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1、 Unit 4 Wheres my backpack?table sofa dresser bed bookcase chairdrawerplanthat can you see in my room?on 在上面under 在下面in 在里面表方位的介词短语表方位的介词短语 in the backpackon the tableunder the sofaon the dresserin the bookcaseunder the tablein the drawer在双肩背包里在双肩背包里在桌子上在桌子上在沙发下在沙发下在梳妆台上在梳妆台上在书柜里在书柜里在桌子下在桌子下在抽屉里在抽屉里

2、表方位的介词短语表方位的介词短语on the tablein the backpackunder the sofaon the dresserin the bookcaseunder the tablein the drawer在双肩背包里在双肩背包里在桌子上在桌子上在沙发下在沙发下在梳妆台上在梳妆台上在书柜里在书柜里在桌子下在桌子下在抽屉里在抽屉里Wheres Tom?Its on the case.Im Tom.inunderonwhere 在哪里wheres=where isIts in the case.Its under the case.B:It is _.In Tommys ho

3、meon the tableA:Where is the plant?A:Where is my backpack/?B:Its _ backpackbaseballunder the table.Its under the desk.A:Where is his notebook?B:Its _.in the backpackPairworkPairworkA:Wheres the?B:Its in/on/under/Wherere the rulers?Theyre on the sofa.Wherere the books?Theyre in the bookcase.Pairwork

4、-Where are the?-They are .Wheres the _?Its _ the _.bedWheres the _?Its _ the _.plantonchairbackpackonPracticeWhere _ the books?_ in the _.Wheres the _?Its _ the _.plantundertableareTheyredrawerWhere _ the books?_ in the _.areTheyreWhere _ the keys?_ _ the pencil case.areTheyrebookcaseunderTranslatio

5、n(译一译)(译一译)1.我的背包在哪?我的背包在哪?在沙发上。在沙发上。2.你的那几本书在哪?在椅子上。你的那几本书在哪?在椅子上。Wheres Wheres my backpack?my backpack?Its Its on the sofaon the sofa.Where areWhere are your book your books s?They areThey are on the chair.on the chair.1.Where i_ my backpack?Its u_ the c_.2.Wheres the p_?Its o_ the t_.3.W_ h_ jack

6、et?Its on the b_.4.Where a_ your keys?Theyre i_ the d_.5.W_ are her books?T_ on the s_.snderhairlantnable根据句意和单词首字母完成句子hereserhispen/penciledbookcaserenrawerdresserofahereheyreThank you!Wheres my dog?Its behind the sofa.behindin front ofWhere is the sofa?Its in front of the dog.方位介词方位介词:on in under

7、behind in front of在在上面上面在在里面里面在在下面下面在在后面后面在在前面前面Hello,everyone.My _is Tommy.These _ the pictures _my family members.I am the boy.This is _ father.He is tall.This is my _.She is very nice(漂亮)And that is my _.We are Americans(美国人).I love(爱)my family.mymothersisterofHi!Im Tommy.Fill in the blanks(填空)na

8、mearebed/e/table/ei/chair/e/chairs/z/plants/ts/plant/a:/sofa/dresser/drawer/dr:(r)/bookcase/ei/bookcases/iz/An American housetable sofa 1Living room 客厅客厅bookcase bookcases 2Living room客厅客厅chair chairs 3Dining room餐厅bed3bedroom 卧室卧室dresser drawer 4washroom浴室浴室plant plants3jcdihgabflkA:Where is the?B:

9、Its in/on/under/behind/in front of theA:Where are the keys?B:Theyre _.under the sofaB:They are on the bed.they它们他们她们theyre=they areQuestionsAnswersWheres the baseball?Its in the backpack.Where is my computergame?Its under the bed.Where are your books?Theyre on the chair.Where are his keys?Theyre on

10、the dresser.Where are her keys?Theyre on the table.Grammar FocusFind differences of these two groups of sentences.Find differences of these two groups of sentences.1b2345A:Where are my books?B:They _ on the sofa.A:How about my pencil case and my baseball?B:_ _in your backpackin your backpack.A:OK.An

11、d _my computer game?B:Your computer game?_ under your bed.A:Great!Now,_ _ my keys?B:Oh,they are on the dresser.-1234Complete the tape script分组朗读分组朗读TheyarewheresItsWhere areareplantchairtablebedsofadresserdrawerbookcaseinonunderbehindin front of本课生词wheretheyWheres the clock?Its on the table.Wheres t

12、he phone?Its under the bookcase.Wheres the ring?Its in the drawer.Where are the quits?Theyre on the sofa.Where are the photos?Theyre on the dresser.2.clock/on/table3.phone/under/bookcase1.ring/in/drawer4.photos/on/dresser5.quilts/on/sofa我能编对话!1.Remember the new words.2.Talk about the things in your room.A:Wheres your baseball?B:Its under the table.A:Where are your books?B:Theyre on the bookcase.Homeworkin on underwhere theyplant chairtablebedsofadresserdrawerbookcase

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