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1、CONFINDENTIALITY AGREEMENT FOR XXX CO., LTD.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司保密协议This CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT is made and effective on the day of , 2006 by and between XXX CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as OWNER) and someone who was transmitted the proprietary information by OWNER (hereinafter called RECI

2、PIENT). 本保密协议由XXX有限公司(以下简称“所有方”)与保密信息的接受方(以下简称“接受方”),于2006年 月 日共同签署。 OWNER: Legal Representative:Address:所有方:法定代表人:地址:RECIPIENT:Legal Representative:Address: 接受方:法定代表人:地址:Both OWNER and RECIPIENT agree as follows:所有方与接受方达成如下协议:1.Confidential Information 保密信息1.1 OWNERs Confidential Information is any

3、 information which OWNER identifies as confidential and delivers to RECIPIENT orally, in writing or by any other media, or allows RECIPIENT to observe at OWNERs facilities which relates to OWNERs business, including but not limited to drawings, specifications, production schedules, marketing, applic

4、ation, test data, manufacturing lines, processes, machine tools, samples or the like with the following exceptions: 本协议所称保密信息指:所有方认为应当保密的通过口头、书面或者其他媒体途径披露给接受方,或者由接受方利用所有方的设备亲自获取的,与所有方业务有关的所有信息,包括但不限于:图纸、规格、生产计划、市场、申请书、文本数据、生产流程、工艺、设备工具、样品及其他类似信息,但以下情况中获得的信息除外: a) Information that is explicitly appro

5、ved for release by OWNER所有方明确公开的信息 b) Information that was already known by RECIPIENT, as shown by RECIPIENTs written records, prior to receiving the information from OWNER or is given to RECIPIENT by a third party through no wrongful act on the part of RECIPIENT or the third party. 在所有方向接受方披露之前,披露方

6、的书面记录中已经显示的信息,或者由第三方通过合法途径获得并以合法方式披露给接受方的信息; c) Information that is known or available to the general public. 众所周知的信息。1.2 OWNER shall explicitly notice RECIPIENT whether or not the information, which is disclosed to the RECIPIENT, shall be considered as Confidential Information; 所有方向接受方披露信息时,应当明确告知所

7、披露的信息是否为本协议所称的保密信息1.3 RECIPIENT shall list all the Confidential Information received from OWNER in written form, and the list shall be considered as an integral part of this agreement. The list may be prepared as follows: 接受方应当将从所有方处获得的保密信息以书面的方式编制清单,该清单将作为本保密协议的有机组成部分。清单可以按照如下格式准备: RECIPIENT receiv

8、es from OWNER the followings: - Pictures of: - - 接受方从所有方处获得如下保密信息: - 图片: - -2. Period of the Confidentiality保密期限The period of the confidentiality is commencing from the date of this agreement comes into force .to two years after business termination between OWNER and RECIPIENT. 保密期限为本协议生效之日起至所有方与接受方

9、终止业务关系后二年。3. Obligations of the RECIPIENT接受方的义务During the period of the confidentiality, RECIPIENT agrees to maintain the Confidential Information received from OWNER in confidence and agrees not to use such information other than for the purposes of its business with OWNER;保密期限内,接受方应当采取必要的手段对所有保密信息

10、进行保密,并且承诺除为了与所有方进行业务往来的目的外,不擅自使用保密信息。During the period of the confidentiality, RECIPIENT shall only disclose the Confidential information to its officers, directors, or employees with a specific need to know;保密期限内,接受方只能视情况需要而将保密信息披露给他的相关管理人员、董事或者其他雇员。During the period of the confidentiality, RECIPIE

11、NT shall not disclose, publish or otherwise reveal any of the Confidential Information to any other party whatsoever except with the specific prior written authorization of OWNER;保密期限内,未经所有方书面同意或授权,接受方不得将保密信息披露、印刷或以其他方式向任何他方公开。All materials provided by OWNER to RECIPIENT which contain Confidential I

12、nformation, and all copies of such material, shall remain the property of OWNER and shall be returned to OWNER upon request;所有由所有方提供给接受方的包含有保密信息的文件资料及其复印件的所有权都属于所有方,并且接受方应当在所有方要求时立即归还以上文件资料。 During the period of the confidentiality, RECIPIENT s obligations herein shall not be affected by bankruptcy,

13、 receivership, assignment or seizure procedures, whether initiated by or against RECIPIENT, nor by the non-conclusion or invalidation of any other agreement between OWNER and RECIPIENT.保密期限内,接受方在本协议下的义务不受接受方的破产、清算、出让或者查封等程序或事项的影响,无论上述事项或程序是由接受方启动的还是针对接受方的;接受方在本协议下的义务也不受所有方与接受方之间其他任何协议的无效或不成立情况的影响4.

14、No License披露行为不得视为许可The disclosure of Confidential Information shall not be construed as granting or conferring RECIPIENT any rights by a license of any type of any technology, patents, patent applications, trade secrets, copyrights, know-how, or trademarks owned or controlled by OWNER; 对保密信息的披露不得视为

15、所有方针对其所拥有的技术秘密、专利、专利申请权、商业秘密、版权、专有技术或者商标授予接受方以任何性质的许可使用权。5 Indemnity 赔偿 RECIPIENT shall indemnify all the loss arising out of its act of breach of any term herein or non-performance of the obligations herein, including but not limited to any real loss, anticipatory commercial interests or any other

16、loss as a result of illegal usage of RECIPIENT or usage of others illegally authorized by RECIPIENT. In case of the above mentioned circumstances, OWNER has the right to refuse to provide furthermore any Confidential Information, and the related liabilities and loss shall be undertaken by RECIPIENT.

17、 若接受方违反本协议的任何约定或者不履行本协议下的任何义务,由此导致的所有方损失全部由接受方负责赔偿,包括但不限于实际损失、期得的商业利益以及由于接受方擅自使用或者擅自许可他人非法使用保密信息而导致的所有方的损失。在上述情况发生后,所有方有权终止继续提供任何保密信息,由此产生的责任和损失由接受方承担。6.Miscellanceous 其他事项6.1 RECIPIENT agrees to inform its personnel who receive the Confidential Information of the terms of this agreement. The obliga

18、tions set forth above shall be binding on all successors and assigns of RECIPIENT. The terms and conditions herein may not be changed except by way of a written instrument signed by both parties; 接受方应当告知其工作人员本保密协议的存在以及条款。保密协议中的义务对接受方的继受人或者受让人同样具有约束力。本保密协议项下任何内容的修改都应当以书面方式作出,并经双方签字盖章方可生效。6.2 This agr

19、eement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws and regulations of Peoples Republic of China; 本协议适用中华人民共和国法律6.3 This agreement is prepared both in Chinese and English version, and in the event any conflicts arises out of the two versions, the Chinese (English) version shall prevail.本协议以中英文双语方式起草,如有冲突,以中文(英文)为准。-IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement as of the date first above written.本协议由双方于前文所述日期签字,特此证明。OWNER: XXX CO., LTD.所有方:RECIPIENT:XXXXXXXXX接受方:

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