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1、Works Programme for Gravel Cement Stabilization Base ProgrammeI. Main construction methodThe base for the section of OGINGA ODINGA Road (KURA Project) shall be 150mm cement treated natural gravel material layer with cement content 2.5%. The natural gravel material shall be hauled to the field with 1

2、5T tippers, spread by the graders, blended by the pulmixer and compacted by the rollers. II. Construction of trial sectionThe 100m full-width trial section is scheduled to construct between km0+800 - km0+900 in advance before the overall commencement of base layer.1. The purpose of construction for

3、trial section The purpose of trial section is to verify the following aspects:a) the proposed construction program and method are feasible or not;b) the deployment and matching of construction equipment and personnel are reasonable or not;c) the relationship between the rolling passes of roller, rol

4、ling methods and compaction density;d) to confirm the loose coefficient and loose depth of material spreading;e) to verify the range of tolerance between construction mix proportion and designed mix proportionThe trial section shall provide construction guidance and data for the overall construction

5、.2. The data required to be collected during construction of trial sectionThe trial section must be undertaken under the direction of Engineer. The following details should be recorded: l the types of equipment and equipment quantity;l mixing time for stabilization layer; l rolling passes and method

6、 for rollerl loose paving thickness, level and moisture content of mixture before compacted;l actual thickness, level, moisture content and density of mixture after compacted;3. Testing items for the trial roadThe natural gravel material and cement shall be tested as per the Technical Specification

7、before the commencement of trial road. The mixture and structural layer shall be carried out tests in laboratory as per the requirements of Technical Specification during the construction process and after construction finished. Only if the above tests data reach the requirements, the trial road can

8、 be approved. After getting the approval from the Engineer, the testing data will be the basis for our overall construction, and the trial section can be one part of the road, otherwise the Contractor shall find out the reasons and undertake the construction again.III. Preparation Works before Const

9、ruction1. Construction setting-outa) Centrelines, the edge of shoulder and the edge of carriageway (total 5 points) of top level of base layer shall be calculated as per the interval of 20m, and then submitting the information to Engineer for approval.b) The centre and side lines shall be set out on

10、 site as per the interval of 20m, and the permanent wood controlling pegs (55cm) shall also be erected 50cm outside of the side pegs. The levels for the stabilization layer shall be controlled with string method.2. TestingThe gravel material and cement shall be tested completely before the commencem

11、ent of trial road. The mix proportion (natural gravel material with cement) shall also be approved by the Engineer. The testing data, such as optimum moisture content, the maximum dry density and cement mixing proportion etc. shall be confirmed.IV. Construction methoda) The natural gravel material s

12、hall be hauled to the field with 15T tippers, and the required quantity for every chainage shall be dumped by the levelers calculation strictly. b) The dumped gravel material shall be spread and dry-mixed once by the grader to enable the labors to select and throw the big coarse size rocks (size ove

13、r 5cm) out. After leveling, the material shall be slightly compacted by the roller and checked by the leveler to calculate if the gravel material satisfies the quantity for the stabilization layer.c) After confirmation for the gravel material, the lime shall be used to mark every one square meter to

14、 guide the site personnel to spread the cement uniformly on the surface of the natural gravel material.d) Pulmixer shall be used to dry-mix the gravel material and cement initially to ensure the two kinds of material are uniformly blended.e) The water tankers shall be used to spray enough water to t

15、he surface of the mixed material, following, the pulmixer shall be used to blend the mixture.f) After properly mixing, the roller shall be used to undertake the initial compaction, and the levels shall be cut with the string method.g) After finishing cutting levels, the mixture shall be compacted tw

16、o passes with roller. Levels shall also be confirmed by the leveler as soon as possible, if any chainages levels need to be corrected slightly, the grader shall be mobilized to shape the surface to the design levels. On the completion of the levels, the steel roller plus tyred-roller shall be used t

17、o finish the compaction for the stabilization layer.IV. Curing1) Within 4 hours after compaction, the water shall be slightly sprinkled to keep the base surface damp, and then the minimum thickness of 0.1 mm polythene film shall be used for covering. Such films shall overlapped 50cm at the joints. T

