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1、Unit 3 重点词汇、句型、语法知识Story time1. a healthy diet 健康饮食 2. like eating sweets,cakes and ice cream 喜欢吃糖、蛋糕和冰淇淋 (冰激凌)an ice cream (单数) ice creams (复数)3.He does not like drinking water. 她不喜欢喝水 4. He only drinks a little water every day. 她每天只喝一点点水drink a little water every day 每天喝一点儿水5. Mike has some bread

2、and milk for breakfast. 迈克早饭吃些面包和牛奶。have some bread and milk for breakfast 早餐吃面包喝牛奶6.for lunch and dinner 对于午餐和晚餐 7. have a lot of rice 吃许多米饭 some fish and some meat某些鱼和某些肉 8.He has a few eggs every week. 她每周吃几种鸡蛋 a few eggs 几种鸡蛋9. Does Mike have a healthy diet?迈克有一种健康饮食吗?have a healthy diet 有一种健康饮食

3、10. Yang Ling often has a lot of noodles for breakfast.杨玲早饭常常吃许多面条。have a lot of noodles for breakfast 早餐吃许多面条11. She sometimes eats an egg too.她有时也吃一种鸡蛋。eat an egg 吃一种鸡蛋 12.For lunch and dinner,she eats some meat and some vegetables.中饭和晚饭,她吃某些肉和某些蔬菜。eat some meat and some vegetables 吃某些肉和某些蔬菜13. Sh

4、e only eats a little rice.她只吃一点米饭。only eat a little rice 只吃一点米饭14.Yang Ling likes sweet food too. 杨玲也喜欢甜食。like sweet food 喜欢甜食15. She eats a little at a time. 她一次吃一点点。at a time 一次 16. She eats some fruit every day. 她每天吃某些水果。eat some fruit 吃某些水果every day 每天 every week每周17. Does Yang Ling have a healt

5、hy diet?杨玲有一种健康饮食吗?18. Do you have a healthy diet?你有一种健康饮食吗?19. Mike doesnt eat any cakes. 迈克不吃某些蛋糕。Grammar time (语法)1. a few,a little区别。a few几种 + (可数名词复数) 如:a few eggsa little某些 +(不可数名词) 如:a little rice, a little water假如背面加了可数名词单数话,则翻译为:一种(只)小. a little dog:一只小狗2. 不可数名词六液体:water,milk,juice,coffee,t

6、ea,cola六食物:bread,rice,food,meat肉,fruit,fish 鱼肉 五资源:coal,oil,energy,plastic,wood,3. a lot of 许多+ (可数名词、不可数名词)4.some 某些+ (可数名词、不可数名词)5.Some和 any区别 : some用于必然句,any用于否认和疑问句中。不过在体现委婉语气问句中,要用some委婉句有:What about 、How about、Would you like.6many 许多+ (可数名词复数) much 许多+ (不可数名词)7.名词变复数:(1)、词尾直接加s, 如:books (2)、以s

7、,x,ch,sh结尾加es,如:classes,boxes,peaches,fishes (3)、元音字母+y结尾直接加s,如:days。辅音字母+y结尾,y变i加es,如:factories (4)、以f,fe结尾,把f,fe变为v,再加es如:knife-knives (5)、以o 结尾,可以吃加es,如:potatoes。不可以吃加s,如:photos (照片) mangoes芒果potatoes马铃薯tomatoes番茄,西红柿(6)、单复数一致,sheep, chinese (7)、不规则:child-children,woman- women,man-men,footfeet, t

8、oothteethmousemiceFun time /Sound time /song time 1.What do you have for breakfast? 你早饭吃什么?2.I have some noodles. 我吃些面条。3.What about lunch and dinner? 午饭和晚饭呢?4.For lunch and dinner,I have a lot of rice,some meat and some vegetables.中饭和晚饭,我吃许多米饭,某些肉和某些蔬菜。5.What does Mary have for breakfast?玛丽早饭吃什么?6.

