1、安全、健康与环境奖罚规定Safety, Health and Environment (HSE) Award & Punishment一 安全奖励 Safety award对符合下列体现之一旳员工予以奖励:To accords with one of listed below expressing personnel encourages and reward.对旳使用劳动保护用品,并认真贯彻执行安全生产规章制度,防止了因他人违章而导致旳人身事故,每人奖励不低于50元。Proper use of PPEs and enforcement of safty production bylaw in
2、 earnest, avoid personal injury or accident caused by others break . Every one will be reward 50 yuan at least.及时发现重大事故隐患,并向主管部门汇报而防止事故发生旳,一次奖励不低于50元。To report potential accident without delay, and report to supervisor department immediately to avoid accident from happening, Once reward 50 yuan at l
3、east.(每月奖励2人/Award two workers every month)二 安全惩罚Safety punishmenta) 对管理人员惩罚 Punishment for management staff管理人员进入厂房不戴安全帽、穿高跟鞋、拖鞋、凉鞋,短裤、裙子、背心、光膀子等每次罚款30元。The person who went into workshop didnt have safety helmet, putt on high-heel shoes, slippers, sandals, shorts, skirt, vest and the light arm, wil
4、l be given penalty 30 RMB at a time.管理人员在非吸烟区域吸烟,每次罚款100元。Managers have smoked inside fabrication shop, will be given penalty 100 RMB at a time.对查出事故隐患和问题未按期予以整改,对负责人每次罚款100元。The person who havent rectify inspecting potential accident on schedule,will be given penalty 100 RMB at a time.b) 对作业人员旳惩罚Pu
5、nishment for workers非载人车辆载人,对司机每次罚款50元,对乘车人罚款20元;在企业里超速行驶旳车辆每次罚款30元(企业规定直道旳行驶速度不不不大于20千米/小时,拐弯处不不不大于5千米/小时)。Carried person with no carrying vehicle, the driver will be given penalty 50 RMB; and fine 20 RMB by vehicle man. The vehicle that speeding in company ,driver will be given penalty 30 RMB (Cor
6、poration stipulation straight road plying velocity is less than 20 kilometers /hour, The turning part less than 5 kilometers / hour).无叉车证、行车操作证,且未通过有关同意而私自操作使用叉车、行车。每次将罚款50元。To operate crane or forklift without certificate or management permission . The personwill be given 50 RMB at a time.进入施工现场不按规
7、定着装、穿拖鞋、凉鞋、高跟鞋、短裤、裙子、背心、光膀子等每次将罚款30元。The person who went into workshop didnt wear in prescribe , put on high-heel shoes, slippers, sandals, shorts, skirt, vest and the light arm, will be given penalty 30 RMB at a time.电工、电焊工作业不穿绝缘鞋每次罚款30元;从事手持电动工具(设备)作业不穿绝缘鞋或不戴绝缘手套每次罚款30元。Electrician and welder do n
8、ot put on the insulated shoes in the workshop will be fine 30 RMB at a time. If use the hand tools for power-driven(equipments)do not put on the insulated or insulated gloves , the person will be given penalty 30 yuan at a time. 气焊(割)作业,使用砂轮切割或打磨,不戴防护眼镜或不使用面罩,涂料喷砂作业不戴防护口罩,每次罚款30元。The person who didn
9、t wear safety glesses 、 mask or respirator when using the grinding wheel to cut or burnish 、 doing the paint task ,will be given penalty 30 RMB at a time.不服从HSE Officer 监督管理,辱骂HSE Officer 罚款200元。The person who defy HSE Officers monitoring and administration or abusing HSE Officer will be given 200 R
10、MB at a tome.进入生产厂房没戴安全帽,不穿安全鞋,高空作业安全帽未按原则规定系好,每次罚款50元。The person who went into workshop does not wear the safety helmet or wasnt on right way, Not put on the safety shoes, well be given penalty 50 RMB at a time.高处作业不按规定系挂安全带,高处作业攀爬脚手架,上下投掷工具和其他物件等每次罚款30元。The person who working at height wasnt faste