18、he clean gravel material shall be piled on the joints and the edge of polythene film to keep the covering in place.2) Minimum curing period is 7 days. During the curing period, the workers shall be sent to patrol and prevent children or livestocks damaging the base layer. If any damage happens, repa

19、iring activities shall be undertaken immediately. The compacted base shall be kept damp and the traffic shall be controlled. The vehicles shall be forbidden to pass. 3) After seven days of curing, the prime coat shall be spread as early as possible. The AC course construction should be undertaken as

20、 soon as possible after the curing period of prime coat and the heavy vehicle shall be forbidden to pass through.IV. Construction staff, machinery and equipment 1. Staff: 12 unskilled workers, 1 foreman, 2 levelers, 8 operators2. Equipment: 1 shovels, 1 pulmixer, 3 water truck, 8 tippers, 1 grader,

21、1 steel roller and one tyred roller. 下面为附送毕业论文致谢词范文!不需要的可以编辑删除!谢谢!毕业论文致谢词 我的毕业论文是在韦xx老师的精心指导和大力支持下完成的,他渊博的知识开阔的视野给了我深深的启迪,论文凝聚着他的血汗,他以严谨的治学态度和敬业精神深深的感染了我对我的工作学习产生了深渊的影响,在此我向他表示衷心的谢意 这三年来感谢广西工业职业技术学院汽车工程系的老师对我专业思维及专业技能的培养,他们在学业上的心细指导为我工作和继续学习打下了良好的基础,在这里我要像诸位老师深深的鞠上一躬!特别是我的班主任吴廷川老师,虽然他不是我的专业老师,但是在这三年

22、来,在思想以及生活上给予我鼓舞与关怀让我走出了很多失落的时候,“明师之恩,诚为过于天地,重于父母”,对吴老师的感激之情我无法用语言来表达,在此向吴老师致以最崇高的敬意和最真诚的谢意! 感谢这三年来我的朋友以及汽修0932班的四十多位同学对我的学习,生活和工作的支持和关心。三年来我们真心相待,和睦共处,不是兄弟胜是兄弟!正是一路上有你们我的求学生涯才不会感到孤独,马上就要各奔前程了,希望(,请保留此标记。)你们有好的前途,失败不要灰心,你的背后还有汽修0932班这个大家庭! 最后我要感谢我的父母,你们生我养我,纵有三世也无法回报你们,要离开你们出去工作了,我在心里默默的祝福你们平安健康,我不会让

23、你们失望的,会好好工作回报社会的。 致谢词2 在本次论文设计过程中,感谢我的学校,给了我学习的机会,在学习中,老师从选题指导、论文框架到细节修改,都给予了细致的指导,提出了很多宝贵的意见与建议,老师以其严谨求实的治学态度、高度的敬业精神、兢兢业业、孜孜以求的工作作风和大胆创新的进取精神对我产生重要影响。他渊博的知识、开阔的视野和敏锐的思维给了我深深的启迪。这篇论文是在老师的精心指导和大力支持下才完成的 感谢所有授我以业的老师,没有这些年知识的积淀,我没有这么大的动力和信心完成这篇论文。感恩之余,诚恳地请各位老师对我的论文多加批评指正,使我及时完善论文的不足之处。 谨以此致谢最后,我要向百忙之中

24、抽时间对本文进行审阅的各位老师表示衷心的感谢。开学自我介绍范文:首先,我想说“荣幸”,因为茫茫人海由不相识到相识实在是人生一大幸事,更希望能在三年的学习生活中能够与大家成为好同学,好朋友。其次我要说“幸运”,因为在短暂的私下接触我感觉我们班的同学都很优秀,值得我学习的地方很多,我相信我们班一定将是团结、向上、努力请保留此标记。)的班集体。最后我要说“加油”衷心地祝愿我们班的同学也包括我在内通过三年的努力学习最后都能够考入我们自己理想中的大学,为老师争光、为家长争光,更是为了我们自己未来美好生活和个人价值,加油。哦,对了,我的名字叫“*”,希望大家能记住我,因为被别人记住是一件幸福的事!)查看更多与本文高中生开学自我介绍相关的文章。精品word文档可以编辑(本页是封面)【最新资料 Word版 可自由编辑!】 精品word文档可以编辑(本页是封面)【最新资料 Word版 可自由编辑!】 8/8

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