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1、听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一种小题,从题中所给旳a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷旳对应位置。听完每段对话后,你均有10秒钟旳时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1、听音频,回答1-5题:what does the man want to order?a. scrambled eggs.b. toast.c. scrambled eggs and toast.2、 who are the two speakers?a. workers.b. strangers.c. teachers.3、 what will the speakers do over tonight

2、?a. go to a party.b. stay at home.c. climb mountains.4、 where are the two speakers?a. in a bookstore.b. on a bus.c. at a post office.5、 what does the man ask the woman to do?a. drink more water.b. stay in betc. take some medicine. 6、听第6段材料,回答第6-7题。where are the speakers?a. in a bookstore.b. on a bus

3、.c. at home.7、 will the mans father get him allthe books?a. yes.b. no.c. unclear.8、 听第7段材料,回答第810题。where does this conversation takeplace?a. in a concert hall.b. in a restaurant.c. in a theatre.9、 how does the woman feel in theconversation?a. unhappy.b. curious.c. excited.10、 what is the woman going

4、 to donext?a. start to work immediately.b. talk to the group.c. sit down to order.11、 听第8段材料,回答第11l3题。when is their flight?a. in the morning.b. in the afternoon.c. in the evening.12、 why do the speakers need to stopoff in hong kong?a. direct flights are more expensive.b. they plan to do some shoppin

5、g there.c. there are no non-stop flights to singapore.13、 how long will the speakers beaway from home?a. two days.b. ten days.c. welve days.14、 听第9段材料,回答第1416题。why was bill unhappy about thegame?a. some players played poorly.b. the scores were too close.c. it lasted too long.15、 who cheered for the

6、tigers?a. steve.b. bill.c. eric16、 what was the one thing bill saidhe enjoyed?d. supporting his team.e. eating some food.17、听第10段材料,回答第1720题。is cactus city wild west park old?a. yes.b. no.c. unclear.18、 what do you know about cactus city wild west park?a. a place to see cowboys andcowgirls.b. a plac

7、e for children to play inwinter.c. a fun place for the whole family.19、 when does the wild west showbegin?a. at 10 a.m.weekdays.b. at 2 p.m.on weekends.c. at 2:30 p.m.every day.20、 when can people take free busesto the park?a. on saturdays and sundays.b. throughout the week.c. in the evening. 第一节 单项

8、填空从a、b、c和d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处旳最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑21、i can not repair these untiltomorrow.im afraid.thatsok,theres_.a. no problemb. no wonderc. no doubtd. no hurry22、 we went right round to the westcoast by_sea instead of driving across_ continent.a. the;theb. /;thec. the;/d. /;/23、 i am still working on m

9、y project.oh,you11 miss thedeadline.time is_.a. running outb. going outc. giving outd. losing out24、 i am sorry.i_at you the other day.forget it.it was a bitout of control myself.a. should not shoutb. should not have shoutedc. must not shoutd. must not have shouted25、 the little girl who got lostdec

10、ided to remain_she was and wait for her mother.a. whereb. whatc. howd. who26、 iwas out of town at the time,so i do not know exacflyhow it.a. was happeningb. happenedc. happensd. has happened27、 mary and i see eachother_,but not as often as we used to.a. sooner or laterb. once in a whilec. in the end

11、d. more or less28、 do you have enoughto_all your daily expenses?oh yes.enoughto spare.a. coverb. spendc. filld. offer29、 we are invited to aparty_in our club next?dday.a. to be heldb. heldc. being heldd. holding30、 i felt so bad all day yesterday that i decided this moruing i could not face _ day li

12、kethat.a. otherb. anotherc. the otherd. others31、 how much_she lookedwithout her glasses!a. wellb. goodc. bestd. better32、 it looks heavy.can i give you a hand?_.a. no,thanksb. yes,mypleasurec. no,nevermindd. yes,i doe was and wait for her mother.a. whereb. whatc. howd. who26、 iwas out of town at th

13、e time,so i do not know exacflyhow it.a. was happeningb. happenedc. happensd. has happened27、 mary and i see eachother_,but not as often as we used to.a. sooner or laterb. once in a whilec. in the endd. more or less28、 do you have enoughto_all your daily expenses?oh yes.enoughto spare.a. coverb. spe

14、ndc. filld. offer29、 we are invited to aparty_in our club next?dday.a. to be heldb. heldc. being heldd. holding30、 i felt so bad all day yesterday that i decided this moruing i could not face _ day likethat.a. otherb. anotherc. the otherd. others31、 how much_she lookedwithout her glasses!a. wellb. goodc. bestd. better32、 it looks heavy.can i give you a hand?_.a. no,thanksb. yes,mypleasurec. no,nevermindd. yes,i do

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