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1、Unit 1 My names Gina.Section AA:Whats this?B:Its.A:Spell B:Make conversationsReviewWrite English words for the things in the picture.How many words do you know?写出图中物品的英语单词。你能写几个?写出图中物品的英语单词。你能写几个?1aASectionorangeclockteacherstudentboygirlglassesbookcapnoseeyesbagrulershoeshairtieballhandorangeclockg

2、lassesbookcapbagrulershoestieballshirtdoorwindowA:Whats this?B:Its.A:Spell B:.Make conversationsListen and number the conversations 13.听录音,给下列对话编号听录音,给下列对话编号 1-3。A:Whats your name?B:Alan.A:Hello,Allan.Im Ms.Brown.A:Good morning!Im Cindy.B:Hello,Cindy!Im Dale.A:Nice to meet you!A:Hi,My names Gina.B:I

3、m Jenny.Nice to meet you!A:Nice to meet you,too.2131bHello,Cindy!Im Dale.Conversation 1Good morning!Im Cindy.Nice to meet you!Whats your name?Alan.Conversation 2Hello,Alan.Im Ms.Brown.Im Jenny.Nice to meet you!Conversation 3Hi.My names Gina.Nice to meet you,too.Listen to the conversations and number

4、 the pictures 1-4.听四段对话听四段对话,给下列图片编号给下列图片编号 1-4。21 1342aListen again.Circle the names you hear.再听一遍。圈出你听到的名字。再听一遍。圈出你听到的名字。Eric Tom Alice Bob Mike Jack Mary Ms.Miller 2bListeningConversation1A:Hello,whats your name?B:My names Alice.A:Im Eric.B:Nice to meet you.Conversation 2A:Whats his name?B:His na

5、mes Eric.A:And whats her name?B:Her names Alice.ListeningConversation 3A:Excuse me,are you Eric?B:Yes,I am.Are you Mike?A:No,Im not.Im Bob.Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.Conversation 4A:Good morning,boys and girls.My names Ms Miller.Whats your name?B:My names Jack.A:And whats your name?C:My

6、 names Mary.Practice the conversation in pairs.A:Hello!Whats your name?B:My names A:Im B:Nice to meet you.A:Whats his name?B:His names A:And whats her name?B:Her names 2CPAIRWORKPAIRWORK结对活动结对活动Role-play the conversation.分角色表演分角色表演对话对话。2dLinda:Good afternoon!My names Linda.Are you Helen?Helen:Yes,I

7、am.Nice to meet you,Linda.Linda:Nice to meet you,too.Whats her name?Helen:Shes Jane.Linda:Is he Jack?Helen:No,he isnt.His names Mike.Questions Answers Whats your name?Alan./Im Alan./My names Alan.Whats his name?Hes Eric./His names Eric.Whats her name?Shes Mary./Her names Mary.Is he Jack?Yes,he is./N

8、o,he isnt.His names Mike.Are you Helen?Yes,I am./No,Im not.Im Gina.Grammar FocusAttention!whats what isnames name is Im I amhes he isshes she isWhats your name?My names./(Im)Whats his name?His names.Whats her name?Her names.人称代词人称代词 物主代词物主代词我我你你/你们你们他他她她I you heshemy your hisher._ am a teacher.2._ i

9、s a girl._ name is Joy.3._ is a boy._ name is Mike.4._ your name?_ name is Polly.I She Her He His Whats My用适当的代词填空用适当的代词填空补全对话A:Hi._ his name?B:_ is Lin Tao.A:Whats this?B:Its _ ruler.A:And whats _ name?B:Her _ is Helen.Whats He his/a her name Put the words in order to make conversations.Then practi

10、ce them.1.your name Whats Cindy ImWhats your name?Im Cindy.2.name his Whats Bob HesWhats his name?Hes Bob.3.Mike you Are am I YesAre you Mike?Yes,I am.3aComplete the conversation and practice it with your partner.补全对话与同伴练习。补全对话与同伴练习。3bA:Hi,_ your name?B:My _ Gina._ you Tom?A:_,Im not._ Bob.B:Hi,_._

11、to meet you.A:Nice to _ you,too.WhatsnamesAreNoImBobNicemeet姓名游戏姓名游戏3c1.1.人称代词:人称代词:在英语中在英语中,表示人称代词的有表示人称代词的有I(我我),you(你你),he(他他),she(她她),it(它它),we(我们我们),you(你们你们),they(他们他们/她们她们/它们它们)。I am Frank.You are Gina.He is Bob.She is Alice.It is a pen.Grammar2.物主代词:物主代词:物主代词分为物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词形容词性物主代词和

