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1、八年级下册英语期中知识点归纳和针对训练 Unit1 Whats the matter?一, 重要词组。1. have a cold/fever/sore back/sore throat2. have a stomachache/headache/toothache3. too much+4. too many+5. much too+6. enough+n.-enough money7. adj.+enough-old enough8. lie down and rest9. take ones temperature10. cut oneself(myself, ourselves,you

2、rself,yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves)11. put sth on sth12. take breaks= take a break13. away from14. in the same way15. go along16. on the side of the road17. next to18. shout for help19. without doing sth20. get off-get on21. take sb to sp-bring sb to sp22. to ones surprise23. agr

3、ee to do sth24. thanks to 25. get into trouble26. think about oneself/doing sth27. right away28. fall down/off29. get an X-ray30. be interested in doing sth31. be used to doing sth32. used to do sth33. take risks= take a risk34. run out (of)35. tell of/about36. be in control of37. keep on doing sth3

4、8. the same as39. make a decision40. mind doing sth41. use sth to do sth二, 重要句型。1.问询某人怎么了?Whats the matter?Whats wrong? +with sb?Whats the trouble?2.某人应当怎么做?What should sb do ?( sb= I, you , we, she, he ,they)3. Should I put some medicine on it? Yes, you should. No,you shouldnt.4.My head feels very

5、hot.5.Did you hurt yourself playing soccer?6. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.三,语法。1. 反身代词旳使用方法。2. 情态动词should 旳使用方法(见书本P108-109)针对训练一, 单项选择( )1. Whats _matter with you ?- -I have _toothache.- A.a/the B.the / C./a D.the/a( )2.We

6、 should be careful when we _the bus.A. get down B. get out C. get up D. get off( )3.We got to the station just _to catch the last train.A. at times B. for time C.in time D. on time( )4.-Joe had a nosebleed in P.E. class. -_Did anyone hit him on the nose?A. How do you like it?B. What happened?C.I can

7、t stand it.D. Its nothing.( )5.If he finishes the work, tell him_for two days.A.rest B. resting C. rests D. to rest( )6.The Millers used to _in New York, but now they are used to _in Shanghai.A.live/live B. live/livingC. living/live D. Living/living( )7.Sailing on stormy day means _in the sea.A. ris

8、king losing life B. to risk losing lifeC.risking to lose life D. to risk to lose life( )8.-Dont _hope. Everything will be over soon.-Yes. We should learn to be brave when we are in trouble.A.turn up B. give upC. clean up D. take up( )9.No one can help you all the time. You should be _your life.A. In

9、 front of B. in the way ofB. In need of D. in control of( )10.I expected all of you _up _the other day.A. give/rest B. to give/ to restB. to give/ resting D. giving/ to rest二, 用方框中所给旳词旳合适形式完毕短文。Another, traditional, beef, drink, wrong, little, important, country, eat, lot. If you often have a cold,

10、a headache or a sore back, there is something_1._with your health._2._healthy food is good for your health.Tofu, milk and vegetables are healthy for you.Tofu is a kind of _3._Chinese food.We often eat it in China. Now more and more people in other_4._think tofu is good for health too. They also like

11、 eating it.Milk is _5._kind of healthy food. Every day you should _6._one or two glasses of milk. It can keep you strong.Vegetables are very _7._,too. You should eat a _8._of them. There are Vitamin(维生素)A,B,C,D,Eand so on in them.As we know, its important to eat healthy food. We must have the right kinds of food. We should also eat some pork,chicken and _9._.We should eat more fruit and vegetables but _10._meat.1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._

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