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1、 结 课 论 文(设 计)我国电子商务发展现状及趋势分析 Chinas electronic commerce development current situation and trend analysis 毕业论文(设计)原创性声明 本人所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是我在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文(设计)不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本论文(设计)的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。作者签名:日期:毕业论文(设计)授权使用说明 本论文(设计)作者完全了解*学院有关保留、使用毕业论文(设计)

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4、附件:按照任务书、开题报告、外文译文、译文原文(复印件)次序装订 3)其它 我国电子商务发展现状及趋势分析-I-摘 要 电子商务通常是指是在全球各地广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下,基于浏览器/服务器应用方式,买卖双方不谋面地进行各种商贸活动,实现消费者的网上购物、商户之间的网上交易和在线电子支付以及各种商务活动、交易活动、金融活动和相关的综合服务活动的一种新型的商业运营模式。电子商务是利用微电脑技术和网络通讯技术进行的商务活动。电子商务可被看作是一种化的商业和行政作业,这种方法通过改善产品和服务质量、提高服务传递速度,满足政府组织、厂商和消费者的降低成本的需求,并通过计算机网络

5、加快信息交流以支持决策。.电子商务可以包括通过电子方式进行的各项活动。随着信息技术的发展,电子商务的内涵和外延也在不断充实和扩展,并不断被赋予新的含义,开拓出更广阔的空间。电子商务将成为二十一世纪人类信息世界的核心,也是网络应用的发展方向,具有无法预测的增长前景。电子商务还将构筑二十一世纪新型的贸易框架。大力发展电子商务,对于国家以信息化带动化的战略,实现跨越式发展,增强国家竞争力,具有十分重要的战略意义。关键词:商贸活动;趋势;影响;措施 我国电子商务发展现状及趋势分析 -II-Chinas electronic commerce development current situation

6、and trend analysis Abstract Electronic commerce is usually refers to a wide range of commercial trade activities around the world,in the open Internet network environment,based on browser applications,buyers and sellers not met for various business activities,the implementation of online shopping,me

7、rchants consumers between online trading and online electronic payment and various business activities,trading activities,financial activities and related comprehensive service activities of a new type of commercial operation mode,e-commerce is the use of microcomputer technology and network communi

8、cation technology for business activities.E-commerce can be regarded as a commercial and administrative operation,this method by improving product and service quality,improve the service transmission speed,satisfy the government organization,manufacturers and consumers demand to reduce costs,and thr

9、ough the computer network speed up exchanges of information to support decision making.E-commerce can through electronic means do something.With the development of information technology,the connotation and extension of e-commerce are also constantly enrich and expand,and constantly given new meanin

10、g,develop a broader space.E-commerce will become the 21st century information the core of in the world,human is the development direction of network applications,with unpredictable growth prospects.E-commerce will also build new 21st century trade framework.Vigorously develop e-commerce,for countrie

11、s with informationization to drive strategy,leapfrog development and enhance national competitiveness,has very important strategic significance.Key Words:Commercial activities;Trend;Effect;Measure 我国电子商务发展现状及趋势分析 -III-目 录 摘 要.I Abstract.II 1.Introduction引言.1 2.Global electronic commerce development

12、situation全球电子商务发展概况.4 3.China electronic commerce development situation我国电子商务发展概况.5 3.1The status of Chinas e-commerce我国电子商务的现状.5 3.2The central government policy to promote the development of e-commerce中央政府促进电子商务发展的政策.17 3.3Chinas e-commerce development trends我国电子商务发展趋势.17 3.3.1electronic commerce

13、development environment will continue to improve,the momentum continues to increase电子商务的发展环境不断完善,发展动力持续增强.17 3.3.2E-commerce applications will reach new breadth and depth电子商务应用将达到新的广度和深度.18 3.3.3Electronic commerce and industrial development increasing depth fusion,accelerate the formation of econom

14、ic competition in the new situation电子商务与产业发展深度融合不断加大,加速形成经济竞争新态势.20 3.3.4e-commerce services industry vigorous development,and gradually become a new growth point of national economy电子商务服装业蓬勃发展,逐步成为国民经济新的增长点.22 3.3.5mobile e-commerce is becoming a new e-commerce applications移动电子商务正式成为电子商务新的应用领域.22 3