9、 Mary has some noodles for breakfast. 玛丽早饭吃些面条。7. She has a lot of rice,some meat and some vegetables for lunch and dinner.中饭和晚饭,她吃许多米饭,某些肉和某些蔬菜。8. get out 出去9. Theres a little mouse in her house. 有只小老鼠在她房子里。10. a little mouse 一只小老鼠11. Chinese people 中华人民共和国人12. have some porridge and steamed buns f

10、or breakfast 早饭吃些粥和馒头have some porridge 吃某些粥 steamed buns 馒头13. western people 西方人 14.have cereal,bread,eggs and sausages for breakfast早饭吃谷物,面包,鸡蛋和香肠15. much cereal 许多麦片 many sausages 许多香肠16.the following words 下面单词Cartoon time1. There is not much food in the fridge. 冰箱里没有许多食物。in the fridge 在冰箱里2. I

11、 have to go to the supermarket. 我不得不去超市。 have to+动词原形 不得不(必要)做某事have to go to school 不得不(必要)去上学 3.Do you want to come with me?你想要和我一起来吗?want to come with me 想要和我一起来4. see some drinks看见某些饮料5. Can I have some cola?我可以喝某些可乐吗?6. take a small bottle 拿一小瓶7. You shouldnt drink too much cola. 你不应当喝太多可乐。 dri

12、nk too much cola 喝太多可乐8. want some fish = would like some fish 想要某些鱼 9. want this big fish想要这条大鱼10. Do we need rice?咱们需要大米吗?11. We need a lot of rice. 咱们需要诸多大米。12. take the big bag 拿这个大包13 . too heavy 太重14. have a rest 休息一下Checkout time1.Are there a lot of vegetables? 有诸多蔬菜吗?Yes,there are. 是,有2. Is

13、there any water?有某些水吗? No,there isnt. 不,没有。3. in a healthy diet在一种健康饮食中4. a lot of fruit and vegetables 许多水果和蔬菜5.There is also a lot of rice and bread. 也有许多米饭和面包。6. have some meat and fish in your meals 在吃饭时吃些肉和鱼 7. Milk is good for your body. 牛奶对你身体有好处。be good for your body 对你身体有好处be good for 对有好处b

14、e bad for 对有害处8.You can have some milk every day. 你可以每天喝某些牛奶9.Sweet food is nice,but it is not good for your teeth. 甜食虽好,但对你牙齿没有好处。Sweet food is nice. 甜食很美味。It is not good for your teeth. 它对你牙齿不好。10.Eat only a little sweet food every day. 每天只吃一点甜食。Unit 4 重点词汇、句型、语法知识Story time1. Road safety 道路安全,马路安

15、全2. There are many busy roads in the city. 在都市里有许多繁忙马路。 many busy roads 许多繁忙马路 in the city在都市里 3. How can you cross the road safely? 你怎样安全过马路?cross the road safely 安全地过马路4. You must look for a zebra crossing. 你必要找一条斑马线。look for a zebra crossing 寻找一条斑马线5.You must look at the traffic lights and wait f

16、or the green man. 你必要看交通灯,并且等待绿灯。 look at the traffic lights 看交通灯 wait for the green man 等待绿灯 wait for the bus 等待公交车 wait for me 等我6.Can you see the red man?你看见红灯了吗? see the red man 看见红灯7.You mustnt cross the road now. 目前你严禁过马路。cross the road 过马路 8.You can cross the road now.你目前可以过马路了。9. find a zebr

17、a crossing near you 在你附近找到斑马线10. To keep safe,you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes. 为保证安全,你可以在人行道上等,并且当心小汽车和自行车。句首用to表目,意为“为了”keep safe = stay safe 保持安全wait on the pavement 在人行道上等待look out for cars and bikes 当心小汽车和自行车look out for 当心,当心 11. You must first look left,then right

18、and then left again. 你必要先看左边,然后看右边,再看左边。look left 向左看 look right 向右看 look left and right 左右看看12. You can also cross the road with other people.你也可以和其她人一起过马路。cross the road with other people和其她人一起过马路13. see you easily很轻易看见你14.some children 某些孩子们a child 一种孩子15. run or play football on the road 在马路上奔跑或

19、踢足球16.You must not play on the road because there are many cars and bikes.你严禁在马路上玩耍,由于有诸多小汽车和自行车。play on the road 在路上玩 many cars and bikes 许多小汽车和自行车17. follow the rules 遵守规则18.stay safe on the road 在路上保持安全 on the road 在马路 19.What must you do to cross the road safely?你必要做什么来安全过马路?20.What must you not