12、名词性物主代词,表示形容词性物主代词的有表示形容词性物主代词的有My(我的我的),your(你的你的),his(他的他的),her(她她),its(它它),our(我们的我们的),your(你们的你们的),their(他们他们/她们她们/它们的它们的)。My name is Frank.Your name is Gina.His name is Bob.Her name is Helen.Grammar3.系动词:系动词:英语中英语中,有一表示有一表示“是是”的概念的动词的概念的动词be,它不表示它不表示具体的动作或行为具体的动作或行为,只是在句中起着联系主语和只是在句中起着联系主语和表语的作

13、用表语的作用,所以我们叫它所以我们叫它“联系动词联系动词”,也称也称“系系动词动词”。be在现在时中有三种形式在现在时中有三种形式,分别是分别是am,is,are。be的形式依主语的不同而发生变化的形式依主语的不同而发生变化,如表:如表:Grammar主语主语系动词系动词(be)第一人称单数第一人称单数(I)am第二人称单数第二人称单数(you)are第三人称单数第三人称单数(he,she,it)is 复数人称复数人称(they)are I am a student.我是一个学生。我是一个学生。You are a good boy.你是一个好男孩。你是一个好男孩。She is a good g

14、irl.她是一个好女孩。她是一个好女孩。It is a black pen.这是一支黑钢笔这是一支黑钢笔 My name is Jim.我的名字是吉姆。我的名字是吉姆。Where are Eric and Bob?埃里克和鲍勃在哪里埃里克和鲍勃在哪里?They are my friends.他们是我的朋友。他们是我的朋友。1._ his name?_ name is Harry Potter.根据提示完成句子。根据提示完成句子。Harry PotterWhatsHis2.-Hi,Alice!_ this _ English?-_a _.3.-_ that in _?-_ a_.Whats in

15、Whats EnglishIts bookIts penHello!/Hi!Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening.Nice to meet you.How are you?Good morning.Hello!/Hi!Good afternoon.Fine,thanks.Good evening.Nice to meet you,too.Match the greetings on the left with the responses on the right.Tony:Hello.Whats _ name?Jenny:My _ Jenny.Ton

16、y:_ Tony.Jenny:Nice to meet you,Tony.Complete the conversations with the words in the box.Im is name names his youryournamesImSection BOne little,two little,three little Indians,Four little,five little,six little Indians,Seven little,eight little,nine little Indians,Ten little India boys.Ten little,

17、nine little,eight little Indians,Seven little,six little,five little Indians,Four little,three little,two little Indians,One little Indian boy.0 Zero English numbers1 One 2 Two 3 Three4 Four 5 Five 6 Six 7 Seven 8 Eight 9 Nine Listen and repeat.听一听,读一读。听一听,读一读。0 zero 2 two 4 four 6 six 8 eight1 one

18、3 three 5 five 7 seven 9 nineSectionB1a119120122110Do you know these numbers?firecar accidentmedical accident call the police1191101201.0+4=2.5+1=3.3+6=469Whats 0 and 4?Room numberBike numberTry to read the numbers:Room 1207Bike No.651503Whats the car number?Its Lu-U-5-6-7-8-9.-Whats your phone numb

19、er?-Its 5559498.-My phone number is 5559498.-Whats his/her phone number?-Its 5559898.-His/Her phone number is 5559898.phone number=telephone numberTelephone=Tel.Number=No.Telephone numbersListen to the conversation.Listen again and write the telephone number.听对话。再听一遍,记下电话号码。听对话。再听一遍,记下电话号码。2 7 8 9 1

20、 7 62 7 8 6 9 2 6Telephone number:1bMy friends phone numbers.TaskListen and match the names with the telephone numbers.听录音,将名字和电话号码匹配。听录音,将名字和电话号码匹配。1.Tom _ a.929-31 _ _2.Linda _ b.398-61 _ _3.Bob _ c.278-79 _ _4.Mary _ d.555-80 _ _ cdba1d6 0 4 9 2 8 2 4 Listen again.Complete the phone numbers.1eLis

21、tening Conversation 1A:Hello.What s your name?B:My names Tom.A:Whats your telephone number?B:Its 278-7928.Conversation 2A:Hi,Linda.B:Hello,Bill.A:Linda,whats your phone number?B:Oh,its,umm555-8024.Listening Conversation 3A:Hi!Im Ms Miller.B:Hello,Ms Miller!My names Bob.A:Whats your phone number,Bob?