15、.3.6Personalization information requirements and individualized demand for commodities will become electronic commerce development direction个性化定制信息需求和个性化商品需求将成为电子商务发展方向.25 3.3.7Chinas e-commerce enterprises will with the norms of international e-commerce environment and perfect gradually towards the

16、 world我国电子商务企业将随着国际电子商务环境的规范和完善逐步走向世界.27 3.3.8Regionalization of e-commerce with Chinese characteristics中国特有的电子商务区域化.29 3.3.9E-commerce will move on to a new fusion电子商务网站必然走向新的融合30 我国电子商务发展现状及趋势分析 -IV-3.3.10 E-commerce will fusion logistics supply chain电子商务将融合物流供应链32 4.The existing problems in the d

17、evelopment of electronic commerce in our country我国电子商务发展中存在的问题.34 4.1the imbalance of development发展不平衡.35 4.2the imperfect credit system construction信用体系建设不完善.35 4.3 logistics supporting system still needs to improve物流配套体系仍需完善.37 4.4lack of electronic commerce talented person电子商务人才缺乏.37 4.5E-commerc

18、e search function is not perfect电子商务搜索功能不够完善.38 4.6E-commerce security issues is still the main factors affecting the development of e-commerce电子商务的安全问题仍是影响电子商务发展的主要因素.38 4.7The management problems of electronic commerce电子商务的管理问题.40 5.The status quo of Chinas e-commerce features我国电子商务的现状特点.42 5.1Hig

19、h starting point,development is fast起点高,发展快.42 5.2Covering the B2B and B2C mode覆盖 B2B、B2C 等多种模式.43 5.3Benefit is remarkable,advantages highlighted效益显著、优势凸显.43 5.4Legislation is increasingly perfect立法日趋完善.44 5.5Professional education taking shape专业教育初具规模.45 5.6Development unbalanced发展不平衡.46 Conclusio

20、n.47 结 论.49 致 谢.53 课程结课论文审阅评分表.55 课程结课论文答辩记录评分表.56 1.Introduction Electronic commerce is usually refers to a wide range of commercial trade activities around the world,in the open Internet network environment,based on browser applications,buyers and sellers not met for various business activities,th

21、e implementation of online shopping,merchants consumers between online trading and online electronic payment and various business activities,trading activities,financial activities and related comprehensive service activities of a new type of commercial operation mode,e-commerce is the use of microc

22、omputer technology and network communication technology for business activities.Governments,academics,business people according to their position and to participate in e-commerce Angle and the degree of different,given the many different definitions.ELECTRONIC COMMERCE is the result of ELECTRONIC CO

23、MMERCE,abbreviations to EC.As the name suggests,一、引言 电子商务通常是指是在全球各地广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下,基于浏览器/服务器应用方式,买卖双方不谋面地进行各种商贸活动,实现消费者的网上购物、商户之间的网上交易和在线电子支付以及各种商务活动、交易活动、金融活动和相关的综合服务活动的一种新型的商业运营模式。电子商务是利用微电脑技术和网络通讯技术进行的商务活动。各国政府、学者、企业界人士根据自己所处的地位和对电子商务参与的角度和程度的不同,给出了许多不同的定义。电子商务源于ELECTRONIC COMMERCE,简写为 EC

24、。顾名思义,其包含两方面,一是电子方式,二是商贸活动。一般来说是指利用电子信息网络等电子化手段进行的商务活动,是指商务活动的电子化、网络 it contains two aspects,one is electronic means,two is commercial and trade activities.Generally refers to the use of electronic means such as electronic information networks for business activities,refers to the electronic commerc

25、e and network.Broadly speaking,e-commerce include government agencies,enterprises and institutions a variety of internal business electronically.E-commerce as an important industry in modern service industry,E-commerce industry is market globalization,continuous trading,low cost,the advantages of th

26、e resource intensive.E-commerce can be regarded as a commercial and administrative operation,this method by improving product and service quality,improve the service transmission speed,satisfy the government organization,manufacturers and consumers demand to reduce costs,and through the computer net

27、work speed up exchanges of information to support decision making.E-commerce can through electronic means 化。广义而言,电子商务还包括政府机构、企事业单位各种内部业务的电子化。.电子商务作为现代服务业中的重要产业。电子商务产业具有市场全球化、交易连续化、成本低廉化、资源集约化等优势。电子商务可被看作是一种化的商业和行政作业,这种方法通过改善产品和服务质量、提高服务传递速度,满足政府组织、厂商和消费者的降低成本的需求,并通过计算机网络加快信息交流以支持决策。.电子商务可以包括通过电子方式进行

