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1、高等学校英语应用能力考试B级作文预测(.11)恩波教导预测(一)Memo 备忘录阐明:假设你是人事主管Angela Wang,以企业名义给各部门主管发一份内部告知。内容如下:1.发送时间:10月20日;2.企业决定举行高档德语业余课程;3.课程日期为 11月2日至11月20日,详细时间为每个工作日(波及周五)晚上7点至8点;4. 免费提供书本;5. 企业将于10月28日进行测试,只有测试通过员工才有资格申请参与课程;6. 请记录各部门故意愿参与员工人数,并于周三(10月22日)下午4点前将名单发至人事主管助理Mrs. Hope处,以便合理安排测试。审题概述备忘录是一种录以备忘公文,人们在现代商


3、,则不需要。Words for Reference:有资格:be eligible to范文MemoToall departments managersFromAngela Wang,personnel directorDateOctober 20th,SubjectAdvanced Part-time Deutsch CourseAn advanced part-time Deutsch course is starting on the 2nd November,from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. every weekdays evening (Friday is in

4、cluded),and finishing on the 20th November. Textbooks are free but only those who can pass the test held on the 28th October are eligible to attend the course.Please collect the names of the staff in your division who want to take the course and send the list to Mrs. Hope,the assistant of Personnel

5、manager,by 4 p.m. Thursday (October 22nd) so that the test can be arranged properly.预测(二)请假申请阐明:假设你是赵云,请根据下列内容填写请假申请表。姓名:赵云员工号:839704所在部门:研发部门(Research and Development Department)请假类别:病假(Sick Leave)拟请假日期:11月24日请假理由: 今天上午,我收到牙医 ,催促我及时去她诊所治疗牙齿。我近来一直牙疼,在过去两周内每晚都睡不好觉。一旦牙齿感染,后果会更严重。周三(11月24日)当日工作任务相对于这周其

6、她时间较轻。因此,我觉得周三是最佳请假日期。审题概述这是一份病假申请表。各划线某些根据题目所提供内容用对旳形式逐一填写。填写病假申请单或写假条最重要是交代清晰请假原因和请假日期。Words for Reference:感染:infection范文Leave Request FormEmployee InformationName:Zhao YunEmployee Number:839704Department:Research and Development DepartmentLeave Type:Sick LeaveStarting Date:November 24thResumption

7、 Date:November 24thReason for Leave: This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist,urging me to come to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth. I have been experiencing a stinging pain,depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight. The situation could worsen,should infectio

8、n occur. Therefore I will take a sick leave for one day on May 24th,this Wednesday. Concerning my workload:As Wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays,I think a one-day leave this Wednesday may be the best solution. I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause. Signature of

9、 Applicant:Zhao Yun 预测(三)告知行程安排信函阐明:假设你是ABC企业人事经理王林。企业有一批重要外国客户想游览苏州,企业派遣你充当导游。现规定你在这批客户10月30日抵达之前给她们寄去一封信,告知她们入境后行程。写信日期:10月24日详细行程安排如下:入住旅馆:4星级海景花园大酒店(Sea View Garden Hotel)用餐时间:早餐:7:30;午餐:12:30;晚餐:18:30用餐地点:酒店一楼餐厅游览景点:第一天上午:拙政园(the Humble Administrators Garden);下午:狮子林(Loin Grove)第二天上午:留园(Lingerin

10、g Garden);下午:虎丘(Tiger Hill)第三天:寒山寺( Hanshan Temple)交通工具:一辆可承载40人空调汽车审题概述这是一封告知行程安排信。写作时不仅要注意使用对旳书信格式,还要包括行程安排各个要素,波及入住酒店,用餐时间、地点,旅游期间每日游览景点,乘坐交通工具等。范文 October 24th,Dear Sir or Madam, It is my great pleasure to inform you that as soon as you arrive on October 30th,you will check in at the 4-star Sea

11、View Garden Hotel. Meals will be served in the hotel restaurant on the first floor at 7:30 a.m.,12:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. In the morning of the first day of your tour,you will visit the Humble Administrators Garden,in the afternoon,the Loin Grove. On the second day of your tour,you will visit the Lin

