh school math and science .we will be the first state in the nation to provide schools with a stateapproved

38、 list of digital textbooks.” That was Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in June, talkingabout his effort to get schools to use materials available free online .He listed reasons why hethinks digital textbooks make sense.California approves traditional textbooks in six-year cycles. Digital one can offer

39、 the latestinformation. They lighten the load of school bags. They save paper and trees, and make learningmore fun and interactive .And above all, he said, they help schools with their finances.The state has had to make severe cuts in school spending because of deep financial problems.More than six

40、million students attend California public schools.Earlier this year, California invited content developers to offer digital math and sciencematerials for high schools. These had to meet at least 90%of the states learning requirements.Specially trained teachers examined 16 textbooks and approved ten

41、of them.Six of the ten were published by the CK12 Foundation, a nonprofit group that had beendeveloping digital science and math books for about two years. The foundation paid teachers andother education professionals to write and edit them. The money came from a group financed bythe Khosla Family.C

42、alifornia cannot require schools to use the digital textbooks. Individual school districts willhave to decide for themselves.Susan Martimo, a California Department of Education official, says she does not expectwidespread use right away. Her best guess is that some schools with a lot of technology w

43、ill be thefirst to use them, but only in addition to their traditional books.School administrators point out that the texts may be free online, but students need a way toaccess them. Not everyone has a computer or electronic reader. Schools could print out copies, butthat would not help the environm

44、ent. Also, there is the cost to train teachers to use digitaltextbooks effectively.37. The Digital Textbook Initiative _A. will probably take effect in six yearsB. covers all the high school subjectsC. has been approved by all statesD. is advocated by California state governor38. The main reason for

45、 promoting digital textbooks is to _A. help save moneyB. benefit the environmentC. provide interesting materialsD. reduce students heavy burden39. The digital textbooks were approved by _A. trained teachers B. content developersC. Khosla Family D. CK12 Foundation40. What is true of CK12 Foundation?A

46、. It produced 16 digital textbooksB. It paid teachers to write digital textbooks.C. It is financed by California state government.D. It makes money through developing digital textbooks.41. According to Susan Martimo, digital textbooks _A. are not likely to have a widespread useB. will soon replace t

47、raditional onesC, will first be adopted by well-equipped schoolsD. are certain to be approved by school districts2023年同等学力英语考试历年真题及参照答案 Part One (90 minutes)Part 1 Dialogue communication (10 minutes, 10 points, 1 for each)Section A Dialogue completion1. A: David said he bought a new BMW for $5,000! B: _. Sounds pretty cheap t

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