28、的各项活动。随着信息技术的发展,电子商务的内涵和外延也在不断充实和扩展,并不断被赋予新的含义,开拓出更广阔的空间。do something.With the development of information technology,the connotation and extension of e-commerce are also constantly enrich and expand,and constantly given new meaning,develop a broader space.E-commerce will become the 21st century info

29、rmation the core of in the world,human is the development direction of network applications,with unpredictable growth prospects.E-commerce will also build new 21st century trade framework.Vigorously develop e-commerce,for countries with informationization to drive strategy,leapfrog development and e

30、nhance national competitiveness,has very important strategic significance.Electronic commerce in accordance with the participation main body and the customer is different,can be divided into a variety of forms,but at present,B2B,B2C,电子商务将成为二十一世纪人类信息世界的核心,也是网络应用的发展方向,具有无法预测的增长前景。电子商务还将构筑二十一世纪新型的贸易框架。

31、大力发展电子商务,对于国家以信息化带动化的战略,实现跨越式发展,增强国家竞争力,具有十分重要的战略意义。电子商务按照参与主体和客户的不同,可分为多种形式,但目前看,B2B、B2C、C2C 是主要形式,其中B2B 是最主要的应用形式。二、全球电子商务发展概况 纵观全球电子商务市场,各地区发展并不平衡的局面。美国是世界最早发展电 C2C is the main form,including B2B is the main application form.2.Global electronic commerce development situation Throughout the global

32、 e-commerce market,regional development is not balanced,The United States is the worlds first e-commerce development,is also the most mature e-commerce development of the country,has been leading the development of global e-commerce,is a global e-commerce mature developed regions.EUs electronic comm

33、erce development started relatively later than the United States,but the development speed,become a more leading global e-commerce area.Asia as a rookie in the development of e-commerce,the market potential is large,but in recent years,the pace of development and share is not ideal,is the sustainabl

34、e development of global e-commerce.Global B2B e-commerce trading has been dominated,since 2002,the sustained has high-speed growth,global B2B trading volume in 2007 reached$8.3 trillion,it is 子商务的国家,同时也是电子商务发展最为成熟的国家,一直引领全球电子商务的发展,是全球电子商务的成熟发达地区。欧盟电子商务的发展起步较美国晚,但发展速度快,成为全球电子商务较为领先的地区。亚洲作为电子商务发展的新秀,市

35、场潜力较大,但是近年的发展速度和所占份额并不理想,是全球电子商务的持续发展地区。全球 B2B 电子商务交易一直占据主导地位,2002 年至今,呈现持续高速增长态势,2007 年全球 B2B 交易额达到 8.3万亿美元,预计在未来几年将保持 40%以上的增长率,到 2010 年 B2B 交易额将达到26 万亿美元,比 2002 年增长 30 多倍。三、我国电子商务发展概况 (一)我国电子商务的现状 虽然目前还不能预测电子商务交易模式何时能成为主流模式,但电子商务的市场发展潜力是无穷的,因为:expected in the next few years will remain more than

36、40%of the growth of B2B transactions will reach$26 trillion by 2010,more than 30 times higher than in 2002.3.China electronic commerce development situation 3.1The status of Chinas e-commerce Although it is not predict e-commerce transaction mode when will become the mainstream model,but e-commerce

37、market potential is infinite,On the one hand,the development of potential customers at a staggering rate.According to unctad e-commerce development report in 2002 showed that by the end of 2002,the global Internet users reached 650 million.In according to the China Internet network information cente

38、r(CNNIC),according to the latest report by the end of June 2003,Internet users has reached 68 million,48.5%more than last year,and the results of the survey is only for 一方面,潜在消费者的发展速度惊人。据联合国贸发会议 2002 年电子商务发展报告显示,到 2002 年底,全球英特网用户已达 6.5 亿之众。据中国互联网信息中心(CNNIC)最新的调查报告显示,截止2003年 6 月底,上网用户已达到 6800万,比去年同期增

