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1、Unit 1 Thats what friends are for!P2 2 Conversation A Listen and practice. Chris:Do you have a date for the party yet?Kim:Actually,I dont Do you think you could help me find one?Chris:Hmm. What kind of guys do you like?Kim:Oh,I like guys who arent too serious and who have a good sense of humor. You

2、know . like you. Chris:OK. What else?Kim:Well,Id prefer someone I have something in common with who I can talk to easily. Chris:I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him?Kim:No,I dont think so. Chris:Let me arrange for you to meet him,and you can tell me what you think. B Lis

3、ten to Chris and Kim discussing Bob after Kim met him. How did Kim like him?Chris:So,whats the Verdict?What did you think of Bob?Kim:Well,I was worried at first especially when I saw that he wears not one but two earrings,I thought he might turn out to be one of those guys who are into heavy rock mu

4、sic and stuff like that. You know what I mean?Chris:But hes just a regular kind of guy,right?Kim:Yeah,we got along really well!Chris:I just knew youd like him. Kim:Yeah,I do,and hes really funny. He had me laughing hysterically during dinner. I think the people sitting next to us in the restaurant t

5、hought we were crazy. Chris:So,are you two going to get together again?Kim:Definitely,in fact,were going to a concert tomorrow night. Chris:Thats great. P4 Listening What are they like?B Listen to conversations about what the people above are like. Write down two adjectives for each person. How simi

6、lar were your guesses?1. Andrea A:So,have you seen Andrea lately?B:Yeah,I see her pretty often. We work together at a caf latt. A:Hows she doing,Ive been meaning to call her. B:Well,to be honest!Ive always thought shes a little difficult. But these days,I find her impossible. A:What do you mean?B:Oh

7、,you know how she is. She has such strong ideas about everything. If you dont agree with her she lets you know what she thinks of you. A:Yes,thats true. But thats why we love her,right?B:Yeah,I guess so. But shes changed a lot since she started college.She talked about herself all the time and she a

8、lways manages to mention how good she is at everything she does. A:Hmm. Maybe I wont call her after all. 2. James A:Are you going to James party on Saturday?B:Of course,James always gives the best parties. And there are always lots of interesting new people to meet. A:Thats true. I dont know where h

9、e manages to find them all. B:Well,you know what hes like. He makes friends very easily. He really likes talking to people,and he loves inviting people over. A:Ur Ur,he invited me for dinner last Saturday,what a feast!B:Yeah,hes a great cook too. A:After dinner I offered to help clean up,he told me

10、not to worry about it. He said hed take care of it in the morning. He was like. Its nothing,no big deal. B:Yup,that sounds like James. 3. Mr. Johnson A:Have you met the new apartment manager?B:Mr. Johnson?Hmm. Yeah,I met him last week. Hes a little strange. A:Yeah,he is. Im not sure I like him. Hes

11、hard to predict. Sometimes hes pretty cheerful and talkative,and the next day he doesnt even say hello. I think he must have personal problems or something. B:I think youre right. And have you noticed that half the time when he says hes going to do something,he never actually does it?He told me thre

12、e times hed come to fix the light in my kitchen,and he still hasnt done it. P5 8 Conversation Roommates A listen and practice. Dave:Hello?Jim:Hi. My names Jim Hunt. Im calling about the ad for a roommate. Dave:Oh,right. Jim:Are you still looking for someone?Dave:Yes,we are. Jim:Oh,good. Im really in

13、terested. Dave:Well,there are four of us,and its a fairly small house,so we want someone whos easy to get along with. Jim:Im pretty easygoing. Dave:Great!So can I ask you a few fairly straightforward questions about yourself?Jim:No problem. I like it when people are direct. B Think of three question

14、s that Dave might ask Jim. Then listen to the rest of the conversation. What questions did Dave ask?D:What do you do,Jim?J:Oh,well,Ive had a lot of different jobs,but Im not working right now. D:Oh?J:Yeah,I got fired from my last job about six months ago,so Ive been looking for something else. I hav

15、ent been very lucky so far. D:Uh-huh. Well,the rent here is $1,200 a month uh,thats $300 a month for each person. J:Oh,Uh . D:Will you have enough money to pay the rent every month?J:Yeah,I probably will if I can find a job. D:Yeah. Uh,look,where are you living now?J:Well,Ive been staying with a fri

16、end for the past couple of weeks. D:Uh-huh. J:Yeah,but hes asked me to leave by Friday,so I really need to find a place to live. Ive had to move four times in the past year and,well D:Listen,Jim. I appreciate your telling me about yourself. I like it when people are honest with me. Anyway,I have to