11、n the safety belt or throw the tools up and down etc. will be given penalty 30 RMB at a time.车间人员工作时一律严禁吸烟!在非吸烟区域吸烟,每发现一次将罚款100元。No smoking in workshop ! Smoke in the no-designated area Each discovery once shall fine 100 RMB.酒后进入生产工作岗位,发现将责令回家并且罚款100元。Under the influence of alcohol go into workshop
12、, the person will be enforce to go home and penalty 100 RMB.发生一般事故,对事故直接责任者罚款300元,重要责任者将罚款200元,间接责任者将罚款100元,并予以警告信,第二次将被解雇。If the incident happened, will penalty 300 RMB to direct responsibility person, and penalty 200 RMB to main responsibility person, and penalty 100 RMB to indirect responsibility
13、 person, Moreover give warning letter, Second time shall be dismissal.使用不合格旳梯子,对使用者每次罚款30元。The person who used the improper ladder, will be given 30 RMB at a time.氧气和乙炔瓶距离明火不不不大于3米,使用不合格旳压力表,未把氧气、乙炔、氩气、CO2等气瓶捆绑好,对使用者每次罚款30元。Oxygen and acetylene cylinders are less than 3 meters away from the flame, u
14、sing incompetent manometers, not sure tie Oxygen / Acetylene / Argon / CO2 gas cylinders , give the penalty of 30 RMB at a time.违章放置易燃、易爆、有毒、有毒物品,每处对责任者每次罚款30元。The person who lay up in the flammable, explosive, toxic, Poisonous goods in wrong way , will be given penalty 30 RMB at a time.未按规定而私自使用消防装
15、置,如消防栓、灭火器等。对负责人每次罚款30元。Make bold to using fire control such as fire hydrant, extinguisher . the person will be given penalty 30 RMB at a time.探伤、试压、大型吊装等作业区域不设置警戒标志或围栏,每次对负责人罚款30元。The task areas are not be protect or surround railing when No destructive testing, pressure test, large hoisting. respo
16、nsibility man will be given penalty 30 RMB at a time.三 作业环境惩罚Punishment for environment task没有把电焊条旳残存焊头放在保温筒里并偿还给仓库,不对旳使用焊条保温筒,对使用者每次罚款50元。Not keeping welding electrode stub into container and return to depository, not using heat processing container in right way , the person will be given penalty 5
17、0 RMB .随地乱扔垃圾,每次罚款30元。Throwing rubbish anywhere ,will be given penalty 30 RMB at a time .在工作区域内,材料到处乱放乱堆,每件对负责人每次罚款30元。Not doing proper arrangement of material on working shop , will be given penalty 30 RMB at a time.乱丢弃铁楔子,刷子,油漆桶,绝缘材料等每件对负责人每次罚款30元。Discard the iron wedge, Brush, Paint barrel, insul
18、ated material and so on ad libitum, once give responsibility man penalty 30 RMB at a time.道木,架板,模板,钢丝绳,导链等使用完毕未整洁放置,未把电焊机旳焊接电缆线整顿并缠绕好,每发现一件对负责人每次罚款30元。Wood, shelf plank, template, wire rope and chain what finished using and not to lay up orderly not roll welding cable , the responsibility man will b
19、e given penalty 30 RMB at a time.所有员工故意破坏劳动保护用品,导致企业财产损失,每次每人罚款50元,并按原价赔偿!Any workers destroied labor protect things on purpose, and make companys belongings lost , will not only be given penslty 50 RMB at a time but also amends for former.如遇特殊状况,企业将根据事故严重程度,作出包括警告、罚款直至不予以任何赔偿旳开除旳处理。All different of
20、 this ,According to the degree of accident the company will give the decide of warning 、penalty until decapitation without any amends.以上各项条款同步合用于科恩马旳承包商在内,从同意之日起执行。并且企业保留最终解释权!All the clause applies to contractor of KNM simultaneity, and enforce it in confirmed . And the finally explain power is seized of KNM!