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1、1新编新编剑桥商务英语初级初级(第三版)剑桥商务英语剑桥商务英语 新编剑桥商务英语初级(第三版)2 Module 11BUSINESS BUSINESS TOPICTOPIC 第第11单元单元 商务话题3 signsvLook at the following signs in part1,which are you familiar with?4 A cement factory tour 参观水泥厂vLead-in question:what departments can you find in a cement factory?For example:vloading bayvware

2、housevproduction areavthe laboratoryvthe main officesvCanteenv.5 vTask1 in part3:to do listening to tick which of the above areas the tour will visitvTask2 in part4:first to finish these eight sentences and then to do the listening again to check your answer.6 7 8 9 Reading:why is it dangerous?vLead

3、-in question:which one is more dangerous,office work or air travel?vWhat dangers may they have?vDo you know a kind of illness:DVT?vYou are divided into two groups to read the following two texts:text A tells us the DVT happens in the office work;text B tells us the DVT happens in the air travel,then

4、 to answer the following questions:10 vQuestions:v1.what is DVT?vIt stands for deep vein thrombosis.Its a clot or a lump that can form in the veins in the legs when you sit in one place for a long time.v2.who does it affect?vIt affects office workers who work in IT or telephone call centers and air

5、travelers.v3.why does it happen?vIt happens when you sit in one place for a long time.v4.what can you do to prevent it?vTo prevent DVT,you can walk around the office for a few minutes every hour,doing simple exercises to move your legs and feet,and or you can wear loose comfortable clothes and move

6、around regularly during the flight,and drinking plenty of water and not alcohol is also important.11 12 In your breakvSome companies provide many facilities for their employees to do activities in their break so to prevent such illness happening in the office.For example,the company Googleplex.vNow read the passage to find out what activities their employees can do during the break?13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Vocabulary about go,play and do22 23 24 THANK YOU25

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