17、talk to my other roommates about this,and Ill give you a call tomorrow to let you know what we decide. Why dont you give me your number?J:Sure,it two,two,three Unit 2 Career moves P8 2 Conversation Job fair A listen and practice. Tim:Wow!There are so many jobs to choose from!What do you think?Diane:

18、Working in the media could be fun theres TV,newspapers,the internet. T:Well,lets look. Hmm. How about this?You could be a TV news director. D:Are you kidding?Directing the news would be nerve-racking!T:Well,writing for a magazine must be exciting. How about that?D:No. Im really more interested in wo

19、rking with computers. Hey,look. Designing interactive media. Id like that!T:Designing interactive media?It sounds interesting,but what is it?B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What does an interactive media designer do?Does it sound interesting to you?Why or why not?D:Well,my cousin designs i

20、nteractive media,and from what she tells me,it sounds kind of interesting. Shes involved with designing all the different media that go into an interactive CD-ROM. You know,sound,video,and graphics. T:Uh-huh. D:Theres actually a lot more to it than you would think. She works with computer graphics a

21、nd special effects and also in filming video material to include in CD-ROMs. And then she has to develop what they call the user interface navigation system. T:The user interface navigation system?!Now what is that?D:Well,thats what lets the user interact with all the different elements of the progr

22、am. Thats really the key to an effective CD-ROM. T:If you say so. It sounds pretty complicated to me. But you already seem to know a lot about it. Maybe you should be an interactive media designer. D:Hmm. Maybe. P11 7 Conversation Summer jobs A listen and practice. Tracy:Good news!Ive found a summer

23、 job!Mark:Thats great!Anything interesting?T:Yes,working at an amusement park. Doesnt that sound fantastic?M:Sure,it does. T:So,have you found anything?M:Nothing yet,but Ive got a couple of leads. One is working as an intern for a record company mostly answering phones. Or I can get a landscaping jo

24、b again. T:Being an intern sounds more interesting than landscaping. And its probably not as hard!M:Yeah,but a landscaper earns more money than an intern. And you get a great tan!B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What is Tracy going to do at the amusement park?M:So what will you be doing at

25、the amusement park,exactly?T:Actually,Ill have two jobs. First,Ill be working at a place called Childrens World. They have all kinds of interesting games and educational activities for young kids. I have to go to a training program for three days before I start to find out how everything works. M:Th

26、ree days?Wow,the equipment must be pretty high-tech!T:Oh,it is a lot of computers and interesting devices. Its just the kind of stuff that kids love. M:Well,it sounds like the perfect job for you. I know how much you live kids. So whats your other job?T:Well. Ill also be one of the people who walks

27、around the park greeting people. M:Do you mean youll have to dress up in a costume?T:Yes,as a cartoon character!I know,I know. It sounds silly. And its certainly not as rewarding as working in Childrens World,but its part of the job. P12 Listening A Listen to Carlos,Paul,and Julia talking about thei

28、r summer jobs. Where does each person work?White the correct name under each picture. Carols Woman:So where are you working this summer,Carols?Carlos:Im working as a tutor in a learning center for kids. W:Interesting. What kinds of things do the kids do there?C:They work on subjects they need help i

29、n,uh,mainly math and English. W:Is your job hard?C:No,not at all. The kids work on computers most of the time. We have to help them get started and when they run into problems. W:Do you enjoy it?C:Oh,yes. Working with kids is so much more fun than working with adults. And I get to choose my own hour

30、s. As long as I work eight hours a day,I can come in at any time from 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. W:Lucky you!Paul Woman:Paul,did you find a summer job,yet?Paul:Yeah,Im working in a restaurant. W:Oh,hows it going?P:Oh,the moneys not bad. W:What are you doing?Are you waiting tables?P:I wish!No. Im working in th

31、e kitchen. I cut up stuff for the chef vegetables and meat and things. I also wash the dishes. W:Oh,yuck. P:Yeah. Its pretty hard work. I didnt realize how hot it is in a restaurant kitchen until I took this job. W:So why dont you quit?P:Id love to,but I need the money. Julia Man:So what kind of job

32、 did you find for the summer?Julia:Im working for a marketing company. Im doing telephone marketing. M:Oh,so youre one of those people who drives me crazy by calling me up and trying to persuade me to buy something that I have absolutely no need for. J:Exactly. M:Do you like it?J:Believe it or not,I

33、 do. Its mostly a bunch of students working there,and we have a lot of fun when were not making calls. Its really easy,too,since we just have to read from a script. M:Are you doing this full time?J:Yes,but I work from two in the afternoon until eleven at night,so I get to sleep as late as I want to