20、 do?你严禁做什么?Grammar time (语法某些)情态动词:1、情态动词没有人称和数变化,背面跟动词原形,它们否认式背面同样跟动词原形。本单元重点学习情态动词can和must以及cant 和mustnt。例如:You can wait on the pavement. You mustnt run on the road.在一般疑问句中,情态动词放句首。例如:Can you wait for me?在特殊疑问句中,情态动词放在疑问词之后,例如:What must you do on the road?注意:Must I go to see the doctor?必然回答:Yes,yo

21、u must.否认回答:No,you neednt. 2、must、can、should都是情态动词,后跟动词原形。这三个词中must语气最强,体现命令或权威;can体现容许,能力或也许;should语气最弱,体现提议。1. A:How can you cross the road safely?你怎样安全地过马路?B:I must look for a zebra crossing.我必要寻找一条斑马线。2. A:What must you do to cross the road safely?为了安全地过马路,你必要做什么?B:I must look at the traffic lig

22、hts.我必要看交通灯。3. A:What must you not do on the road ?在马路上你们绝不能做什么?B:We mustnt play on the road.咱们绝不能在路上玩耍。4. You cant cross the road here.你不能在这儿过马路。Fun time /Sound time /song time1. Red man ,stop!红灯停!Green man ,go ! 绿灯行!2. What must you do on the road ?在马路上你必要做什么?I must look out for cars.我必要当心小汽车。3. r

23、un quickly on the road 在路上迅速地跑4. You mustnt run quickly on the road!你严禁在路上迅速地跑。5. We mustnt walk now. 咱们目前绝不能行走。6. We must wait for the green man. 咱们必要等待绿灯。7. There he is. 她在那儿。8. In the UK,people drive on the left side of the road. 在英国。人们驾车靠左行驶。drive on the left side of the road驾车靠左行驶on the left si

24、de of the road 在马路左边9. In China,except Hong Kong and Macau ,people drive on the right side of the road. 在中华人民共和国,除了香港和澳门,人们驾车靠右行驶。drive on the right side of the road驾车靠右行驶on the right side of the road 在马路右边except Hong Kong and Macau 除了香港和澳门 Cartoon time1. go to see their aunt 去看望她们阿姨2.How do we get

25、to your house? 咱们怎样才能抵达你家?get to your house 抵达你家 get to 抵达 get here 到这儿get there 到那儿 get home 到家 注意:副词“here,there,home ”前不加“to”。3. take a/the bus 乘公交车4. get on the bus上车(公交车) get off the bus下车(公交车)5. There are so many cars on the road. 马路上有如此多汽车。so many cars 如此多小汽车 so much water 如此多水6. go fast 走得快(开

26、得快)7. a red light 一种红灯8. Why does the bus stop here? 公交车为何停在这儿?9. Look at the red light . 看红灯 It means we must stop. 它意思是咱们必要停下来。10. go on 继续,继续前进 stop again再次停下来11. There arent any traffic lights here. 这儿没有交通灯。12.Why is the bus stopping again?公交车为何又停下来? 13. Some elephants are crossing the road. 某些大

27、象正在穿马路。 14. We must stop and wait. 咱们必要停下来等待。 Checkout time1.A:Can I watch TV?我能看电视吗?B:No,you cant. Its late. 不,你不能。 目前晚了。You must go to bed. 你必要去睡觉。2.A:What can you do ?你能做什么?B:I can run fast . 我能跑得快。A:You mustnt run fast on the road. 你严禁在路上迅速地跑。3. A:Must I go to see the doctor? 我必要去看医生吗?B:Yes,you

28、must. 是,你一定要去。 You cant go to school because you are sick. 你不能去上学由于你生病了。be sick 生病了4. 我能看电视吗?不,你不能。 Can I watch TV?No,you cant.5 . 我必要去看医生吗?是。 Must I go to see the doctor? Yes,you must.go to see the doctor去看医生 6. Classroom rules 班级公约7. run in the classroom 在教室里跑8. keep your desk clean and tidy 保持你课桌

29、洁净和整洁9. play ball games玩球类游戏 10. talk loudly 大声地谈论11. keep the classroom clean 保持教室洁净12. listen to your teachers in class 在课堂上听你们教师讲课 一、英汉互译。(10)1. 健康饮食_ 2.几种苹果_3. 一点牛奶_ 4.喝果汁_5. 许多芒果_ 6.much food_7. go to the supermarket_ 8.some drinks_9. every week_ 10.a small bottle_二、 用所给单词恰当形式填空。(20)1. Dont eat

