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上传人:快乐****生活 文档编号:3237738 上传时间:2024-06-26 格式:PPTX 页数:8 大小:51KB
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1、 Unit 11.will be cloudy 2.There will be more libraries3.will keep4.keep healthy.5.one of the most beautiful countries 6.fell in love with it7.will take 8.will help people do housework9.difficult for robots to10.there will be less pollution第1页第1页 Unit 21.Whats the matter?/Whats wrong?2.(Please)Call m

2、e up3.Thanks for calling/Thank you for calling4.the same clothes as5.as much as possible6.what to do/what I should do 7.argues with8.ask your parents for9.Its time to 10.tries to get on well with第2页第2页 Unit 31.is afraid of speaking in front of 2.are busy building 3.was shopping4.how strange5.had a v

3、ery unusual experience6.will take me 7.stop working hard/trying8.Thank you for helping me9.as well as 10.one of the busiest cities第3页第3页 Unit 41.Hows it going2.didnt want to be,anymore3.to hear4.with science last semester,found it very difficult5.Why not try harder/work harder6.supposed to help7.spe

4、nd,practicing8.didnt go home until9.Please bring,to 10.could do better第4页第4页Unit 51.will be late2.ask you to leave/let you leave3.want you to remember4.will spend more time with5.if I could swim6.is very important for,to learn7.took away8.If I dont clean the room9.If I become a,will be10.will have a

5、 hard time knowing第5页第5页期中复习阅读第6页第6页1.Yes.2.We cant(predict an earthquake accurately).3.A sudden rock movement underground.4.Because there are flying objects(during the earthquake).5.The author tells us mainly about what an earthquake is some tips about how to stay safe in an earthquake.第7页第7页1.No.2

6、.The families who have some money and want to live a quieter life.3.The noise,the dirt,the crowded streets,crowded trains,buses and polluted air.4.They are different,and arent always very friendly.5.They like the city life better.(They prefer to live in the city.They are glad to be back in the city.)第8页第8页

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