12、gering Garden in the morning and Tiger Hill in the afternoon. The last day of your tour will be spent in the Hanshan Temple. For the three-day tour,a 40-seat air-conditioned bus will be provided at your service. We wish you a happy tour in Suzhou . Yours sincerely, Wang Lin Personnel Director of ABC

13、 Company 预测(四)求职申请申请人:王平申请日期:9月25日 :南京市鼓楼区北京西路226号联络 :电子邮箱:申请职位:英语翻译可工作时间:10月9日预期工资:不低于人民币6000/月个人经历:6月毕业于南京师范大学,就职于江宁临港高档中学。调至南京第五中学工作至今。在南京第五中学工作期间曾赴国外参与为期6个月教学交流项目。优势:精通英语,尤其是英语翻译,已将4本中文书籍翻译成英语。懂日语,能用日语与外宾进行简朴交流。审题概述这是一张简历表格。该表格波及填写日期、个人信息(波及姓名、联络住址、联络方式、可到岗日期、期望月薪和申请岗位)、教导背景和工作经历、个人强项。各划线某些根据题目所

14、提供内容精确填写。简历表中教导背景和工作经历都需尽量突出与应聘工作相契合内容,本简历中就强调了出国参与交流项目经历,有出国经历对应聘语言类工作会起到一定协助。强项也要着重写与该应聘工作有关强项,由于应聘岗位是翻译,有过翻译书本经历便是一项优势,对英语之外其她语种掌握也会为自己加分不少。范文Resume Date of Application:Sep. 25th,PETSONAL INFORMATIONName:Wang PingAddress:No. 226,West Beijing Road,Gulou District,Nanjing Contact Information:1) Mobi

15、le:2) Email:Available Start Date:Oct. 9th,Desired Monthly Pay:no less than RMB 6000 per monthPosition Applied for:English translator EDUCATION AND WORK EXPERIENCE: I graduated from Nanjing Normal University in June . Then,I went to work in Jiangning Lingang Middle School. In ,I was transferred to Na

16、njing No. 5 Middle School where I have worked till now. During my stay here,I have been abroad on a 6-month teaching exchange program.STRONG POINTS: I have a good command of English and especially have great confidence in my translation skills. Till now,I have translated four Chinese books into Engl

17、ish. Besides,I can communicate freely in Japanese with foreigners. 预测(五)告知阐明:假如你是一家新开连锁餐厅玫瑰餐厅(Rose Restaurant)经理王东。现拟一份告知。内容如下:1. 玫瑰连锁餐厅将于周三(10月26日)在北京路454号(即麦当劳对面)新开一家连锁分店 ;2. 将为广大顾客提供各类特色菜肴,其中某些蘑菇菜肴具有药用功能;3. 为庆祝开业,餐厅将提供优惠折扣,感爱好顾客可至店内领取优惠券;4. 10月26日至11月26期间,凭优惠券来本店就餐顾客任一菜品均可享有20%折扣。审题概述这是一份餐馆开业告知。标

18、题位于第一行正中,文字需简洁且醒目。正文首先要交代餐馆名称、所在位置和开业确切时间。另首先简朴简介一下餐馆营业范围以及特色。最终简介一下开业酬宾活动,阐明一下顾客要怎么做,在什么时间段才能享有优惠、是某些菜品优惠还是所有菜品都优惠以及优惠力度。Words for Reference:蘑菇菜肴:mushroom recipe ;药用功能:medical benefits;优惠券:coupon范文Rose Restaurant New Chain Store OpeningRose Restaurant is proud to announce the opening of a new chain

19、 store on Wednesday,October 26th,at 454 Beingjing Road,just opposite the McDonald.The new chain store will offer your various specific dishes for all tastes. Some of our mushroom recipes even have medicinal benefits.To Mark this special occasion,customers will be offered an opening discount. Customer who are interested can pick up coupons in our restaurant. Bring the coupons to us between October 26th and November 26th,and you will enjoy a 20% discount on any dish you order.

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