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1、高中英语句型归纳句型1 1 so,neither/ nor 引导倒装句 so,neither/nor + 助动词+主语 体现“另一者也如此”,即前者状况也合用于后者,用so,neither/ nor 引导倒装句,助动词选用根据前一句谓语动词。前者状况必然用so;前者状况否认用neither/nor。1). He has finished his homework,so have I.2). My sister prefers coffee,so do I.3). John cant ride a bicycle,neither/ nor can I.4). If he buys the boo

2、k,so will his classmates.2 若前句谓语动词既有必然又有否认形式时,或谓语动词不属于一类时,或助动词难以选用时用It is /was the same with sb. 或 So it is/ was with sb.1). John likes English but he doesnt like maths,so it is with me ( it is the same with me). 2).Tom is a student and he studies hard,it is the same with me (so it is with me.) 3).-

3、He was really manly enough to be responsible for what he had done. 她像个男子汉,勇于对自己所作所为负责。-So he was,and so it was with you. 她确如此,你当时也同样。 比较1 “so + 主语 + 助动词” 体现“必然已经有观点或事实”1).-We have all worked hard these days. -So we have.(确如此) 2).I promised to help him,and so I did.(我确实协助她了) 比较2 “主语 + 助动词 + so” 体现“按照

4、他人规定去做”1).The wounded little boy asked me to lift him up and I did so. 2).The doctor asked Charlie to breathe deeply and he did so. 句型2 so/ such.that.引导成果状语从句时须注意1 当名词前有many,much,little,few修饰时,用so不用such由于此时中心词不再是名词,而是many,much,little,few这些体现数量词。 1). The westerners eat so much fat and sugar that they

5、 put on weight easily. 2). There are so few fish in the lake that we couldnt fish them easily.2 当名词是单数可数名词,前面又有adj.修饰时,注意冠词位置,即so+ adj +a(n)+n 或such+ a(n) + adj.+ n 1). He is such an honest person / so honest a person that you can depend on him when you are in trouble.3 当so/such引导某些位于句首时,主句要用某些倒装构造

6、1). Such great progress has he made in his studies that we all admire him.4 当主从句主语一致时可与动词不定式互相转换,即变成so/such.as to do构造。 1).The westerners eat so much fat and sugar as to put on weight easily.5 当名词是不可数名词或复数名词时,用suchthat。 1).He has made such great progress in his studies that we all admire him. 2). Th

7、ey are such interesting novels that I want to read them once again.句型3 so that 引导目状语从句与成果状语从句1 so that引导目状语从句时常与情态动词may/might/can/could连用(= in order that),当主从句主语一致时可转换为so as to do/ in order to do. “以便;为了”1). He turned up the radio a little so that he could hear the news clearly. He turned up the rad

8、io a little so as to hear the news clearly.2). He closed all the windows while driving so that he shouldnt catch cold.(否认句中情态动词用shouldnt)2 so that 引导成果状语从句一般不与情态动词连用。(=so) “因而;因此”1). He hadnt planned his time well so that he didnt finish the work in time.He hadnt planned his time well so he didnt fi

9、nish the work in time.句型4 be doing / be about to do / had done when(when:“这时” 强调一种动作忽然发生)1). I was walking along the river when I heard a drowning boy cry for help.2). I was about to leave when it began to rain.3). I had just finished my test paper when the bell rang,announcing the exam was over.比较I

10、 was walking along the street when I caught sight of a tailors shop. 我正在街上走,这时我看见一家裁缝店。I was walking along the street. Just at the moment I caught sight of a tailors shop. 我在街上走。就在那时我看见一家裁缝店。 句型5 it作形式主语: It +系动词+adj./ n.+ for sb. to do sth. (for sb.体现动词不定式动作执行者) It +系动词+adj.+ of sb. to do sth.(of s

11、b.既体现动词不定式动作执行者,又体现人所具有性质或特性)1). Its important for us to have a good knowledge of English.2). How rude of him to treat a child like that!3). Its thoughtful of him to fix us up for the night.(安顿某人过夜)句型6 it作形式宾语:主语+think / consider / believe / make / feel / find+ it +adj./n. +( for sb./ of sb.) +to do

12、 sth. 1).I feel it foolish of him to believe such a man.2).The timely rain had made it possible for the crops to grow well.3).I find it pleasant to work with him.4).I think it my honor to be invited to speak here.5).She thinks it her duty to help us.6).All the noises made it impossible for me to go