22、B:My phone number?Its 398-6149.Conversation 4A:Hello,Mary!B:Oh,hi,Dale!A:Mary,whats your phone number?B:Its 929-3160.Whose phone number is it?1fTask A:Whats his/her name?B:His/Her name is ExampleA:Whats your phone number,?B:Its Whats his name?His name is _.Yao MingFirst name:MingLast name:YaoWhats h

23、is name?His name is _.Zhou JielunFirst name:JielunLast name:Zhou(Chou)Whats his name?His names _.Sun YangFirst name:YangLast name:SunWhats her name?Her name is _.Ye Shi-wenFirst name:ShiwenLast name:YeWhats her name?Sun YanziFirst name:Last name:SunYanziHer name is .Liu(Lau)Dehualast name=family nam

24、e(姓姓)first name=given name(名名)What is a first name?What is a last name?Bill Gatesfirst name=given name(名名)last name=family name(姓姓)Michael Jordanfirst namelast nameLi YuchunHer first name:_Her family name:_YuchunLi(Lee)Notes:Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms.+last nameFor example:Her name is Cindy White.We call her

25、Miss White or Cindy.The old man is John Smith.We can call him Mr.Smith or John.Read the list of names.Write F for first name and L for last name.朗读下面的英文姓名。在姓氏后标朗读下面的英文姓名。在姓氏后标 L,名字后标,名字后标 F。2aRead the list of names.Write F for first name and L for last name.朗读下面的英文姓名。在姓氏后标朗读下面的英文姓名。在姓氏后标 L,名字后标,名字后标

26、 F。2a1.Alan2.Green3.Miller4.Mingming5.Gina 6.Jack7.Smith8.Brown9.Zhang10.MaryF LL FFF L L L F1.Gina _ 2.Nick _3.Linda _ 4.Jim _5.Alan _Green HandBrownSmithMillerRead the messages and match them with the pictures.Circle the first names and underline the last names.阅读下列信息,在名字上画圈,姓氏下划线。阅读下列信息,在名字上画圈,姓氏

27、下划线。2b1.My name is Jenny Green.My phone number is 281-9176.My friend is Gina Smith.Her phone number is 232-4672.2.Im Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown.His telephone number is 357-5689.My telephone number is 358-6344.3.My name is Mary Brown.My friend is in China.Her name is Zhang Mingming.My ph

28、one number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.NamesEric BrownGina SmithDale MillerZhang MingmingJenny GreenMary BrownTelephone numbers358-6344929-3155281-9176257-8900357-5689232-46722cMatch the names with the telephone numbers.Then find three pairs of friends in the name list.将姓名与电话号码配对,然后找出三对朋友

29、。将姓名与电话号码配对,然后找出三对朋友。Friends1.and 2.and3.andEric BrownDale MillerGina SmithJenny GreenZhang MingmingMary BrownMatch the names with the telephone numbers.Then find three pairs of friends in the name list.将姓名与电话号码配对,然后找出三对朋友。将姓名与电话号码配对,然后找出三对朋友。2cUse the information on the ID card to complete the sent

30、ences.用学生卡上的信息完成句子。用学生卡上的信息完成句子。AliceGreen951-33973aHis name is _.His first name is _.His last name is _.His telephone number is _.David Beckham Beckham David 281-9176Sample ID cardFill in your own ID card.填写你自己的身份证。填写你自己的身份证。FIRST NAME:_LAST NAME:_TELEPHONE NUMBER:_3bLindaLiu2603-86661.This is D.(对

31、划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ _ this?2.Im Alice.(改为同义句改为同义句)_ _ is Alice.3.My first name is Jessie.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)What is _ _ name?4.Her name is Jenny.(缩写划线部分缩写划线部分)Her _ Jenny.5.name,what,is,his(连词成句连词成句)_?.按要求完成下列句子。按要求完成下列句子。What isMy nameyour firstnamesWhat is his name1.Nice to _ you.Nice to meet you,too.2.M

32、y _ name is Miller.3.A _ can tell us the time(时间时间).4.I can _ this question.5.What is your _ name?.从方框中选择合适的单词完成句子从方框中选择合适的单词完成句子,使句使句 子完整、通顺。子完整、通顺。family,first,his,meet,clock,answermeetfamilyclockanswerfirst.Read the short passage and fill in the chartHello,this is my friend.Her name is Rita Jones