30、 too _(much)sweets.2. Lets _(have)a rest.3. Nancy has a few_(cherry)at a time.4. Theres no _(bread)in the fridge.5. My brother doesnt like eating_(tomato).6. Mike eats a lot of _(noodle).7. I drink a little_(milk).8. Do you have any_(tomato).9. Theres some_(bread).10.Liu Tao _(eat)some meat every da

31、y.三、 单项选用(10)( )1.We should drink_water every day. A a few B many C much( )2.-Whats_breakfast ?-Milk,bread and eggs. A in B have C for( )3.Milk always has some_in the morning. A rice B meats C vegetable( )4.Theres _juice in the bottle. A a lot B a few C a little ( )5.Do you want to go _me? A and B w

32、ith C for( )6.Mike and Helen are_home. A going B going to C to( )7.Can I have _water? A a B some C any( )8.The box is too_.I cant move it. A heavy B short C small( ) 9. _ a little fish in the kitchen. A Have B Theres C There are( )10.Sweets are _for our teeth. A good B nice C bad四、 配对(10)( )1.Do the

33、y have a healthy diet ? A She has a little rice.( )2.Is there any cola? B Yes,they do.( )3.What does she have for lunch? C Yes,he does.( )4.Does Mike like sweet food? D No,there isnt.( )5.What would you like? E Id like some fruit.五、 按规定完毕句子。(30) 1.Mike likes drinking cola.(改为否认句)Mike _ _drinking col

34、a. 2.Helen has some noodles for breakfast.(对画线某些提问)_ does Helen _ for breakfast. 3.Sweet food is not good for our teeth.(改为同义句)Sweet food is_ _ our teeth. 4.There are a few apples on the table.(对划线某些提问)_ _ apples are there on the table? 5.Liu Tao has a healthy diet.(改为一般疑问句)_ Liu Tao_ a healthy diet

35、? 6.Id like to take some bread.(改为同义句).I_ to_ some bread. 7.Its time for breakfast.(改为同义句) Its time _ _breakfast. 8.There is some rice in the bowl.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ rice in the bowl? 9.I have breakfast at seven oclock.(对划线某些提问) _ _you _ _ ? 10.I ate a lot of rice for dinner.(改为否认句) I _ _ a lot of rice

36、 for dinner?11. -你最喜欢什么食物?-我最喜欢鱼。 - _your favourite _ ? -My favourite food _ _. 12.杨玲喜欢吃西红柿吗? _ YangLing _ _ _ ?六、 连词成句。(10) 1.eats,every,Tim,meat,some,day(.) _ 2.have,a,healthy,does,Nancy,diet(?) _ 3.eat,shouldnt,too,evening,in ,we ,much,the(.) _ 4.are,a,vegetable,of,there,lot(?) _ 5.have,fish,can,

37、in,you,your,meals,some(.) _七、以“My diet”为题,写一篇不少于50词小作文。(10)_一、 判断下列各组单词中画线某些读音,相似写T,不一样写F。( )1.road coat ( )2.home cross( )3.light night ( ) 4.must rule( )5.safe plane ( )6.throw tomorrow( )7.rule student ( )8.zebra diet( )9. leg next ( )10.now follow二、 用括号内单词恰当形式填空1. How can we (cross) the road saf

38、ely?2. What must you not (do)on the road?3. You must (look)for a zebra crossing.4. You can (wait) on the pavement.5. Must I (look) at the traffic lights?6. To keep (safe) ,you can wait on the pavement.7. Follow the rules ,and stay (safe) on the road!8. Cross the road with other people ,and let the d

39、rivers see you (easy).9. Wait for the green man and cross the road (safe) .10. What do you know about road (safe)?11. We should look for a zebra_(cross)first.12. She can see many traffic_(light)on the road.13. He must _(finish)his homework before dinner.14. We can cross the road with other_(people).15. Must Nancy_(wash)clothes now?16. I can draw this picture_(easy).17. You shouldnt_(talk)loudly in the classroom.18. Wang Bing didnt_(play)football on the road.19. Were late .Lets run _(quick).20. Look,Mike _(cross)the road.21. My father never (go) to bed earl

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