13、on with the work.7). Tom didnt find it difficult to write letters in Chinese.主语+think / consider / believe / make / feel / find+ it +adj./n. + doing sth.仅限于少数句型1).The professor considers it no good reading without understanding.2).Do you consider it any good trying again?3).He found it useless (no u

14、se) arguing with her.4).He thought it absolutely senseless (no sense) attempting the impossible.5).I dont think it worthwhile going to such a place.主语+think / consider / believe / make / feel / find+ it +adj./n. + that从句1).We thought it a pity that the conference should have been canceled.主语+appreci

15、ate/enjoy/like/dislike/love/hate/prefer等少数动词+it+when/if从句。1).We would much appreciate it if you could do us that favour.2).Id prefer it if I didnt have to finish the work.3).I like it in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.4).I hate it when people talk with their mouth full.It作形式宾语其她常用句型

16、:1) .Dont take it for granted that they will support you.2).Ill see to it that everything is ready in time.3).I owe it to you that I finish my work on time.4).You may depend on it that Tom will help you with your English.5).Im counting on it that you will come.6).Why dont you bring it to their atten

17、tion that you are too busy to do it?7).I hear it said that the factory was founded in 1995.8).They made it known where the meeting is to take place.9).I take it that you have been out.10).Rumor has it that Mary is getting married.句型7 .as+形容词(副词)原级+as. ; not as/so+形容词(副词)原级+as.1).Their factory is as

18、large as ours.她们工厂和咱们同样大.2).I study as hard as you.我和你同样用功学习.3).He doesnt get up as/so early as his parents.她不像她父母那样早起床.句型8 倍数体现法:1 A + 谓语+倍数+the +n.(size/ height/ length/population)+of B2 A + 谓语+倍数+as + adj. + as B3 A + 谓语+倍数+adj.比较级+than B1).This square is twice the size of that one. This square i

19、s twice as large as that one. This square is twice larger than that one.2).This factory produced three times as many cars as they did 10 years ago.3).He is 3 years older than I或 He is older than I by 3 years.句型9 as + 形容词 + a/an + 单数可数名词 + as; as + many + 可数名词 + as; as + much + 不可数名词 + as1).She is as

20、 good a cook as her mother. = She is a cook as good as her mother.2).There is as much sugar in it as eight pieces of sugar.其中含糖量相称于八块方糖.3).Youve made as many mistakes as I have.4).I havent got as much money as I thought.句型10 as much/ many as 多达; 那么多1).On Sports Day,during the relay race,you will use

21、 most of all,perhaps as much as 650 calories an hour.在运动会上,进行接力赛跑时,你消耗能量最多,也许每小时多达650卡.2).As many as 700 different languages are spoken in Africa.非洲有多达700种不一样语言.3).He didnt catch as many as hed hoped.她没有捉住预想那么多.句型11 as.as possible;as. as one can 尽量1).The teacher should write the words on the blackbo

22、ard as carefully as he can. =The teacher should write the words on the blackboard as carefully as possible.教师在黑板上尽量仔细地把字写好.2).Please be as friendly as possible to your friends.=Please be as friendly as you can.句型12 as.as + 年代数字 / 名词1).As early as 1950 I knew him.早在1950年我就认识她了.2).He walked as far as

23、the post office.她步行到邮局.句型13 as/so far as I know As/ So for as I know,he will be away from home for 3 months.就我所知,她将要离家3个月.句型14 as soon as 一就Please let us know as soon as you arrive in Beijing.一到北京,请告知咱们一声.句型15 as well as 作为固定词组意为和;也;尚有。作为同级比较构造,意为和同样好.如:1).He gave me money as well as advice.她除了给我忠告外

24、,还给我钱.2).He studies French as well as English.她不仅学习英语,并且学习法语.3).He plays table tennis as well as me.她乒乓球打得和我同样好。比较:as well/ as well asas well 体现也,是副词短语,用作状语,一般放在句末,也可放在主语之后,相称于too,但一般无标点符号与句子隔开.as well as 一般看作一种复合并列连词,连接两个成分相似词,短语或句子,体现既又,不仅并且当它连接两个主语时,谓语动词人称和数要与第一种主语保持一致.如:1).The children learn to