33、.Her telephone number is one-five-four,seven-eight-two-zero.This is my friend,too.He isTom.His family name is Green.His telephone number is five-seven-three,eight-six-nine-oneName Telephone numberRita Jones154-7820Tom Green573-8691帮你记单词:帮你记单词:打电话要拨打电话要拨telephone number,乘飞机需要乘飞机需要ID card;表明自己用表明自己用I

34、am,打招呼可用打招呼可用HiHello;My name is 我的名我的名,他她的要换他她的要换hisher;抬头一看是抬头一看是look,answer回答回答question;笑到笑到“最后最后”last,女士优女士优“先先”first。1.Write out the numbers.写出正确的号码。写出正确的号码。120 _114 _119 _10086 _12315 _17951 _SELF CHECKOne two zeroOne one fourOne one nineOne zero zero eight sixOne two three one fiveOne seven ni

35、ne five one12.Match the sentences to make conversations.将句子配对,组成对话。将句子配对,组成对话。1.Hello.Im Cindy.2.Whats your name?3.Hello.Im Grace.4.My names Eric.5.Whats his telephone number?A.Im Chen Kang.B.Its 876-9548.C.Nice to meet you,Cindy.D.Nice to meet you,Eric.Im Bill.E.Hi,Grace.Im Alice.SELF CHECKPronunci

36、ation(Page 72)1.Listen and read2.Listen and read.1)A:Whats your name?B:My names Jenny.2)A:Whats your telephone number?B:Its 555-8903.3)Hes Alan.Shes Linda.Im Bob.H _ s _ h _ r _Y _ u _ y_ _r _F_ _ _t _ l_ _t _M_ _t _ l_ _k _3.Complete the words and tell us the Chinese meaning of each word.i他的他的oi r

37、s e e你你,你们你们第一第一遇见遇见eo ua so o她的她的你的你的,你们的你们的最后的最后的看看补充练习:补充练习:010-54869219022-57489621027-584587954.Read these telephone numbers.zero one zero-five four eight six nine two one ninezero two two-five seven four eight nine six two onezero two seven-five eight four five eight seven nine five1.My _(名字名字

38、)is Jack.2._(什么什么)is this in English?3.How are you,Helen?Im _(好的好的).Thank you.4.Whats this,Tom?Its a _(钥匙钥匙).5.Mary _(和和)I are girls(女孩女孩).根据括号中的中文提示填空。根据括号中的中文提示填空。nameWhatfinekeyand.Choose the best answer.()1.Hello,Jack!_ A.Hi,Alice!B.Nice to meet you,too.C.I am OK.()2.Hi,Grace!_ Im fine,thank you

39、.A.How do you do?B.How are you?C.Good morning.B A()3.Good evening,Frank!_,Alice.A.Good afternoon B.Good morning C.Good eveningC 解析解析:问候时问候时,如果别人问候你早上、中午或如果别人问候你早上、中午或 晚上好晚上好,都应用相同的表达方式来回答对方。都应用相同的表达方式来回答对方。在此题中在此题中,别人问候你晚上好别人问候你晚上好,你也应答晚上你也应答晚上 好好,故选故选C。()4.Whats this in English?_ A.Its a key.B.Its

40、yellow.C.Yes,it is.()5.Spell“map”,please._ A.Its an orange.B.Thank you.C.M-A-P.()6.How _ you,Mike?Fine,thanks.A.are B.is C.beA C A()7.What _ that in English?Its a book.A.is B.are C.beA 解析解析:在一个句子中在一个句子中,一定要注意主谓一致。一定要注意主谓一致。本句主语是本句主语是that,that,为单数。谓语动词也要用为单数。谓语动词也要用bebe动词的单数形式动词的单数形式is,故选故选A。.根据每小题所提

41、供的句子的信息和根据每小题所提供的句子的信息和答句答句,写出相应的问句。写出相应的问句。1.My name is Jim.-_?-Jim.2.Its a ruler.-_?-R-U-L-E-R,ruler.-3.She is Grace.-_?-Her name is Grace.Whats your nameHow do you spell rulerWhats her name4.I am fine.-_?-I am fine,thanks.5.The ruler is yellow.-_?-Its yellow.6.My telephone number is 890-1286.-_?-Its 890-1286.How are youWhat color is the rulerWhats your telephone number

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