39、长 48.5%,而1997年 10月首次调查结果只有 62 万,几年间增长了109。他们中的一部分已是电子商务的消费者,而更多的则是这个快速发展市场的潜在消费者。另一方面,电子商务交易额快速增长。据国际著名咨询公司Forrester估计,2002年全球电子商务交易额大约为22935亿美元。美国是电子商务应用最为发达的国家之一,其发展趋势对其他国家具有重要的引领作用。2001年,尽管美国的电子商务交易额在全美零售额中的比例仍低于3%,但类似软件、和制品这些商品及服务的网上交易 B2C 部分已占到这部分交易额的 18%左右,世界其他地区也有类似情况出现。据联合国贸发会议2001 年电子商务发展报告

40、 引用 Anderson 咨询公司的数据显示,到 2003 年底,我国的电子商务市场 B2B 和 B2C 的交易总额将可能达到40亿美元之巨,B2B的年均增速为194%,而 B2C 的是 274%,其增速呈倍数增长。当 the first time in October 1997,620000,grew by 109 over the years.7倍。Part of them are electronic commerce consumers,but more is the fast development of market of potential consumers.On the ot

41、her hand,the rapid growth of e-commerce transactions.Forrester,According to the international famous consulting firm Forrester estimates that global e-commerce transactions in 2002 to about$2.2935 trillion.America is one of the most developed countries in e-commerce application,and its development t

42、rend in other countries plays an important leading role.In 2001,although the United States share of e-commerce transactions in U.S.retail sales are still less than 3%,similar software,these online transactions of goods and services and products B2C part this part has accounted for about 18%of the to

43、tal,the rest of the world also have similar problem.According to unctad in 2001 China report on e-commerce reference Anderson consulting company,according to data by the end of 2003,Chinas e-commerce market of B2B and B2C transaction amount could reach$4 billion,average annual growth of 194%of B2B,a

44、nd B2C is 274%,and its growth faster growth.In todays world,in 今世界,除电子商务市场以外,其他任何市场都难有如此高的增长率,因此,其市场前景极为可观。我国电子商务发展呈现典型的块状经济特征,东南沿海属于较为发达地区,北部和中部属于快速发展地区,西部则相对落后。自 2005 年以来,我国电子商务市场交易额稳定增长,2007 年我国电子商务市场规模突破 17000 亿元。未来 3 年,仍是我国电子商务投资规模持续增长和爆发的时期,我国电子商务投资市场将迎来新一轮 addition to the e-commerce market,ot

45、her markets are difficult to have such a high growth rate,therefore,its market prospect is very considerable.Our country electronic commerce development present typical massive economic characteristics,the southeast coastal belong to relatively developed areas,belong to the rapid development in nort

46、hern and central parts,the west is relatively backward.Since 2005,Chinas e-commerce market is stable growth,Chinas e-commerce market size in 2007 reached 1.7 trillion.Over the next three years,our country is still electronic commerce investment period and outbreaks of continued growth,the developmen

47、t of Chinas e-commerce market will usher in a new round of upsurge.On the one hand,11th five-year development planning of e-commerce marks issued by the 的发展高潮。一方面,2007 年国家“十一五”电子商务发展规划的颁布标志着政府推动电子商务的总体布局已经形成;另一方面,电子商务在企业的应用成效以及对经济、社会发展的推动作用日益明显。电子商务将改变商务活动的方式。传统的商务活动最典型的情景就是“推销员满天飞”“采购员遍地跑”,“说破了嘴、跑断

48、了腿”;消费者在商场中筋疲力尽地寻找自己所需要的商品。现在,通过互联网只要动动手就可以了,人们可以进入网上商场浏览、采购各类产品,而且还能得到在线服务;商家们可以在网上与客户联系,利用网络进行货款结算服务;政府还可以方便地进行电子招标、政府采购等;government to promote the overall layout of e-commerce has been formed;On the other hand,the results of the application of e-commerce in enterprises as well as to the increasin

49、gly obvious role in promoting economic and social development.Electronic commerce will change the way of business activities.Traditional business activities is the most typical scenario salesman flying buyer and,said broken mouth,broke his leg run;Exhausted in the shopping mall for consumers to find

50、 what you need of commodities.Now,just activities via the Internet,people can access the online store to browse,purchase all kinds of products,and still can obtain online service;Merchants can contact the customer on the Internet,using the network payment and settlement services;The government can a

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