25、read,write and they play games as well.孩子们学习读书写字,也做游戏.2).With television,we can see a picture as well as hear sound.既能听到声音,又能看到图像.3).Tom,as well as his parents,likes pop music.汤姆以及她父母都喜欢流行音乐.句型16 as good as作为固定词组意为几乎同样,实际上等于。作为同级比较构造,意为和同样好.如:He is as good at English as me.My bike is as good as your

26、s.He wasasgoodas deadafter so much exercise.这样多训练过后她几乎累得快.句型17 as long as / so long as只要(1)引导条件状语从句,“只要;假如”You may borrow the book as / so long as you keep it clean. 只要你不把书弄脏,你就可以借.You will succeed so long as you work hard.只要你努力就会成功.As long as you study hard,youll make great progress.只要你努力学习,你就会获得很大

27、进步.You may use that dictionary as long as you take care of it.只要你好好保留,你可以用那本词典.(2)和同样长This rope is as long as that one.这条绳子和那条同样长.This bridge isnt so/as long as that one.这座桥和那座不一样样长.(3)长达(表时间)The old couple have been living in the small town as long as 50 years. 这对老夫妇已在这个小城镇里住了长达50年.区别下列使用方法1)as(so)

28、far as 和同样远,远至(原级比较或体现距离);就来讲2)as(so)long as 和同样长(原级比较);只要(引导条件状语从句)3)as well as和同样好;既也(连接并列成分)4)as good as和同样好;实际上(作状语)应用完毕句子她们实际上已经答应协助咱们了.They have _ _ _ promised to help us.(as good as)油漆后这辆自行车和新同样.Painted,this bike is _ _ _ a new one.(as good as)李雷英语说得和汉语同样好.Li Lei speaks English _ _ _ she spea

29、ks Chinese.(as well as)她和她父母对我都很好.He _ _ _his parents is kind to me. (as well as)晚饭后咱们一直到走山脚下.After supper we walked _ _ _the foot of the hill. (as far as)就我所知,她将离开两个月._ _ _I know,hell be away for two months. (As far as)只要努力,你一定会成功._ _ _you work hard,youll succeed in time. (As/So long as)这座新建桥听说和旧同样

30、长.This newly built bridge is said to be _ _ _the old one. (as long as)句型18 .as it is该固定词组体现意思是就以(目前)这个样子,根据目前状况.如:He decided to buy the house as it is.句型19 as a matter of fact = in fact实际上,实际上It seems easy,but as a matter of fact,itll take us a long time to work it out.句型20 where可以引导定语从句或地点状语从句注意当它引

31、导定语从句时,一般放在地点名词背面,用来简介或是修饰限定这个地点名词,在意思上,where =介词+地点名词 。假如是限定性定语从句翻译成“(地点名词)”。假如是非限定性定语从句,翻译成“在(地点名词)那里”。That is the building where my father works. 那是我父亲工作大楼。(where=in the building)Yesterday I went to the department store,where I met my teacher.昨天我去了百货商店,在那里我碰到了我教师。(where = in the department store)

32、 当它引导地点状语从句时,用来告诉咱们主句描述事情发生在哪里,整个从句一般翻译成“(在)地方”。You should put the book where it was. 把书放回原处。(你应当把书放在它本来所在地方)Persistent people begin their success where others end in failure.不屈不挠者从她人失败地方获取成功。(不屈不挠者在他人失败地方获取成功)Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。(在故意志地方就会有成功道路)Where men are greedy,there is

33、 never peace. 人类贪欲不止,世界和平无望。(在人心贪婪地方,就不会有和平。)We could see the runners very well from where we stood. 从咱们站着地方,你可以很清晰地看到赛跑者。You should let your children play where you can see them. 你应当让孩子在你可以看得到地方玩耍。 请比较下面句子构造不一样Potatoes can be grown in places where it is too cold to grow rice.(本句where引导定语从句)Potatoes

34、 can be grown where it is too cold to grow rice.(本句where引导地点状语从句)句型21 no + 比较级 + than A 与B都不 not + 比较级 + than A 不如B no more than 仅仅,只有not more than 不超过,至多more than 与其倒不如more than = not only不仅仅1). He works no harder than I.她和我都不用功2). He doesnt work harder than I.她不如我用功3). There are no more than seven

