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1、3E少儿英语听 读 写测试三级(4)Section I Listening Comprehension(35%)第一某些听力理解Part A (8%)Choose the best response to the sentence or the question you hear.听句选答:根据你听到句子或问题,选出最恰当应答 1. A. lts raining. B. It was cloudy. C. lts usually sunny. D. ltII be fine. 2. A. Dont mention it. B. Never mind. C. Surel D. Take care

2、. 3. A. All right. I will. B. OK,I wont. C. It doesnt matter. D. Thats all right. 4. A. I have no idea. B. Is it true? C. How bad it is? D. lm sorry to hear that. 5. A. No one told me that. B. Because I like taking the bus. C. Thats a good idea. D. lts very far away from here. 6. A. I find this book

3、 easy to understand B. My pleasure. C. Dont worry. D. lts an interesting book. 7. A. We had a party in this house. B. lm going to move in next week. C. lts big and bright. I like it. D. lts.ten minutes away. 8. A. His friends did. B. He wanted you to wait for him. C. He asked you to visit him. D. Ab

4、out three hours ago.Part B (10%)Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer to each of the questions.短对话理解:根据你听到对话,选出最恰当答案。9. A. sbe will see the man. B. She will hand in her paper. C. She will write her paper. D. She will have a meeting.10. A. He wanted her to join them. B. He wanted her to

5、buy CDs for him. C. He wanted her to wait for him. D. He wanted her to leave the music store.11. A. Six months ago. B. Nearly a year ago. C. Three months ago. D. A year and a half ago.12. A. In an elevator. B. In a car. C. Behind a wall. D. Behind a window.13. A. Because Peter had tried his best. B.

6、 Because he was proud of Peter. C. Because it was very difficult for Peter to win the contest. D. Because Peter could get some prize money.14. A. Very thankful. B. A little worried C. Very glad. D. A little excited.15. A. She is learning to walk. B. She walks outside the hospital. C. She likes walki

7、ng alone. D. She is recovering her health.16. A. Because she wants to save time. B. Because she enjoys cooking. C. Because there is nice food at home. D. Because she loves home-cooked meals.17. A. A middle-aged man. B. A woman wearing glasses. C. A person sitting in the middle. D.A person sitting be

8、side him.18. A. Forty minutes. B. Half an hour C. An hour D. Fifty five minutes.Part C (7%)Listen to the passage and complete the summary.听短文,做总结:根据听到短文,将下面总结整。 lts a story about a _19_ boy. He wouldnt walk a long way to get water,like otherpeople _20 . Instead,he _21_ others water. One day he even

9、tried to _ 22their water bowls. When people found him on a _23_ with hidden water bowls,theycouldnt bear it any longer. They wanted to 24 him. The boy tried to escape andfinally _25 into a koala.Part D(10%)Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false.长对话理解:根据你

10、听到对话,判断下列句子与否与对话内容相符。(相符用”A”体现, 不符用”B”体现) 26. The woman received something she wanted this afternoon. ( ) 27. The woman bought a new scarf last week. ( ) 28. Fred was surprised that she wanted a new sofa. ( ) 29. The woman thinks there is something wrong with the color of their old sofa. ( ) 30. The

11、 new sofa is of the same size as the old one. ( )Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions.短文理解:根据你听到短文,选出最恰当答案。 31. Bob and Don were_. A. very fond of clothes B.of the same age C.from the same university D. very interested in art 32. Why did they separate from each o

12、ther after buying the suits? A. Because they preferred different colors. B. Because they wanted to buy different styles. C. Because their sizes were different. D. Because they were looking for different clothes. 33. How long did it take Don to find his shirts? A.A very short time. B.Afew hours. C.An

13、 hour D.Half an hour.1 34. What was wrong with the sweaters that Bob tried on? A. They were not his size. B.They were not soft enough. C. They didnt seem to suit him. D.They were too expensive. 35. What did Bob think he would do in a few days? A. He would try on some new sweaters.B. He would buy mor

14、e sweaters. C. He would go to the movies with friends. D. He would visit the shop assistant with Don.Section II Grammar and Vocabulary (25%)第二某些语法和词汇Complete each of the following sentences with the right choice.看句选词:选用最佳答案36. They sat down to _ dinner after they entered the restaurant. A. the B. a

15、C./ D. their37. Its not easy to a right choice when you are in a stressful situation. A. take B. make C. decide D. have38. I didnt know it would cause so in your work. A. much trouble B. many troubles C. many a troubles D. much troubles39. His family went on vacation,so he had the whole house _ hims

16、elf. A. for B. with C. of D. to40. The boy wishes he could become a well-known pianist . A. some day B. some days C. on some day D. for some days41. He has been very friendly to us all . A. long B. along C. over D. together42. _of the drivers got a new pair of gloves. A. All B. Each C. Everyone D. E

17、verybody43. The artist believes that his work is better than _ . A. anyone elses B. anyone else C. any other D. any others44. She went to college in _. A. the early thirties B. her early thirties C. the early thirty D. her early thirty45. Where did he put the table? A. three-legs B. three-leg C. thr

18、ee-legged D. three-legging46. People send each other presents Christmas. A. at B. in C. on D. for47. As we all know,this musician is known in Europe. A. wide B. widely C. wild D. wildly48. This is the second time that I . A. had been to this city B. went to this city C. have been to this city D. am

19、in this city49. Look!The man walking _ is our new chairman. A. front B. in front C. in head D. ahead50. The university was _ that it took us half a day to walk around. A. so huge a place B. such huge a place C. such huge place D. such a huge place51. I told him that there was nothing _ with the mach

20、ine. A. mistake B. false C. fault D. wrong52. When the manager was away on a business trip. Mr. Zhang was in of the company. A. change B. charge C. control D. fond53. Neither he nor I _ satisfied with the design. A. is B. are C. am D. be54. You may join us on the trip _ you feel tired. A. unless B.

