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1、2023年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析(第一套完整版)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part II Listening Compr

2、ehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four

3、 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) He would feel insulted. B) He would feel very sad. C) He would be embarrassed. D) He would be disap

4、pointed. 2. A) They are worthy of a prize. B) They are of little value. C) They make good reading. D) They need improvement. 3. A) He seldom writes a book straight through. B) He writes several books simultaneously. C) He draws on his real-life experiences. D) He often turns to his wife for help. 4.

5、 A) Writing a book is just like watching a football match. B) Writers actually work every bit as hard as footballers. C) He likes watching a football match after finishing a book. D) Unlike a football match, there is no end to writing a book. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have j

6、ust heard. 5. A) Achievements of black male athletes in college. B) Financial assistance to black athletes in college. C) High college dropout rates among black athletes. D) Undergraduate enrollments of black athletes. 6. A) They display great talent in every kind of game. B) They are better at spor

7、ts than at academic work. C) They have difficulty finding money to complete their studies. 7. A) About 15%. B) Around 40%. C) Slightly over 50%. D) Approximately 70%. 8. A) Coaches lack the incentive to graduate them. B) College degrees do not count much to them. C) They have little interest in acad

8、emic work. D) Schools do not deem it a serious problem. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the be

9、st answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard. 9. A) Marketing strategies. B) Holiday shopping. C) Shopping malls. D) Online stores.

10、10. A) About 50% of holiday shoppers. B) About 20-30% of holiday shoppers. C) About 136 million. 11. A) They have fewer customers. B) They find it hard to survive. C) They are thriving once more. D) They appeal to elderly customers. 12. A) Better quality of consumer goods. B) Higher employment and w

11、ages. C) Greater varieties of commodities. D) People having more leisure time. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard. 13. A) They are new species of big insects. B)They are overprescribed antibiotics. C)They are life-threatening diseases. D)They are antibiotic-resistant bac

12、teria. 14. A) Antibiotics are now in short supply. B)Many infections are no longer curable. C)Large amounts of tax money are wasted. D)Routine operations have become complex. 15. A) Facilities. B)Expertise. C)Money. D)Publicity. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear three recordings o

13、f lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), CJ and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Que

14、stions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard. 16. A) It is accessible only to the talented. B) It improves students ability to think. C) It starts a lifelong learning process. D) It gives birth to many eminent scholars. 17. A) They encourage academic democracy. B) They promote glob

15、alization. C) They uphold the presidents authority. D) They protect students rights. 18. A) His thirst for knowledge. B) His eagerness to find a job. C) His contempt for authority. D) His potential for leadership. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard. 19. A) Few people k

16、now how to retrieve information properly. B)People can enhance their memory with a few tricks. C)Most people have a rather poor long-term memory. D)People tend to underestimate their mental powers. 20. A) They present the states in a surprisingly different order. B)They include more or less the same

17、 number of states. C)They are exactly the same as is shown in the atlas. D)They contain names of the most familiar states. 21. A) Focusing on what is likely to be tested. B)Having a good sleep the night before. C)Reviewing your lessons where the exam is to take place. D)Making sensible decisions whi

18、le choosing your answers. 22. A) Discover when you can learn best. B) Change your time of study daily. B) Give yourself a double bonus afterwards. D) Follow the example of a marathon runner. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard. 23. A) He is a politician. B) He is a busi

19、nessman. C)He is a sociologist. D) He is an economist. 24. A) In slums. B) In Africa. C) In pre-industrial societies. D) In developing countries. 25. A) They have no access to health care, let alone entertainment or recreation. B)Their income is less than 50% of the national average family income. C

20、)They work extra hours to have their basic needs met. D)Their children cannot afford to go to private schools. Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choi

21、ces given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the wor

22、ds in the bank more than once. Lets all stop judging people who talk to themselves. New research says that those who cant seem to keep their inner monologues(独白) in are actually more likely to stay on task, remain _26_ better and show improved perception capabilities. Not bad, really, for some extra

23、 muttering. According to a series of experiments published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology by professors Gary Lupyan and Daniel Swignley, the act of using verbal clues to _27_ mental pictures helps people function quicker. In one experiment, they showed pictures of various object

24、s to twenty _28_ and asked them to find just one of those, a banana. Half were _29_ to repeat out loud what they were looking for and the other half kept their lips _30_. Those who talked to themselves found the banana slightly faster than those who didnt,the researchers say. In other experiments, L

25、upyan and Swignley found that _31_ the name of a common product when on the hunt for it helped quicken someones pace, but talking about uncommon items showed no advantage and slowed you down. Common research has long held that talking themselves through a task helps children learn, although doing so

26、 when youve _32_ matured is not a great sign of _33_. The two professors hope to refute that idea, _34_ that just as when kids walk themselves through a process, adults can benefit from using language not just to communicate, but also to help “augment thinking”. Of course, you are still encouraged t