35、 people in the room. 屋里仅有七个人(强调人少)4). There are not more than seven people in the room. 屋里至多有七个人(强调不超过)5). He is more diligent than clever. 与其说她聪颖,倒不如说她勤奋6). It is more like a meeting than like a party.与其说这是一场会议,倒不如说是一场约会。7). Mr. Zhang is more than my teacher,he is also my best friend.张先生不仅仅是我教师,她还是

36、我朋友句型22 The +比较级.,the +比较级. 越,越1) The more books you read,the more knowledge you will get.2)The busier he is,the happier he feels.句型23否认词与比较级连用,体现最高档含义1).I have never seen a better film.= This is the best film I have ever seen.2).I couldnt agree you more. 我非常同意。句型24with 复合构造(作伴随状语)1 with + n. + n. (

37、with可以省略)The workforce is made up of 400 workers,(with )most of them women.=The workforce is made up of 400 workers,and most of them are women.2 with + n. + adj. (with可以省略)The students were listening to the teacher,(with)their eyes wide open.=The students were listening to the teacher,and their eyes

38、 were wide open.3 with + n. + adv. (with可以省略)He put on his coat hurriedly,(with) the wrong side out4 with + n. + prep-phrase (with可以省略)The old man was seated in the sofa,(with) a pipe in his mouth.(Also:pipe in mouth)5 with + n.+ to do (动作尚未进行)with + n.+ doing / being done (动作正在进行,doing积极/being done

39、被动)with + n. + done (动作已经完毕 或 指n.所处状态)1). With so many problems to settle,the newly-elected president is having a hard year.2). He was lying in bed,with his eyes fixed on the ceiling3). With the temple being repaired,we cant visited it.4). The movements of the other planets in the sky made sense onl

40、y if you put the sun in the center with the earth going around it.句型25while引导从句while除了有“当/在时候”意思外(注意:引导句子谓语动词只能是延续性动词!),此外两层意思也是考察重点:(1)while = although “尽管”、“虽然”,引导让步状语从句;(2)while意思是“然而;可是”,常用来体现对比关系。While I admit that the problem is difficult,I dont think that they cant be solved.While I was angry

41、 with her,I didnt lose my temper. 虽然我很生气,但我当时没有对她发脾气。I earn only 120 dollars a week,while she earns 180 dollars. while/ but :while侧重两者之间对比,but 多指一件事两个对立面。1). He likes listening to music while I like watching TV.2). I badly wanted that book,but I havent enough money.句型26as;which引导定语从句异同as,which 都能引导限

42、制性或非限制性定语从句.(1)在引导限制性定语从句时;which从句修饰限定先行词是名词(词组),which可与that换用,作宾语时可省去。But the studios (which/that) he started are still busy today,producing more and more interesting films. 不过她开办电影制片厂至今仍在忙于制作更多有趣影片。The project (which/that) a British businessman has invested in is under construction at present.一位英国

43、商人投资项目正在建设中。as从句修饰限定先行词是the same/such或是被the same/such修饰名词;不可省略。Many of the sports were the same as they are now.许多体育运动和她们目前同样。He uses the same map as I (use).她和我用是同一份地图.Such a beautiful park as is being built was designed by two young engineers.正在建造如此漂亮公园是由两个年轻工程师设计.The printed newspaper was not suc

44、h as the chief editor had expected. 印好报纸并非如主编本来所期望那样.(2)在引导非限制性定语从句时,as/which都不可省去.which可以指代名词(词组),which从句补充阐明先行词用途,性质,状态,特性等.At present,the biggest nature park for milu deer in China is the Nanhaizi Milu Park,which is about 20 kilometers south of Beijing. China Daily has plenty of advertisements,wh

45、ich help to cut the costs of making the newspaper.One of Charlie Chaplins most famous films was The Gold Rush,which was made in 1925.Now,however,the waters of this great lake,which is also the Worlds deepest,have been dirtied by waste from a chemical factory.which还可以指代主句所有或某些内容(=and it/ this/ that);

46、which从句只能放在句子末尾;用来体现说话人见解/对主句作意义上补充。which常译成“这”。如:He said she could speak 4 foreign languages,which(=and it)is not true.她说她会四门外语,这是不也许.He said she could speak 4 foreign languages,which(=and that)surprised every one of us.她说她会四门外语,这使咱们每个人都很惊讶.Leaves are turning yellow,which(=and it)means autumn is coming. 树叶正在变黄,这意味着秋天就要来了.as指代主句所有或某些内容;as从句可放在句子前面/中间/末尾;as

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