21、as long as C. if D. until55. She felt great _ her son did well in an exam. A. while B. whenever C. since D. wherever56. Learning a language _ difficult ,but its also full of fun. A. maybe B. may is C. may be D. should be57. My mother used to spend lots of time _. A. do housework B. doing housework C

22、. to do housework D. does housework58. I have no idea_ . A. how did they got to know each other B. how they got to know each other C. how do they get to know each other D. how they get to know each other59. Im afraid this wardrobe is not _ for all my stuff. A. enough heavy B. heavy enough C. enough

23、big D. big enough60. The professor has been here _ .A. before B. after C. since D. FromSection III Cloze (15%)第三某些 完形填空Read the passage and fill in each blank with the proper choice.阅读短文,选用对旳答案 (1) If an animal has to do the same task over and over again,its body gradually _61_ to make the task easi

24、er. So _62_ a deer reaches higher and higher into trees for food,day after day,its_63_ will gradually stretch(拉伸)as it goes older. If a deers neck shows _64_ during its lifetime,all its babies will _65 born with long necks too. In this way,long-necked giraffes could have eventually evolved from shor

25、t-necked deer that had to reach food.61 A. changes B. lives C. stays D. grows62 A. when B. if C. after D. while63 A. head B. neck C. shoulder D.jaw64. A. the longest B. long C. most long D.longer65. A. have B. become C. be D. Get (2) Scientists give all living things a name written in Latin,the _66_

26、 of the ancient Romans. This is because Latin names are 67 _ by all scientists,everywhere.If the names were written in English or Chinese _68_ Spanish,they would be difficult to understand _69_ people who didnt speak those languages. Latin names come in two 70_ .The first part is called the genus(属)

27、and the _ 71 part is called the species(种). These are often dozens of different _72_ in a genus. For example,there are several different kinds of 73_ cat. They are 74_ in the genus Panthera,but each kind has a different species name,so the Latin name for the tiger is Panthera tigris,the Latin name f

28、or the lion is Panthera leo,_75_ the Latin name for the African leopard is Panthera pardus.66 A. writing B. names C. art D. language67 A. understood B. understand C. understanding D. to understand68 A. and B. or C. nor D. either69 A. of B. for C. with D. toward70 A. ways B. forms C. parts D. calls71

29、 A. last B. second C. late D. front72 A. sizes B. species C. names D. numbers73 A. small B. pet C. big D. cute74 A. many B. little C. both D. all75 A. yet B. and D. that D. ForSection IV Reading Comprehension (15%)第四某些 阅读理解Read the passages and choose the best answer to each of the questions.阅读短文,选用

30、对旳答案Passage 1 Picasso is one of the worlds most famous artists. He was born in Malaga,Spain,in 1881. His mother said that Picasso should draw before he could talk. His father was an art teacher at a famous school of fine arts. Picasso wished to study in this school. The entrance exam was so difficul

31、t that it often took students a month to complete. Picasso finished the exam in one day!He was immediately admitted to the school. As with many famous artists,Picassos work went through many different periods. Some of his periods are given the names of colors. The paintings of his Blue Period have a

32、 deep,dark blue background(背景). They made people feel lonely and sad. APink Period followed his Blue Period. Picasso was happier during this time. Many paintings of this period were of warm and rosy colors.76 Picasso was born in _ . A. the late nineteenth century B. the early nineteenth century C. t

33、he late eighteenth century D. the early eighteenth century77 Picassos mother might be _ A. a talented artist B. very good of her son C. a good teacher D. very interested in education78 Picasso proved himself in the entrance exam. A. a highly gifted man B. a very quick painter C. a humorous person D.

34、 a boring person79 From this passage we know that . A. an artists style might change B. artists are very interested in different periods C. Picasso went to many different places D. Picasso was paintings were given the names of colors80 Picasso was in a mood when he was in his Pink Period. A. sadder

35、B. worse C. lonely D. BetterPassage 2 I am really excited about the ways that a computer has changed my life. It even helpedme find a lost pets owner. When the kitten first showed up at our back door,I wanted to keep it. I knew,though,that it belonged to someone else. Then I got an idea. I could use

36、 the computer at school to find the kittens owner. I typedup an announcement(布告) with a description of the kitten and my address and phonenumber. I printed thirty copies of the announcement on orange papers. After school I put a copy of the announcement on the porch of every house on my street.At 7:

37、30 that night,I was petting the kitten when the phone rang. Yes,shes right there,and shes fine. I told the voice on the phone. When I hung up the phone,I had a goodfeeling inside.81 The writer was excited about_. A. the changes that have taken place B. how a computer has changed C. the roads that ha

38、ve changed D. what can be done with a computer82 Although he liked the kitten,the writer knew that_. A. he should return it to its owner B. the pet wouldnt like to stay at his house C. the kittens owner would be angry with him D. it was not an easy thing to keep a pet83 What couldnt people find out in the writers announcement? A. What the kitten looked Iike. B. Where the writer lived. C. How to contact the writer. D. The writers hobb

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