27、o keep the talking at library tones and, whatever you do, keep the information you share simple, like a grocery list. At any _35_, theres still such a thing as too much information. Section B Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statem

28、ent contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. Rich Children and Poor

29、 Ones Are Raised Very Differently A The lives of children from rich and poor American families look more different than ever before. B Well-off families are ruled by calendars, with children enrolled in ballet, soccer and after-school programs, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. There ar

30、e usually two parents, who spend a lot of time reading to children and worrying about their anxiety levels and hectic schedules. C In poor families, meanwhile, children tend to spend their time at home or with extended family. They are more likely to grow up in neighborhoods that their parents say a

31、rent great for raising children, and their parents worry about them getting shot, beaten up or in trouble with the law. D The class differences in child rearing are growing a symptom of widening inequality with far-reaching consequences. Different upbringings set children on different paths and can

32、deepen socioeconomic divisions, especially because education is strongly linked to earnings. Children grow up learning the skills to succeed in their socioeconomic stratum (阶层), but not necessarily others. E “Early childhood experiences can be very consequential for childrens long-term social, emoti

33、onal and cognitive development,” said Sean Reardon, professor of poverty and inequality in education at Stanford University. “And because those influence educational success and later earnings, early childhood experiences cast a lifelong shadow.” The cycle continues: Poorer parents have less time an

34、d fewer resources to invest in their children, which can leave children less prepared for school and work, which leads to lower earnings. F American parents want similar things for their children, the Pew report and past research have found: for them to be healthy and happy, honest and ethical, cari

35、ng and compassionate. There is no best parenting style or philosophy, researchers say, and across income groups, 92% of parents say they are doing a good job at raising their children. Yet they are doing it quite differently. Middle-class and higher- income parents see their children as projects in

36、need of careful cultivation, says Annette Lareau, whose groundbreaking research on the topic was published in her book Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race and Family Life. They try to develop their skills through close supervision and organized activities, and teach children to question authority figure

37、s and navigate elite institutions. G Working-class parents, meanwhile, believe their children will naturally thrive, and give them far greater independence and time for free play. They are taught to be compliant and respectful to adults. There are benefits to both approaches. Working-class children

38、are happier, more independent, complain less and are closer with family members, Ms. Lareau found. Higher-income children are more likely to declare boredom and expect their parents to solve their problems. Yet later on, the more affluent children end up in college and on the way to the middle class

39、, while working-class children tend to struggle. Children from higher-income families are likely to have the skills to navigate bureaucracies and succeed in schools and workplaces, Ms. Lareau said. H “Do all parents want the most success for their children? Absolutely,” she said. “Do some strategies

40、 give children more advantages than others in institutions? Probably they do. Will parents be damaging children if they have one fewer organized activity? No, I really doubt it.” I Social scientists say the differences arise in part because low-income parents have less money to spend on music class

41、or preschool, and less flexible schedules to take children to museums or attend school events. Extracurricular activities reflect the differences in child rearing in the Pew survey, which was of a nationally representative sample of 1,807 parents. Of families earning more than $75,000 a year, 84% sa

42、y their children have participated in organized sports over the past year, 64% have done volunteer work and 62% have taken lessons in music, dance or art. Of families earning less than $30,000, 59% of children have done sports, 37% have volunteered and 41% have taken arts classes. J Especially in af

43、fluent families, children start young. Nearly half of high-earning, college-graduate parents enrolled their children in arts classes before they were 5, compared with one-fifth of low-income, less- educated parents. Nonetheless, 20% of well-off parents say their childrens schedules are too hectic, c

44、ompared with 8% of poorer parents. K Another example is reading aloud, which studies have shown gives children bigger vocabularies and better reading comprehension in school. 71% of parents with a college degree say they do it every day, compared with 33% of those with a high school diploma or less.

45、 White parents are more likely than others to read to their children daily, as are married parents. Most affluent parents enroll their children in preschool or day care, while low-income parents are more likely to depend on family members. Discipline techniques vary by education level: 8% of those w

46、ith a postgraduate degree say they often beat their children, compared with 22% of those with a high school degree or less. L The survey also probed attitudes and anxieties. Interestingly, parents attitudes toward education do not seem to reflect their own educational background as much as a belief

47、in the importance of education for upward mobility. Most American parents say they are not concerned about their childrens grades as long as they work hard. But 50% of poor parents say it is extremely important to them that their children earn a college degree, compared with 39% of wealthier parents

48、. M Less-educated parents, and poorer and black and Latino parents are more likely to believe that there is no such thing as too much involvement in a childs education. Parents who are white, wealthy or college- educated say too much involvement can be bad. Parental anxieties reflect their circumstances. High- earning parents are much more likely to say they live in a good neighborhood for raising children. While bullying is parents greatest concern over all, nearly half of low-income parents worry their child will get shot, compared with one-fifth of high-income parents. They are

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