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1、高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座一、使用高级词汇一、使用高级词汇 词汇量能反映一个人知识贮存量的多少,也是衡量英词汇量能反映一个人知识贮存量的多少,也是衡量英语水平的一个重要标准。考生要想取得高分,就要强化使语水平的一个重要标准。考生要想取得高分,就要强化使用复杂、高级的词汇。常用方法如下:用复杂、高级的词汇。常用方法如下:高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座1多实少虚多实少虚写作中多用写作中多用specific words,少使用

2、,少使用general words,多用,多用蕴含感情色彩的词语,少用中性词。如蕴含感情色彩的词语,少用中性词。如good指人时可用指人时可用以下形容词替换:以下形容词替换:kind,honest,generous,selfless,brave,warmhearted,sympathetic,honorable,humorous,smart,gentle等;等;good指事物或事情时可用以下形容词指事物或事情时可用以下形容词高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座替换:替换:great,fantastic,splendid,marvelous,excellent,wonder

3、ful,meaningful,enjoyable,nice等。以下句子中的形等。以下句子中的形容词虽然都可以用容词虽然都可以用good代替,但远不如原句出彩。代替,但远不如原句出彩。I hope everyone can have a time.He is a teacher.This is really a idea to go climbing Mount Hua this weekend.wonderfulwarmheartednice高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座2短语优先短语优先多使用词组、习语来代替一些单词,以增加文采。多使用词组、习语来代替一些单词,以

4、增加文采。I can no longer the way he speaks to us.I can no longer the way he speaks to us.He what I said in the class.He what I said in the class.bearput up withdidn tlisten toturned a deaf ear to高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座3弃旧取新弃旧取新写作中要恰当得体地使用高中学过的、较长的词汇。写作中要恰当得体地使用高中学过的、较长的词汇。We all have the same chan

5、ce.We all possess the same chance(opportunity)We have a_lot_of homework to do at the weekend.We have endless homework to do at the weekend.高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座4避免重复避免重复尽量避免过多地使用某一个单词,必要时选择使用其他尽量避免过多地使用某一个单词,必要时选择使用其他恰当的同义词或词组来代替。恰当的同义词或词组来代替。I like reading while my brother likes watching fo

6、otball matches.I like reading while my brother enjoys watching football matches.高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座Weve built a new experiment building beside the old one and weve also built a library where the old playground used to be.Weve built a new experiment building beside the old one and weve also

7、 set_up a library where the old playground used to be.高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座二、使用较复杂结构二、使用较复杂结构 1在一篇文章中要适当地改变语法结构来增加文章表达方在一篇文章中要适当地改变语法结构来增加文章表达方式的多样性。式的多样性。(1)改变时态和语态改变时态和语态The bell is ringing now.There goes the bell!高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座(2)使用名词性从句使用名词性从句It disappointed everybody that

8、 the player was badly injured in the first round.The fact that the player was badly injured in the first round disappointed everybody.高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座(3)使用较高级的状语从句使用较高级的状语从句I wont believe what you say.No matter what you say,I wont believe.高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座(4)使用定语从句使用定语从句The

9、girl is spoken highly of.Her composition was well written.The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of.(5)使用虚拟语气使用虚拟语气You didnt take my advice,so you failed in the exam.If you had taken my advice,you wouldnt have failed in the exam.高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座(6)使用倒装句使用倒装句Some va

10、luable books and my credit cards are in it.In it are some valuable books and my credit cards.高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座(7)使用强调句型使用强调句型He did not know what had happened until he had read the news in the newspaper.It was not until he had read the news in the newspaper that he knew what had happened

11、.高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座2改变句子开头的方式。不要一味地采用改变句子开头的方式。不要一味地采用“主语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语”的文法语序。可以适当地把一些成分的文法语序。可以适当地把一些成分(如状语如状语)提前,提前,放在句子的开头,这样使整个句子读起来跌宕起伏,增放在句子的开头,这样使整个句子读起来跌宕起伏,增加书面表达的表现力。加书面表达的表现力。高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座We met at the school gate and went to the Hongxing Farm together early in the

12、morning.Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went to the Hongxing Farm together.The young man couldnt help crying when he heard the bad news.Hearing the bad news,the young man couldnt help crying.高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座3通过整合的方式,把几个松散的句子用一定的连接方通过整合的方式,把几个松散的句子用一定的连接方式连接起来,也可以对所学的英

13、语句式加以简化,使写式连接起来,也可以对所学的英语句式加以简化,使写出来的句子更加准确、得体、简洁、灵活。出来的句子更加准确、得体、简洁、灵活。We had a short rest.Then we began to play happily.We sang and danced.Some told stories.Some played chess.After a short rest,we had great fun singing and dancing,telling jokes and playing chess.高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座高考复习高考

14、复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座.用更贴切的词或短语分别来代替画波浪线部分的词或短语用更贴切的词或短语分别来代替画波浪线部分的词或短语1The boy realized the danger and began to run away._答案:答案:was aware of高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座2I have decided to study English better this term._ 答案:答案:made up my mind高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座3I dont know how to enlar

15、ge my vocabulary._ 答案:答案:have no idea高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座4Well try our best to develop the traditional friendship between us._;_答案:答案:spare no efforts;promote高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座5It is cold this winter.A drop of water will freeze in no time._答案:答案:freezing高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专

16、题讲座6He is a nice student.He often makes us laugh and we have much fun with him._答案:答案:humorous高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座7Surprisingly,the little girl knows so many things._答案:答案:To our surprise高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座8She decorated her bedroom well._答案:答案:wonderfully高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作

17、专题讲座9The house is on the second floor,with two bedrooms,a bathroom and a kitchen._答案:答案:flat高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座10Peter is good to others.He always gives away things to those in trouble._答案:答案:generous高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座.使用较复杂结构修改下面三段话,使其简洁、连贯、紧凑使用较复杂结构修改下面三段话,使其简洁、连贯、紧凑 1Its a fl

18、at of 25 square meters.There is a bedroom in the flat.There is a bathroom and a kitchen in it,too.In the bedroom,there is a bed;there is a sofa,a desk and a chair as well._高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座答案:答案:Its a flat of 25 square meters,with a bedroom,a bathroom and a kitchen.The bedroom is furnish

19、ed with a bed,a sofa,a desk and a chair.高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座2There is a new multimedia building on one side of the road.There used to be a playground on the other side.But there is a library now.There are all kinds of books,newspapers and magazines in the library.There is a new playground i

20、n the front of the school.There are a lot of trees in and around the school._高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座答案:答案:On one side of the road there is a new multimedia building.On the other side,where the playground used to be,now stands another new building our library,in which you can find all kinds of

21、books,newspapers and magazines.A new playground is now in the front of the school.We have also planted a lot of trees in and around the school.高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座3There are a large number of taxi drivers in Beijing.They serve passengers heart and soul.They play an important part in the tra

22、ffic of Beijing.They make some money.They work from dawn till night.One day,I left my cellphone in the taxi I took.I got in touch with the driver.He drove to my home and gave it back to me.I was very excited._高考复习高考复习 高三英语写作专题讲座高三英语写作专题讲座答案:答案:There are a large number of taxi drivers in Beijing,serv

23、ing passengers heart and soul and playing an important part in the traffic of Beijing.In order to make some money to support their families,they work from dawn till night.One day,I got out of the taxi in a hurry with my cellphone left in the taxi I took.On hearing what had happened,the taxi driver drove to my home as fast as possible and gave the cellphone back to me.Seeing my cellphone again,I was too excited to say a word.

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