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1、2023年职称英语综合类B考试真题及答案(完整版)职称英语考试网 更新:2023-7-2 编辑:小优第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分)下面旳短文后,列出了7个句子,请根据短文旳内容对每个句子作出判断:假如该句提供旳是对旳信息,请选择A;假如该句提供旳是错误信息,请选择B;假如该句旳信息文中没有提及,请选择C。Nobody Had Believed It Was PossibleIn 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg on its first trip across the Atlantic, and it sank four hours lat

2、er. It was carrying 2207 people, but it had taken on enough lifeboats for only 1178 people. When the passengers tried to leave the ship, only 651 of them were able to get into lifeboats and 1502 people lost their lives.Throughout the whole tragedy, the California was only ten miles away. Its officer

3、s were close enough to see the Titanic, but they did not understand the situation. They never received the Titanics call for help, and they did not come to the rescue until too late.First of all, nobody had prepared for such a tragedy. Nobody had believed that the Titanic could sink. The steamship c

4、ompany had thought that its ship would be completely safe in all situations. They followed an old rule for the number of lifeboats, so they had supplied lifeboats for only half the people. And the passengers had not practiced lifeboat drills before the accident and they did not believe they were in

5、danger.The ship had already received six ice warnings on its radio when it struck the iceberg. But it had not changed its direction or its speed. It was impossible to change direction quickly enough when the iceberg came in sight. When the Titanic hit the iceberg, the radio officer on the California

6、 had just gone to bed. He had tried to warn the officers on the Titanic about the ice before he went to bed, but the officers had not listened.After this accident, ocean travel change. Now there are always enough lifeboats for everybody. Ships do not go so far north in winter, and they watch careful

7、ly for ice. Radio officers work 24 hours a day. A tragedy like the sinking of the Titanic should never happen again.16.Over 1,000 passengers were able to escape in lifeboats from the sinking Titanic.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned17.Throughout the whole tragedy, the California didnt received the Titan

8、ics call for help.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned18.The Titanic has 1,178 lifeboats for 2,207 people, but 1,502 people lost their lives because many people did not know how to get into their lifeboats.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned19.The California didnt come in time to save the passengers on the Titan

9、ic because its officers were not clear about what was happening on the Titanic.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned20.The ship might not have sunk if its radio officer had listened to the warning from the California.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned21.After the accident, ships are not allowed to travel into the north in winter to ensure safe ocean travel.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned22.A tragedy like the sinking of the Titanic never happened again.A.RightB.Wrong

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