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1、 关于建筑装饰工程施工质量及管理措施摘要:建筑装饰工程的质量控制及管理是一个完整的体系,从最初的可行性研究、勘察设计,到施工、竣工验收等阶段,都有关于质量控制的问题。建筑施工阶段质量控制是建筑装饰工程全过程质量控制的关键环节。施工阶段质量管理工作的有效性,关系到整个建筑装饰工程的最终质量,关系到整个建筑装饰工程的顺利完成和成本控制,因此建筑施工过程中必须重视和加强施工阶段的质量管理工作。装饰工程的质量很大程度上决定于施工阶段的质量控制。其核心任务是通过建立健全有效的质量监督体系和质量控制手册来确保装饰工程质量达到合同规定的要求。本文以建筑装饰工程施工阶段质量控制为题进行了较为系统的研究,在总结

2、分析了发达国家建筑工程质量管理模式的基础上,结合我国实际,认为在我国现有条件下,建筑装饰工程质量控制应该以预防为主。因此,从全面质量管理来看,提出了在施工时全面质量的控制。在结合案例具体分析的基础上,提出了如何针对建筑装饰工程现场管理特点进行现场质量管理控制,并结合本人多年的实践提出了一些可行的办法以展开建筑装饰工程施工质量管理。关键词:工程项目;施工;质量;措施abstract: the architectural decoration project quality control and management is a complete system, from the initial

3、feasibility study, survey and design, construction and acceptance, the phases, and all have about quality control problem. construction stage quality control is the architectural decoration project whole course quality control key link. construction stage the effectiveness of the quality management,

4、 relationship to the entire architectural decoration project final quality, relates to the successful completion of the architectural decoration project and cost control, so in the course of construction, must pay attention to and strengthen the construction stage of quality management work. decorat

5、ion project quality to a large extent depends on the quality of the construction phase control. its core mission is to establish and perfect the effective through quality supervision system and quality control manual to ensure decoration project quality to achieve the requirement of the contract. ba

6、sed on the architectural decoration project construction phase quality control title is systematically studied, summarized and analyzed the developed countries construction engineering quality management mode, and on the basis of with the reality of our country, think in chinas current conditions, t

7、he architectural decoration project quality control should prevention. therefore, from the comprehensive quality management to see, put forward the construction quality control of the overall. in combination of case based on the analysis of the concrete, put forward how to architectural decoration p

8、roject site management features on the site quality management control, and combined with the practice of many years i put forward some feasible methods to open the architectural decoration project construction quality management.keywords: engineering projects; the construction; quality; measures绪论1



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