34、in the morning. Unit 3 Could you do me a favor?P14 2 Conversation A Listen and practice. Jack:Hi,Rod. This is Jack. Rod:Oh,hi,Jack. Whats up?J:Im going to my best friends wedding this weekend. Id love to videotape it. Would you mind if I borrowed you video camera?R:Um,yeah. Thats OK,I guess. I dont

35、think Ill need it for anything. J:Thanks a million. R:Sure. Have you used a video camera before?Its pretty easy. J:Yeah,a couple of times. Would it be OK if I picked it up on Friday night?R:Fine. No problem. B Listen to two more telephone calls Jack makes. What else does he want to borrow from frien

36、ds?Do they agree to lend them to him?1. Andy:Hello. Jacj:Hi,Andy. This is Jack. A:Oh,hi,Jack. J:I was wondering if you could do me a favor. A:That depends. J:Well,I have to go to a wedding this weekend. Would it be OK if I borrowed your navy blue suit?A:Oh,sure. No problem. J:Thanks a lot. Ill come

37、by and pick it up tonight. A:Thats fine. 2. Rose:Rose Rizzo. Jack:Hi,Rose. This is Jack. R:Oh,hello. How are you?J:Pretty good,thanks. Listen,the reason Im calling is I have a really big favor to ask you. R:Yes?J:Remember I told you about that friend of mine whos getting married to a woman he met in

38、 Barcelona?R:Yeah,I remember. And?J:Well,the weddings this Saturday afternoon,and its out in the country about an hours drive from here and I was wondering if I could borrow your car for the afternoon to get there. R:Gee,Jack,Id really love to help you out,but Im going to be needing my car all weeke

39、nd. Ive got a friend coming in from out of town,and I promised to show her the sights. J:Oh,OK. I understand. Anyway,how are things?I havent seen you for ages. R:Oh,pretty good. P16 5 Listening A Listen to three telephone conversations. Write down what each caller requests. Does the other person agr

40、ee to the request?Check () Yes or No. 1. Tina Robert:Hello?Tina:Hi,Robert. This is Tina. R:Hi,Tina. Whats up?T:Well,actually,I was wondering if youd mind lending me your camera for a few days. I want to take some photos of my new apartment to send to my folks. R:Sure. You can borrow it. T:Oh,thanks

41、a million. 2. Mike Mike:Hi,Sandy. This is Mike. Sandy:Oh,hi. How are things with you?M:Pretty good. Listen. I was wondering if I could use your video game system over the weekend. S:You mean my Sony Play Station?M:Yeah. My sisters asked me to take care of my niece and nephew over the weekend theyre

42、six and eight and I thought it would be a great way to keep them busy. S:Thats a good idea kids that age love video games but,well,I have bad news:My machine isnt working. Ive been meaning to take it in to get fixed,but I havent gotten around to it. M:Oh,too bad. S:But you know you can always rent o

43、ne. Most video stores have machines to rent. You just have to leave a deposit. M:Oh,perfect. Ill do that. Thanks,Sandy. S:No problem. 3. Phil Phil:Hi,Greg. Its Phil. Greg:Hi. Whats up?P:Not much,but I was wondering if I could ask you for a favor. G:Hmmmaybe. Try me!P:Well,I have to go out of town fo

44、r a few days next week. G:Uh-huh. P:Could I leave Polly with you while Im gone?G:Polly?Whos Polly?P:You know Polly,my bird. G:Oh,yeah. I forgot,your bird. I dont know,Phil. I really dont like birds very much. Theyre messy,and they make a lot of noise,and P:No,not Polly. Shes really a great bird. She

45、s really clean and very quiet. She wont bother you I promise. G:Oh,all right. Ill do it. P:Thanks. I really appreciate it. Ill bring her over on Tuesday night. G:OK. But you owe me one!P17 8 Conversation A Listen and practice. Amy:Hello?Jeff:Hello. May I speak to Sophia,please?A:Im sorry,shes not in

46、 right now. Would you like to leave a message?J:Yes,please. This is Jeff. Would you tell her that Tony is having a party on Saturday?A:Un-huh. J:And would you ask her if shed like to go with me?A:All right,Peter. Ill give her the message. J:No,this is Jeff,not Peter. A:Oh,Im sorry. J:By the way,whos

47、 Peter?B Listen to Amy talking to Sophia. Who is Peter?Is Sophia going to go to the party with Jeff?Sophia:Hi!Im home!A:Oh,hi. S:Did anyone call?A:Uh-huh. Your old friend Peter called a few hours ago. Hes going to be in town on Saturday and wants to get together with you Saturday night. He said to call him. S:Oh,super!I havent seen Peter in almost a year. Any other calls?A:Uh,yeah. Jeff called. He wants to know if you want to go to Tonys party with him. S:Oh. When is Tonys party?A:On Saturda

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